public async Task<string> SetUserAsync(string userId, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.SetEvent, userId, Constants.User, null, null, properties);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = await ExecuteAsync(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body).ConfigureAwait(false);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public string SetUser(string userId, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.SetEvent, userId, Constants.User, null, null, properties);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = Execute(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public async Task<string> UnsetUserAsync(string userId, Dictionary<string, object> properties)
     if (properties == null || !properties.Any())
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Properties cannot be null or empty for unset operation");
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.UnsetEvent, userId, Constants.User, null, null, properties);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = await ExecuteAsync(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body).ConfigureAwait(false);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public string UnsetItem(string itemId, Dictionary<string, object> properties)
     if (properties == null || !properties.Any())
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Properties cannot be null or empty for unset operation");
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.UnsetEvent, itemId, Constants.Item, null, null, properties);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = Execute(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public string SetItem(string itemId, string[] itemTypes, Dictionary<string, object> properties = null)
     if (!itemTypes.Any())
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Item must have at least one item type");
     var jItemTypes = new JArray();
     foreach (var itemType in itemTypes)
     if (properties == null)
         properties = new Dictionary<string, object> { { Constants.ItemTypes, jItemTypes } };
         properties.Add(Constants.ItemTypes, jItemTypes);
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.SetEvent, itemId, Constants.Item, null, null, properties);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = Execute(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public async Task<string> DeleteUserAsync(string userId)
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.DeleteEvent, userId, Constants.User, null, null, null);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = await ExecuteAsync(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body).ConfigureAwait(false);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public string DeleteUser(string userId)
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.DeleteEvent, userId, Constants.User, null, null, null);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = Execute(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public async Task<string> SetActionItemAsync(string userId, string itemId, string action, int? rating = null)
     var properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     if (rating.HasValue)
         properties.Add(Constants.Rating, rating.Value);
     var request = new Event(AppId, action, userId, Constants.User, itemId, Constants.Item, properties);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = await ExecuteAsync(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body).ConfigureAwait(false);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();
 public async Task<string> DeleteItemAsync(string itemId)
     var request = new Event(AppId, Constants.DeleteEvent, itemId, Constants.Item, null, null, null);
     var body = request.ToString(Formatting.None);
     var response = await ExecuteAsync(Constants.EventsResource, Method.POST, body);
     return response[Constants.EventId].Value<string>();