Наследование: BaseCreature
Пример #1
            protected override void OnTick()
                foreach (Item ps in m_Owner.GetItemsInRange(m_Owner.Hue))
                    if (ps != null && ps is PremiumSpawner)
                        PremiumSpawner sp = (PremiumSpawner)ps;
                        if (ps.Hue == 10)
                            sp.Running = true;

                if (m_Owner.Weight == 1.0)
                    Orc orc = new Orc();
                    orc.MoveToWorld(m_Owner.Location, m_Owner.Map);
                    orc.Hidden = true;
                    Regions.GuardedRegion reg = (Regions.GuardedRegion)orc.Region.GetRegion(typeof(Regions.GuardedRegion));
                    if (reg != null && reg.Disabled)
                        reg.Disabled = false;


Пример #2
        public override void OnThink()
            if (!boatspawn)
                if (this is SailorOrkGuards || this is SailorElfGuards || this is SailorGuards)

                Map map = Map;

                if (map == null)

                Server.Multis.BaseBoat.BuildShip(ship, this);
                boatspawn = true;
                if (Server.Multis.BaseBoat.IsNearOtherShip(this))
                else if (Worlds.TestShore(Map, X, Y, 15))


            if (ship == null)


            if (!crewspawn)
                crewspawn = true;
                int          crew   = Utility.RandomMinMax(9, 12);
                BaseCreature pirate = new Brigand(); pirate.Delete();
                bool         evil   = true;
                string       toss   = "stones";

                while (crew > 0)
                    if (this is PirateCyclops || this is PirateDragonogre || this is PirateEttinMage || this is PirateTroll || this is PirateOgreLord || this is PirateMinotaur)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 13))
                        case 1: pirate = new Orc();                             toss = "stones";        break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Bugbear();                 toss = "axes";          break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Gnoll();                   toss = "daggers";       break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Goblin();                  toss = "darts";         break;

                        case 5: pirate = new Morlock();                 toss = "stones";        break;

                        case 6: pirate = new Neanderthal();             toss = "stones";        break;

                        case 7: pirate = new Ratman();                  toss = "daggers";       pirate.Body = 42;               break;

                        case 8: pirate = new Minotaur();                toss = "axes";          pirate.Body = 241;              break;

                        case 9: pirate = new Orc();                             toss = "axes";          pirate.Body = 20;               break;

                        case 10: pirate = new Orc();                    toss = "daggers";       pirate.Body = 182;              break;

                        case 11: pirate = new Orc();                    toss = "arrows";        pirate.Body = 252;              break;

                        case 12: pirate = new Kobold();                 toss = "daggers";       pirate.Body = 245;              break;

                        case 13: pirate = new Minotaur();               toss = "axes";          pirate.Body = 78;               break;
                    else if (this is PirateDaemon || this is PirateDemon || this is PirateDemoness || this is PirateDevil || this is PirateSuccubus)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5))
                        case 1: pirate = new Demon();                   toss = "fire";          pirate.Hue = 0;         pirate.Body = 112;              break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Gargoyle();                toss = "fire";          pirate.Hue = 0;         pirate.Body = 112;              break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Succubus();                toss = "energy";        pirate.Hue = 0;         pirate.Body = 149;              break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Demon();                   toss = "daggers";       pirate.Hue = 0;         pirate.Body = 128;              break;

                        case 5: pirate = new Demon();                   toss = "poison";        pirate.Hue = 0;         pirate.Body = 136;              break;
                    else if (this is PirateGargoyle)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5))
                        case 1: pirate = new Gargoyle();                pirate.Body = 112;              break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Gargoyle();                pirate.Body = 126;              break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Gargoyle();                pirate.Body = 113;              break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Gargoyle();                pirate.Body = 158;              break;

                        case 5: pirate = new Gargoyle();                                                                break;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5))
                        case 1: toss = "fire";          break;

