Пример #1
        public SceneTitle()
            sceneType = SceneType.Title;
            _menuItems = new MenuItem[]
                new MenuItem(Key.S, "Start"),
                new MenuItem(Key.O, "Option"),
                new MenuItem(Key.Q, "Quit")
            _keys = new Key[]
                Key.UpArrow, Key.DownArrow, Key.Return, Key.M, Key.O, Key.Q

            _cursor = ResourceManager.GetColoredCursorGraphic(Constants.Color_Foreground);

            if (_menuSurfaces == null)
                _menuSurfaces = new SurfaceCollection();
                _menuRects = new Rectangle[_menuItems.Length];
                ImageUtil.CreateStrMenu(_menuItems, Constants.Color_Foreground, ResourceManager.MiddlePFont,
                    ref _menuSurfaces, ref _menuRects, Constants.ScreenWidth);
Пример #2
        public SpriteSheet(string spriteSheetFilename, Color transparentColor, Size frameSize, int rotationPerFrameDeg, int firstFrameShipDirectionDeg, int rotationAnimationDelay, int cannonBarrelLength, int forwardThrusterEngineLength, int reverseThrusterEngineLength)
            this.bitmap = new Bitmap(spriteSheetFilename);
            this.transparentColor = transparentColor;
            this.frameSize = frameSize;
            this.rotationPerFrameDeg = rotationPerFrameDeg;
            this.firstFrameShipDirectionDeg = firstFrameShipDirectionDeg;
            this.cannonBarrelLength = cannonBarrelLength;
            this.reverseThrusterEngineLength = reverseThrusterEngineLength;
            this.forwardThrusterEngineLength = forwardThrusterEngineLength;

            SurfaceCollection spriteSheet_SurfaceCollection = new SurfaceCollection();
            Surface spriteSheet_Surface = new Surface(this.bitmap).Convert(Video.Screen, true, false);

            spriteSheet_SurfaceCollection.Add(spriteSheet_Surface, this.frameSize);

            AnimationCollection animationCollection = new AnimationCollection();
            animationCollection.Delay = rotationAnimationDelay;

            AnimatedSprite animatedSprite = new AnimatedSprite(animationCollection);

            animatedSprite.TransparentColor = this.transparentColor;
            animatedSprite.Transparent = true;

            this.animatedSprite = animatedSprite;
Пример #3
        public SceneGameOver()
            sceneType = SceneType.GameOver;

            _menuItems = new MenuItem[]
                new MenuItem(Key.R, Properties.Resources.MenuItem_RetryStage),
                new MenuItem(Key.M, Properties.Resources.MenuItem_MapSelect),
                new MenuItem(Key.T, Properties.Resources.MenuItem_ReturnTitle)

            _keys = new Key[]
                Key.UpArrow, Key.DownArrow, Key.Return, Key.Escape,
                Key.M, Key.R, Key.T

            _cursor = ResourceManager.GetColoredCursorGraphic(_foreColor);

            _overImgSurface = ResourceManager.LoadSurface(Constants.Filename_GameoverImage);
            ImageUtil.SetColor(_overImgSurface, _foreColor);

            _menuSurfaces = new SurfaceCollection();
            _menuRects = new Rectangle[_menuItems.Length];
            ImageUtil.CreateStrMenu(_menuItems, _foreColor, ref _menuSurfaces, ref _menuRects, Constants.ScreenWidth);
Пример #4
        public base_player()
            : base()
            mTexFrames = new AnimationCollection();
            mTexFrames.Add("tex3.bmp", new System.Drawing.Size(64, 64));
            //mTexFrames.Add("tex2.bmp", new System.Drawing.Size(64, 64));

            mTexture = new AnimatedSprite("player", mTexFrames);
Пример #5
        public e_pillar(Vector2 pos, string tex)
            : base()
            mPosition = pos;

            mTexFrames = new AnimationCollection();
            mTexFrames.Add(tex, new Size(64, 64));
            mTexture = new AnimatedSprite("pillar", mTexFrames);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the application
        /// </summary>
        public void Go()

            // Make the particle emitter.
            emit = new ParticleRectangleEmitter(particles);
            emit.Frequency = 50000; // 100000 every 1000 updates.
            emit.LifeFullMin = 20;
            emit.LifeFullMax = 50;
            emit.LifeMin = 10;
            emit.LifeMax = 30;
            emit.DirectionMin = -2; // shoot up in radians.
            emit.DirectionMax = -1;
            emit.ColorMin = Color.DarkBlue;
            emit.ColorMax = Color.LightBlue;
            emit.SpeedMin = 5;
            emit.SpeedMax = 20;
            emit.MaxSize = new SizeF(5, 5);
            emit.MinSize = new SizeF(1, 1);

