public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from ) { if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } else if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 503248 ); // Your godly powers allow you to place this vendor whereever you wish. Mobile v = new AAlchemist();//( from, BaseHouse.FindHouseAt( from ) ); v.Direction = from.Direction & Direction.Mask; v.MoveToWorld( from.Location, from.Map ); this.Delete(); } else { BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt( from ); if ( house == null ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 503240 ); // Vendors can only be placed in houses. } else if ( BaseHouse.NewVendorSystem && !house.IsOwner( from ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1062423 ); // Only the house owner can directly place vendors. Please ask the house owner to offer you a vendor contract so that you may place a vendor in this house. } else if ( !house.Public || !house.CanPlaceNewVendor() ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 503241 ); // You cannot place this vendor or barkeep. Make sure the house is public and has sufficient storage available. } else { bool vendor, contract; BaseHouse.IsThereVendor( from.Location, from.Map, out vendor, out contract ); if ( vendor ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1062677 ); // You cannot place a vendor or barkeep at this location. } else if ( contract ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1062678 ); // You cannot place a vendor or barkeep on top of a rental contract! } else { Mobile v = new AAlchemist();//( from, house ); v.Direction = from.Direction & Direction.Mask; v.MoveToWorld( from.Location, from.Map ); //v.SayTo( from, 503246 ); // Ah! it feels good to be working again. this.Delete(); } } } }
public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List <ContextMenuEntry> list) { BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(from); if (house != null && from.Alive) { if (house.IsOwner(from) && house.IsInside(from)) { AAlchemist.GetContextMenuEntries(from, this, list); //HERE } base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list); } }