public UnsureNetworkForm() { InitializeComponent(); NodeSavingReading reader = new NodeSavingReading(); net = new NeuralNet(7, 7, ANNfilename, KFoldFilename); inputTrainingData = reader.GetStoredDataFromFile(Globals.inputDataStorage); outputTrainingData = reader.GetStoredDataFromFile(Globals.outputDataStorage); //inputTrainingData = new List<double[]>(); //outputTrainingData = new List<double[]>(); controls = new PatsControlScheme(); controls.Initialize(); controls.timeNeededForChange = 7000; serial = new SerialReader(); serial.Read(); UnityCommunicationHub.InitializeUnityCommunication(); UnityCommunicationHub.TwoWayTransmission(); indexList = Globals.GetBasicValues(); reverseIndexList = Globals.GetBasicValuesReversed(); setPointList = Globals.GetBasicPositions(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> position in indexList) { DefaultPositionsBox.Items.Add(position.Key); } }
public NeuralTreeWindow() { this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1710, 1301); this.FormClosing += Globals.CloseAllForms; InitializeComponent(); updateFingerDisplay(); UnityCommunicationHub.InitializeUnityCommunication(); //initialize tree structure controls = new PatsControlScheme(); controls.Initialize(); loadPositions(controls.root); List <Node> newList = controls.allNodes.Values.ToList <Node>(); //order the list from lowest to highest to ensure all nodes are populated in order newList.OrderBy(o =>; //make sure the list of nodes is clear NeuronTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); //sequentially add all the nodes to the tree foreach (Node n in newList) { if ( != Globals.CONTROLNODE) { //figure out what the parent id is int parentID = n.parent; //if it's the root node, just add it to the tree if (parentID == Globals.NULLPARENT) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(; newNode.Tag =; NeuronTreeView.Nodes.Add(newNode); activeNode = newNode; } //in the case that it's a child node, figure out what display node to add it to else { //iterate through until you find the parent TreeNode parentNode = findNodeInTree(parentID); //once we find the parent, add it to the parent's children TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(; newNode.Tag =; parentNode.Nodes.Add(newNode); } } } foreach (Node n in newList) { if ( != Globals.CONTROLNODE && n.children.Contains(Globals.CONTROLNODE)) { TreeNode tn = findNodeInTree(; bool done = false; foreach (TreeNode tnn in tn.Nodes) { if (!done && (int)tnn.Tag == Globals.CONTROLNODE) { tnn.Remove(); done = true; } } TreeNode newControlNode = new TreeNode("Controls"); newControlNode.Tag = Globals.CONTROLNODE; tn.Nodes.Add(newControlNode); } } }