public InternalItem(bool bloodied, AnkhNorth item) : base(bloodied ? 0x1E5C : 0x5) { this.Movable = false; this.m_Item = item; }
public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); this.m_Item = reader.ReadItem() as AnkhNorth; }
public override void Deserialize(IGenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); m_Item = reader.ReadEntity <AnkhNorth>(); }
public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader ) { base.Deserialize( reader ); int version = reader.ReadInt(); m_Item = reader.ReadItem() as AnkhNorth; }
public InternalItem( bool bloodied, AnkhNorth item ) : base( bloodied ? 0x1E5C : 0x5 ) { Movable = false; m_Item = item; }
public Item Construct() { Item item; try { if ( m_Type == typeofStatic ) { item = new Static( m_ItemID ); } else if ( m_Type == typeofLocalizedStatic ) { int labelNumber = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "LabelNumber" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) { labelNumber = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); break; } } } item = new LocalizedStatic( m_ItemID, labelNumber ); } else if ( m_Type == typeofLocalizedSign ) { int labelNumber = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "LabelNumber" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) { labelNumber = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); break; } } } item = new LocalizedSign( m_ItemID, labelNumber ); } else if ( m_Type == typeofAnkhWest || m_Type == typeofAnkhNorth ) { bool bloodied = false; for ( int i = 0; !bloodied && i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) bloodied = ( m_Params[i] == "Bloodied" ); if ( m_Type == typeofAnkhWest ) item = new AnkhWest( bloodied ); else item = new AnkhNorth( bloodied ); } else if ( m_Type == typeofMarkContainer ) { bool bone = false; bool locked = false; Map map = Map.Malas; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i] == "Bone" ) { bone = true; } else if ( m_Params[i] == "Locked" ) { locked = true; } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "TargetMap" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) map = Map.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } MarkContainer mc = new MarkContainer( bone, locked ); mc.TargetMap = map; mc.Description = "strange location"; item = mc; } else if ( m_Type == typeofHintItem ) { int range = 0; int messageNumber = 0; string messageString = null; int hintNumber = 0; string hintString = null; TimeSpan resetDelay = TimeSpan.Zero; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Range" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) range = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "WarningString" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) messageString = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "WarningNumber" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) messageNumber = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "HintString" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) hintString = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "HintNumber" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) hintNumber = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "ResetDelay" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) resetDelay = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } HintItem hi = new HintItem( m_ItemID, range, messageNumber, hintNumber ); hi.WarningString = messageString; hi.HintString = hintString; hi.ResetDelay = resetDelay; item = hi; } else if ( m_Type == typeofWarningItem ) { int range = 0; int messageNumber = 0; string messageString = null; TimeSpan resetDelay = TimeSpan.Zero; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Range" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) range = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "WarningString" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) messageString = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "WarningNumber" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) messageNumber = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "ResetDelay" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) resetDelay = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } WarningItem wi = new WarningItem( m_ItemID, range, messageNumber ); wi.WarningString = messageString; wi.ResetDelay = resetDelay; item = wi; } else if ( m_Type == typeofCannon ) { CannonDirection direction = CannonDirection.North; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "CannonDirection" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) direction = (CannonDirection)Enum.Parse( typeof( CannonDirection ), m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ), true ); } } item = new Cannon( direction ); } else if ( m_Type == typeofSerpentPillar ) { string word = null; Rectangle2D destination = new Rectangle2D(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Word" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) word = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "DestStart" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) destination.Start = Point2D.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "DestEnd" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) destination.End = Point2D.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } item = new SerpentPillar( word, destination ); } else if ( m_Type.IsSubclassOf( typeofBeverage ) ) { BeverageType content = BeverageType.Liquor; bool fill = false; for ( int i = 0; !fill && i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Content" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) { content = (BeverageType)Enum.Parse( typeof( BeverageType ), m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ), true ); fill = true; } } } if ( fill ) item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( m_Type, new object[]{ content } ); else item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( m_Type ); } else if ( m_Type.IsSubclassOf( typeofBaseDoor ) ) { DoorFacing facing = DoorFacing.WestCW; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Facing" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) { facing = (DoorFacing)Enum.Parse( typeof( DoorFacing ), m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ), true ); break; } } } item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( m_Type, new object[]{ facing } ); } else { item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( m_Type ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception( String.Format( "Bad type: {0}", m_Type ), e ); } if ( item is BaseAddon ) { if ( item is MaabusCoffin ) { MaabusCoffin coffin = (MaabusCoffin)item; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "SpawnLocation" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) coffin.SpawnLocation = Point3D.