/// <summary>
        /// This method acts as the callback from Accepting_A_New_Client method. It takes in the state object and updates the callback to be
        /// RecievePlayerName and then it requests more data from the server to actually recieve the player name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state obj of the about to about to be added player.</param>
        static void HandleNewClient(PreservedState state)
            // Update the call back and request more data, aka the player name.
            state.callBack = ReceivePlayerName;

        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever we receive a move or split request from a client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state object of aplayer, it contains its socket, callback and str builder.</param>
        static void HandleClientGameRequests(PreservedState state)
            // Declare these variable to add in the decoding of the string from the network.
            String requests;

            String[] requestArray;
            int      team_id;
            String   command;

            // Find out what the client's message is
            requests = state.strBuilder.ToString();

            // Pull out and process the first valid request from the network request string.
            String request;

            // Ensure the the request is in a valid format to be processed.
            if (requests[0] == '(')
                request = requests.Substring(1, requests.IndexOf('\n') - 2);
            // If it is a partial message, look at the next request.
                String temp = requests.Substring(requests.IndexOf('\n') + 1);
                if (temp.Length > 0)
                    request = temp.Substring(1, temp.IndexOf('\n') - 2);

            // Clear the remaining duplicate requests.

            // Get the team_id of the player from the ClientSockets Set.
            team_id = ClientSockets[state.socket];

            // Split of the request to process all its individual peices.
            requestArray = request.Split(',');

            // Pull out the main command of the request - move or split
            command = requestArray[0];

            // Try and parse the request into the desired double destination values.
                double destX = Convert.ToDouble(requestArray[1].Trim());

                double destY = Convert.ToDouble(requestArray[2].Trim());

                lock (world)
                    if (command == "move")
                        world.MovePlayer(destX, destY, world.Teams[team_id]);
                    else // command == "split"
                        world.Split(destX, destY, team_id);

                        lock (mergeTimerLocker)

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Bad Data: " + request);

            // Continue listening for more requests
        /// <summary>
        /// A Callback that's called when a new client connects.
        /// Gets the client's desired player name, sends the client
        /// their player and the world, and then starts listening
        /// for move and split requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state object of the newly added player, it contains its socket, callback and str builder.</param>
        static void ReceivePlayerName(PreservedState state)
            // Pull the player name from the state obj str builder and then clear it.
            String playerName = state.strBuilder.ToString();


            // Remove the \n from the end of the player name.
            playerName = playerName.Substring(0, playerName.Length - 1);

            // Declare team id and player cube out here so it can be used in all the locks.
            int team_id;

            Cube playerCube;

            // Lock the world in order to generate information to build the player cube.
            lock (world)
                // Create the player's cube atributes
                Point playerXY = world.GetPlayerSpawnLoc();

                int argb_color = world.SetCubeColor();

                double mass = world.INITIAL_PLAYER_MASS;

                int playerUid = world.GetNextUID();

                team_id = playerUid;

                // Generate the player cube and add it to the world, new players list, and teams list.
                playerCube = new Cube(playerXY.X, playerXY.Y, argb_color, playerUid, team_id, false, playerName, mass);


                // Create a team for the player
                world.Teams.Add(team_id, new List <Cube>()

                // Start tracking the player's team's stats
                PlayerSessionStats session = new PlayerSessionStats();
                session.MaximumMass = world.INITIAL_PLAYER_MASS;
                session.CurrentMass = world.INITIAL_PLAYER_MASS;

                world.TeamStatistics.Add(team_id, session);

            // Lock the client sockets set inorder to add the newly created players socket to it.
            lock (clientSocketsLocker)
                ClientSockets.Add(state.socket, team_id);

            // Serialize the player cube to send it to the client.
            String playerCubeStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerCube) + "\n";

            // Send player their cube
            Network.Send(state.socket, playerCubeStr);

            // Update the callback in order to handle more players potentially adding.
            state.callBack = HandleClientGameRequests;

            // Since there are now players in the game, set this to false so updates can happen.
            noPlayersJoined = false;

            // Send player the current state of the world
            lock (world)
                StringBuilder worldCubes = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (Cube cube in world.Cubes)
                    worldCubes.Append(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cube) + '\n');

                Network.Send(state.socket, worldCubes.ToString());

            // Request more data from the server.
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses AgCubio's Network class to begin receiving the web request. Changes the
        /// callback fcn of the state object so that HandleWebRequest will be called to process
        /// the request info.
        /// </summary>
        static void GetWebRequest(PreservedState state)
            state.callBack = HandleWebRequest;
