public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { int id = info.ButtonID; if ( m_PetSummonBall.Deleted || id <= 0 ) return; id --; ArrayList pets = GetPetList( m_Mobile ); if ( id < pets.Count && id >= 0 ) { if ( m_Mobile.BankBox.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), 75000 ) ) { m_PetSummonBall.UseCharge(); SufferSkillLoss( (Mobile)pets[id], 10 ); ((Mobile)pets[id]).MoveToWorld( m_Mobile.Location, m_Mobile.Map ); m_Mobile.SendMessage( "You pay the fee and your pet is returned to you. Your pet has suffered some skills from the travel." ); } else { m_Mobile.SendMessage( "You need 75,000 gold in your bank to return your pet." ); } } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { if ( info.ButtonID == 1 ) { if ( !RewardSystem.HasAccess( m_From, m_Entry ) ) return; Item item = m_Entry.Construct(); if ( item != null ) { if ( RewardSystem.ConsumeRewardPoint( m_From ) ) m_From.AddToBackpack( item ); else item.Delete(); } } int cur, max; RewardSystem.ComputeRewardInfo( m_From, out cur, out max ); if ( cur < max ) m_From.SendGump( new RewardNoticeGump( m_From ) ); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; switch(info.ButtonID) { case 0: { break; } case 1: { from.SendGump(new TournamentInfoGump(from, t)); break; } case 2: { t.Date = t.Date.AddHours(1); from.SendGump(new TournamentTimeGump(from, t)); break; } case 3: { t.Date = t.Date.AddHours(-1); from.SendGump(new TournamentTimeGump(from, t)); break; } case 4: { t.Date = t.Date.AddMinutes(1); from.SendGump(new TournamentTimeGump(from, t)); break; } case 5: { t.Date = t.Date.AddMinutes(-1); from.SendGump(new TournamentTimeGump(from, t)); break; } case 6: { t.Date = t.Date.AddHours(12); from.SendGump(new TournamentTimeGump(from, t)); break; } case 7: { t.Date = t.Date.AddMinutes(15); from.SendGump(new TournamentTimeGump(from, t)); break; } case 8: { t.Date = t.Date.AddMinutes(-15); from.SendGump(new TournamentTimeGump(from, t)); break; } } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if ( info.ButtonID == 1 ) { if ( m_crop != null && !m_crop.Deleted ) { if ( m_crop is WheatCrop ) ((WheatCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is CottonCrop ) ((CottonCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is CarrotCrop ) ((CarrotCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is FlaxCrop ) ((FlaxCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is LettuceCrop ) ((LettuceCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is OnionCrop ) ((OnionCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is GarlicCrop ) ((GarlicCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is CabbageCrop ) ((CabbageCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); else if ( m_crop is CornCrop ) ((CornCrop)m_crop).UpRoot( m_Owner ); } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { string bookName = ""; try { for (int x = 0; x < 51; x++) { bookName = GetString(info, x + 100); if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookName)) && bookName.Length > 0) Book.Books[x].Name = bookName; else Book.Books[x].Name = string.Format("Book #{0}", ((int)(x + 1)).ToString()); } } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Caught Exception in MasterRunebookGump, during the 'for' loop."); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Mobile from = state.Mobile; try { if (info.ButtonID > 0) from.SendGump(new InternalRunebookGump(from, Book.Books[info.ButtonID - 16], Book, info.ButtonID - 16)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Caught Exception in MasterRunebookGump, when sending new InternalRunebookGump."); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 3) m_From.SendGump(new VirtuesVicesGump(m_From, m_Page + 1, X, Y)); else if (info.ButtonID == 2) m_From.SendGump(new VirtuesVicesGump(m_From, m_Page - 1, X, Y)); }
public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) { m_Mobile.SendGump( new PageResponseGump( m_Mobile, m_Name, m_Text ) ); //m_Mobile.SendMessage( 0x482, "{0} tells you:", m_Name ); //m_Mobile.SendMessage( 0x482, m_Text ); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo relayInfo) { int index = relayInfo.ButtonID - 1; if (index >= 0 && index < this.m_Names.Length) { try { MethodInfo info = this.m_Property.PropertyType.GetMethod("Parse", new Type[] { typeof(string) }); CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty(this.m_Mobile, this.m_Object, this.m_Property.Name, this.m_Names[index]); if (info != null) this.m_Property.SetValue(this.m_Object, info.Invoke(null, new object[] { this.m_Names[index] }), null); else if (this.m_Property.PropertyType == typeof(Enum) || this.m_Property.PropertyType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Enum))) this.m_Property.SetValue(this.m_Object, Enum.Parse(this.m_Property.PropertyType, this.m_Names[index], false), null); } catch { this.m_Mobile.SendMessage("An exception was caught. The property may not have changed."); } } this.m_Mobile.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(this.m_Mobile, this.m_Object, this.m_Stack, this.m_List, this.m_Page)); }
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { Item item = m_Addon as Item; if ( item == null || item.Deleted ) return; if ( info.ButtonID == (int) Buttons.Confirm ) { Mobile m = sender.Mobile; BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt( m ); if ( house != null && house.IsOwner( m ) ) { if ( m.InRange( item.Location, 2 ) ) { Item deed = m_Addon.Deed; if ( deed != null ) { m.AddToBackpack( deed ); house.Addons.Remove( item ); item.Delete(); } } else m.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045 ); // I can't reach that. } else m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049784 ); // You can only re-deed this decoration if you are the house owner or originally placed the decoration. } }
public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile pm = ( Mobile )sender.Mobile; if( pm == null ) return; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 2: { TextRelay text = info.GetTextEntry( 1 ); if (text == null || text.Text == "") { pm.CloseGump(typeof(AccountSearch)); pm.SendGump(new AccountSearch()); return; } ArrayList authors = new ArrayList(); if (ForumCore.AuthorExists( out authors, text.Text)) { pm.CloseGump( typeof(AccountListingGump)); pm.SendGump( new AccountListingGump( authors, 0 ) ); } else { pm.SendMessage("Either that player does not exist, or no posts have been made by that player."); } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (duel == null) return; if (info.ButtonID == (int)Buttons.Button1) { if (duel.Player1.BankBox == null || duel.Player1.BankBox.GetAmount(typeof(Gold), true) < duel.Wager) { duel.Player1.SendMessage("Challenge canceled, you don't have enough gold in your bank box"); } else if (duel.MaxDex < duel.Player1.Dex) { duel.Player1.SendMessage("Challenge canceled, you have too high dex for this challenge."); } else { duel.Player1.SendGump(new WaitGump(duel)); duel.Player2.SendGump(new ChallengedGump(duel)); } } else if (info.ButtonID == (int)Buttons.Button2) { duel.Player1.SendMessage("The challenge has been canceled."); } }
public override void OnResponse( GameClient sender, RelayInfo info ) { PlayerMobile pm = sender.Mobile as PlayerMobile; if ( pm == null ) return; if ( !pm.InRange( m_Owner.Location, 5 ) ) return; switch ( info.ButtonID ) { case 2: // Yes, and do not ask me again { pm.DisabledPvpWarning = true; pm.SendLocalizedMessage( 1113796 ); // You may use your avatar's context menu to re-enable the warning later. goto case 1; } case 1: // Yes, I wish to proceed { BaseCreature.TeleportPets( pm, m_Owner.PointDest, m_Owner.MapDest ); pm.MoveToWorld( m_Owner.PointDest, m_Owner.MapDest ); break; } case 0: // No, I do not wish to proceed { break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (m_Deed.Deleted || !m_Deed.IsChildOf(sender.Mobile.Backpack)) return; switch (info.ButtonID) { case (int)Buttons.Exit: return; case (int)Buttons.Add: m_Deed.BeginCombine(sender.Mobile); return; case (int)Buttons.PlaceInHouse: if (m_Deed.NumOfPartsAdded > 0) { m_Deed.PlaceInHouse(sender.Mobile); return; } else sender.Mobile.SendMessage("You cannot add the pentagram to a house without any parts in the deed."); break; } sender.Mobile.SendGump(new BloodPentagramPartGump(sender.Mobile, m_Deed)); }
public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if ( ! AuctionSystem.Running ) { sender.Mobile.SendMessage( AuctionConfig.MessageHue, AuctionSystem.ST[ 15 ] ); return; } switch( info.ButtonID ) { case 0: if ( m_Callback != null ) { try { m_Callback.DynamicInvoke( new object[] { sender.Mobile } ); } catch {} } break; case 1: // View your auctions sender.Mobile.SendGump( new AuctionListing( sender.Mobile, AuctionSystem.GetAuctions( sender.Mobile ), false, false ) ); break; case 2: // View your bids sender.Mobile.SendGump( new AuctionListing( sender.Mobile, AuctionSystem.GetBids( sender.Mobile ), false, false ) ); break; case 3: // View your pendencies sender.Mobile.SendGump( new AuctionListing( sender.Mobile, AuctionSystem.GetPendencies( sender.Mobile ), false, false ) ); break; } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile m = sender.Mobile; if (info.ButtonID == 1) { if (m.InRange(m_Healer, 16)) { if (info.IsSwitched(0) && Banker.Withdraw(m, m_Price)) { Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0), new TimerStateCallback(PaidRes), m); m.Frozen = true; } else { m.Resurrect(); m.PlaySound(0x214); m.FixedEffect(0x376A, 10, 16); } } else m.SendMessage("You have wandered to far off to gain any benefits from the healers practices."); } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { if ( info.ButtonID == 0 ) { m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( 501235, "", 0x35 ); // Help request aborted. } else { TextRelay entry = info.GetTextEntry( 0 ); string text = ( entry == null ? "" : entry.Text.Trim() ); if ( text.Length == 0 ) { m_From.SendMessage( 0x35, "You must enter a description." ); m_From.SendGump( new PagePromptGump( m_From, m_Type ) ); } else { m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( 501234, "", 0x35 ); /* The next available Counselor/Game Master will respond as soon as possible. * Please check your Journal for messages every few minutes. */ PageQueue.Enqueue( new PageEntry( m_From, text, m_Type ) ); } } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; if ( info.ButtonID == 0 ) // close return; if ( m_Item1.RootParent != from || m_Item2.RootParent != from ) { from.SendMessage( "The items you wish to combine must be in your backpack." ); return; } if ( m_Item1 is IDynamicStackable ) { if ( m_Item1.Amount + m_Item2.Amount > 60000 ) from.SendMessage( "You cannot make a single stack of more than 60000 items." ); else (m_Item1 as IDynamicStackable).AcceptedStack( from, m_Item2 ); return; } else { from.SendMessage( "Error, one of the items is not a dynamic stackable item" ); return; } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { if ( info.ButtonID == 1 ) { try { if ( m_From.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster ) { TextRelay text = info.GetTextEntry( 0 ); if ( text != null ) { m_Skill.Base = Convert.ToDouble( text.Text ); CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty( m_From, m_Target, String.Format( "{0}.Base", m_Skill ), m_Skill.Base.ToString() ); } } else { m_From.SendMessage( "You may not change that." ); } m_From.SendGump( new SkillsGump( m_From, m_Target, m_Selected ) ); } catch { m_From.SendMessage( "Bad format. ###.# expected." ); m_From.SendGump( new EditSkillGump( m_From, m_Target, m_Skill, m_Selected ) ); } } else { m_From.SendGump( new SkillsGump( m_From, m_Target, m_Selected ) ); } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { int index = info.ButtonID - 1; if ( index >= 0 && index < m_SellList.Length ) { HairstylistBuyInfo buyInfo = m_SellList[index]; try { object[] origArgs = buyInfo.GumpArgs; object[] args = new object[origArgs.Length]; for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( origArgs[i] == Price ) args[i] = 0; else if ( origArgs[i] == From ) args[i] = m_Merc; else if ( origArgs[i] == Merc ) args[i] = m_From; else args[i] = origArgs[i]; } m_From.SendGump( Activator.CreateInstance( buyInfo.GumpType, args ) as Gump ); } catch {} } }
public List<string> CreateArray( RelayInfo info, Mobile from ) { List<string> creaturesName = new List<string>(); for ( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ ) { TextRelay te = info.GetTextEntry( i ); if ( te != null ) { string str = te.Text; if ( str.Length > 0 ) { str = str.Trim(); string t = Spawner.ParseType( str ); Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName( t ); if ( type != null ) creaturesName.Add( str ); else from.SendMessage( "{0} is not a valid type name.", t ); } } } return creaturesName; }
public ArrayList CreateArray( RelayInfo info, Mobile from ) { ArrayList subSpawnerD = new ArrayList(); for ( int i = 0; i < 15; i++ ) { TextRelay te = info.GetTextEntry( i ); if ( te != null ) { string str = te.Text; if ( str.Length > 0 ) { str = str.Trim(); Type type = SpawnerType.GetType( str ); if ( type != null ) subSpawnerD.Add( str ); else from.SendMessage( "{0} is not a valid type name.", str ); } } } return subSpawnerD; }
