public QuestCompleteObjectiveRegion( XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent ) : base( xml, map, parent ) { XmlElement questEl = xml["quest"]; ReadType( questEl, "type", ref m_Quest ); ReadType( questEl, "complete", ref m_Objective ); }
public static bool CanSpawn( Region region, params Type[] types ) { while ( region != null ) { if ( !region.AllowSpawn() ) return false; BaseRegion br = region as BaseRegion; if ( br != null ) { if ( br.Spawns != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < br.Spawns.Length; i++ ) { SpawnEntry entry = br.Spawns[i]; if ( entry.Definition.CanSpawn( types ) ) return true; } } if ( br.ExcludeFromParentSpawns ) return false; } region = region.Parent; } return false; }
public CampfireRegion( Campfire campfire, Region existingRegion ) : base( "", "", campfire.Map ) { Priority = Region.HousePriority; LoadFromXml = false; m_Campfire = campfire; m_ExistingRegion = existingRegion; }
public GuardedRegion( XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent ) : base(xml, map, parent) { XmlElement el = xml["guards"]; if ( ReadType( el, "type", ref m_GuardType, false ) ) { if ( !typeof( Mobile ).IsAssignableFrom( m_GuardType ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Invalid guard type for region '{0}'", this ); m_GuardType = DefaultGuardType; } } else { m_GuardType = DefaultGuardType; } bool disabled = false; if ( ReadBoolean( el, "disabled", ref disabled, false ) ) this.Disabled = disabled; if ( Name != null ) RuneName = String.Format( "the city of {0}", Name ); }
public static SpawnZone Instantiate(Region region, TileFlag filter, SpawnZoneValidator validator, bool cache) { var name = region.Name; if (region.IsDefault || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { name = "Default"; } var filters = GetFilters(filter); var hash = GetHashCode(region.Map, name, filters, validator); SpawnZone o; if (!_Cache.TryGetValue(hash, out o) || o == null) { o = new SpawnZone(region.Map, name, filters, validator); if (cache) { _Cache[hash] = o; } o.Invalidate(); } return(o); }
public CraftShopRegion( XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent ) : base(xml, map, parent) { int skill = 0; ReadInt32( xml, "skill", ref skill, true ); m_Skills = (CraftSkillType)skill; }
public static bool RegionContains(Server.Region region, Mobile m) { #if (RunUO_1_Final) return(region.Mobiles.Contains(m)); #elif (RunUO_2_RC1) return(region.GetMobiles().Contains(m)); #endif }
public static bool RegionContains(Region region, Mobile m) { #if(RunUO_1_Final) return region.Mobiles.Contains(m); #elif(RunUO_2_RC1) return region.GetMobiles().Contains(m); #endif }
public QuestNoEntryRegion( XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent ) : base( xml, map, parent ) { XmlElement questEl = xml["quest"]; ReadType( questEl, "type", ref m_Quest ); ReadType( questEl, "min", ref m_MinObjective, false ); ReadType( questEl, "max", ref m_MaxObjective, false ); ReadInt32( questEl, "message", ref m_Message, false ); }
public static void ShowRegionBounds(Region r, Mobile from, bool control, bool active) { if (r == null) return; foreach (Rectangle3D rect in r.Area) { ShowRectBounds(rect, r.Map, from, control, active); } }
public DungeonRegion( XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent ) : base( xml, map, parent ) { XmlElement entrEl = xml["entrance"]; Map entrMap = map; ReadMap( entrEl, "map", ref entrMap, false ); if ( ReadPoint3D( entrEl, entrMap, ref m_EntranceLocation, false ) ) m_EntranceMap = entrMap; }
public static bool IsMLRegion( Region region ) { return region.IsPartOf( "Twisted Weald" ) || region.IsPartOf( "Sanctuary" ) || region.IsPartOf( "The Prism of Light" ) || region.IsPartOf( "The Citadel" ) || region.IsPartOf( "Bedlam" ) || region.IsPartOf( "Blighted Grove" ) || region.IsPartOf( "The Painted Caves" ) || region.IsPartOf( "The Palace of Paroxysmus" ) || region.IsPartOf( "Labyrinth" ); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public static string RegionCategory( Region currentRegion ) { string str; if( currentRegion is GuardedRegion ) { str = "Guarded"; } else if( currentRegion is HouseRegion ) { str = "House"; } else if( currentRegion is DungeonRegion ) { str = "Dungeon"; } else if( currentRegion is Jail ) { str = "Jail"; } else if( currentRegion is GreenAcres ) { str = "GreenAcres"; } else { str = "Wilderness"; } return str; }
public static void ShowRegionBounds( Region r ) { if( r == null || r.Coords == null || r.Coords.Count == 0) return; ArrayList c = r.Coords; for( int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++ ) { if( c[i] is Rectangle2D ) ShowRectBounds( (Rectangle2D)c[i], r.Map ); } }