                        case 2: toss = "cold";          break;

                        case 3: toss = "energy";        break;

                        case 4: toss = "poison";        break;

                        case 5: toss = "bolt";          break;
                    else if (this is PirateGrathek || this is PirateSakleth)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4))
                        case 1: pirate = new LizardmanArcher();         toss = "spear";         break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Lizardman();                       toss = "daggers";       pirate.Body = 33;               break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Lizardman();                       toss = "rocks";         pirate.Body = 326;              break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Lizardman();                       toss = "darts";         pirate.Body = 375;              break;
                    else if (this is PirateTitan)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4))
                        case 1: pirate = new Tritun();          toss = "daggers";               break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Tritun();          toss = "spear";                 pirate.Body = 678;              break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Tritun();          toss = "poison";                pirate.Body = 676;              break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Tritun();          toss = "bolt";                  pirate.Body = 677;              break;
                    else if (this is PirateOphidian)
                        pirate = new OphidianWarrior();         toss = "dagger";        pirate.Body = 87;
                    else if (this is PirateSnakeMan)
                        evil = false;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2))
                        case 1: pirate = new OphidianWarrior();         toss = "poison";                pirate.Body = 704;              break;

                        case 2: pirate = new OphidianWarrior();         toss = "daggers";               pirate.Body = 143;              break;
                    else if (this is PirateUndead)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5))
                        case 1: pirate = new Zombie();                  toss = "bones";                                                                 break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Zombie();                  toss = "bones";                 pirate.Body = 304;              break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Ghoul();                   toss = "bones";                                                                 break;

                        case 4: pirate = new AquaticGhoul();    toss = "bones";                                                                 break;

                        case 5: pirate = new Wight();                   toss = "bones";                                                                 break;
                    else if (this is PirateGhost)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5))
                        case 1: pirate = new Spectre();                         toss = "fire";                  break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Spectre();                         toss = "cold";                  break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Spectre();                         toss = "energy";                break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Spectre();                         toss = "bolt";                  break;

                        case 5: pirate = new Spectre();                         toss = "poison";                break;
                    else if (this is PirateDarkLord || this is PirateLich || this is PirateLichLord || this is PirateSkeleton)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 14))
                        case 1: pirate = new Zombie();                  toss = "bones";                                                                 break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Zombie();                  toss = "bones";                 pirate.Body = 304;              break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Spectre();                 toss = "fire";                                                                  break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Ghoul();                   toss = "bones";                                                                 break;

                        case 5: pirate = new AquaticGhoul();    toss = "bones";                                                                 break;

                        case 6: pirate = new Skeleton();                toss = "bones";                 pirate.Body = 50;               break;

                        case 7: pirate = new SkeletonArcher();  toss = "arrows";                                                                break;

                        case 8: pirate = new Wight();                   toss = "bones";                                                                 break;

                        case 9: pirate = new Skeleton();                toss = "bandages";              pirate.Body = 154;              BaseSoundID = 471;      break;

                        case 10: pirate = new BoneMagi();               toss = "fire";                                                                  break;

                        case 11: pirate = new BoneMagi();               toss = "cold";                                                                  break;

                        case 12: pirate = new BoneMagi();               toss = "energy";                                                                break;

                        case 13: pirate = new BoneMagi();               toss = "poison";                                                                break;

                        case 14: pirate = new BoneMagi();               toss = "bolt";                                                                  break;

                    else if (this is PirateDrow)
                        pirate = new ElfBerserker();            toss = "crossbow";
                    else if (this is PirateMen)
                        pirate = new Berserker();                       toss = "crossbow";
                    else if (this is PirateNatives)
                        pirate = new Berserker();                       toss = "harpoon";
                    else if (this is PirateCult)
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 12))
                        case 1: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "daggers";       break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "stones";        break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "stars";         break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "darts";         break;

                        case 5: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "axes";          break;

                        case 6: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "bones";         break;