public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if ( from == null ) return; if ( info.ButtonID == 1 ) { from.SendGump( new CityCitizenGump( m_Stone, from ) ); } if ( info.ButtonID == 2 ) { PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)from; pm.City = null; pm.CityTitle = null; pm.ShowCityTitle = false; m_Stone.Citizens.Remove( from ); from.SendMessage( "You have left the city." ); foreach ( Mobile m in m_Stone.Citizens ) { m.SendMessage( "CITY MESSAGE: {0} has left the city.", from.Name ); } } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if( info.IsSwitched( (int)Buttons.rdoYesJoin ) ) { if( ScavengerSignup.signupEnabled && from is PlayerMobile ) { ScavengerBasket newBasket = new ScavengerBasket( (PlayerMobile)from ); if( !from.Backpack.CheckHold( from, newBasket, false ) ) { from.SendMessage( "Your backpack is too full to even consider entering this event!" ); newBasket.Delete(); return; } from.AddToBackpack( newBasket ); ScavengerSignup.ScavengerBaskets.Add( newBasket ); from.SendMessage( "You are now entered in the scavenger hunt. Use the supplied basket to gather the scavenger items!" ); } else { from.SendMessage( "You have waited too long and signup for the scavenger hunt has ended" ); } } else { from.SendMessage( "You have not been entered into the scavenger hunt event" ); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; switch(info.ButtonID) { default: case 0: break; case 1: from.SendGump(new StallLeasingGump(from, m_Plot)); from.SendGump(new BazaarInformationGump(-1, 1150391)); break; case 2: // SEE TOP BIDS from.SendGump(new TopBidsGump(from, m_Plot)); break; case 3: // MY STALL LEASE if (m_Plot.IsOwner(from)) from.SendGump(new MyStallLeaseGump(from, m_Plot)); else from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150685); // You are currently viewing a stall that you are not leasing. In order to set up or modify your stall, please use that stall's sign. break; case 4: // MY STALL BID from.SendGump(new StallBidGump(from, m_Plot)); break; case 5: // MY BID MATCHING if(m_Plot.IsOwner(from)) from.SendGump(new MatchBidGump(from, m_Plot)); else from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150685); // You are currently viewing a stall that you are not leasing. In order to set up or modify your stall, please use that stall's sign. break; } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { PlayerMobile pm = sender.Mobile as PlayerMobile; if( !IsMember( pm, guild ) ) return; switch( info.ButtonID ) { case 1: { pm.SendGump( new GuildInfoGump( pm, guild ) ); break; } case 2: { pm.SendGump( new GuildRosterGump( pm, guild ) ); break; } case 3: { pm.SendGump( new GuildDiplomacyGump( pm, guild ) ); break; } } }
public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if ( from == null ) return; if ( info.ButtonID == 0 ) // Close { from.SendGump( new CityManagementGump( m_Stone, from ) ); } if ( info.ButtonID == 1 ) // Previous page { if ( m_ListPage > 0 ) from.SendGump( new ChangeCitizenTitleGump( m_Stone, m_ListPage - 1, m_List, m_CountList ) ); } if ( info.ButtonID == 2 ) // Next page { if ( (m_ListPage + 1) * 7 < m_List.Count ) from.SendGump( new ChangeCitizenTitleGump( m_Stone, m_ListPage + 1, m_List, m_CountList ) ); } if ( info.ButtonID >= 100 && info.ButtonID <= 999 ) // Decline { Mobile mob = m_List[ info.ButtonID - 100 ] as Mobile; from.SendMessage( "Please enter the members new title, You are limited to 25 charactors or less." ); from.Prompt = new CitizenTitleChangePrompt( m_Stone, mob, from ); } }
public override void OnResponse( Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { int val, type, index; DecodeButtonId(info.ButtonID, out val, out type, out index); if( val < 0 ) return; switch( type ) { case 1: { switch( index ) { case 0: //purchase { Market.BuyItem(sender.Mobile, _entry); break; } case 1: //go back { sender.Mobile.CloseGump(typeof(MarketDetailsGump)); break; } } break; } } }
public void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, Server.Gumps.RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; TMSS4Skin skin = sk; SkillReportsHelper.EnableSelectionReport = info.IsSwitched(2000); SkillReportsHelper.EnableProfileReport = info.IsSwitched(1000); //PluginSaver.SavePluginSettings(this); Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (skin != null) { args.Add("Skin", skin); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Reports: Skin is null."); } if (from != null) { args.Add("Mobile", from); } else { SkillSettings.DoTell("Reports: From is null."); } from.SendGump(new TMQueryPage("Main Menu", args)); }
public override void OnResponse( GameClient state, RelayInfo info ) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; switch ( info.ButtonID ) { case 0: { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501235, "", 0x35 ); // Help request aborted. break; } case 1: { from.SendGump( new TargetInvolvedPlayersGump( text, m_Type, "", "", "" ) ); break; } case 2: { from.SendGump( new TypeNamesOfInvolvedPlayersGump( text, m_Type, "", "", "" ) ); break; } case 3: { from.SendGump( new SelectNamesOfInvolvedPlayersFromListGump( text, m_Type ) ); break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID != m_CorrectChoice) { if (m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroTimeCheck < (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(24))) { m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroFailed = 1; m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroTimeCheck = DateTime.Now; } else m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroFailed++; m_GumpOwner.Kill(); if (m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroFailed >= 3) { m_GumpOwner.SendAsciiMessage("You failed the gump too many times and have been moved to a secure location."); m_GumpOwner.Location = new Point3D(2567, 448, 0); m_GumpOwner.Map = Map.Felucca; m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroFailed = 0; } } else m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroFailed = 0; //m_GumpOwner.Frozen = false; m_GumpOwner.CloseGump(typeof(OldAntiMacroGump)); m_GumpOwner.AntiMacroGump = false; if (m_MacroTimer != null) { m_MacroTimer.Stop(); m_MacroTimer = null; } }
public override void OnResponse( Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { if ( info.ButtonID == 2 ) { if ( !m_Pet.Deleted && m_Pet.Controlled && m_From == m_Pet.ControlMaster && m_From.CheckAlive() && m_Pet.CheckControlChance( m_From ) ) { if ( m_Pet.Map == m_From.Map ) { if ( m_RangeCheck == true && !m_Pet.InRange( m_From, 14 ) ) { m_From.SendMessage( "You are too far away from your pet." ); return; } m_Pet.ControlTarget = null; m_Pet.ControlOrder = OrderType.Release; //Pix: added kick to Obey because when we added the ability to release a 'lost' // pet, if there were no players around, the pet would not release until a player // got in range of the pet. This wasn't an issue before because there was // a range check involved so there was always a player around when releasing the pet. m_Pet.AIObject.Obey(); BaseHire m_Hire = m_Pet as BaseHire; //added by Old Salty from here . . . if ( m_Hire != null && m_Hire.IsHired ) { m_Hire.IsHired = false; } //. . . to here } } } }
public virtual void OnResponse(RelayInfo info) { }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile m_from = sender.Mobile; List <PaintingConsumer> testList = new List <PaintingConsumer>(); switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0://Male Portrait if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the person you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new PortraitTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Portrait_Male)); } break; case 1://Female Portrait if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the person you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new PortraitTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Portrait_Female)); } break; case 2://Small Still Life 1 if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the object you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new ObjectTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Still_Small1)); } break; case 3://Small Still Life 2 if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the object you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new ObjectTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Still_Small2)); } break; case 4://Large Still Life 1 if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the object you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new ObjectTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Still_Large1)); } break; case 5://Large Still Life 2 if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the object you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new ObjectTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Still_Large2)); } break; case 6://Abstract Painting 1 if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the object you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new AbstractTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Abstract_One)); } break; case 7://Abstract Painting 2 if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the object you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new AbstractTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Abstract_Two)); } break; case 8://Abstract Painting 3 if (HadNeededItems(m_from, PaintingType.Portrait_Male)) { m_from.SendMessage("Target the object you wish to paint."); m_from.Target = new AbstractTarget(PaintConsumers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PaintType == PaintingType.Abstract_Three)); } break; } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile; ImbuingContext context = Imbuing.GetContext(from); m_Item = context.LastImbued; int buttonNum = 0; int buttonRNum = 0; if ((info.ButtonID > 0 && info.ButtonID < 10000) || info.ButtonID == 10099) { buttonNum = 0; } else if (info.ButtonID > 20004) { buttonNum = 30000; } else if ((info.ButtonID > 10100) && (info.ButtonID < 10300)) { buttonNum = 10101; buttonRNum = info.ButtonID - 10100; } else { buttonNum = info.ButtonID; } switch (buttonNum) { case 0: { // = Close/Cancel break; } case 10001: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 1; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10002: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 2; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10003: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 3; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10004: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 4; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10005: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 5; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10006: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 6; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10007: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 7; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10008: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 8; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10009: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 9; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10010: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 10; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10011: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 11; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10012: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 12; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10013: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 13; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10014: { context.ImbMenu_Cat = 14; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued)); break; } case 10099: // = Cancel { break; } case 10101: // = Proceed to Attribute Intensity Menu [ImbuingC.cs] { context.Imbue_Mod = buttonRNum; from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpC(from, context.LastImbued, buttonRNum, -1)); break; } } return; }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; int cheveux = from.HairItemID; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: { if (cheveux == 0x203d) { from.SendMessage("Vos cheveux sont déja attachés"); break; } else { from.SendMessage("Vous attachez vos cheveux "); from.PlaySound(0x57); from.HairItemID = 0x203D; break; } } case 2: { if (cheveux == 0x203c) { from.SendMessage("Vos cheveux sont déja détachés"); break; } else { from.SendMessage("Vous détachez vos cheveux "); from.PlaySound(0x57); from.HairItemID = 0x203c; break; } } case 3: { if (cheveux == 0x2049) { from.SendMessage("Vos cheveux sont déja tressés"); break; } else { from.SendMessage("Vous tressez vos cheveux "); from.PlaySound(0x57); from.HairItemID = 0x2049; break; } } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; int newstart = 1; int buttonID = info.ButtonID; int itemID = m_itemID; if (info == null || state == null || from == null) { return; } switch (info.ButtonID) { case 10050: { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); from.SendGump(new ViewHueGump(from, 0)); break; } case 10004: { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); TextRelay