public static LootCollection GetRegionCollection( Type type, Region region ) { if ( region is BaseRegion ) { LootCollection coll; ((BaseRegion)region).LootTable.TryGetValue( type, out coll ); return coll; } return null; }
public static string GetRuneNameFor( Region region ) { while ( region != null ) { BaseRegion br = region as BaseRegion; if ( br != null && br.m_RuneName != null ) return br.m_RuneName; region = region.Parent; } return null; }
public ApprenticeObjective( SkillName skill, int cap, string region, object enterRegion, object leaveRegion ) : base(cap) { m_Skill = skill; if ( region != null ) { m_Region = QuestHelper.FindRegion( region ); m_Enter = enterRegion; m_Leave = leaveRegion; if ( m_Region == null ) Console.WriteLine( String.Format( "Invalid region name ('{0}') in '{1}' objective!", region, GetType() ) ); } }
public static Town FromRegion( Region reg ) { if ( reg.Map != Faction.Facet ) return null; TownCollection towns = Towns; for ( int i = 0; i < towns.Count; ++i ) { Town town = towns[i]; if ( town.Definition.Region == reg.Name ) return town; } return null; }
public static Rectangle3D[] RegionArea(Server.Region region) { #if (RunUO_1_Final) Rectangle3D[] rects = new Rectangle3D[region.Coords.Count]; Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D(Point2D.Zero, Point2D.Zero); for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length && i < region.Coords.Count; ++i) { rect = (Rectangle2D)region.Coords[i]; rects[i] = new Rectangle3D(new Point3D(rect.Start.X, rect.Start.Y, region.MinZ), new Point3D(rect.End.X, rect.End.Y, region.MaxZ)); } return(rects); #elif (RunUO_2_RC1) return(region.Area); #endif }
public static Town FromRegion( Region reg ) { if ( reg.Map != Faction.Facet ) return null; List<Town> towns = Towns; for ( int i = 0; i < towns.Count; ++i ) { Town town = towns[i]; if ( reg.IsPartOf( town.Definition.Region ) ) return town; } return null; }
public void ResetLevel3Spawners(Map map) { Server.Region r = Server.Region.Find(new Point3D(5574, 1859, 0), map); foreach (Item item in r.GetEnumeratedItems().Where(i => i is ISpawner && i.X >= 5501 && i.X <= 5627 && i.Y >= 1799 && i.Y <= 1927)) { if (item is XmlSpawner) { ((XmlSpawner)item).DoReset = true; } else if (item is Spawner) { ((Spawner)item).RemoveSpawned(); ((Spawner)item).Running = false; } } }
public static Rectangle3D[] RegionArea(Region region) { #if(RunUO_1_Final) Rectangle3D[] rects = new Rectangle3D[region.Coords.Count]; Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D(Point2D.Zero, Point2D.Zero); for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length && i < region.Coords.Count; ++i) { rect = (Rectangle2D)region.Coords[i]; rects[i] = new Rectangle3D(new Point3D(rect.Start.X, rect.Start.Y, region.MinZ), new Point3D(rect.End.X, rect.End.Y, region.MaxZ)); } return rects; #elif(RunUO_2_RC1) return region.Area; #endif }
public TownRegion( XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent ) : base(xml, map, parent) { string frag = Name.ToLower(); if (frag == "serpent's hold") frag = "serphold"; else if (frag == "skara brae") frag = "skara"; else if (frag == "nujel'm") frag = "nujelm"; else if (frag == "buccaneer's den") frag = "bucden"; try { m_Frag = (RegionFragment)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegionFragment), frag, true); } catch (Exception) { m_Frag = RegionFragment.Wilderness; } }
public virtual bool AcceptsSpawnsFrom(Region region) { return AllowSpawn() && region != null && (region.IsPartOf(BattleRegion) || region.IsPartOf(SpectateRegion)); }
public override void OnRegionChange( Region Old, Region New ) { base.OnRegionChange( Old, New ); if ( this.Controlled ) { SpawnEntry se = this.Spawner as SpawnEntry; if ( se != null && !se.UnlinkOnTaming && ( New == null || !New.AcceptsSpawnsFrom( se.Region ) ) ) { this.Spawner.Remove( this ); this.Spawner = null; } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; foreach (string a in args) { if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-debug")) { Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-service")) { Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-nocache")) { _Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-haltonwarning")) { HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-vb")) { VBdotNet = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-usehrt")) { _UseHRT = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-noconsole")) { NoConsole = true; } } if (!Environment.UserInteractive || Service) { NoConsole = true; } try { if (Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (Thread != null) { Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); _TimerThread = new Thread(ttObj.TimerMain) { Name = "Timer Thread" }; Version ver = Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); if (!NoConsole) { Console.WriteLine(new String('-', Console.BufferWidth)); } else { Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 10)); } Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine( "ServUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Utility.PopColor(); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); Utility.PopColor(); } ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (ProcessorCount > 1) { MultiProcessor = true; } if (MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", ProcessorCount, ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); Utility.PopColor(); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { // MS 4, MONO 128 Unix = true; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = OnConsoleEvent; UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); Utility.PopColor(); } if (_UseHRT) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Requested high resolution timing ({0})", UsingHighResolutionTiming ? "Supported" : "Unsupported"); Utility.PopColor(); } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("RandomImpl: {0} ({1})", RandomImpl.Type.Name, RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software"); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Loading config..."); Config.Load(); Utility.PopColor(); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(Debug, _Cache)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Utility.PopColor(); if (Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Insensitive.Equals(Console.ReadLine(), "R")) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = MessagePump = new MessagePump(); _TimerThread.Start(); foreach (Map m in Map.AllMaps) { m.Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = 1000.0f * sampleInterval; long sample = 0; while (!Closing) { _Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if (sample++ % sampleInterval != 0) { continue; } now = TickCount; _CyclesPerSecond[_CycleIndex++ % _CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public virtual void OnChildAdded(Region child) { }
public static bool Contains(this Region r, Point3D p, Map m) { return(r.Map == m && Contains(r, p)); }
// 2004.02.08 :: Omega Red public Point2D GetRandomRegionPoint( Region r ) { int count = r.Area.Length; int[] FieldArray = new int[count]; int total = 0; // calculate fields of all rectangles (for probability calculating) for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { object o = r.Area[i]; if( o is Rectangle2D ) { total += (FieldArray[i] = ((Rectangle2D)o).Width * ((Rectangle2D)o).Height); } else if( o is Rectangle3D ) { total += (FieldArray[i] = ((Rectangle3D)o).Width * ((Rectangle3D)o).Height); } } int sum = 0; int rnd = 0; if( total > 0 ) rnd = Utility.Random( total ); int x = 0; int y = 0; for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { sum += FieldArray[i]; if( sum > rnd ) { object o = r.Area[i]; if( o is Rectangle2D ) { Rectangle2D r2d = (Rectangle2D)o; if( r2d.Width >= 0 ) x = r2d.X + Utility.Random( r2d.Width + 1 ); if( r2d.Height >= 0 ) y = r2d.Y + Utility.Random( r2d.Height + 1 ); break; } else if( o is Rectangle3D ) { Rectangle3D r3d = (Rectangle3D)o; if( r3d.Width >= 0 ) x = r3d.Start.X + Utility.Random( r3d.Width + 1 ); if( r3d.Height >= 0 ) y = r3d.Start.Y + Utility.Random( r3d.Height + 1 ); break; } } } return new Point2D( x, y ); }
public bool HasRegionPoints( Region r ) { if( r != null && r.Area.Length > 0 ) return true; else return false; }
public static bool InRegion(this Mobile m, Region r) { return(m != null && m.Region != null && m.Region.IsPartOf(r)); }
public RegionRect(Region region, Rectangle3D rect) { m_Region = region; m_Rect = rect; }