                        case 7: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "arrows";        break;

                        case 8: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "fire";          break;

                        case 9: pirate = new Brigand();         toss = "cold";          break;

                        case 10: pirate = new Brigand();        toss = "energy";        break;

                        case 11: pirate = new Brigand();        toss = "poison";        break;

                        case 12: pirate = new Brigand();        toss = "bolt";          break;
                    else if (this is SailorElfGuards)
                        pirate = new ElfBerserker();
                        evil   = false;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3))
                        case 1: toss = "crossbow";              break;

                        case 2: toss = "bow";                   break;

                        case 3: toss = "harpoon";               break;
                    else if (this is SailorGuards)
                        pirate = new Berserker();
                        evil   = false;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3))
                        case 1: toss = "crossbow";              break;

                        case 2: toss = "bow";                   break;

                        case 3: toss = "harpoon";               break;
                    else if (this is SailorOrkGuards)
                        pirate = new OrkWarrior();
                        evil   = false;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3))
                        case 1: toss = "crossbow";              break;

                        case 2: toss = "bow";                   break;

                        case 3: toss = "harpoon";               break;
                    else if (this is SailorElf)
                        pirate = new ElfBerserker();
                        evil   = false;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 7))
                        case 1: toss = "daggers";       break;

                        case 2: toss = "harpoon";       break;

                        case 3: toss = "stars";         break;

                        case 4: toss = "darts";         break;

                        case 5: toss = "axes";          break;

                        case 6: toss = "arrows";        break;

                        case 7: toss = "crossbow";      break;
                    else if (this is SailorMerchant)
                        pirate = new Berserker();
                        evil   = false;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 7))
                        case 1: toss = "daggers";       break;

                        case 2: toss = "harpoon";       break;

                        case 3: toss = "stars";         break;

                        case 4: toss = "darts";         break;

                        case 5: toss = "axes";          break;

                        case 6: toss = "arrows";        break;

                        case 7: toss = "crossbow";              break;
                    else if (this is SailorAngel || this is SailorAngelLord)
                        evil = false;
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5))
                        case 1: pirate = new Pixie();           toss = "fire";                  pirate.Body = Utility.RandomList(356, 128); break;

                        case 2: pirate = new Fairy();           toss = "cold";                  pirate.Body = 363; break;

                        case 3: pirate = new Centaur();         toss = "arrows";                break;

                        case 4: pirate = new Satyr();           toss = "daggers";               break;

                        case 5: pirate = new Wisp();            toss = "energy";                break;

                    SizeUpCrewMember(pirate, evil, EmoteHue, this, toss);
Пример #3
            private void DoTehEffects()
                int x;
                int y;
                int zdiff = m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z;
                int amount;
                if (zdiff < 30)
                    m_Harrower.Hidden = false;
                    Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400);
                    amount = 20;
                else if (zdiff < 80)
                    amount = 15;
                    Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(800);
                else if (zdiff < 100)
                    amount = 10;
                    Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
                    amount = 3;
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
                    if (m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z <= 30)
                        x = Utility.Random(-7, 14);
                        y = Utility.Random(-7, 14);
                    else if (m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z < 80 && m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z > 30)
                        x = Utility.Random(-15, 30);
                        y = Utility.Random(-15, 30);
                        x = Utility.Random(-20, 40);
                        y = Utility.Random(-20, 40);

                    int z = m_Harrower.Map.Tiles.GetLandTile(m_Harrower.X + x, m_Harrower.Y).Z;
                    Point3D loc = new Point3D(m_Harrower.X + x, m_Harrower.Y + y, z);
                    if (m_Harrower.Map.CanFit(loc, 1))
                        if (zdiff > 100)
                            Orc orc = new Orc();
                            //orc.Hidden = true;
                            orc.Frozen = true;
                            orc.MoveToWorld(loc, m_Harrower.Map);

