Пример #1
        private async void AddEntryBtn_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //#Model-View-Viewmodel xD
            //let's set up a little MVVM, cos that's what the cool kids are doing:
            var view = new AddInventoryItem(this._nameHistory)
                DataContext = new InventoryViewModel
                    Duration = 1

            //show the dialog
            var result = await DialogHost.Show(view, "RootDialog", view.DialogHost_OnDialogClosing);
            var outp = (InventoryViewModel) view.DataContext;
            if (!(bool) result || !view.AllSet || view.DataContext == null) return;
            outp.DateOfAcquisition = view.MyDate.SelectedDate.Value;

            //outp.ID = _data.Count != 0 ? _data.Max(x => x.ID) + 1 : 0;
            if (!this._nameHistory.Contains(outp.Name))
Пример #2
        private async void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //#Model-View-Viewmodel xD
            //let's set up a little MVVM, cos that's what the cool kids are doing:
            var view = new AddInventoryItem(this._nameHistory, ActionwindowType.Edit)
                DataContext = _data[this.InventoryGrid.SelectedIndex]

            //show the dialog
            var result = await DialogHost.Show(view, "RootDialog", view.DialogHost_OnDialogClosing);
            var outp = (InventoryViewModel) view.DataContext;
            if (!(bool) result || !view.AllSet || outp == null) return;

            _data[this.InventoryGrid.SelectedIndex] = outp;