public Region(XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent) { Map = map; Parent = parent; Dynamic = false; if (Parent == null) { ChildLevel = 0; m_Priority = DefaultPriority; } else { ChildLevel = Parent.ChildLevel + 1; m_Priority = Parent.Priority; } ReadString(xml, "name", ref m_Name, false); if (parent == null) { ReadInt32(xml, "priority", ref m_Priority, false); } int minZ = MinZ; int maxZ = MaxZ; XmlElement zrange = xml["zrange"]; ReadInt32(zrange, "min", ref minZ, false); ReadInt32(zrange, "max", ref maxZ, false); List <Rectangle3D> area = new List <Rectangle3D>(); foreach (XmlElement xmlRect in xml.SelectNodes("rect")) { Rectangle3D rect = new Rectangle3D(); if (ReadRectangle3D(xmlRect, minZ, maxZ, ref rect)) { area.Add(rect); } } Area = area.ToArray(); if (Area.Length == 0) { log.Warning("Empty area for region '{0}'", this); } if (!ReadPoint3D(xml["go"], map, ref m_GoLocation, false) && Area.Length > 0) { Point3D start = Area[0].Start; Point3D end = Area[0].End; int x = start.X + (end.X - start.X) / 2; int y = start.Y + (end.Y - start.Y) / 2; m_GoLocation = new Point3D(x, y, Map.GetAverageZ(x, y)); } object oMusic = this.DefaultMusic; ReadEnum(xml["music"], "name", typeof(MusicName), ref oMusic, false); Music = (MusicName)oMusic; if (xml.Attributes["CannotDrop"] != null) { XmlAttribute attr = xml.Attributes["CannotDrop"]; this.CannotDrop = Convert.ToBoolean(attr.Value); } }
public Region(XmlElement xml, Map map, Region parent) { m_Map = map; m_Parent = parent; m_Dynamic = false; if (m_Parent == null) { m_ChildLevel = 0; m_Priority = DefaultPriority; } else { m_ChildLevel = m_Parent.ChildLevel + 1; m_Priority = m_Parent.Priority; } ReadString(xml, "name", ref m_Name, false); if (parent == null) { ReadInt32(xml, "priority", ref m_Priority, false); } int minZ = MinZ; int maxZ = MaxZ; XmlElement zrange = xml["zrange"]; ReadInt32(zrange, "min", ref minZ, false); ReadInt32(zrange, "max", ref maxZ, false); List <Rectangle3D> area = new List <Rectangle3D>(); foreach (XmlElement xmlRect in xml.SelectNodes("rect")) { Rectangle3D rect = new Rectangle3D(); if (ReadRectangle3D(xmlRect, minZ, maxZ, ref rect)) { area.Add(rect); } } m_Area = area.ToArray(); if (m_Area.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Empty area for region '{0}'", this); } if (!ReadPoint3D(xml["go"], map, ref m_GoLocation, false) && m_Area.Length > 0) { Point3D start = m_Area[0].Start; Point3D end = m_Area[0].End; int x = start.X + (end.X - start.X) / 2; int y = start.Y + (end.Y - start.Y) / 2; m_GoLocation = new Point3D(x, y, m_Map.GetAverageZ(x, y)); } MusicName music = this.DefaultMusic; ReadEnum(xml["music"], "name", ref music, false); m_Music = music; }
public static PreviewRegion DisplayPreview( this Region r, int hue = 85, int effect = 1801, EffectRender render = EffectRender.SemiTransparent) { if (r == null || r.Area == null || r.Area.Length == 0) { return(null); } if (hue < 0) { hue = 0; } if (effect <= 0) { effect = 1801; } PreviewRegion pr; if (r is PreviewRegion) { pr = (PreviewRegion)r; pr.EffectID = effect; pr.EffectHue = hue; pr.EffectRender = render; pr.Register(); return(pr); } var s = GetSerial(r); if (s == null) { return(null); } if (_Previews.TryGetValue(s, out pr) && pr != null && pr.Area.GetBoundsHashCode() != r.Area.GetBoundsHashCode()) { pr.Unregister(); pr = null; } if (pr == null) { pr = new PreviewRegion(r) { EffectHue = hue, EffectID = effect, EffectRender = render }; } pr.Register(); return(pr); }
public Region(string name, Map map, Region parent, params Rectangle2D[] area) : this(name, map, parent, ConvertTo3D(area)) { }
public static void CheckDrop(BaseCreature bc, Container c) { if (m_IngredientTable != null) { foreach (IngredientDropEntry entry in m_IngredientTable) { if (entry == null) { continue; } if (entry.Region != null) { string reg = entry.Region; if (reg == "TerMur" && c.Map != Map.TerMur) { continue; } else if (reg == "Abyss" && (c.Map != Map.TerMur || c.X < 235 || c.X > 1155 || c.Y < 40 || c.Y > 1040)) { continue; } else if (reg != "TerMur" && reg != "Abyss") { Server.Region r = Server.Region.Find(c.Location, c.Map); if (r == null || !r.IsPartOf(entry.Region)) { continue; } } } if (bc.GetType() != entry.CreatureType && !bc.GetType().IsSubclassOf(entry.CreatureType)) { continue; } double toBeat = entry.Chance; List <Item> drops = new List <Item>(); if (bc is BaseVoidCreature) { toBeat *= ((BaseVoidCreature)bc).Stage + 1; } if (entry.DropMultiples) { foreach (Type type in entry.Ingredients) { if (toBeat >= Utility.RandomDouble()) { Item drop = Loot.Construct(type); if (drop != null) { drops.Add(drop); } } } } else if (toBeat >= Utility.RandomDouble()) { Item drop = Loot.Construct(entry.Ingredients); if (drop != null) { drops.Add(drop); } } foreach (Item item in drops) { c.DropItem(item); } ColUtility.Free(drops); } } }
public static void FilterByRegion( Mobile from, ArrayList facetList, Region regr, Map regmap, int page ) { ArrayList filregList = new ArrayList(); foreach( Item regItem in facetList ) { Point2D p2 = new Point2D( regItem.X, regItem.Y ); Point3D p = new Point3D( p2, regItem.Z ); if( Region.Find( p, regmap ) == regr ) filregList.Add( regItem ); } from.SendGump( new SpawnEditorGump( from, 0, filregList, 0, null ) ); }