            // Make the first particle (a pixel)
            ParticlePixel first = new ParticlePixel(Color.White, 100, 200, new Vector(0, 0, 0), -1);
            particles.Add(first); // Add it to the system

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(dataDirectory, "marble1.png")))
                filePath = "";

            // Make the second particle (an animated sprite)
            AnimationCollection anim = new AnimationCollection();
            SurfaceCollection surfaces = new SurfaceCollection();
            surfaces.Add(Path.Combine(filePath, Path.Combine(dataDirectory, "marble1.png")), new Size(50, 50));
            anim.Add(surfaces, 1);
            AnimatedSprite marble = new AnimatedSprite(anim);
            marble.Animate = true;
            ParticleSprite second = new ParticleSprite(marble, 200, 200, new Vector(-7, -9, 0), 500);
            second.Life = -1;
            particles.Add(second); // Add it to the system

            // Add some manipulators to the particle system.
            ParticleGravity grav = new ParticleGravity(0.5f);
            particles.Manipulators.Add(grav); // Gravity of 0.5f
            particles.Manipulators.Add(new ParticleFriction(0.1f)); // Slow down particles
            particles.Manipulators.Add(vort); // A particle vortex fixed on the mouse
            particles.Manipulators.Add(new ParticleBoundary(SdlDotNet.Graphics.Video.Screen.Size)); // fix particles on screen.

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the internal sprites needed for our demo.
        /// </summary>
        public ViewportMode()
            // Create the fragment marbles
            SurfaceCollection td = LoadMarble("marble1");
            SurfaceCollection td2 = LoadMarble("marble2");

            // Load the floor
            SurfaceCollection floorTiles = LoadFloor();

            // Place the floors
            int rows = 8;
            int cols = 15;
            size = new Size(floorTiles[0].Size.Width * cols,
                floorTiles[0].Size.Height * rows);
            rect = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), size);

            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    // Create the floor tile sprites
                    AnimatedSprite dw =
                        new AnimatedSprite(floorTiles,
                        new Point(i * floorTiles[0].Size.Width,
                        j * floorTiles[0].Size.Height));

            // Load the trigger sprite
            sprite = new BounceSprite(td2, rect, new Vector(Randomizer.Next(rect.Left, rect.Right -
                Randomizer.Next(rect.Top, rect.Bottom -
                (int)td2.Size.Height), 1));

            // Load the bouncing sprites
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                BounceSprite bounceSprite =
                    new BounceSprite(td,
                    new Vector(Randomizer.Next(rect.Left, rect.Right -
                    Randomizer.Next(rect.Top, rect.Bottom -
                    (int)td.Size.Height), 1));
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="disposing"></param>
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (!this.disposed)
         if (disposing)
             if (this.hero != null)
                 this.hero = null;
         this.disposed = true;
Пример #9
 public static void DrawSelections(Surface canvas, SurfaceCollection surfaces, Rectangle[] rects, AnimatedSprite cursor, int selectedIndex = -1, MenuItemAlign align = MenuItemAlign.MiddleCenter)
     DrawSelections(canvas, surfaces, rects, cursor, Point.Empty, selectedIndex, align);
Пример #10
        public static void DrawSelections(Surface canvas, SurfaceCollection surfaces, Rectangle[] rects, AnimatedSprite cursor, Point offset, int selectedIndex = -1, MenuItemAlign align = MenuItemAlign.MiddleCenter)
            DrawSurfaces(canvas, surfaces, rects, offset, align);
            if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < rects.Length)
                Rectangle rect = rects[selectedIndex];
                Surface s = surfaces[selectedIndex];

                Point p = Point.Empty;
                switch (align)
                    case MenuItemAlign.TopLeft:
                        p.X = rect.Left;
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Top + s.Size.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.TopCenter:
                        p.X = (int)(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2.0 - s.Size.Width / 2.0);
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Top + s.Size.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.TopRight:
                        p.X = rect.Right - s.Size.Width;
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Top + s.Size.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.MiddleLeft:
                        p.X = rect.Left;
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Top + rect.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.MiddleCenter:
                        p.X = (int)(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2.0 - s.Size.Width / 2.0);
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Top + rect.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.MiddleRight:
                        p.X = rect.Right - s.Size.Width;
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Top + rect.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.BottomLeft:
                        p.X = rect.Left;
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Bottom - s.Size.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.BottomCenter:
                        p.X = (int)(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2.0 - s.Size.Width / 2.0);
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Bottom - s.Size.Height / 2.0);
                    case MenuItemAlign.BottomRight:
                        p.X = rect.Right - s.Size.Width;
                        p.Y = (int)(rect.Bottom - s.Size.Height / 2.0);
                p.X -= cursor.Size.Width;
                p.Y -= (int)(cursor.Size.Height / 2.0);
                canvas.Blit(cursor, p);
Пример #11
        public static AnimatedSprite CreateColored(AnimatedSprite os, Color c)
            if (os == null) return null;

