Пример #1
 public InternalTarget(MagicReflectSpell owner)
     : base(12, false, TargetFlags.Beneficial)
     m_Owner = owner;
Пример #2
 public InternalSphereTarget(MagicReflectSpell owner)
     : base(Core.ML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.Beneficial)
     m_Owner = owner;
     m_Owner.Caster.SendAsciiMessage("Selecione o alvo...");
Пример #3
			public InternalTarget( MagicReflectSpell owner ) : base( 12, false, TargetFlags.Beneficial )
				m_Owner = owner;
Пример #4
		public bool ApplyMagicReflectEffect(PlayerMobile Wearer)
			if (Wearer == null)
				return false;

			Spell spell = new MagicReflectSpell(Wearer,null); 
			if ( Wearer.MagicDamageAbsorb > 0 )
				Wearer.SendMessage("The magic of this item is already protecting you.");
				return false;
			else if (Wearer.Region.OnBeginSpellCast( Wearer, spell ) == false)
				Wearer.SendMessage("The magic normally within this object seems absent.");
				return false;
			else if ( !Wearer.CanBeginAction( typeof( DefensiveSpell ) ) )
				Wearer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005385 ); // The spell will not adhere to you at this time.
				return false;
				if ( Wearer.BeginAction( typeof( DefensiveSpell ) ) )
					int value = (int)((Utility.Random(51) + 50) + (Utility.Random(51) + 50)); // Random value of up to 100 for magery and up to 100 for scribing - lowest though is 50 magery/50 scribing equivalent strength
					value = (int)(8 + (value/200)*7.0);//absorb from 8 to 15 "circles"

					Wearer.MagicDamageAbsorb = value;

					Wearer.FixedParticles( 0x375A, 10, 15, 5037, EffectLayer.Waist );
					Wearer.PlaySound( 0x1E9 );
					Wearer.SendMessage("You feel the magic of the item envelope you.");
					return true;
					Wearer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005385 ); // The spell will not adhere to you at this time.
					return false;
Пример #5
 public InternalSphereTarget(MagicReflectSpell owner)
     : base(Core.ML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.Beneficial)
     m_Owner = owner;
     m_Owner.Caster.SendAsciiMessage("Selecione o alvo...");