Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// GetIsolationLevel
        /// 0 -- ReadUncommitted
        /// 1 -- ReadCommitted
        /// 2 -- Snapshot
        /// 3 -- RepeatableRead
        /// 4 -- Serializable
        /// 5 -- Chaos
        /// 6 -- Unspecified
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IsolationLevel GetIsolationLevel()
                if (_iIsolationLevel < 0)
                    _iIsolationLevel = ServerPubFun.GetSystemProfile_Int(ReportCommon.ProfileName.IsolationLevel);

                if (_iIsolationLevel == 0)
                else if (_iIsolationLevel == 1)
                else if (_iIsolationLevel == 2)
                else if (_iIsolationLevel == 3)
                else if (_iIsolationLevel == 4)
                else if (_iIsolationLevel == 5)
                else if (_iIsolationLevel == 6)
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message);

                ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetIsolationLevel=" + ex.Message,
                                          (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(),
                                          (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber());

Пример #2
        public object Execute(object param)
                #region get parameters

                Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>;

                if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1)
                    throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetLockDAO!"));

                string action     = "";
                string lockType   = "";
                string lockGuid   = "";
                string owner      = "";
                string ownerIP    = "";
                string rpguids    = "";
                string patientid  = "";
                string localname  = "";
                string accno      = "";
                string reportGuid = "";

                foreach (string key in paramMap.Keys)
                    if (key.ToUpper() == "LOCKTYPE")
                        lockType = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (lockType == null)
                            lockType = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "LOCKGUID")
                        lockGuid = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (lockGuid == null)
                            lockGuid = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "ACTION")
                        action = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (action == null)
                            action = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "OWNER")
                        owner = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (owner == null)
                            owner = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "OWNERIP")
                        ownerIP = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (ownerIP == null)
                            ownerIP = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "RPGUIDS")
                        rpguids = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (rpguids == null)
                            rpguids = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "PATIENTID")
                        patientid = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (patientid == null)
                            patientid = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "LOCALNAME")
                        localname = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (localname == null)
                            localname = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "ACCNO")
                        accno = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (accno == null)
                            accno = "";
                    else if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID")
                        reportGuid = paramMap[key] as string;

                        if (reportGuid == null)
                            reportGuid = "";


                DataSet ds = new DataSet();


                    using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL())
                        DataTable dtLock = null;
                        string    strSQL = "";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lockGuid))
                            strSQL = string.Format("select Owner,OwnerIP,RPGuids,ModuleID from tSync where guid='{0}'", lockGuid);
                            dtLock = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL);

                        if (action.ToUpper() == "ADD")
                        #region ADD
                            #region only ReportGuid is arrived so should get some info of patient,order and rp
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportGuid))
                                string strFromRp      = string.Format("select procedureguid, orderguid from tregprocedure with(nolock) where reportguid ='{0}'", reportGuid);
                                string strFromOrder   = "select accno,patientguid from tregorder with(nolock) where orderguid ='{0}'";
                                string strFromPatient = "select patientid, localname from tregpatient with(nolock) where patientguid='{0}'";
                                //get rp info
                                DataTable dtRp = dal.ExecuteQuery(strFromRp);
                                rpguids = "";
                                foreach (DataRow dr in dtRp.Rows)
                                    rpguids += Convert.ToString(dr["ProcedureGuid"]) + "&" + owner + "&" + ownerIP + "|";
                                rpguids  = rpguids.TrimEnd(new char[] { '|' });
                                lockGuid = Convert.ToString(dtRp.Rows[0]["OrderGuid"]);
                                //get accno
                                DataTable dtOrder = dal.ExecuteQuery(string.Format(strFromOrder, lockGuid));
                                accno = Convert.ToString(dtOrder.Rows[0]["AccNo"]);
                                //get patient info
                                DataTable dtPatient = dal.ExecuteQuery(string.Format(strFromPatient, dtOrder.Rows[0]["PatientGuid"]));
                                patientid = Convert.ToString(dtPatient.Rows[0]["PatientID"]);
                                localname = Convert.ToString(dtPatient.Rows[0]["LocalName"]);
                                //lockGuid has value now~
                                strSQL = string.Format("select Owner,OwnerIP,RPGuids,ModuleID from tSync where guid='{0}'", lockGuid);
                                dtLock = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL);

                            //#region RWF

                            //if (_rwfMode == -1)
                            //    _rwfMode = ServerPubFun.GetSystemProfile_Int("RWFmode");

                            //if (_rwfMode == 1)
                            //    int rpStatus = CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.getRpStatus(lockGuid);

                            //    if (CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.needClaim(lockGuid))
                            //    {
                            //        if (!CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.claim(lockGuid, owner))
                            //        {
                            //            // failed to check.
                            //            strSQL = "select top 1 '2' syncType, '" + lockGuid + "' guid, 'CSBROKER' owner,"
                            //                + " 'CSBROKER' ownerIP, '0400' moduleID, p.patientID, p.localName, o.AccNo, '' RPGuids"
                            //                + " from tRegPatient p, tRegOrder o "
                            //                + " where p.patientguid=o.patientguid AND o.orderguid='" + lockGuid + "' ";