            AnimatedSprite nsprite = new AnimatedSprite();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AnimationCollection> kv in os.Animations)
                string key = kv.Key; AnimationCollection anim = kv.Value;
                AnimationCollection nAnim = new AnimationCollection();
                foreach (Surface s in anim)
                    Surface ns = CreateColored(s, c);
                nAnim.Loop = anim.Loop;
                nAnim.Delay = anim.Delay;
                nAnim.FrameIncrement = anim.FrameIncrement;
                nAnim.Alpha = anim.Alpha;
                nAnim.AlphaBlending = anim.AlphaBlending;
                nAnim.AnimateForward = anim.AnimateForward;
                //nAnim.AnimationTime = anim.AnimationTime;
                nAnim.Transparent = anim.Transparent;
                nAnim.TransparentColor = anim.TransparentColor;

                nsprite.Animations.Add(key, nAnim);
            nsprite.AllowDrag = os.AllowDrag;
            nsprite.Alpha = os.Alpha;
            nsprite.AlphaBlending = os.AlphaBlending;
            nsprite.Animate = os.Animate;
            nsprite.AnimateForward = os.AnimateForward;
            nsprite.CurrentAnimation = os.CurrentAnimation;
            nsprite.Frame = os.Frame;
            nsprite.Transparent = os.Transparent;
            nsprite.TransparentColor = os.TransparentColor;
            nsprite.Visible = os.Visible;

            return nsprite;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the internal sprites needed for our demo.
        /// </summary>
        public MultipleMode()
            // Create the fragment marbles
            SurfaceCollection td = LoadMarble("marble1");
            SurfaceCollection td2 = LoadMarble("marble2");
            SurfaceCollection td3 = LoadMarble("marble3");
            SurfaceCollection td4 = LoadMarble("marble4");
            SurfaceCollection td5 = LoadMarble("marble5");

            // Load the floor
            SurfaceCollection floorTiles = LoadFloor();

            // Place the floors
            int rows = 8;
            int cols = 10;
            size = new Size(floorTiles[0].Size.Width * cols,
                floorTiles[0].Size.Height * rows);
            rect = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), size);

            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    // Create the sprite
                    AnimatedSprite dw =
                        new AnimatedSprite(floorTiles,
                        new Point(i * floorTiles[0].Size.Width,
                        j * floorTiles[0].Size.Height));

            // Load the bouncing sprites
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                BounceSprite d =
                    new BounceSprite(td,
                    new Vector(Randomizer.Next(rect.Left, rect.Right -
                    Randomizer.Next(rect.Top, rect.Bottom -
                    (int)td.Size.Height), 1));

            // Only one container may be tickable when they all talk to the
            // same inner tick manager.

            // Set up container #1
            sprite1 = new BounceSprite(td2, rect, new Vector(Randomizer.Next(rect.Left, rect.Right -
                Randomizer.Next(rect.Top, rect.Bottom -
                (int)td2.Size.Height), 1));

            // Set up container #2
            sprite2 = new BounceSprite(td3, rect, new Vector(Randomizer.Next(rect.Left, rect.Right -
                Randomizer.Next(rect.Top, rect.Bottom -
                (int)td3.Size.Height), 1));

            // Set up container #3
            sprite3 = new BounceSprite(td4, rect, new Vector(Randomizer.Next(rect.Left, rect.Right -
                Randomizer.Next(rect.Top, rect.Bottom -
                (int)td4.Size.Height), 1));

            // Set up container #4
            sprite4 = new BounceSprite(td5, rect, new Vector(Randomizer.Next(rect.Left, rect.Right -
                Randomizer.Next(rect.Top, rect.Bottom -
                (int)td5.Size.Height), 1));

            surf1 = this.Surface.CreateCompatibleSurface(380, 250);
            surf2 = this.Surface.CreateCompatibleSurface(380, 250);
            surf3 = this.Surface.CreateCompatibleSurface(380, 250);
            surf4 = this.Surface.CreateCompatibleSurface(380, 250);