entry = info.GetTextEntry(10); try { itemID = Convert.ToInt32(entry.Text); } catch { } if (itemID < 1) { itemID = 4011; } else if (itemID > -0) { m_itemID = itemID; } from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, newstart, m_itemID)); break; } case 10003: { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); break; } case 10002: { if ((m_newstart + 30) > Total_HUES) { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, 2971, m_itemID)); } else { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, m_newstart + 30, m_itemID)); } break; } case 10001: { if ((m_newstart - 30) < 1) { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, 1, m_itemID)); } else { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, m_newstart - 30, m_itemID)); } break; } case 10000: { from.CloseGump(typeof(ViewHuesGump)); TextRelay entry = info.GetTextEntry(20); try { newstart = Convert.ToInt32(entry.Text); } catch { } if (newstart < 1) { newstart = 1; } else if (newstart > 2971) { newstart = 2971; } from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, newstart, m_itemID)); break; } default: { if (buttonID <= 0) { from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, m_newstart, m_itemID)); } else { if (info.IsSwitched(5000)) { CommandSystem.Handle(from, String.Format("{0}{1} {2}", CommandSystem.Prefix, mSetHue, buttonID)); from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, m_newstart, m_itemID)); info.IsSwitched(5000); } else { CommandSystem.Handle(from, String.Format("{0}{1} {2}", CommandSystem.Prefix, SetHue, buttonID)); from.SendGump(new ViewHuesGump(from, m_newstart, m_itemID)); } } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: // Closed { return; } case 1: // Previous { if (m_Page > 0) { from.SendGump(new WhoGump(from, m_Mobiles, m_Page - 1)); } break; } case 2: // Next { if ((m_Page + 1) * EntryCount < m_Mobiles.Count) { from.SendGump(new WhoGump(from, m_Mobiles, m_Page + 1)); } break; } default: { int index = (m_Page * EntryCount) + (info.ButtonID - 3); if (index >= 0 && index < m_Mobiles.Count) { Mobile m = m_Mobiles[index]; if (m.Deleted) { from.SendMessage("That player has deleted their character."); from.SendGump(new WhoGump(from, m_Mobiles, m_Page)); } else if (m.NetState == null) { from.SendMessage("That player is no longer online."); from.SendGump(new WhoGump(from, m_Mobiles, m_Page)); } else if (m == from || !m.Hidden || from.AccessLevel >= m.AccessLevel || (m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).VisibilityList.Contains(from))) { from.SendGump(new ClientGump(from, m.NetState)); } else { from.SendMessage("You cannot see them."); from.SendGump(new WhoGump(from, m_Mobiles, m_Page)); } } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if (!BaseCommand.IsAccessible(from, m_Object)) { from.SendMessage("You may no longer access their properties."); return; } switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: // Closed { if (m_Stack != null && m_Stack.Count > 0) { object obj = m_Stack.Pop(); from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, obj, m_Stack, null)); } break; } case 1: // Previous { if (m_Page > 0) { from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page - 1)); } break; } case 2: // Next { if ((m_Page + 1) * EntryCount < m_List.Count) { from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page + 1)); } break; } default: { int index = (m_Page * EntryCount) + (info.ButtonID - 3); if (index >= 0 && index < m_List.Count) { PropertyInfo prop = m_List[index] as PropertyInfo; if (prop == null) { return; } CPA attr = GetCPA(prop); if (!prop.CanWrite || attr == null || from.AccessLevel < attr.WriteLevel) { return; } Type type = prop.PropertyType; if (IsType(type, typeofMobile) || IsType(type, typeofItem)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetObjectGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, type, m_Page, m_List)); } else if (IsType(type, typeofType)) { from.Target = new XmlSetObjectTarget(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, type, m_Page, m_List); } else if (IsType(type, typeofPoint3D)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetPoint3DGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List)); } else if (IsType(type, typeofPoint2D)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetPoint2DGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List)); } else if (IsType(type, typeofTimeSpan)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetTimeSpanGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List)); } else if (IsCustomEnum(type)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetCustomEnumGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, GetCustomEnumNames(type))); } else if (IsType(type, typeofEnum)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, Enum.GetNames(type), GetObjects(Enum.GetValues(type)))); } else if (IsType(type, typeofBool)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_BoolNames, m_BoolValues)); } else if (IsType(type, typeofString) || IsType(type, typeofReal) || IsType(type, typeofNumeric)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List)); } else if (IsType(type, typeofPoison)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_PoisonNames, m_PoisonValues)); } else if (IsType(type, typeofMap)) { from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, Map.GetMapNames(), Map.GetMapValues())); } else if (IsType(type, typeofSkills) && m_Object is Mobile) { from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page)); from.SendGump(new SkillsGump(from, (Mobile)m_Object)); } else if (HasAttribute(type, typeofPropertyObject, true)) { from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, prop.GetValue(m_Object, null), m_Stack, m_Object)); } } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: { v_Counts = from.Kills; if (v_BankedGoldAmount >= 10000 && v_Counts >= 1 && v_LCounts < from.Kills) { from.SendMessage("You have increased your bribe by 10,000gp!"); v_Bribe = v_Bribe + 10000; v_LCounts = v_LCounts + 1; v_TotalCost = v_Bribe; v_TotalLost = v_LCounts; if (v_LCounts > 1) { v_s = "s"; } else if (v_LCounts == 0) { v_s = "s"; } else { v_s = ""; } from.SendMessage("If you accept the bribe, you will lose " + v_LCounts + " count" + v_s + " (long term) and " + v_Bribe + " gp!"); from.SendGump(new GuardBribe(from, from.Kills, v_TotalCost, v_TotalLost)); } else if (v_Counts == 0) { from.SendMessage("Why would you bribe the guards? You have 0 counts!"); } else if (v_BankedGoldAmount < 10000) { from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold in your bank to increase your bribe!"); from.SendGump(new GuardBribe(from, from.Kills, v_TotalCost, v_TotalLost)); } else if (v_LCounts >= from.Kills) { v_LCounts = from.Kills; from.SendMessage("You cannot bribe off more counts than you have!"); from.SendGump(new GuardBribe(from, from.Kills, 0, 0)); } else { from.SendMessage("ERROR Insufficient gold?"); } } break; case 0: { if (v_Bribe >= 10000) { from.SendMessage("You have decreased your bribe by 10,000gp!"); v_Bribe = v_Bribe - 10000; v_LCounts = v_LCounts - 1; v_TotalCost = v_Bribe; v_TotalLost = v_LCounts; if (v_LCounts > 1) { v_s = "s"; } else if (v_LCounts == 0) { v_s = "s"; } else { v_s = ""; } from.SendMessage("If you accept the bribe, you will lose " + v_LCounts + " count" + v_s + " and " + v_Bribe + " gp!"); from.SendGump(new GuardBribe(from, from.Kills, v_TotalCost, v_TotalLost)); } else { from.SendMessage("You cannot decrease your bribe any further!"); from.SendGump(new GuardBribe(from, from.Kills, v_TotalCost, v_TotalLost)); v_Bribe = 0; v_LCounts = 0; } } break; case 2: { if (v_LCounts > 0) { if (v_LCounts > 1) { v_s = "s"; } else if (v_LCounts == 0) { v_s = "s"; } else { v_s = ""; } // Banker.Withdraw ( from, v_Bribe ); //Why doesn't this work? BankBox box = from.BankBox; if (box == null || !box.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), v_Bribe)) { from.SendMessage("ERROR Insufficient gold?"); } else { from.Kills = v_Counts - v_LCounts; from.SendMessage("You have bribed the guards and lost " + v_LCounts + " kill" + v_s + " (long term) and " + v_Bribe + " gp!"); } } else { from.SendMessage("You have not offered a bribe!"); } } break; case 3: { from.SendMessage("You decide not to offer a bribe!"); } break; } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = this.m_Owner; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: // Closed { return; } case 1: // Up { if (this.m_Category.Parent != null) { int index = Array.IndexOf(this.m_Category.Parent.Nodes, this.m_Category) / EntryCount; if (index < 0) { index = 0; } from.SendGump(new CategorizedAddGump(from, this.m_Category.Parent, index)); } break; } case 2: // Previous { if (this.m_Page > 0) { from.SendGump(new CategorizedAddGump(from, this.m_Category, this.m_Page - 1)); } break; } case 3: // Next { if ((this.m_Page + 1) * EntryCount < this.m_Category.Nodes.Length) { from.SendGump(new CategorizedAddGump(from, this.m_Category, this.m_Page + 1)); } break; } default: { int index = (this.m_Page * EntryCount) + (info.ButtonID - 4); if (index >= 0 && index < this.m_Category.Nodes.Length) { this.m_Category.Nodes[index].OnClick(from, this.m_Page); } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { var from = state.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: { if (m_Node.Parent != null) { from.SendGump(new GoGump(0, from, m_Tree, m_Node.Parent)); } break; } case 2: { if (m_Page > 0) { from.SendGump(new GoGump(m_Page - 1, from, m_Tree, m_Node)); } break; } case 3: { if ((m_Page + 1) * EntryCount < m_Node.Categories.Length + m_Node.Locations.Length) { from.SendGump(new GoGump(m_Page + 1, from, m_Tree, m_Node)); } break; } default: { var index = info.ButtonID - 4; if (index < 0) { break; } if (index < m_Node.Categories.Length) { from.SendGump(new GoGump(0, from, m_Tree, m_Node.Categories[index])); } else { index -= m_Node.Categories.Length; if (index < m_Node.Locations.Length) { from.MoveToWorld(m_Node.Locations[index].Location, m_Tree.Map); } } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { object toSet; bool shouldSet, shouldSend = true; object viewProps = null; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: // closed { m_Mobile.SendGump(new PropertiesGump(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page)); toSet = null; shouldSet = false; shouldSend = false; break; } case 1: // Change by Target { m_Mobile.Target = new SetObjectTarget(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Type, m_Page, m_List); toSet = null; shouldSet = false; shouldSend = false; break; } case 2: // Change by Serial { toSet = null; shouldSet = false; shouldSend = false; m_Mobile.SendMessage("Enter the serial you wish to find:"); m_Mobile.Prompt = new InternalPrompt(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Type, m_Page, m_List); break; } case 3: // Nullify { toSet = null; shouldSet = true; break; } case 4: // View Properties { toSet = null; shouldSet = false; object obj = m_Property.GetValue(m_Object, null); if (obj == null) { m_Mobile.SendMessage("The property is null and so you cannot view its properties."); } else if (!BaseCommand.IsAccessible(m_Mobile, obj)) { m_Mobile.SendMessage("You may not view their properties."); } else { viewProps = obj; } break; } default: { toSet = null; shouldSet = false; break; } } if (shouldSet) { try { CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Property.Name, toSet == null?"