                            //            dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ds, "tSync");

                            //            return ds;
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            //    else if (100 == rpStatus)
                            //    {
                            //        CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.nSetCompleted(lockGuid, owner);
                            //    }


                            #region add lock in ris

                            if (dtLock == null || dtLock.Rows.Count == 0)
                                string domain = CommonGlobalSettings.Utilities.GetCurDomain();

                                //Not be locked
                                strSQL = string.Format("insert tSync(syncType, guid, owner, ownerIP, moduleID, patientID, patientName, AccNo,RPGuids,domain) " +
                                                       lockType, lockGuid, owner, ownerIP, "0400", patientid, localname, accno, rpguids, domain);
                                if (dtLock.Rows[0]["RPGuids"] == null || dtLock.Rows[0]["RPGuids"].ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
                                    //Lock by other panel
                                    strSQL = string.Format("select syncType, guid, owner, ownerIP, moduleID, patientID, patientName, AccNo,RPGuids from tSync where guid='{0}'", lockGuid);
                                    string   strOrgRpGuids = Convert.ToString(dtLock.Rows[0]["RPGuids"]);
                                    string   strOrgOwner   = Convert.ToString(dtLock.Rows[0]["owner"]);
                                    string   strOrgOwnerIP = Convert.ToString(dtLock.Rows[0]["ownerIP"]);
                                    string   strModuleID   = Convert.ToString(dtLock.Rows[0]["moduleID"]);
                                    char[]   sep1          = { '|' };
                                    char[]   sep2          = { '&' };
                                    string[] arrItems1     = rpguids.Split(sep1);
                                    bool     bLocked       = false;
                                    string   strLockInfo   = "";
                                    foreach (string strSegment in arrItems1)
                                        string[] arritems2 = strSegment.Split(sep2);
                                        if (arritems2[0] == null)

                                        string[] strOrgItems = strOrgRpGuids.Split(sep1);
                                        foreach (string str in strOrgItems)
                                            if (str.Contains(arritems2[0]))
                                                bLocked      = true;
                                                strLockInfo += str;
                                                strLockInfo += "|";

                                    if (bLocked)
                                        strLockInfo = strLockInfo.TrimEnd('|');
                                        //Lock by other by report panel
                                        string[] arrItem3 = strLockInfo.Split(sep1);
                                        if (arrItem3.Length > 0)
                                            DataTable dt = new DataTable("tSync");
                                            dt.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(string));
                                            dt.Columns.Add("Owner", typeof(string));
                                            dt.Columns.Add("OwnerIP", typeof(string));
                                            dt.Columns.Add("ModuleID", typeof(string));
                                            foreach (string strSegment in arrItem3)
                                                string[] arrItem4        = strSegment.Split(sep2);
                                                string   strRPGuid       = arrItem4[0];
                                                string   strLockUserGuid = arrItem4[1];
                                                string   strLockIP       = arrItem4[2];
                                                string   str             = string.Format("select RPDesc AS Description from tRegProcedure where ProcedureGuid='{0}'", strRPGuid);
                                                object   obj             = dal.ExecuteScalar(str);
                                                if (obj == null)
                                                    obj = "";
                                                DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                                                dr["Description"] = obj.ToString();
                                                dr["Owner"]       = strLockUserGuid;
                                                dr["OwnerIP"]     = strLockIP;
                                                dr["ModuleID"]    = strModuleID;
                                            strSQL = "";
                                            strSQL = string.Format("select syncType, guid, owner, ownerIP, moduleID, patientID, patientName, AccNo,RPGuids from tSync where guid='{0}'", lockGuid);
                                        if (strOrgOwner.Contains(owner))
                                            strSQL = string.Format("Update tSync set RPGuids='{0}' where guid='{1}'", strOrgRpGuids + "|" + rpguids, lockGuid);
                                            strSQL = string.Format("Update tSync set RPGuids='{0}',owner='{1}',ownerip='{2}' where guid='{3}'", strOrgRpGuids + "|" + rpguids, strOrgOwner + "|" + owner, strOrgOwnerIP + "|" + ownerIP, lockGuid);

                            ServerPubFun.RISLog_Info(0, "GetLockDAO_MSSQL, ADD, owner=" + owner + ", ownerIP=" + ownerIP,
                                                     (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(),
                                                     (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber());

                            if (strSQL.Trim().Length > 0)
                                dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ds, "tSync");

                        else if (action.ToUpper() == "DELETE" || action.ToUpper() == "DEL")
                        #region Delete
                            #region RWF

                            if (_rwfMode == -1)
                                _rwfMode = ServerPubFun.GetSystemProfile_Int("RWFmode");