                            switch (Utility.Random(4))
                                case 0: // Fire column
                                        Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(loc, m_Harrower.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x3709, 10, 30, 5052);
                                        Effects.PlaySound(loc, m_Harrower.Map, 0x208);

                                case 1: // Explosion
                                        Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(loc, m_Harrower.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x36BD, 20, 10, 5044);
                                        Effects.PlaySound(loc, m_Harrower.Map, 0x307);

                                case 2: // Ball of fire
                                        Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(loc, m_Harrower.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x36FE, 10, 10, 5052);

                                case 3: // Lightning
                                        Orc orc = new Orc();
                                        //orc.Hidden = true;
                                        orc.Frozen = true;
                                        orc.MoveToWorld(loc, m_Harrower.Map);
Пример #4
		public virtual void SpawnEnemies( RVS Handeling, String RegionName, int amount)
			int numberOfEnemies = amount;
			int kindOfEnemy = 0;
			int randomEnemy = 0;
			Mobile Enemy = null;
			//Mobile Enemy = new Sheep();
			int randomValueX = 0;
			int randomValueY = 0;
			int negative = 0;
			Point3D spawn;
			Map spawnmap;
			if ( RegionName == "Sheep" )
				spawn = SheepSpawnPoint;
				spawnmap = SheepSpawnMap;
				kindOfEnemy = 0;
			else if ( RegionName == "Rabbit" )
				spawn = RabbitSpawnPoint;
				spawnmap = RabbitSpawnMap;
				kindOfEnemy = 1;
				spawn = SheepSpawnPoint;
				spawnmap = SheepSpawnMap;
				kindOfEnemy = 0;
			for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfEnemies; i++ )
				//kindOfEnemy = Utility.Random( 5 );
				randomValueX = Utility.Random( 11 );
				negative = Utility.Random( 2 );
				if ( negative > 0 )
					randomValueX *= -1;
				negative = Utility.Random( 2 );
				randomValueY = Utility.Random( 11 );
				if ( negative > 0 )
					randomValueY *= -1;
				if ( Handeling.RvS )
					switch ( kindOfEnemy )
						case 0:
								Enemy = new Sheep();
						case 1:
								Enemy = new Rabbit();
				else if ( Handeling.Orcs )
					kindOfEnemy = 0;
					randomEnemy = Utility.Random( 100 );
					if ( randomEnemy <= 20 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 10 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 5 )
					switch ( kindOfEnemy )
						case 0:
								Enemy = new Orc();
						case 1:
								Enemy = new OrcishLord();
						case 2:
								Enemy = new Ettin();
						case 3:
								Enemy = new OrcishMage();
				else if ( Handeling.Lizardmen )
					kindOfEnemy = 0;
					randomEnemy = Utility.Random( 100 );
					if ( randomEnemy <= 20 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 10 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 5 )
					switch ( kindOfEnemy )
						case 0:
								Enemy = new Snake();
						case 1:
								Enemy = new GiantSerpent();
						case 2:
								Enemy = new Lizardman();
						case 3:
								Enemy = new Drake();
				else if ( Handeling.Ratmen )
					kindOfEnemy = 0;
					randomEnemy = Utility.Random( 100 );
					if ( randomEnemy <= 20 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 15 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 10 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 5 )
					switch ( kindOfEnemy )
						case 0:
								Enemy = new Sewerrat();
						case 1:
								Enemy = new GiantRat();
						case 2:
								Enemy = new Ratman();
						case 3:
								Enemy = new RatmanMage();
						case 4:
								Enemy = new RatmanArcher();
				else if ( Handeling.Undead )
					kindOfEnemy = 0;
					randomEnemy = Utility.Random( 100 );
					if ( randomEnemy <= 50 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 40 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 30 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 20 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 10 )
					if ( randomEnemy <= 5 )
					switch ( kindOfEnemy )
						case 0:
								Enemy = new Skeleton();
						case 1:
								Enemy = new Zombie();
						case 2:
								Enemy = new RestlessSoul();
						case 3:
								Enemy = new SkeletalMage();
						case 4:
								Enemy = new SkeletalKnight();
						case 5:
								Enemy = new Mummy();
						case 6:
								Enemy = new Lich();
				Enemy.Map = spawnmap;
				Enemy.Location = new Point3D((spawn.X + randomValueX), (spawn.Y + randomValueY), (spawn.Z));
Пример #5
		public void SpawnOrc( Mobile target )
			Map map = this.Map;