(null)":toSet.ToString()); m_Property.SetValue(m_Object, toSet, null); PropertiesGump.OnValueChanged(m_Object, m_Property, m_Stack); } catch { m_Mobile.SendMessage("An exception was caught. The property may not have changed."); } } if (shouldSend) { m_Mobile.SendGump(new SetObjectGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Type, m_Page, m_List)); } if (viewProps != null) { m_Mobile.SendGump(new PropertiesGump(m_Mobile, viewProps)); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { var toSet = Color.Empty; var shouldSet = false; var name = ""; if (info.ButtonID == 1) { name = info.GetTextEntry(0).Text; } var rgb = ""; if (info.ButtonID == 2) { rgb = info.GetTextEntry(1).Text; } var hex = ""; if (info.ButtonID == 3) { hex = info.GetTextEntry(2).Text; } switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: // Name { var toapply = name != string.Empty ? name : m_OldColor.IsNamedColor ? m_OldColor.Name : m_OldColor.IsEmpty ? "Empty" : ""; toSet = Color.FromName(toapply); shouldSet = true; } break; case 2: // RGB { var toapply = rgb != string.Empty ? rgb : string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", m_OldColor.R, m_OldColor.G, m_OldColor.B); var args = toapply.Split(','); if (args.Length >= 3) { byte r, g, b; if (byte.TryParse(args[0], out r) && byte.TryParse(args[1], out g) && byte.TryParse(args[2], out b)) { toSet = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b); shouldSet = true; } } } break; case 3: // Hex { var toapply = hex != string.Empty ? hex : string.Format("#{0:X6}", m_OldColor.ToArgb() & 0x00FFFFFF); int val; if (int.TryParse(toapply.TrimStart('#'), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out val)) { toSet = Color.FromArgb(val); shouldSet = true; } } break; case 4: // Empty { toSet = Color.Empty; shouldSet = true; } break; } if (shouldSet) { try { CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Property.Name, toSet.ToString()); m_Property.SetValue(m_Object, toSet, null); PropertiesGump.OnValueChanged(m_Object, m_Property, m_Stack); } catch { m_Mobile.SendMessage("An exception was caught. The property may not have changed."); } } m_Mobile.SendGump(new PropertiesGump(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page)); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { int button = info.ButtonID; TextRelay[] textentries = info.TextEntries; switch (button) { // Delete case 2002: for (int i = 0; i < m_Vendor.ItemsForSale.Count; i++) { if (((TradeVendor.ItemInfo)m_Vendor.ItemsForSale[i]).ItemSerial == m_Item.Serial) { m_Vendor.ItemsForSale.RemoveAt(i); break; } } m_Player.Backpack.AddItem(m_Item); m_Player.SendMessage("The item has been removed from inventory."); break; // Cancel case -1: break; // Okay case 2001: if (!m_BuyMode) { #region Owner Setting Price TradeVendor.ItemInfo iteminfo = new TradeVendor.ItemInfo(); iteminfo.ItemSerial = m_Item.Serial; #region Gold & Silver iteminfo.GoldCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1030); iteminfo.SilverCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1031); #endregion #region Ingots & Ores iteminfo.IronIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1000); iteminfo.DullCopperIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1001); iteminfo.ShadowIronIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1002); iteminfo.CopperIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1003); iteminfo.BronzeIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1004); iteminfo.GoldIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1005); iteminfo.AgapiteIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1006); iteminfo.VeriteIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1007); iteminfo.ValoriteIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1008); iteminfo.MithrilIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1009); iteminfo.BloodrockIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1010); iteminfo.SteelIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1011); iteminfo.AdamantiteIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1012); iteminfo.IthilmarIngotCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1013); iteminfo.IronOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1038); iteminfo.DullCopperOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1039); iteminfo.ShadowIronOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1040); iteminfo.CopperOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1041); iteminfo.BronzeOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1042); iteminfo.GoldOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1043); iteminfo.AgapiteOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1044); iteminfo.VeriteOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1045); iteminfo.ValoriteOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1032); iteminfo.MithrilOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1033); iteminfo.BloodrockOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1034); iteminfo.SteelOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1035); iteminfo.AdamantiteOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1036); iteminfo.IthilmarOreCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1037); #endregion #region Hides & Scales iteminfo.NormalHidesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1046); iteminfo.SpinedHidesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1047); iteminfo.HornedHidesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1048); iteminfo.BarbedHidesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1049); iteminfo.RedScalesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1050); iteminfo.YellowScalesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1051); iteminfo.BlackScalesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1052); iteminfo.GreenScalesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1053); iteminfo.WhiteScalesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1054); iteminfo.BlueScalesCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1055); #endregion #region Logs & Boards iteminfo.OakLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1014); iteminfo.PineLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1015); iteminfo.RedwoodLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1016); iteminfo.WhitePineLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1017); iteminfo.AshwoodLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1018); iteminfo.SilverBirchLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1019); iteminfo.YewLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1020); iteminfo.BlackOakLogCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1021); iteminfo.OakBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1022); iteminfo.PineBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1023); iteminfo.RedwoodBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1024); iteminfo.WhitePineBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1025); iteminfo.AshwoodBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1026); iteminfo.SilverBirchBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1027); iteminfo.YewBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1028); iteminfo.BlackOakBoardCost = GetTextEntry(textentries, 1029); #endregion #region Jewels // Not Yet #endregion TradeVendor.ItemInfo m_Info = TradeVendor.ItemInfo.GetItemInfo(m_Item, m_Vendor.ItemsForSale); if (m_Info != null) { m_Vendor.ItemsForSale.Remove(m_Info); } m_Vendor.ItemsForSale.Add(iteminfo); m_Vendor.Backpack.AddItem(m_Item); #endregion } else { #region Player Buying Item TradeVendor.ItemInfo m_Info = TradeVendor.ItemInfo.GetItemInfo(m_Item, m_Vendor.ItemsForSale); ArrayList m_ConsumeType = new ArrayList(); ArrayList m_ConsumeAmt = new ArrayList(); if (m_Info != null) { if (m_Info.AdamantiteIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(AdamantiteIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.AdamantiteIngotCost); } if (m_Info.AdamantiteOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(AdamantiteOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.AdamantiteOreCost); } if (m_Info.AgapiteIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(AgapiteIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.AgapiteIngotCost); } if (m_Info.AgapiteOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(AgapiteOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.AgapiteOreCost); } if (m_Info.AshwoodBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(AshwoodBoard)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.AshwoodBoardCost); } if (m_Info.AshwoodLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(AshwoodLog)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.AshwoodLogCost); } if (m_Info.BarbedHidesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BarbedHides)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BarbedHidesCost); } if (m_Info.BlackOakBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BlackOakBoard)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BlackOakBoardCost); } if (m_Info.BlackOakLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BlackOakLog)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BlackOakLogCost); } if (m_Info.BlackScalesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BlackScales)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BlackScalesCost); } if (m_Info.BloodrockIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BloodrockIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BloodrockIngotCost); } if (m_Info.BloodrockOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BloodrockOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BloodrockOreCost); } if (m_Info.BlueScalesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BlueScales)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BlueScalesCost); } if (m_Info.BronzeIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BronzeIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BronzeIngotCost); } if (m_Info.BronzeOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(BronzeOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.BronzeOreCost); } if (m_Info.CopperIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(CopperIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.CopperIngotCost); } if (m_Info.CopperOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(CopperOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.CopperOreCost); } if (m_Info.DullCopperIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(DullCopperIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.DullCopperIngotCost); } if (m_Info.DullCopperOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(DullCopperOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.DullCopperOreCost); } if (m_Info.GoldCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(Gold)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.GoldCost); } if (m_Info.GoldIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(GoldIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.GoldIngotCost); } if (m_Info.GoldOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(GoldOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.GoldOreCost); } if (m_Info.GreenScalesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(GreenScales)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.GreenScalesCost); } if (m_Info.HornedHidesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(HornedHides)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.HornedHidesCost); } if (m_Info.IronIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(IronIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.IronIngotCost); } if (m_Info.IronOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(IronOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.IronOreCost); } if (m_Info.IthilmarIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(IthilmarIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.IthilmarIngotCost); } if (m_Info.IthilmarOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(IthilmarOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.IthilmarOreCost); } if (m_Info.MithrilIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(MithrilIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.MithrilIngotCost); } if (m_Info.MithrilOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(MithrilOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.MithrilOreCost); } if (m_Info.NormalHidesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(Hides)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.NormalHidesCost); } if (m_Info.OakBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(Board)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.OakBoardCost); } if (m_Info.OakLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(Log)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.OakLogCost); } if (m_Info.PineBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(PineBoard)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.PineBoardCost); } if (m_Info.PineLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(PineLog)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.PineLogCost); } if (m_Info.RedScalesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(RedScales)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.RedScalesCost); } if (m_Info.RedwoodBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(RedwoodBoard)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.RedwoodBoardCost); } if (m_Info.RedwoodLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(RedwoodLog)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.RedwoodLogCost); } if (m_Info.ShadowIronIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(ShadowIronIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.ShadowIronIngotCost); } if (m_Info.ShadowIronOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(ShadowIronOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.ShadowIronOreCost); } if (m_Info.SilverBirchBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(SilverBirchBoard)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.SilverBirchBoardCost); } if (m_Info.SilverBirchLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(SilverBirchLog)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.SilverBirchLogCost); } if (m_Info.SilverCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(Silver)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.SilverCost); } if (m_Info.SpinedHidesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(SpinedHides)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.SpinedHidesCost); } if (m_Info.SteelIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(SteelIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.SteelIngotCost); } if (m_Info.SteelOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(SteelOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.SteelOreCost); } if (m_Info.ValoriteIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(ValoriteIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.ValoriteIngotCost); } if (m_Info.ValoriteOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(ValoriteOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.ValoriteOreCost); } if (m_Info.VeriteIngotCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(VeriteIngot)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.VeriteIngotCost); } if (m_Info.VeriteOreCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(VeriteOre)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.VeriteOreCost); } if (m_Info.WhitePineBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(WhitePineBoard)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.WhitePineBoardCost); } if (m_Info.WhitePineLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(WhitePineLog)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.WhitePineLogCost); } if (m_Info.WhiteScalesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(WhiteScales)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.WhiteScalesCost); } if (m_Info.YellowScalesCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(YellowScales)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.YellowScalesCost); } if (m_Info.YewBoardCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(YewBoard)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.YewBoardCost); } if (m_Info.YewLogCost > 0) { m_ConsumeType.Add(typeof(YewLog)); m_ConsumeAmt.Add(m_Info.YewLogCost); } Type[] types = ( Type[] )m_ConsumeType.ToArray(typeof(Type)); int[] amts = ( int[] )m_ConsumeAmt.ToArray(typeof(int)); if (m_Player.