public ChallengeGump(DuelObject duel) : base(50,50)
			this.duel = duel;
			this.Closable = true;
			this.Disposable = true;
			this.Dragable = true;
			this.Resizable = false;
			this.AddBackground(63, 103, 350, 475, 9270);
			this.AddLabel(209, 112, 1259, @"Challenge");
			this.AddLabel(101, 141, 1259, @"You are about to challenge " + duel.Player2.Name + " to a duel.");
			this.AddLabel(104, 170, 1259, @"Opponent:");
			this.AddLabel(244, 170, 1259, @"You:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 195, 1259, @"Honor:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 214, 1259, @"Rank:");
			this.AddLabel(244, 195, 1259, @"Honor:");
			this.AddLabel(244, 215, 1259, @"Rank:");
			this.AddLabel(164, 195, 1149, @"" + ((PlayerMobile)duel.Player2).Honor);
			this.AddLabel(164, 215, 1149, @"" + (Ladder.Players.IndexOf(duel.Player2) + 1));
			this.AddLabel(304, 195, 1149, @"" + ((PlayerMobile)duel.Player1).Honor);
			this.AddLabel(304, 215, 1149, @"" + (Ladder.Players.IndexOf(duel.Player1) + 1));

			this.AddLabel(104, 245, 1259, @"Rules:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 270, 1259, @"Duel Type:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 295, 1259, @"Potions allowed:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 320, 1259, @"Summoning allowed:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 345, 1259, @"Looting allowed:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 370, 1259, @"Poisoned Weapons allowed:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 395, 1259, @"Magic Weapons allowed:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 420, 1259, @"Magery allowed:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 445, 1259, @"Maximum Dexterity:");
			this.AddLabel(104, 470, 1259, @"Wager gold:");

			this.AddLabel(304, 270, 1149, @"" + (duel.DuelType == 1 ? "5x Mage" : duel.DuelType == 2 ? "7x Mage" : "Dex Monkey"));
			this.AddLabel(304, 295, 1149, @"" + (duel.Potions ? "Yes" : "No"));
			this.AddLabel(304, 320, 1149, @"" + (duel.Summoning ? "Yes" : "No"));
			this.AddLabel(304, 345, 1149, @"" + (duel.Looting ? "Yes" : "No"));
			this.AddLabel(304, 370, 1149, @"" + (duel.PoisonedWeapons ? "Yes" : "No"));
			this.AddLabel(304, 395, 1149, @"" + (duel.MagicWeapons ? "Yes" : "No"));
			this.AddLabel(304, 420, 1149, @"" + (duel.Magery ? "Yes" : "No"));
			this.AddLabel(304, 445, 1149, @"" + duel.MaxDex);
			this.AddLabel(304, 470, 1149, @"" + duel.Wager);

			this.AddLabel(123, 500, 1259, @"Are you sure you want to challenge?");
			this.AddButton(151, 525, 247, 248, (int)Buttons.Button1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
			this.AddButton(246, 525, 241, 242, (int)Buttons.Button2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

		public EndDuelGump(DuelObject duel)
			: base( 50, 50 )
			this.duel = duel;
			this.Closable = true;
			this.Disposable = true;
			this.Dragable = true;
			this.Resizable = false;
			this.AddBackground(116, 106, 249, 143, 9270);
			this.AddLabel(209, 112, 1259, @"End duel?");
			this.AddButton(150, 216, 247, 248, (int)Buttons.Button1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
			this.AddButton(250, 216, 241, 242, (int)Buttons.Button2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
			this.AddLabel(130, 160, 1149, @"If you end the duel now you will lose.");

Пример #3
		public WaitGump(DuelObject duel)
			: base( 50, 50 )
			this.duel = duel;
			this.Closable = true;
			this.Disposable = true;
			this.Dragable = true;
			this.Resizable = false;
			this.AddBackground(116, 106, 249, 143, 9270);
			this.AddLabel(209, 112, 1259, @"Challenge");
			this.AddLabel(153, 139, 1149, @"The challenge has been made,");
			this.AddButton(209, 216, 241, 242, (int)Buttons.Button1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
			this.AddLabel(139, 193, 1149, @"You can still cancel the challenge.");
			this.AddLabel(130, 160, 1149, @"Waiting for response from opponent.");

Пример #4
 public DuelTimer(DuelObject duel, int ticks) : base(TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 1.0 ), TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 1.0 ))
     this.TimeOut = ticks;
     this.duel = duel;
Пример #5
        public CountTimer(DuelObject duel, int ticks) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ))
            this.count = ticks;
            this.duel = duel;

Пример #6
		public static void LoadDuels()
			if (File.Exists(duelIdxPath) && File.Exists(duelBinPath))
				// Declare and initialize reader objects.
				FileStream idx = new FileStream(duelIdxPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
				FileStream bin = new FileStream(duelBinPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
				BinaryReader idxReader = new BinaryReader(idx);
				BinaryFileReader binReader = new BinaryFileReader(new BinaryReader(bin));

				// Start by reading the number of duels from an index file
				int duelCount = idxReader.ReadInt32();

				for (int i = 0; i < duelCount; ++i)
					DuelObject d = new DuelObject();
					// Read start-position and length of current fight from index file
					long startPos = idxReader.ReadInt64();
					int length = idxReader.ReadInt32();
					// Point the reading stream to the proper position
					binReader.Seek(startPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);


						if (binReader.Position != (startPos + length))
							throw new Exception(String.Format("***** Bad serialize on DuelObject[{0}] *****", i));
					catch (Exception e)
				// Remember to close the streams