			if ( map == null )

			int orcs = 0;

			foreach ( Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange( 10 ) )
				if ( m is Orc || m is OrcBomber || m is OrcishMage )

			if ( orcs < 16 )
				PlaySound( 0x3D );

				int neworcs = Utility.RandomMinMax( 3, 6 );

				for ( int i = 0; i < neworcs; ++i )
					BaseCreature orc;

					switch ( Utility.Random( 5 ) )
						case 0: case 1:	orc = new Orc(); break;
						case 2: case 3:	orc = new OrcBomber(); break;
						case 4:			orc = new OrcishMage(); break;

					orc.Team = this.Team;

					bool validLocation = false;
					Point3D loc = this.Location;

					for ( int j = 0; !validLocation && j < 10; ++j )
						int x = X + Utility.Random( 3 ) - 1;
						int y = Y + Utility.Random( 3 ) - 1;
						int z = map.GetAverageZ( x, y );

						if ( validLocation = map.CanFit( x, y, this.Z, 16, false, false ) )
							loc = new Point3D( x, y, Z );
						else if ( validLocation = map.CanFit( x, y, z, 16, false, false ) )
							loc = new Point3D( x, y, z );

					orc.MoveToWorld( loc, map );
					orc.Combatant = target;
Пример #6
            private void DoTehEffects()
                int x;
                int y;
                int zdiff = m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z;
                int amount;

                if (zdiff < 30)
                    m_Harrower.Hidden = false;
                    Interval          = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400);
                    amount            = 20;
                else if (zdiff < 80)
                    amount   = 15;
                    Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(800);
                else if (zdiff < 100)
                    amount   = 10;
                    Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
                    amount = 3;
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
                    if (m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z <= 30)
                        x = Utility.Random(-7, 14);
                        y = Utility.Random(-7, 14);
                    else if (m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z < 80 && m_OriginalZ - m_Harrower.Z > 30)
                        x = Utility.Random(-15, 30);
                        y = Utility.Random(-15, 30);
                        x = Utility.Random(-20, 40);
                        y = Utility.Random(-20, 40);

                    int     z   = m_Harrower.Map.Tiles.GetLandTile(m_Harrower.X + x, m_Harrower.Y).Z;
                    Point3D loc = new Point3D(m_Harrower.X + x, m_Harrower.Y + y, z);
                    if (m_Harrower.Map.CanFit(loc, 1))
                        if (zdiff > 100)
                            Orc orc = new Orc();
                            //orc.Hidden = true;
                            orc.Frozen = true;
                            orc.MoveToWorld(loc, m_Harrower.Map);
                            switch (Utility.Random(4))
                            case 0:     // Fire column
                                Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(loc, m_Harrower.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x3709, 10, 30, 5052);
                                Effects.PlaySound(loc, m_Harrower.Map, 0x208);


                            case 1:     // Explosion
                                Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(loc, m_Harrower.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x36BD, 20, 10, 5044);
                                Effects.PlaySound(loc, m_Harrower.Map, 0x307);


                            case 2:     // Ball of fire
                                Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(loc, m_Harrower.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x36FE, 10, 10, 5052);


                            case 3:     // Lightning
                                Orc orc = new Orc();
                                //orc.Hidden = true;
                                orc.Frozen = true;
                                orc.MoveToWorld(loc, m_Harrower.Map);