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(types, amts, true) == -1) { m_Player.Backpack.AddItem(m_Item); m_Vendor.ItemsForSale.Remove(m_Info); for (int i = 0; i < m_ConsumeType.Count; i++) { Item item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(( Type )m_ConsumeType[i]); item.Amount = ( int )m_ConsumeAmt[i]; m_Vendor.BankBox.AddItem(item); } m_Vendor.Say("Here you go!"); } else { m_Player.SendMessage("You don't have the required resources for this."); } } #endregion } break; // Help case 2000: m_Player.SendMessage("I wonder what this is supposed to do?"); break; } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; string temp; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 50: //ban an account; from.SendGump(new JailBanGump(js)); break; case 10: temp = info.GetTextEntry(11).Text.Trim().ToLower(); if (!(temp == "") && !(temp == null)) { JailSystem.ooclistCommand = temp; } temp = info.GetTextEntry(12).Text.Trim(); if (!(temp == "") && !(temp == null)) { JailSystem.oocJailorName = temp; } temp = info.GetTextEntry(13).Text.Trim().ToLower(); if (!(temp == "") && !(temp == null)) { try { JailSystem.oocwarns = Convert.ToInt32(temp); } catch { from.SendMessage("Bad number of OOC Warnings."); } } goto case 2; case 11: JailSystem.blockOOCSpeech = !JailSystem.blockOOCSpeech; goto case 10; case 12: JailSystem.AllowStaffOOC = !JailSystem.AllowStaffOOC; goto case 10; case 15: //language section temp = info.GetTextEntry(12).Text.Trim(); if (!(temp == "") && !(temp == null)) { JailSystem.foulJailorName = temp; } JailSystem.FoulMouthJailTimes.Sort(); goto case 3; case 13: JailSystem.useLanguageFilter = !JailSystem.useLanguageFilter; goto case 3; case 14: JailSystem.allowStaffBadWords = !JailSystem.allowStaffBadWords; goto case 15; case 9: JailSystem.useOOCFilter = !JailSystem.useOOCFilter; goto case 2; //generenal section case 1: from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(AdminJailGumpPage.General)); break; case 2: from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(AdminJailGumpPage.OOC)); break; case 3: from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(AdminJailGumpPage.Language)); break; case 4: from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(AdminJailGumpPage.Review)); break; case 5: from.CloseGump(typeof(JailAdminGump)); break; case 6: temp = info.GetTextEntry(1).Text.Trim().ToLower(); if (!(temp == "") && !(temp == null)) { JailSystem.statusCommand = temp; } temp = info.GetTextEntry(2).Text.Trim().ToLower(); if (!(temp == "") && !(temp == null)) { JailSystem.timeCommand = temp; } temp = info.GetTextEntry(3).Text.Trim(); if (!(temp == "") && !(temp == null)) { JailSystem.JSName = temp; } goto case 1; case 7: JailSystem.useSmokingFootGear = !JailSystem.useSmokingFootGear; goto case 6; case 8: JailSystem.SingleFacetOnly = !JailSystem.SingleFacetOnly; goto case 6; case 20: if (JailSystem.jailMap == Map.Felucca) { JailSystem.jailMap = Map.Trammel; } else if (JailSystem.jailMap == Map.Trammel) { JailSystem.jailMap = Map.Ilshenar; } else if (JailSystem.jailMap == Map.Ilshenar) { JailSystem.jailMap = Map.Malas; } else if (JailSystem.jailMap == Map.Malas) { JailSystem.jailMap = Map.Felucca; } goto case 6; case 21: if (JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet == Map.Felucca) { JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet = Map.Trammel; } else if (JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet == Map.Trammel) { JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet = Map.Ilshenar; } else if (JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet == Map.Ilshenar) { JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet = Map.Malas; } else if (JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet == Map.Malas) { JailSystem.defaultReleaseFacet = Map.Felucca; } //change facet goto case 6; case 22: //add cell try { Point3D p = new Point3D(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(5).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(6).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(7).Text.Trim())); if (JailSystem.cells.Contains(p)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to add jail cell. It is already listed."); } else { JailSystem.cells.Add(p); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to add jail cell. Bad x,y,z."); } goto case 6; case 23: //remove cell try { Point3D p = new Point3D(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(5).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(6).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(7).Text.Trim())); if (JailSystem.cells.Contains(p)) { JailSystem.cells.Remove(p); } else { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove jail cell. Cell not listed."); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove jail cell. Bad x,y,z."); } goto case 6; case 24: //add release try { Point3D p = new Point3D(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(8).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(9).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(10).Text.Trim())); if (JailSystem.defaultRelease.Contains(p)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to add default release location. It is already listed."); } else { JailSystem.defaultRelease.Add(p); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to add release location. Bad x,y,z."); } goto case 6; case 25: //remove release try { Point3D p = new Point3D(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(8).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(9).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(10).Text.Trim())); if (JailSystem.defaultRelease.Contains(p)) { JailSystem.defaultRelease.Remove(p); } else { from.SendMessage("Release location not listed."); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove release location. Bad x,y,z."); } goto case 6; case 26: //add foul word try { temp = info.GetTextEntry(13).Text.ToLower().Trim(); if ((temp == "") || (temp == null)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to add word"); } else if (JailSystem.badWords.Contains(temp)) { from.SendMessage("Word is already in the list."); } else { JailSystem.badWords.Add(temp); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to add word"); } goto case 15; case 27: //remove foul word try { temp = info.GetTextEntry(13).Text.ToLower().Trim(); if ((temp == "") || (temp == null)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove word"); } else if (JailSystem.badWords.Contains(temp)) { JailSystem.badWords.Remove(temp); } else { from.SendMessage("Word is not in the list."); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove word"); } goto case 15; case 28: //add jail term try { TimeSpan p = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(8).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(9).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(10).Text.Trim()), 0, 0); if (JailSystem.FoulMouthJailTimes.Contains(p)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to add jail term. It is already listed."); } else { JailSystem.FoulMouthJailTimes.Add(p); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to add jail term. Bad D,H,M."); } goto case 15; case 29: //remove jail term try { TimeSpan p = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(8).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(9).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(10).Text.Trim()), 0, 0); if (JailSystem.FoulMouthJailTimes.Contains(p)) { JailSystem.FoulMouthJailTimes.Remove(p); } else { from.SendMessage("Jail term not listed."); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove Jail term. Bad D,H,M."); } goto case 15; case 30: //add jail term try { TimeSpan p = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(8).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(9).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(10).Text.Trim()), 0, 0); if (JailSystem.oocJailTimes.Contains(p)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to add jail term. It is already listed."); } else { JailSystem.oocJailTimes.Add(p); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to add jail term. Bad D,H,M."); } goto case 10; case 31: //remove jail term try { TimeSpan p = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(8).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(9).Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(info.GetTextEntry(10).Text.Trim()), 0, 0); if (JailSystem.oocJailTimes.Contains(p)) { JailSystem.oocJailTimes.Remove(p); } else { from.SendMessage("Jail term not listed."); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove Jail term. Bad D,H,M."); } goto case 10; case 32: //add ooc word try { temp = info.GetTextEntry(14).Text.ToLower().Trim(); if ((temp == "") || (temp == null)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to add word"); } else if (JailSystem.oocWords.Contains(temp)) { from.SendMessage("Word is already in the list."); } else { JailSystem.oocWords.Add(temp); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to add word"); } goto case 10; case 33: //remove ooc word try { temp = info.GetTextEntry(14).Text.ToLower().Trim(); if ((temp == "") || (temp == null)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove word"); } else if (JailSystem.oocWords.Contains(temp)) { JailSystem.oocWords.Remove(temp); } else { from.SendMessage("Word is not in the list."); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove word"); } goto case 10; case 34: //add ooc part try { temp = info.GetTextEntry(15).Text.ToLower().Trim(); if ((temp == "") || (temp == null)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to add word"); } else if (JailSystem.oocParts.Contains(temp)) { from.SendMessage("Word is already in the list."); } else { JailSystem.oocParts.Add(temp); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to add word"); } goto case 10; case 35: //remove ooc part try { temp = info.GetTextEntry(15).Text.ToLower().Trim(); if ((temp == "") || (temp == null)) { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove word"); } else if (JailSystem.oocParts.Contains(temp)) { JailSystem.oocParts.Remove(temp); } else { from.SendMessage("Word is not in the list."); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Unable to remove word"); } goto case 10; case 41: js.forceRelease(from); from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 42: js.AddDays(1); from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 46: js.subtractDays(1); from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 47: js.subtractDays(7); from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 48: js.AddHours(1); from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 49: js.subtractHours(1); from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 43: js.AddDays(7); from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 44: //previous button m_id--; if (m_id < 0) { m_id = JailSystem.list.Count - 1; } from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; case 45: //next button m_id++; if (m_id >= JailSystem.list.Count) { m_id = 0; } from.SendGump(new JailAdminGump(m_page, m_subpage, m_id)); break; default: break; } //from.CloseGump(typeof ( JailAdminGump )); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 1 && !m_House.Deleted) { if (m_House.IsOwner(m_Mobile)) { if (m_House.MovingCrate != null || m_House.InternalizedVendors.