                             * if (_rwfMode == 1)
                             * {
                             *  int rpStatus = CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.getRpStatus(lockGuid);
                             *  if (RWF_COMPLETED_VS_RIS_STATUS == rpStatus)
                             *  {
                             *      CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.spsComplete(lockGuid, owner);
                             *  }
                             *  else if (100 == rpStatus)
                             *  {
                             *      CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.nCreate(lockGuid, owner);
                             *  }
                             *  else if (50 == rpStatus)
                             *  {
                             *      CS.GCRIS.RWF.SCU.RwfScu.spsDefer(lockGuid, owner);
                             *  }
                             *  else
                             *  {
                             *      // do nothing
                             *  }
                             * }

                            #region delete lock in ris

                            if (dtLock != null && dtLock.Rows.Count > 0)
                                string strOrgRpGuids = Convert.ToString(dtLock.Rows[0]["RPGuids"]);

                                string   strOrgOwner   = Convert.ToString(dtLock.Rows[0]["owner"]);
                                string   strOrgOwnerIP = Convert.ToString(dtLock.Rows[0]["ownerIP"]);
                                char[]   sep           = { '|' };
                                string[] arrItems      = rpguids.Split(sep);
                                bool     bLocked       = false;
                                foreach (string strRpGuid in arrItems)
                                    if (strOrgRpGuids.Contains(strRpGuid + "|"))
                                        strOrgRpGuids = strOrgRpGuids.Replace(strRpGuid + "|", "");
                                    else if (strOrgRpGuids.Contains(strRpGuid))
                                        strOrgRpGuids = strOrgRpGuids.Replace(strRpGuid, "");
                                strOrgRpGuids = strOrgRpGuids.TrimEnd('|');
                                if (strOrgRpGuids.Trim().Length == 0)
                                    strSQL = string.Format("delete from tSync where guid='{0}'", lockGuid);
                                    string[] arrItems1 = strOrgOwner.Split(sep);
                                    if (arrItems1.Length > 1)
                                        foreach (string strOwner in arrItems1)
                                            bool     bRPGuidContainOwner = false;
                                            string[] arr10 = strOrgRpGuids.Split('|');
                                            foreach (string strRPGuid10 in arr10)
                                                string[] arr11 = strRPGuid10.Split('&');
                                                if (owner.ToUpper() == arr11[1].ToUpper())
                                                    bRPGuidContainOwner = true;

                                            bool     bOwnerContain = false;
                                            string[] arr12         = strOrgOwner.Split('|');
                                            foreach (string strOwner10 in arr12)
                                                if (owner.ToUpper() == strOwner10.ToUpper())
                                                    bOwnerContain = true;

                                            if (bOwnerContain && !bRPGuidContainOwner)
                                                if (strOrgOwner.Contains(owner + "|"))
                                                    strOrgOwner = strOrgOwner.Replace(owner + "|", "");
                                                    //strOrgOwner = strOrgOwner.Replace(owner, "");
                                                    strOrgOwner = "";
                                                    foreach (string strOwner10 in arr12)
                                                        if (owner.ToUpper() != strOwner10.ToUpper())
                                                            strOrgOwner += strOwner10;
                                                            strOrgOwner += "|";
                                        strOrgOwner = strOrgOwner.TrimEnd('|');

                                        string[] arrItems2 = strOrgOwnerIP.Split(sep);
                                        foreach (string strOwnerIP in arrItems2)
                                            if (strOrgOwnerIP.Contains(ownerIP + "|") && !strOrgRpGuids.Contains(ownerIP))
                                                strOrgOwnerIP = strOrgOwnerIP.Replace(ownerIP + "|", "");
                                            else if (strOrgOwnerIP.Contains(ownerIP) && !strOrgRpGuids.Contains(ownerIP))
                                                strOrgOwnerIP = strOrgOwnerIP.Replace(ownerIP, "");
                                        strOrgOwnerIP = strOrgOwnerIP.TrimEnd('|');
                                        strSQL        = string.Format("update tSync set owner='{0}',ownerip='{1}',rpguids='{2}' where guid='{3}'", strOrgOwner, strOrgOwnerIP, strOrgRpGuids, lockGuid);
                                        strSQL = string.Format("update tSync set rpguids='{0}' where guid='{1}'", strOrgRpGuids, lockGuid);

                                dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ds, "tSync");
                        #region Query
                            string sql = "select * from tSync, tUser where tSync.Owner=tUser.UserGuid and tSync.SyncType="
                                         + lockType + " and tSync.Guid='" + lockGuid + "'";

                            dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "tSync");
                catch (Exception ex)

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message);

                    ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetLockDAO=" + ex.Message,
                                              (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(),
                                              (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber());

                    throw (ex);

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message);

                ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetLockDAO=" + ex.Message,
                                          (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(),
                                          (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber());