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } } else if ( m_ItemID > 0 ) { List<AddonComponent> comps = ((BaseAddon)item).Components; for ( int i = 0; i < comps.Count; ++i ) { AddonComponent comp = (AddonComponent)comps[i]; if ( comp.Offset == Point3D.Zero ) comp.ItemID = m_ItemID; } } } else if ( item is BaseLight ) { bool unlit = false, unprotected = false; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( !unlit && m_Params[i] == "Unlit" ) unlit = true; else if ( !unprotected && m_Params[i] == "Unprotected" ) unprotected = true; if ( unlit && unprotected ) break; } if ( !unlit ) ((BaseLight)item).Ignite(); if ( !unprotected ) ((BaseLight)item).Protected = true; if ( m_ItemID > 0 ) item.ItemID = m_ItemID; } else if ( item is Server.Mobiles.Spawner ) { Server.Mobiles.Spawner sp = (Server.Mobiles.Spawner)item; sp.NextSpawn = TimeSpan.Zero; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Spawn" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.AddEntry( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ), 100, 1 ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "MinDelay" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.MinDelay = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "MaxDelay" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.MaxDelay = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "NextSpawn" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.NextSpawn = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Count" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) { sp.Count = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); for ( int se = 0;se < sp.Entries.Count; se++ ) sp.Entries[se].CreaturesMaxCount = sp.Count; } } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Team" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.Team = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "HomeRange" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.HomeRange = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Running" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.Running = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Group" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) sp.Group = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } } else if ( item is RecallRune ) { RecallRune rune = (RecallRune)item; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Description" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) rune.Description = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Marked" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) rune.Marked = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "TargetMap" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) rune.TargetMap = Map.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Target" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) rune.Target = Point3D.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } } else if ( item is SkillTeleporter ) { SkillTeleporter tp = (SkillTeleporter)item; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Skill" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Skill = (SkillName)Enum.Parse( typeof( SkillName ), m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ), true ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "RequiredFixedPoint" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Required = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ) * 0.01; } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Required" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Required = Utility.ToDouble( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "MessageString" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.MessageString = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "MessageNumber" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.MessageNumber = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "PointDest" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.PointDest = Point3D.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "MapDest" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.MapDest = Map.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Creatures" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Creatures = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "SourceEffect" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.SourceEffect = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "DestEffect" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.DestEffect = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "SoundID" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.SoundID = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Delay" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Delay = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } if ( m_ItemID > 0 ) item.ItemID = m_ItemID; } else if ( item is KeywordTeleporter ) { KeywordTeleporter tp = (KeywordTeleporter)item; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Substring" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Substring = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Keyword" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Keyword = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Range" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Range = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "PointDest" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.PointDest = Point3D.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "MapDest" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.MapDest = Map.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Creatures" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Creatures = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "SourceEffect" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.SourceEffect = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "DestEffect" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.DestEffect = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "SoundID" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.SoundID = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Delay" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Delay = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } if ( m_ItemID > 0 ) item.ItemID = m_ItemID; } else if ( item is Teleporter ) { Teleporter tp = (Teleporter)item; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "PointDest" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.PointDest = Point3D.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "MapDest" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.MapDest = Map.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Creatures" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Creatures = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "SourceEffect" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.SourceEffect = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "DestEffect" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.DestEffect = Utility.ToBoolean( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "SoundID" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.SoundID = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Delay" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) tp.Delay = TimeSpan.Parse( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); } } if ( m_ItemID > 0 ) item.ItemID = m_ItemID; } else if ( item is FillableContainer ) { FillableContainer cont = (FillableContainer) item; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "ContentType" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) cont.ContentType = (FillableContentType)Enum.Parse( typeof( FillableContentType ), m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ), true ); } } if ( m_ItemID > 0 ) item.ItemID = m_ItemID; } else if ( m_ItemID > 0 ) { item.ItemID = m_ItemID; } item.Movable = false; for ( int i = 0; i < m_Params.Length; ++i ) { if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Light" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) item.Light = (LightType)Enum.Parse( typeof( LightType ), m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ), true ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Hue" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) { int hue = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); if ( item is DyeTub ) ((DyeTub)item).DyedHue = hue; else item.Hue = hue; } } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Name" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) item.Name = m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ); } else if ( m_Params[i].StartsWith( "Amount" ) ) { int indexOf = m_Params[i].IndexOf( '=' ); if ( indexOf >= 0 ) { // Must supress stackable warnings bool wasStackable = item.Stackable; item.Stackable = true; item.Amount = Utility.ToInt32( m_Params[i].Substring( ++indexOf ) ); item.Stackable = wasStackable; } } } return item; }
public bool GenerateSpawners() { Spawner spawner; Static item; Teleporter tele; bool erased = RemoveSpawners(); #region Angels Snack // Loot/Quest, found on Qunia #endregion #region Autolife spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1959, 513, -20), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueTrappedPixie"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Bad Breath #endregion #region Blow Up spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1650, 351, -3), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueBomb"); spawner.Count = 5; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Demi spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(327, 532, -34), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueImp"); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(327, 532, -33), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Imp"); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Dragon Force spawner = new Spawner(); // [go 1178 1512, -68 spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1178, 1512, -68), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BLDragon"); spawner.HomeRange = 6; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Drain Touch // Self Spawning #endregion #region Fifty Needles spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1530, 671, -14), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueCactuar"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Flame Thrower spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1931, 36, -28), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGolem"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Frog Drop QuinaTele quinatele = new QuinaTele(); quinatele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(919, 993, 12), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(quinatele); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1757, 888, -24), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueQuina"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); // Frogs item = new Static(8553); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1778, 872, -24), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); item = new Static(8552); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1777, 872, -24), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1778, 873, -25), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1647, 721, -13); BlueStuff.Add(tele); FrogSwampAddon frogdropaddon = new FrogSwampAddon(); frogdropaddon.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1645, 699, -24), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(frogdropaddon); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1647, 721, -13), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1778, 873, -25); BlueStuff.Add(tele); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1657, 711, -23), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueFrog"); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.Count = 10; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Goblin Punch GoblinCaveAddon goblincaveaddon = new GoblinCaveAddon(); goblincaveaddon.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1906, 674, -21), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(goblincaveaddon); // Teleporters item = new Static(8553); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1706, 589, 13), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); item = new Static(8553); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1707, 589, 13), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1706, 590, 11), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1973, 832, -4); BlueStuff.Add(tele); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1707, 590, 12), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1974, 832, -4); BlueStuff.Add(tele); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1973, 832, -4), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1706, 590, 11); BlueStuff.Add(tele); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1974, 832, -4), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1707, 590, 12); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // Spawners spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1976, 808, -11), Map.Ilshenar); // Main Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.HomeRange = 10; spawner.Count = 10; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2007, 796, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // Side of the Main Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1968, 777, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // First 'T' spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1923, 792, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // Top of Circle spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1938, 807, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // Bottom of Circle spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Beetle"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Beetle"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Beetle"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Beetle"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Beetle"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("FireBeetle"); spawner.Count = 2; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1995, 758, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // Another Cross Way spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1979, 742, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // Just after the one above. spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1963, 727, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // 'T' headed to the 2nd level spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1945, 762, -21), Map.Ilshenar); // Dirt Dead End (beetle here) spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinCaster"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblinMelee"); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoblin"); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Guard Off spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(318, 1228, -38), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueRuneBeetle"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Level 4 Holy // See White Wind #endregion #region Limit Glove spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(907, 1283, -46), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueCatoblepas"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Magic Hammer #endregion #region Matra Magic spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1080, 1060, 0), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueTurkey"); spawner.HomeRange = 15; spawner.Count = 10; spawner.MinDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); spawner.MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Mighty Guard BeetleCaveAddon beetlecaveaddon = new BeetleCaveAddon(); beetlecaveaddon.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1952, 567, -26), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(beetlecaveaddon); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1963, 684, -21), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(2025, 701, -9); BlueStuff.Add(tele); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2025, 701, -9), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1963, 684, -21); BlueStuff.Add(tele); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2026, 701, -9), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1963, 684, -21); BlueStuff.Add(tele); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2025, 701, -9), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1963, 684, -21); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // Spawners spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2024, 675, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // First Junction spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueDullCopperElemental"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1993, 675, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // Near Center of Plus: Guards spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueShadowIronElemental"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1993, 648, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // End of Plus spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueMixedOreElemental"); spawner.HomeRange = 1; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2042, 660, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // Minor dead End T spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueCopperElemental"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2058, 640, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // Right Before Big Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueBronzeElemental"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2076, 576, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // NE/E Meet Up spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueIronBeetle"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2019, 613, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // W Dead End spawner.HomeRange = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueGoldElemental"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2021, 586, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // First Corner Headed to Lv 3 spawner.Count = 3; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueAgapiteElemental"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1977, 605, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // Second Corner Headed to Lv 3 spawner.HomeRange = 10; spawner.Count = 8; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueEarthElemental"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2049, 607, -26), Map.Ilshenar); // Center of Large Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueEarthElemental"); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.Count = 10; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Mindblast // Teleporters Moongate moon = new Moongate(); moon.Dispellable = false; moon.Target = new Point3D(362, 666, -28); moon.TargetMap = Map.Ilshenar; moon.Hue = 991; moon.Name = "To a far off place..."; moon.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1183, 1130, -5), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(moon); item = new Static(14186); item.Hue = 991; item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1183, 1130, -5), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); ArcaneCircleAddon arcanecircleaddon = new ArcaneCircleAddon(); arcanecircleaddon.Hue = 991; arcanecircleaddon.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1183, 1130, -5), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(arcanecircleaddon); moon = new Moongate(); moon.Dispellable = false; moon.Target = new Point3D(1183, 1130, -5); moon.TargetMap = Map.Ilshenar; moon.Hue = 991; moon.Name = "Back to your reality."; moon.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(362, 666, -28), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(moon); // Area MindflayerAddon mindflayeraddon = new MindflayerAddon(); mindflayeraddon.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(323, 658, -28), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(mindflayeraddon); new MindflayerRegion(); // Spawners spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(329, 666, -28), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueMindflayer"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(338, 666, -28), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueMindflayer"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(347, 666, -28), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueMindflayer"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(355, 666, -28), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueMindflayer"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Night #endregion #region Poison Claw // Quest #endregion #region Shadow Flare // Quest #endregion #region Shield #endregion #region Stare item = new Static(1180); item.Hue = 1; item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1960, 642, -26), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); item = new Static(1180); item.Hue = 1; item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1961, 642, -26), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1960, 642, -26), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1962, 495, 39); BlueStuff.Add(tele); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1961, 642, -26), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1962, 495, 39); BlueStuff.Add(tele); BeholderCaveAddon beholdercave = new BeholderCaveAddon(); beholdercave.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1948, 481, -20), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(beholdercave); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1962, 496, 57), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1961, 642, -26); BlueStuff.Add(tele); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1977, 488, 27), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Gazer"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1979, 505, 7), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("ElderGazer"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); item = new Static(1180); item.Hue = 1; item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1952, 515, -20), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1952, 515, -20), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1959, 542, 40); BlueStuff.Add(tele); item = new Static(3024); // Sign item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1951, 515, -26), Map.Ilshenar); item.Name = "Warning! Point of no return (without recall)."; BlueStuff.Add(item); item = new Static(19); // Pole item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1951, 515, -20), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); AnkhNorth ankh = new AnkhNorth(true); ankh.Hue = 1109; ankh.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1955, 540, -20), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(ankh); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1975, 546, -20), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueBeholder"); spawner.MinDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); spawner.MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Switch spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(607, 1315, -55), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueMongbat"); spawner.Count = 5; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(607, 1315, -54), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.Count = 15; spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Mongbat"); BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Thrust Kick spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1412, 804, -24), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueSkitteringHopper"); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1412, 804, -24), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("SkitteringHopper"); spawner.Count = 5; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion #region Trine #endregion #region Vanish #endregion #region White Wind // A to B item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1463, 270, 42), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1463, 270, 42), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1191, 498, 103); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // B to A item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1191, 498, 103), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1191, 498, 103), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1463, 270, 42); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // Walk over fix item = new Static(16168); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1194, 507, 104), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); item = new Static(16168); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1194, 508, 104), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); item = new Static(16168); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1195, 507, 104), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); item = new Static(16168); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1195, 508, 104), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1199, 511, 95), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueSnowElemental"); spawner.Count = 4; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); // C to D item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1212, 507, 63), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1212, 507, 63), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1455, 310, 100); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // D to C item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1455, 310, 100), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1455, 310, 100), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1212, 507, 63); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1457, 290, 80), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueSnowElemental"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1455, 307, 109), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueSnowElemental"); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); // E to F item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1461, 290, 71), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1461, 290, 71), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1226, 428, 71); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // F to E item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1226, 428, 71), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1226, 428, 71), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1461, 290, 71); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1240, 439, 89), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueSnowElemental"); spawner.Count = 6; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); // G to H item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1257, 455, 65), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1257, 455, 65), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(430, 612, -32); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // H to G item = new Static(14186); item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(430, 612, -32), Map.Ilshenar); BlueStuff.Add(item); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(430, 612, -32), Map.Ilshenar); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D(1257, 455, 65); BlueStuff.Add(tele); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(450, 619, -29), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BlueEtherealWarrior"); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.HomeRange = 10; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(450, 619, -28), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("BluePixie"); spawner.Count = 6; spawner.HomeRange = 10; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(450, 619, -27), Map.Ilshenar); spawner.SpawnNames.Add("Wisp"); spawner.Count = 4; spawner.HomeRange = 10; BlueStuff.Add(spawner); #endregion return(erased); }
public InternalItem(bool bloodied, AnkhNorth item) : base(bloodied ? 0x1D97 : 0x2) { Movable = false; m_Item = item; }
public bool GenerateSpawners() { Spawner spawner; Static item; Teleporter tele; bool erased = RemoveSpawners(); #region Angels Snack // Loot/Quest, found on Qunia #endregion #region Autolife spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1959, 513, -20 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueTrappedPixie" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Bad Breath #endregion #region Blow Up spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1650, 351, -3 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueBomb" ); spawner.Count = 5; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Demi spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 327, 532, -34 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueImp" ); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 327, 532, -33 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Imp" ); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Dragon Force spawner = new Spawner(); // [go 1178 1512, -68 spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1178, 1512, -68 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BLDragon" ); spawner.HomeRange = 6; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Drain Touch // Self Spawning #endregion #region Fifty Needles spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1530, 671, -14 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueCactuar" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Flame Thrower spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1931, 36, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGolem" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Frog Drop QuinaTele quinatele = new QuinaTele(); quinatele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 919, 993, 12 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( quinatele ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1757, 888, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueQuina" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); // Frogs item = new Static( 8553 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1778, 872, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); item = new Static( 8552 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1777, 872, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1778, 873, -25 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1647, 721, -13 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); FrogSwampAddon frogdropaddon = new FrogSwampAddon(); frogdropaddon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1645, 699, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( frogdropaddon ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1647, 721, -13 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1778, 873, -25 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1657, 711, -23 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueFrog" ); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.Count = 10; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Goblin Punch GoblinCaveAddon goblincaveaddon = new GoblinCaveAddon(); goblincaveaddon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1906, 674, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( goblincaveaddon ); // Teleporters item = new Static( 8553 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1706, 589, 13 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); item = new Static( 8553 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1707, 589, 13 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1706, 590, 11 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1973, 832, -4 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1707, 590, 12 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1974, 832, -4 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1973, 832, -4 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1706, 590, 11 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1974, 832, -4 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1707, 590, 12 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // Spawners spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1976, 808, -11 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Main Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.HomeRange = 10; spawner.Count = 10; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2007, 796, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Side of the Main Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1968, 777, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // First 'T' spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1923, 792, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Top of Circle spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1938, 807, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Bottom of Circle spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Beetle" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Beetle" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Beetle" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Beetle" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Beetle" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "FireBeetle" ); spawner.Count = 2; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1995, 758, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Another Cross Way spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1979, 742, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Just after the one above. spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1963, 727, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // 'T' headed to the 2nd level spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1945, 762, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Dirt Dead End (beetle here) spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinCaster" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblinMelee" ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoblin" ); spawner.HomeRange = 12; spawner.Count = 5; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Guard Off spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 318, 1228, -38 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueRuneBeetle" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Level 4 Holy // See White Wind #endregion #region Limit Glove spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 907, 1283, -46 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueCatoblepas" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Magic Hammer #endregion #region Matra Magic spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1080, 1060, 0 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueTurkey" ); spawner.HomeRange = 15; spawner.Count = 10; spawner.MinDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30 ); spawner.MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30 ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Mighty Guard BeetleCaveAddon beetlecaveaddon = new BeetleCaveAddon(); beetlecaveaddon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1952, 567, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( beetlecaveaddon ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1963, 684, -21 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 2025, 701, -9 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2025, 701, -9 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1963, 684, -21 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2026, 701, -9 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1963, 684, -21 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2025, 701, -9 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1963, 684, -21 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // Spawners spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2024, 675, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // First Junction spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueDullCopperElemental" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1993, 675, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Near Center of Plus: Guards spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueShadowIronElemental" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1993, 648, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // End of Plus spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueMixedOreElemental" ); spawner.HomeRange = 1; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2042, 660, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Minor dead End T spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueCopperElemental" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2058, 640, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Right Before Big Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueBronzeElemental" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2076, 576, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // NE/E Meet Up spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueIronBeetle" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2019, 613, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // W Dead End spawner.HomeRange = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueGoldElemental" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2021, 586, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // First Corner Headed to Lv 3 spawner.Count = 3; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueAgapiteElemental" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1977, 605, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Second Corner Headed to Lv 3 spawner.HomeRange = 10; spawner.Count = 8; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueEarthElemental" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2049, 607, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); // Center of Large Room spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueEarthElemental" ); spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.Count = 10; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Mindblast // Teleporters Moongate moon = new Moongate(); moon.Dispellable = false; moon.Target = new Point3D( 362, 666, -28 ); moon.TargetMap = Map.Ilshenar; moon.Hue = 991; moon.Name = "To a far off place..."; moon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1183, 1130, -5 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( moon ); item = new Static( 14186 ); item.Hue = 991; item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1183, 1130, -5 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); ArcaneCircleAddon arcanecircleaddon = new ArcaneCircleAddon(); arcanecircleaddon.Hue = 991; arcanecircleaddon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1183, 1130, -5 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( arcanecircleaddon ); moon = new Moongate(); moon.Dispellable = false; moon.Target = new Point3D( 1183, 1130, -5 ); moon.TargetMap = Map.Ilshenar; moon.Hue = 991; moon.Name = "Back to your reality."; moon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 362, 666, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( moon ); // Area MindflayerAddon mindflayeraddon = new MindflayerAddon(); mindflayeraddon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 323, 658, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( mindflayeraddon ); new MindflayerRegion(); // Spawners spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 329, 666, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueMindflayer" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 338, 666, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueMindflayer" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 347, 666, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.Count = 2; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueMindflayer" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 355, 666, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueMindflayer" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Night #endregion #region Poison Claw // Quest #endregion #region Shadow Flare // Quest #endregion #region Shield #endregion #region Stare item = new Static( 1180 ); item.Hue = 1; item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1960, 642, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); item = new Static( 1180 ); item.Hue = 1; item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1961, 642, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1960, 642, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1962, 495, 39 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1961, 642, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1962, 495, 39 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); BeholderCaveAddon beholdercave = new BeholderCaveAddon(); beholdercave.