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1080455); // You can not resize your house at this time. Please remove all items fom the moving crate and try again. return; } else if (!Guilds.Guild.NewGuildSystem && m_House.FindGuildstone() != null) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(501389); // You cannot redeed a house with a guildstone inside. return; } /*else if ( m_House.PlayerVendors.Count > 0 ) * { * m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 503236 ); // You need to collect your vendor's belongings before moving. * return; * }*/ else if (m_House.HasRentedVendors && m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062679); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors or unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } else if (m_House.HasRentedVendors) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062680); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors in your house. return; } else if (m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062681); // You cannot do that that while you still have unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } if (m_Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { m_Mobile.SendMessage("You do not get a refund for your house as you are not a player"); m_House.RemoveKeys(m_Mobile); m_House.Delete(); } else { Item toGive = null; if (m_House.IsAosRules) { if (m_House.Price > 0) { toGive = new BankCheck(m_House.Price); } else { toGive = m_House.GetDeed(); } } else { toGive = m_House.GetDeed(); if (toGive == null && m_House.Price > 0) { toGive = new BankCheck(m_House.Price); } } if (toGive != null) { BankBox box = m_Mobile.BankBox; if (box.TryDropItem(m_Mobile, toGive, false)) { if (toGive is BankCheck) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1060397, ((BankCheck)toGive).Worth.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been deposited into your bank box. } m_House.RemoveKeys(m_Mobile); new TempNoHousingRegion(m_House, m_Mobile); m_House.Delete(); } else { toGive.Delete(); m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(500390); // Your bank box is full. } } else { m_Mobile.SendMessage("Unable to refund house."); } } } else { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(501320); // Only the house owner may do this. } } else if (info.ButtonID == 0) { m_Mobile.CloseGump(typeof(ConfirmHouseResize)); m_Mobile.SendGump(new HouseGumpAOS(HouseGumpPageAOS.Customize, m_Mobile, m_House)); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: { //Quit break; } case 101: { DoThis(from, "createworld"); break; } case 102: { DoThis(from, "clearall"); break; } case 103: { from.Say("SPAWNING UO Classic..."); DoThis(from, "spawngen uoclassic/"); break; } case 104: { DoThis(from, "SpawnUOML"); break; } case 105: { DoThis(from, "SpawnCurrent"); break; } //DoThis( from106, "" ); //DoThis( from107, "" ); //DoThis( from108, "" ); case 109: { DoThis(from, "spawngen unload 1000"); break; } case 110: { DoThis(from, "UnloadUOML"); break; } case 111: { DoThis(from, "UnloadCurrent"); break; } //DoThis( from112, "" ); //DoThis( from113, "" ); //DoThis( from114, "" ); case 115: { DoThis(from, "GenSeers"); break; } case 116: { DoThis(from, "RemSeers"); break; } case 117: { DoThis(from, "spawngen save"); break; } case 118: { DoThis(from, "spawngen savebyhand"); break; } case 119: { DoThis(from, "GumpSaveRegion"); break; } case 120: { DoThis(from, "GumpSaveCoordinate"); break; } case 121: { DoThis(from, "spawngen remove"); break; } case 122: { DoThis(from, "spawngen cleanfacet"); break; } case 123: { DoThis(from, "GumpRemoveID"); break; } case 124: { DoThis(from, "GumpRemoveCoordinate"); break; } case 125: { DoThis(from, "GumpRemoveRegion"); break; } case 126: { DoThis(from, "SpawnEditor"); break; } case 127: { DoThis(from, "RunUOSpawnerExporter"); break; } case 128: { DoThis(from, "Add RegionControl"); break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (state == null || info == null || state.Mobile == null || this.m_gauntlet == null || this.m_gauntlet.Challenger == null) { return; } XmlPoints afrom = (XmlPoints)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(state.Mobile, typeof(XmlPoints)); switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: // refresh this.m_gauntlet.CheckForDisqualification(); state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, this.viewpage)); break; case 10: // Entry fee int val = 0; TextRelay tr = info.GetTextEntry(10); if (tr != null) { try { val = int.Parse(tr.Text); } catch { } } this.m_gauntlet.EntryFee = val; this.m_gauntlet.ResetAcceptance(); // update all the gumps RefreshAllGumps(this.m_gauntlet, true); state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, this.viewpage)); break; case 12: // page up // try doing the default for non-participants int nplayers = 0; if (this.m_gauntlet.Participants != null) { nplayers = this.m_gauntlet.Participants.Count; } int page = this.viewpage + 1; if (page > (int)(nplayers / this.PlayersPerPage)) { page = (int)(nplayers / this.PlayersPerPage); } foreach (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry entry in this.m_WorkingList) { if (entry != null) { if (entry.Participant == state.Mobile) { entry.PageBeingViewed++; if (entry.PageBeingViewed > (int)(nplayers / this.PlayersPerPage)) { entry.PageBeingViewed = (int)(nplayers / this.PlayersPerPage); } page = entry.PageBeingViewed; break; } } } state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, page)); break; case 13: // page down // try doing the default for non-participants page = this.viewpage - 1; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } foreach (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry entry in this.m_WorkingList) { if (entry != null) { if (entry.Participant == state.Mobile) { entry.PageBeingViewed--; if (entry.PageBeingViewed < 0) { entry.PageBeingViewed = 0; } page = entry.PageBeingViewed; break; } } } state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, page)); break; case 20: // arena size val = 0; tr = info.GetTextEntry(20); if (tr != null) { try { val = int.Parse(tr.Text); } catch { } } this.m_gauntlet.ArenaSize = val; this.m_gauntlet.ResetAcceptance(); // update all the gumps RefreshAllGumps(this.m_gauntlet, true); state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, this.viewpage)); break; case 30: // target score val = 0; tr = info.GetTextEntry(30); if (tr != null) { try { val = int.Parse(tr.Text); } catch { } } this.m_gauntlet.TargetScore = val; this.m_gauntlet.ResetAcceptance(); // update all the gumps RefreshAllGumps(this.m_gauntlet, true); state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, this.viewpage)); break; case 40: // match length double dval = 0; tr = info.GetTextEntry(40); if (tr != null) { try { dval = double.Parse(tr.Text); } catch { } } this.m_gauntlet.MatchLength = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(dval); this.m_gauntlet.ResetAcceptance(); // update all the gumps RefreshAllGumps(this.m_gauntlet, true); state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, this.viewpage)); break; case 100: // add to Participants if (this.m_gauntlet.Participants == null) { this.m_gauntlet.Participants = new ArrayList(); } if (this.MaxTeamSize > 0 && this.m_gauntlet.Participants.Count >= this.MaxTeamSize) { XmlPoints.SendText(state.Mobile, 100535); // "Challenge is full!" } else { state.Mobile.Target = new MemberTarget(this.m_gauntlet, this.m_gauntlet.Participants); } state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, this.viewpage)); break; case 300: // Start game if (this.m_WorkingList == null) { return; } bool complete = true; foreach (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry entry in this.m_WorkingList) { if (entry != null) { Mobile m = entry.Participant; if (m == null) { continue; } if (!this.m_gauntlet.CheckQualify(m)) { complete = false; break; } if (!entry.Accepted) { XmlPoints.SendText(this.m_gauntlet.Challenger, 100539, m.Name); // "{0} has not accepted yet." complete = false; break; } } } if (this.m_WorkingList.Count < 2) { XmlPoints.SendText(this.m_gauntlet.Challenger, 100540); // "Insufficient number of players." complete = false; } if (this.m_gauntlet.TargetScore <= 0 && this.m_gauntlet.MatchLength <= TimeSpan.Zero) { XmlPoints.SendText(this.m_gauntlet.Challenger, 100568); // "No valid end condition for match." complete = false; } // copy all of the accepted entries to the final participants list if (complete) { this.m_gauntlet.Participants = new ArrayList(); foreach (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry entry in this.m_WorkingList) { if (entry != null) { Mobile m = entry.Participant; if (m == null) { continue; } // try to collect any entry fee if (!this.m_gauntlet.CollectEntryFee(m, this.m_gauntlet.EntryFee)) { continue; } // set up the challenge on each player XmlPoints a = (XmlPoints)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(m, typeof(XmlPoints)); if (a != null) { a.ChallengeGame = this.m_gauntlet; } entry.Status = ChallengeStatus.Active; this.m_gauntlet.Participants.Add(entry); } } // and lock the game this.m_gauntlet.StartGame(); // refresh all gumps RefreshAllGumps(this.m_gauntlet, true); } else { state.Mobile.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, state.Mobile, this.viewpage)); } break; default: { // forfeit buttons if (info.ButtonID >= 4000) { int selection = info.ButtonID - 4000; if (selection < this.m_WorkingList.Count) { DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry entry = (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry) this.m_WorkingList[selection]; // find the master participants list entry with the same participant if (this.m_gauntlet.Participants != null) { DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry forfeitentry = null; foreach (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry masterentry in this.m_gauntlet.Participants) { if (entry == masterentry) { forfeitentry = masterentry; break; } } // and remove it if (forfeitentry != null) { forfeitentry.Status = ChallengeStatus.Forfeit; // inform him that he has been kicked this.m_gauntlet.Forfeit(forfeitentry.Participant); } } } } // kick buttons if (info.ButtonID >= 2000) { int selection = info.ButtonID - 2000; if (selection < this.m_WorkingList.Count) { DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry entry = (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry) this.m_WorkingList[selection]; // find the master participants list entry with the same participant if (this.m_gauntlet.Participants != null) { DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry kickentry = null; foreach (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry masterentry in this.m_gauntlet.Participants) { if (entry == masterentry) { kickentry = masterentry; break; } } // and remove it if (kickentry != null) { this.m_gauntlet.Participants.Remove(kickentry); // refresh his gump and inform him that he has been kicked if (kickentry.Participant != null) { XmlPoints.SendText(kickentry.Participant, 100545, this.m_gauntlet.ChallengeName); // "You have been kicked from {0}" kickentry.Participant.SendGump(new DeathmatchGump(this.m_gauntlet, kickentry.Participant, this.viewpage)); } } } this.m_gauntlet.ResetAcceptance(); } // refresh all gumps RefreshAllGumps(this.m_gauntlet, true); //state.Mobile.SendGump( new DeathmatchGump( m_gauntlet, state.Mobile)); } else if (info.ButtonID >= 1000) { int selection = info.ButtonID - 1000; // set the acceptance flag of the participant if (selection < this.m_WorkingList.Count) { DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry entry = (DeathmatchGauntlet.ChallengeEntry) this.m_WorkingList[selection]; entry.Accepted = !entry.Accepted; } // refresh all gumps RefreshAllGumps(this.m_gauntlet, true); //state.Mobile.SendGump( new DeathmatchGump( m_gauntlet, state.Mobile)); } break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; from.CloseGump <ResurrectGump>();; if (info.ButtonID == 1 || info.ButtonID == 2) { if (from.Map == null || !from.Map.CanFit(from.Location, 16, false, false)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502391); // Thou can not be resurrected there! return; } if (m_Price > 0) { if (info.IsSwitched(1)) { if (Banker.Withdraw(from, m_Price)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060398, m_Price.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been withdrawn from your bank box. from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060022, Banker.GetBalance(from).ToString()); // You have ~1_AMOUNT~ gold in cash remaining in your bank box. } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060020); // Unfortunately, you do not have enough cash in your bank to cover the cost of the healing. return; } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060019); // You decide against paying the healer, and thus remain dead. return; } } from.PlaySound(0x214); from.FixedEffect(0x376A, 10, 16); from.Resurrect(); if (from.Fame > 0) { int amount = from.Fame / 10; Misc.Titles.AwardFame(from, -amount, true); } if (from.ShortTermMurders >= 5) { double loss = (100.0 - (4.0 + @from.ShortTermMurders / 5.0)) / 100.0; // 5 to 15% loss if (loss < 0.85) { loss = 0.85; } else if (loss > 0.95) { loss = 0.95; } if (from.RawStr * loss > 10) { from.RawStr = (int)(from.RawStr * loss); } if (from.RawInt * loss > 10) { from.RawInt = (int)(from.RawInt * loss); } if (from.RawDex * loss > 10) { from.RawDex = (int)(from.RawDex * loss); } for (int s = 0; s < from.Skills.Length; s++) { if (from.Skills[s].Base * loss > 35) { from.Skills[s].Base *= loss; } } } if (from.Alive && m_HitsScalar > 0) { from.Hits = (int)(from.HitsMax * m_HitsScalar); } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if (this.m_Book.Deleted || !from.InRange(this.m_Book.GetWorldLocation(), (Core.ML ? 