public static void Start(bool repair) { if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(true)) { return; } m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); log.InfoFormat("Library {0} verified: {1} items, {2} mobiles", l.Name, itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } log.InfoFormat("All libraries verified: {0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { TileData.Configure(); ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) { config.Save(); } World.Load(); if (World.LoadErrors > 0) { log.ErrorFormat("There were {0} errors during world load.", World.LoadErrors); if (repair) { log.Error("The world load errors are being ignored for now, and will not reappear once you save this world."); } else { log.Error("Try 'SunUO --repair' to repair this world save, or restore an older non-corrupt save."); return; } } try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); foreach (IPEndPoint ipep in Config.Network.Bind) { m_MessagePump.AddListener(new Listener(ipep)); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunUO initialized, entering main loop"); try { Run(); } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
private void FindRegionTileLocations( ref List<Point3D> locations, Region r, List<int> includetilelist, List<int> excludetilelist, TileFlag tileflag ) { if( r == null || r.Area == null ) return; int count = r.Area.Length; if( locations == null ) locations = new List<Point3D>(); // calculate fields of all rectangles (for probability calculating) for( int n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { object o = r.Area[n]; int sx = 0; int sy = 0; int w = -1; int h = -1; if( o is Rectangle2D ) { sx = ((Rectangle2D)o).X; sy = ((Rectangle2D)o).Y; w = ((Rectangle2D)o).X + ((Rectangle2D)o).Width; h = ((Rectangle2D)o).Y + ((Rectangle2D)o).Height; } else if( o is Rectangle3D ) { sx = ((Rectangle3D)o).Start.X; sy = ((Rectangle3D)o).Start.Y; w = ((Rectangle3D)o).Width; h = ((Rectangle3D)o).Height; } // find all of the valid tile locations in the area FindTileLocations( ref locations, r.Map, sx, sy, w, h, includetilelist, excludetilelist, tileflag ); } }
public RegionEntry( Region r, long pos, int length ) { m_Region = r; m_Position = pos; m_Length = length; }
public static bool Contains(this Region r, Point3D p) { return(r.Area.Contains(p)); }
public virtual void CreateRegion() { if ( m_Region != null ) return; Map map = this.Map; if ( map == null || map == Map.Internal ) return; m_Region = new GauntletRegion( this, map ); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running on .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) // MS 4, MONO 128 { m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); } while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); if (m_Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.Now; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while (m_Signal.WaitOne()) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = DateTime.Now; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public virtual void OnChildRemoved(Region child) { }
public void Clear() { m_Region = null; }
public static TRegion GetRegion <TRegion>(this Region region) where TRegion : Region { return(region != null?region.GetRegion(typeof(TRegion)) as TRegion : null); }
public virtual void DestroyRegion() { if ( m_Region != null ) m_Region.Unregister(); m_Region = null; }
public static bool IsPartOf <TRegion>(this Region region) where TRegion : Region { return(region != null && region.IsPartOf(typeof(TRegion))); }
public bool HasRegionPoints(Region r) { if (r != null && r.Coords.Count > 0) return true; else return false; }
public static void Start(Config.Root _config, bool debug, bool _service, bool _profiling) { config = _config; m_Service = _service; Profiling = _profiling; m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); /* redirect Console to file in service mode */ if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) { return; } m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); log.Info(String.Format("Library {0} verified: {1} items, {2} mobiles", l.Name, itemCount, mobileCount)); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } log.Info(String.Format("All libraries verified: {0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount)); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) { config.Save(); } World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunUO initialized, entering main loop"); try { while (!m_Closing) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); m_Now = DateTime.Now; Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }