public string returnObject_message(MessageItem anItem) { return anItem.message; }
public string returnObject_timeStamp(MessageItem anItem) { return anItem.timeStamp; }
public Boolean returnObject_isEncrypted(MessageItem anItem) { return anItem.isEncrypted; }
public string returnObject_isEncryptedString(MessageItem anItem) { return anItem.isEncrypted.ToString(); }
public string returnObject_userSent(MessageItem anItem) { return anItem.userSent; }
public string returnObject_conversation(MessageItem anItem) { return anItem.conversation; }
//Loads conversation for selected user /*private async void loadLastConversation() { //GET request to server (fetch new messages from server at the same time) using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) //using block makes the object disposable (one time use) { using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("")) //BUG: HANDLE OFFLINE MODE { if (App.DEBUG_MODE) { Debug.WriteLine("GET Status Code: " + response.StatusCode); Debug.WriteLine("GET Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase); } using (HttpContent content = response.Content) { string content_string = await content.ReadAsStringAsync(); System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders content_headers = content.Headers; if (App.DEBUG_MODE) { Debug.WriteLine("GET content: " + content_string); Debug.WriteLine("GET content headers: " + content_headers); } //Load messages into chat list window List<MessageItem> incomingMessages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MessageItem>>(content_string); for (int x = 0; x < incomingMessages.Count; x++) { ListViewItem incomingItems = new ListViewItem(); //Outputs desired text into the actual chat window incomingItems.Content = incomingMessages[x].messageText(); //References the MessageItem object incomingItems.Tag = incomingMessages[x]; chatListView.Items.Add(incomingItems); } } } } } */ //POST FUNCTION private async void postMessage(String input, Boolean secureStatus) { if (input != String.Empty && App.userManagement.conversationIsNotNull()) { //Encrypt text from input box if encryption is on // String timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/d/yy h:mm tt"); String finalInput; if(secureStatus == false) { finalInput = input; } else { finalInput = Crypto.Encrypt(App.strAsymmetricAlgName, Crypto.returnPublicKey_OTHER_USER(App.secrets), input); } //Load the text and associated message data into a messageItem object MessageItem newMessage = new MessageItem { conversation= App.userManagement.getConversationURL_string(), message = finalInput, userSent = App.userManagement.getOtherUserURL_string(), //timeStamp = timeStamp, userid = App.userManagement.getCurrentUser_string(), isEncrypted = secureStatus }; //Create a Key and Pair match with the new messageItem object data in preparation of Http request var values = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "conversation", newMessage.returnObject_conversation(newMessage) }, { "encrypted", newMessage.returnObject_isEncryptedString(newMessage) }, { "sentTo", "" }, { "text" , newMessage.returnObject_message(newMessage) } }; //Encode the key pair match in preparation of Http request var theContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values); //POST request to the server with the encoded data (create HttpClient) using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) //using block makes the object disposable (one time use) { //Check HTTP data if (App.DEBUG_MODE == true) { Debug.WriteLine("POST CREDENTIALS: "+App.userManagement.getCurrentUser_string() + ":" + currentUserPasswordActual.Password); } //Load User credentials from currentUser and password field located on user interface into the client object var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(App.userManagement.getCurrentUser_string() + ":"+currentUserPasswordActual.Password); var header = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray)); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = header; //Post the message to the server using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("", theContent)) { //Check HTTP data if (App.DEBUG_MODE) { Debug.WriteLine("POST Status Code: " + response.StatusCode); Debug.WriteLine("POST Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase); using (HttpContent content = response.Content) { string content_string = await content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Debug.WriteLine("POST contents: "+content_string); } } //Refreshes ChatListView with recently POSTed string. If credentials are wrong, output INVALID CREDENTIALS to chatwindow if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode == true) { //GET request to server to update chatListView with recentely POSTed message using (HttpClient client2 = new HttpClient()) //using block makes the object disposable (one time use) { using (HttpResponseMessage response2 = await client2.GetAsync("")) { //Check HTTP data if (App.DEBUG_MODE) { Debug.WriteLine("GET Status Code: " + response2.StatusCode); Debug.WriteLine("GET Reason: " + response2.ReasonPhrase); } using (HttpContent content2 = response2.Content) { string content_string2 = await content2.ReadAsStringAsync(); System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders content_headers2 = content2.Headers; //Check HTTP data if (App.DEBUG_MODE) { Debug.WriteLine("GET content: " + content_string2); Debug.WriteLine("GET content headers: " + content_headers2); } //TEMPORARY METHOD TO POST MESSAGES FROM SERVER TO CHAT VIEW List<MessageItem> incomingMessages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MessageItem>>(content_string2); ListViewItem incomingItems = new ListViewItem(); int lastMessage = incomingMessages.Count - 1; incomingItems.Content = incomingMessages[lastMessage].messageText(); //Outputs desired text into the actual chat window incomingItems.Tag = incomingMessages[lastMessage]; //References the MessageItem object chatListView.Items.Add(incomingItems); } } } } else { var dialog = new MessageDialog(""); dialog.Title = "INVALID USER/PASSWORD COMBINATION"; dialog.Content = "You have entered the wrong password for the selected user, please try again"; dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand { Label = "Ok", Id = 0 }); var res = await dialog.ShowAsync(); } } } } //Clear textbox and auto scroll to the bottom inputBox.Text = String.Empty; chatListViewScroller.UpdateLayout(); chatListViewScroller.ScrollToVerticalOffset(chatListView.ActualHeight); }
public string returnObject_userid(MessageItem anItem) { return anItem.userid; }
public string returnObject_message(MessageItem anItem) { return(anItem.message); }
public string returnObject_userid(MessageItem anItem) { return(anItem.userid); }
public string returnObject_conversation(MessageItem anItem) { return(anItem.conversation); }
public Boolean returnObject_isEncrypted(MessageItem anItem) { return(anItem.isEncrypted); }
public string returnObject_userSent(MessageItem anItem) { return(anItem.userSent); }
public string returnObject_isEncryptedString(MessageItem anItem) { return(anItem.isEncrypted.ToString()); }
public string returnObject_timeStamp(MessageItem anItem) { return(anItem.timeStamp); }