3 : 1)) || !Multis.DesignContext.Check(from)) { this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); return; } int buttonID = info.ButtonID; if (buttonID == 1) // Rename book { if (!this.m_Book.IsLockedDown || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502414); // Please enter a title for the runebook: from.Prompt = new InternalPrompt(this.m_Book); } else { this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); from.SendLocalizedMessage(502413, null, 0x35); // That cannot be done while the book is locked down. } } else { buttonID -= 2; int index = buttonID / 6; int type = buttonID % 6; if (index >= 0 && index < this.m_Book.Entries.Count) { RunebookEntry e = (RunebookEntry)this.m_Book.Entries[index]; switch (type) { case 0: // Use charges { if (this.m_Book.CurCharges <= 0) { from.CloseGump(typeof(RunebookGump)); from.SendGump(new RunebookGump(from, this.m_Book)); from.SendLocalizedMessage(502412); // There are no charges left on that item. } else { int xLong = 0, yLat = 0; int xMins = 0, yMins = 0; bool xEast = false, ySouth = false; if (Sextant.Format(e.Location, e.Map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth)) { string location = String.Format("{0}° {1}'{2}, {3}° {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W"); from.SendMessage(location); } this.m_Book.OnTravel(); new RecallSpell(from, this.m_Book, e, this.m_Book).Cast(); this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); } break; } case 1: // Drop rune { if (!this.m_Book.IsLockedDown || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { this.m_Book.DropRune(from, e, index); from.CloseGump(typeof(RunebookGump)); if (!Core.ML) { from.SendGump(new RunebookGump(from, this.m_Book)); } } else { this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); from.SendLocalizedMessage(502413, null, 0x35); // That cannot be done while the book is locked down. } break; } case 2: // Set default { if (this.m_Book.CheckAccess(from)) { this.m_Book.Default = e; from.CloseGump(typeof(RunebookGump)); from.SendGump(new RunebookGump(from, this.m_Book)); from.SendLocalizedMessage(502417); // New default location set. } break; } case 3: // Recall { if (HasSpell(from, 31)) { int xLong = 0, yLat = 0; int xMins = 0, yMins = 0; bool xEast = false, ySouth = false; if (Sextant.Format(e.Location, e.Map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth)) { string location = String.Format("{0}° {1}'{2}, {3}° {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W"); from.SendMessage(location); } this.m_Book.OnTravel(); new RecallSpell(from, null, e, null).Cast(); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500015); // You do not have that spell! } this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); break; } case 4: // Gate { if (HasSpell(from, 51)) { int xLong = 0, yLat = 0; int xMins = 0, yMins = 0; bool xEast = false, ySouth = false; if (Sextant.Format(e.Location, e.Map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth)) { string location = String.Format("{0}° {1}'{2}, {3}° {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W"); from.SendMessage(location); } this.m_Book.OnTravel(); new GateTravelSpell(from, null, e).Cast(); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500015); // You do not have that spell! } this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); break; } case 5: // Sacred Journey { if (Core.AOS) { if (HasSpell(from, 209)) { int xLong = 0, yLat = 0; int xMins = 0, yMins = 0; bool xEast = false, ySouth = false; if (Sextant.Format(e.Location, e.Map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth)) { string location = String.Format("{0}° {1}'{2}, {3}° {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W"); from.SendMessage(location); } this.m_Book.OnTravel(); new SacredJourneySpell(from, null, e, null).Cast(); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500015); // You do not have that spell! } } this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); break; } } } else { this.m_Book.Openers.Remove(from); } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; if (from != null && info.ButtonID == 1) { TextRelay relay; try { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { relay = info.GetTextEntry(100 + i); double number = Double.Parse(relay.Text); MagerySpell.SpeedTable[i] = number; } } catch { from.SendMessage("Couldn't parse speed entries."); } for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) { relay = info.GetTextEntry(row * 3 + column); if (relay != null) { string text = relay.Text.Trim(); try { int number = Int32.Parse(text); if (number < 0) { number = 0; } if (number > 99) { number = 99; } MagerySpell.DamageTable[row * 3 + column] = number; } catch { from.SendMessage("Invalid textentry at column {0} on circle {1}.", column + 1, row + 1); } } } } from.SendMessage("Saved spell damages. Saving to file..."); try { MagerySpell.SaveTables(); from.SendMessage("done."); } catch (Exception e) { from.SendMessage("Couldn't save damage table: {0}", e.Message); } from.SendGump(new SpellAdminSetupGump()); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; if (info.ButtonID == 1) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 1); } else if (info.ButtonID == 2) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 2); } else if (info.ButtonID == 3) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 3); } else if (info.ButtonID == 4) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 4); } else if (info.ButtonID == 5) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 5); } else if (info.ButtonID == 6) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 6); } else if (info.ButtonID == 7) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 7); } else if (info.ButtonID == 8) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 8); } else if (info.ButtonID == 9) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 9); } else if (info.ButtonID == 10) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 10); } else if (info.ButtonID == 11) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 11); } else if (info.ButtonID == 12) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 12); } else if (info.ButtonID == 13) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 13); } else if (info.ButtonID == 14) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 14); } else if (info.ButtonID == 15) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 15); } else if (info.ButtonID == 16) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 16); } else if (info.ButtonID == 17) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 17); } else if (info.ButtonID == 18) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 18); } else if (info.ButtonID == 19) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 19); } else if (info.ButtonID == 20) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 20); } else if (info.ButtonID == 21) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 21); } else if (info.ButtonID == 22) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 22); } else if (info.ButtonID == 23) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 23); } else if (info.ButtonID == 24) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 24); } else if (info.ButtonID == 25) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 25); } else if (info.ButtonID == 26) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 26); } else if (info.ButtonID == 27) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 27); } else if (info.ButtonID == 28) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 28); } else if (info.ButtonID == 29) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 29); } else if (info.ButtonID == 30) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 30); } else if (info.ButtonID == 31) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 31); } else if (info.ButtonID == 32) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 32); } else if (info.ButtonID == 33) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 33); } else if (info.ButtonID == 34) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 34); } else if (info.ButtonID == 35) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 35); } else if (info.ButtonID == 36) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 36); } else if (info.ButtonID == 37) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 37); } else if (info.ButtonID == 38) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 38); } else if (info.ButtonID == 39) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 39); } else if (info.ButtonID == 40) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 40); } else if (info.ButtonID == 41) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 41); } else if (info.ButtonID == 42) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 42); } else if (info.ButtonID == 43) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 43); } else if (info.ButtonID == 44) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 44); } else if (info.ButtonID == 45) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 45); } else if (info.ButtonID == 46) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 46); } else if (info.ButtonID == 47) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 47); } else if (info.ButtonID == 48) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 48); } else if (info.ButtonID == 49) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 49); } else if (info.ButtonID == 50) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 50); } else if (info.ButtonID == 51) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 51); } else if (info.ButtonID == 52) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 52); } else if (info.ButtonID == 53) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 53); } else if (info.ButtonID == 54) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 54); } else if (info.ButtonID == 55) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 55); } else if (info.ButtonID == 56) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 56); } else if (info.ButtonID == 57) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 57); } else if (info.ButtonID == 58) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 58); } else if (info.ButtonID == 59) { MusicPlaylistFunctions.UpdatePlaylist(from, 59); } else if (info.ButtonID > 100) { Server.Misc.MusicPlaylistFunctions.PlayMusicFile(from, (info.ButtonID - 100)); } if (info.ButtonID < 1) { from.SendGump(new Server.Engines.Help.HelpGump(from, 12)); } else { from.SendGump(new MusicPlaylist(from)); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { int index = info.ButtonID - 1; if (index == -1) { m_Mobile.SendGump(new PropertiesGump(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page)); } else if (index >= 0 && index < 4) { if (m_Monster == null) LoadLists(); ModelBodyType type; ArrayList list; switch (index) { default: case 0: type = ModelBodyType.Monsters; list = m_Monster; break; case 1: type = ModelBodyType.Animals; list = m_Animal; break; case 2: type = ModelBodyType.Sea; list = m_Sea; break; case 3: type = ModelBodyType.Human; list = m_Human; break; } m_Mobile.SendGump(new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, 0, list, type)); } else if (m_OurList != null) { index -= 4; if (index == 0 && m_OurPage > 0) { m_Mobile.SendGump( new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_OurPage - 1, m_OurList, m_OurType)); } else if (index == 1 && ((m_OurPage + 1) * 12) < m_OurList.Count) { m_Mobile.SendGump( new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_OurPage + 1, m_OurList, m_OurType)); } else { index -= 2; if (index >= 0 && index < m_OurList.Count) { try { InternalEntry entry = (InternalEntry)m_OurList[index]; CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Property.Name, entry.Body.ToString()); m_Property.SetValue(m_Object, entry.Body, null); PropertiesGump.OnValueChanged(m_Object, m_Property, m_Stack); } catch { m_Mobile.SendMessage("An exception was caught. The property may not have changed."); } m_Mobile.SendGump( new SetBodyGump(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_OurPage, m_OurList, m_OurType)); } } } }