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1948, 481, -20 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( beholdercave ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1962, 496, 57 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1961, 642, -26 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1977, 488, 27 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Gazer" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1979, 505, 7 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "ElderGazer" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); item = new Static( 1180 ); item.Hue = 1; item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1952, 515, -20 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1952, 515, -20 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1959, 542, 40 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); item = new Static( 3024 ); // Sign item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1951, 515, -26 ), Map.Ilshenar ); item.Name = "Warning! Point of no return (without recall)."; BlueStuff.Add( item ); item = new Static( 19 ); // Pole item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1951, 515, -20 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); AnkhNorth ankh = new AnkhNorth( true ); ankh.Hue = 1109; ankh.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1955, 540, -20 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( ankh ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1975, 546, -20 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueBeholder" ); spawner.MinDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 1 ); spawner.MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 3 ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Switch spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 607, 1315, -55 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueMongbat" ); spawner.Count = 5; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 607, 1315, -54 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.Count = 15; spawner.HomeRange = 8; spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Mongbat" ); BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Thrust Kick spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1412, 804, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueSkitteringHopper" ); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1412, 804, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "SkitteringHopper" ); spawner.Count = 5; spawner.HomeRange = 8; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion #region Trine #endregion #region Vanish #endregion #region White Wind // A to B item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1463, 270, 42 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1463, 270, 42 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1191, 498, 103 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // B to A item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1191, 498, 103 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1191, 498, 103 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1463, 270, 42 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // Walk over fix item = new Static( 16168 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1194, 507, 104 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); item = new Static( 16168 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1194, 508, 104 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); item = new Static( 16168 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1195, 507, 104 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); item = new Static( 16168 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1195, 508, 104 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1199, 511, 95 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueSnowElemental" ); spawner.Count = 4; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); // C to D item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1212, 507, 63 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1212, 507, 63 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1455, 310, 100 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // D to C item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1455, 310, 100 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1455, 310, 100 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1212, 507, 63 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1457, 290, 80 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueSnowElemental" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1455, 307, 109 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueSnowElemental" ); spawner.Count = 3; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); // E to F item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1461, 290, 71 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1461, 290, 71 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1226, 428, 71 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // F to E item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1226, 428, 71 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1226, 428, 71 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1461, 290, 71 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1240, 439, 89 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueSnowElemental" ); spawner.Count = 6; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); // G to H item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1257, 455, 65 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1257, 455, 65 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 430, 612, -32 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // H to G item = new Static( 14186 ); item.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 430, 612, -32 ), Map.Ilshenar ); BlueStuff.Add( item ); tele = new Teleporter(); tele.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 430, 612, -32 ), Map.Ilshenar ); tele.MapDest = Map.Ilshenar; tele.PointDest = new Point3D( 1257, 455, 65 ); BlueStuff.Add( tele ); // Monsters spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 450, 619, -29 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueEtherealWarrior" ); spawner.Count = 3; spawner.HomeRange = 10; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 450, 619, -28 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BluePixie" ); spawner.Count = 6; spawner.HomeRange = 10; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); spawner = new Spawner(); spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 450, 619, -27 ), Map.Ilshenar ); spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "Wisp" ); spawner.Count = 4; spawner.HomeRange = 10; BlueStuff.Add( spawner ); #endregion return erased; }