public virtual void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Point3D toSet; bool shouldSet, shouldSend; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: // Current location { toSet = m_Mobile.Location; shouldSet = true; shouldSend = true; break; } case 2: // Pick location { m_Mobile.Target = new InternalTarget(m_Property, m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List); toSet = Point3D.Zero; shouldSet = false; shouldSend = false; break; } case 3: // Use values { TextRelay x = info.GetTextEntry(0); TextRelay y = info.GetTextEntry(1); TextRelay z = info.GetTextEntry(2); toSet = new Point3D(x == null ? 0 : Utility.ToInt32(x.Text), y == null ? 0 : Utility.ToInt32(y.Text), z == null ? 0 : Utility.ToInt32(z.Text)); shouldSet = true; shouldSend = true; break; } default: { toSet = Point3D.Zero; shouldSet = false; shouldSend = true; break; } } if (shouldSet) { try { Server.Scripts.Commands.CommandLogging.LogChangeProperty(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Property.Name, toSet.ToString()); m_Property.SetValue(m_Object, toSet, null); PropertiesGump.OnValueChanged(m_Object, m_Property, m_Stack); } catch { m_Mobile.SendMessage("An exception was caught. The property may not have changed."); } } if (shouldSend) { m_Mobile.SendGump(new PropertiesGump(m_Mobile, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page)); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: // Closed or Canceled { break; } case 10: { DoBegin(from); DoThis(from, "DecorateSE"); DoEnd(from); break; } case 11: { DoBegin(from); DoThis(from, "DecorateML"); DoEnd(from); DoThis(from, "TelMake ML"); break; } case 12: { DoBegin(from); DoThis(from, "DecorateKRfirstAge"); DoEnd(from); DoThis(from, "TelMake ML"); DoThis(from, "TelMake KR1"); DoThis(from, "SignDel KR1"); break; } case 13: { DoBegin(from); DoThis(from, "DecorateKRsecondAge"); DoEnd(from); DoKRPackage(from); break; } case 14: { DoBegin(from); DoThis(from, "DecorateSA"); DoEnd(from); DoKRPackage(from); DoThis(from, "TelMake SA"); break; } case 15: { DoBegin(from); DoThis(from, "DecorateHSfirstAge"); DoEnd(from); DoKRPackage(from); DoThis(from, "TelMake SA"); break; } case 16: { DoBegin(from); DoThis(from, "DecorateHSsecondAge"); DoEnd(from); DoKRPackage(from); DoThis(from, "TelMake SA"); break; } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; if (!m_Vendor.CanInteractWith(from, false)) { return; } if (m_Vendor.IsOwner(from)) { m_Vendor.SayTo(from, 503212); // You own this shop, just take what you want. return; } if (info.ButtonID == 1) { m_Vendor.Say(from.Name); if (!m_VI.Valid || !m_VI.Item.IsChildOf(m_Vendor.Backpack)) { m_Vendor.SayTo(from, 503216); // You can't buy that. return; } int totalGold = 0; if (from.Backpack != null) { totalGold += from.Backpack.GetAmount(typeof(Gold)); } totalGold += Banker.GetBalance(from); if (totalGold < m_VI.Price) { m_Vendor.SayTo(from, 503205); // You cannot afford this item. } else if (!from.PlaceInBackpack(m_VI.Item)) { m_Vendor.SayTo(from, 503204); // You do not have room in your backpack for this. } else { int leftPrice = m_VI.Price; if (from.Backpack != null) { leftPrice -= from.Backpack.ConsumeUpTo(typeof(Gold), leftPrice); } if (leftPrice > 0) { Banker.Withdraw(from, leftPrice); } m_Vendor.HoldGold += m_VI.Price; from.SendLocalizedMessage(503201); // You take the item. } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(503207); // Cancelled purchase. } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = state.Mobile; BaseCreature bc1 = (BaseCreature)m_Pet1; BaseCreature bc2 = (BaseCreature)m_Pet2; Mobile cm1 = bc1.ControlMaster; Mobile cm2 = bc2.ControlMaster; if (from == null) { return; } //Baby Stat Table if (info.ButtonID == 1) { from.CloseGump(typeof(BreedingAcceptGump)); //from.CloseGump( typeof( BabyStatTableGump ) ); from.SendGump(new BreedingAcceptGump(m_Pet1, m_Pet2)); //from.SendGump( new BabyStatTableGump( m_Pet1, m_Pet2 ) ); } //Accept if (info.ButtonID == 2) { Mobile breeder = new Mobile(); Mobile owner = new Mobile(); int ai = 0; if (bc1.AI == AIType.AI_Mage && bc2.AI == AIType.AI_Mage) { ai = 1; } if (bc1.AI == AIType.AI_Melee && bc2.AI == AIType.AI_Melee) { ai = 2; } int xstr = bc1.RawStr + bc2.RawStr; int xdex = bc1.RawDex + bc2.RawDex; int xint = bc1.RawInt + bc2.RawInt; int xhits = bc1.HitsMax + bc2.HitsMax; int xstam = bc1.StamMax + bc2.StamMax; int xmana = bc1.ManaMax + bc2.ManaMax; int xphys = bc1.PhysicalResistance + bc2.PhysicalResistance; int xfire = bc1.FireResistance + bc2.FireResistance; int xcold = bc1.ColdResistance + bc2.ColdResistance; int xnrgy = bc1.EnergyResistance + bc2.EnergyResistance; int xpois = bc1.PoisonResistance + bc2.PoisonResistance; int xdmin = bc1.DamageMin + bc2.DamageMin; int xdmax = bc1.DamageMax + bc2.DamageMax; int xmlev = bc1.Level + bc2.Level; int newStr = xstr / 2; int newDex = xdex / 2; int newInt = xint / 2; int newHits = xhits / 2; int newStam = xstam / 2; int newMana = xmana / 2; int newPhys = xphys / 2; int newFire = xfire / 2; int newCold = xcold / 2; int newNrgy = xnrgy / 2; int newPois = xpois / 2; int newDmin = xdmin / 2; int newDmax = xdmax / 2; int newMlev = xmlev / 2; int babyStr = newStr + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1); int babyDex = newDex + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1); int babyInt = newInt + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1); int babyHits = newHits + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyStam = newStam + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyMana = newMana + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyPhys = newPhys + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyFire = newFire + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyCold = newCold + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyNrgy = newNrgy + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyPois = newPois + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2); int babyDmin = newDmin; int babyDmax = newDmax; int babyMlev = newMlev + Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); int stats = babyStr + babyDex + babyInt + babyHits + babyStam + babyMana + babyPhys + babyFire + babyCold + babyNrgy + babyPois + babyDmin + babyDmax + babyMlev; int newPrice = stats * 3; int babyPrice = newPrice; int chance = stats; if (chance <= 1500) { chance = 1500; } if (babyStr >= FSATS.NormalSTR) { babyStr = FSATS.NormalSTR; } if (babyDex >= FSATS.NormalDEX) { babyDex = FSATS.NormalDEX; } if (babyInt >= FSATS.NormalINT) { babyInt = FSATS.NormalINT; } if (babyPhys >= FSATS.NormalPhys) { babyPhys = FSATS.NormalPhys; } if (babyFire >= FSATS.NormalFire) { babyFire = FSATS.NormalFire; } if (babyCold >= FSATS.NormalCold) { babyCold = FSATS.NormalCold; } if (babyNrgy >= FSATS.NormalEnergy) { babyNrgy = FSATS.NormalEnergy; } if (babyPois >= FSATS.NormalPoison) { babyPois = FSATS.NormalPoison; } if (babyDmin >= FSATS.NormalMinDam) { babyDmin = FSATS.NormalMinDam; } if (babyDmax >= FSATS.NormalMaxDam) { babyDmax = FSATS.NormalMaxDam; } if (babyMlev >= 60) { babyMlev = 60; } foreach (Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange(5)) { if (m is AnimalBreeder) { breeder = m; } if (m == cm1) { owner = m; } } if (breeder == null) { from.SendMessage("You must be near an animal breeder in order to breed your pet."); if (cm1 != null) { cm1.SendMessage("The owner of the other pet is too far away from the animal breeder."); } } else if (owner == null) { from.SendMessage("The owner of the other pet is not near by."); if (cm1 != null) { cm1.SendMessage("You are to far away from the other pet owner."); } } else if (Utility.Random(chance) < 1500) { if (cm1 != null) //Generate Claim Ticket One { PetClaimTicket pct = new PetClaimTicket(); pct.AI = ai; pct.Owner = cm1; pct.Pet = m_Pet1; pct.Str = babyStr; pct.Dex = babyDex; pct.Int = babyInt; pct.Hits = babyHits; pct.Stam = babyStam; pct.Mana = babyMana; pct.Phys = babyPhys; pct.Fire = babyFire; pct.Cold = babyCold; pct.Nrgy = babyNrgy; pct.Pois = babyPois; pct.Dmin = babyDmin; pct.Dmax = babyDmax; pct.Mlev = babyMlev; pct.Gen = bc1.Generation; pct.Price = babyPrice; cm1.AddToBackpack(pct); breeder.SayTo(cm1, "Ill hold onto your pet for you while its mating."); breeder.SayTo(cm1, "Return here in three days and the show me that claim ticket i gave to you."); cm1.SendMessage("They have accepted your offer."); bc1.ControlTarget = null; bc1.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay; bc1.Internalize(); bc1.SetControlMaster(null); } if (cm2 != null) //Generate Claim Ticket One { PetClaimTicket pct = new PetClaimTicket(); pct.AI = ai; pct.Owner = cm2; pct.Pet = m_Pet2; pct.Str = babyStr; pct.Dex = babyDex; pct.Int = babyInt; pct.Hits = babyHits; pct.Stam = babyStam; pct.Mana = babyMana; pct.Phys = babyPhys; pct.Fire = babyFire; pct.Cold = babyCold; pct.Nrgy = babyNrgy; pct.Pois = babyPois; pct.Dmin = babyDmin; pct.Dmax = babyDmax; pct.Mlev = babyMlev; pct.Gen = bc2.Generation; pct.Price = babyPrice; cm2.AddToBackpack(pct); breeder.SayTo(cm2, "Ill hold onto your pet for you while its mating."); breeder.SayTo(cm2, "Return here in three days and the show me that claim ticket i gave to you."); cm2.SendMessage("You accept their offer."); bc2.ControlTarget = null; bc2.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay; bc2.Internalize(); bc2.SetControlMaster(null); } if (bc1 != null || bc2 != null) { bc1.MatingDelay = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(144.0); bc2.MatingDelay = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(144.0); } } else { if (cm1 != null && cm2 != null) { cm1.SendMessage("Breeding Failed: It is hard to successfully mate to strong pets together, You will have to wait twelve hours to try again."); cm2.SendMessage("Breeding Failed: It is hard to successfully mate to strong pets together, You will have to wait twelve hours to try again."); bc1.MatingDelay = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(12.0); bc2.MatingDelay = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(12.0); } } } //Decline if (info.ButtonID == 3) { from.SendMessage("You have declined thier offer."); if (cm1 != null) { cm1.SendMessage("They have declined your offer"); } } }
private string GetString(RelayInfo info, int id) { TextRelay t = info.GetTextEntry(id); return(t == null ? null : t.Text.Trim()); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (m_Vendor.Deleted) { return; } Mobile from = state.Mobile; if (m_Vendor is PlayerVendor && !((PlayerVendor)m_Vendor).CanInteractWith(from, true)) { return; } if (info.ButtonID == 0) { if (m_Vendor is PlayerVendor) // do nothing for barkeeps { m_Vendor.Direction = m_Vendor.GetDirectionTo(from); m_Vendor.Animate(32, 5, 1, true, false, 0); //bow m_Vendor.SayTo(from, 1043310 + Utility.Random(12)); // a little random speech } } else if (info.ButtonID == 1 && info.Switches.Length > 0) { int cnum = info.Switches[0]; int cat = cnum % 256; int ent = cnum >> 8; if (cat < Categories.Length && cat >= 0) { if (ent < Categories[cat].Entries.Length && ent >= 0) { Item item = m_Vendor.FindItemOnLayer(Categories[cat].Layer); if (item != null) { item.Delete(); } List <Item> items = m_Vendor.Items; for (int i = 0; item == null && i < items.Count; ++i) { Item checkitem = items[i]; Type type = checkitem.GetType(); for (int j = 0; item == null && j < Categories[cat].Entries.Length; ++j) { if (type == Categories[cat].Entries[j].Type) { item = checkitem; } } } if (item != null) { item.Delete(); } if (Categories[cat].Layer == Layer.FacialHair) { if (m_Vendor.Female) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010639); // You cannot place facial hair on a woman! } else { int hue = m_Vendor.FacialHairHue; m_Vendor.FacialHairItemID = 0; m_Vendor.ProcessDelta(); // invalidate item ID for clients m_Vendor.FacialHairItemID = Categories[cat].Entries[ent].ItemID; m_Vendor.FacialHairHue = hue; } } else if (Categories[cat].Layer == Layer.Hair) { int hue = m_Vendor.HairHue; m_Vendor.HairItemID = 0; m_Vendor.ProcessDelta(); // invalidate item ID for clients m_Vendor.HairItemID = Categories[cat].Entries[ent].ItemID; m_Vendor.HairHue = hue; } else { item = Categories[cat].Entries[ent].Create(); if (item != null) { item.Layer = Categories[cat].Layer; if (!m_Vendor.EquipItem(item)) { item.Delete(); } } } from.SendGump(new PlayerVendorCustomizeGump(m_Vendor, from)); } } else { cat -= 100; if (cat < 100) { if (cat < Categories.Length && cat >= 0) { CustomCategory category = Categories[cat]; if (category.Layer == Layer.Hair) { new PVHairHuePicker(false, m_Vendor, from).SendTo(state); } else if (category.Layer == Layer.FacialHair) { new PVHairHuePicker(true, m_Vendor, from).SendTo(state); } else { Item item = null; List <Item> items = m_Vendor.Items; for (int i = 0; item == null && i < items.Count; ++i) { Item checkitem = items[i]; Type type = checkitem.GetType(); for (int j = 0; item == null && j < category.Entries.Length; ++j) { if (type == category.Entries[j].Type) { item = checkitem; } } } if (item != null) { new PVHuePicker(item, m_Vendor, from).SendTo(state); } } } } else { cat -= 100; if (cat < Categories.Length && cat >= 0) { CustomCategory category = Categories[cat]; if (category.Layer == Layer.Hair) { m_Vendor.HairItemID = 0; } else if (category.Layer == Layer.FacialHair) { m_Vendor.FacialHairItemID = 0; } else { Item item = null; List <Item> items = m_Vendor.Items; for (int i = 0; item == null && i < items.Count; ++i) { Item checkitem = items[i]; Type type = checkitem.GetType(); for (int j = 0; item == null && j < category.Entries.Length; ++j) { if (type == category.Entries[j].Type) { item = checkitem; } } } if (item != null) { item.Delete(); } } from.SendGump(new PlayerVendorCustomizeGump(m_Vendor, from)); } } } } }