/// <summary>
		/// Cuts the recent changes if necessary.
		/// </summary>
		private void CutRecentChangesIfNecessary() {
			ICommandBuilder builder = GetCommandBuilder();
			DbConnection connection = builder.GetConnection(connString);
			DbTransaction transaction = BeginTransaction(connection);

			QueryBuilder queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(builder);

			string query = queryBuilder.SelectCountFrom("RecentChange");

			DbCommand command = builder.GetCommand(transaction, query, new List<Parameter>());

			int rows = ExecuteScalar<int>(command, -1, false);

			int maxChanges = int.Parse(host.GetSettingValue(SettingName.MaxRecentChanges));

			if(rows > maxChanges) {
				// Remove 10% of old changes to avoid 1-by-1 deletion every time a change is made
				int entriesToDelete = maxChanges / 10;
				if(entriesToDelete > rows) entriesToDelete = rows;
				//entriesToDelete += entriesToDelete / 10;

				// This code is not optimized, but it surely works in most DBMS
				query = queryBuilder.SelectFrom("RecentChange", new string[] { "Id" });
				query = queryBuilder.OrderBy(query, new string[] { "Id" }, new Ordering[] { Ordering.Asc });

				command = builder.GetCommand(transaction, query, new List<Parameter>());

				DbDataReader reader = ExecuteReader(command);

				List<int> ids = new List<int>(entriesToDelete);

				if(reader != null) {
					while(reader.Read() && ids.Count < entriesToDelete) {


				if(ids.Count > 0) {
					// Given that the IDs to delete can be many, the query is split in many chunks, each one deleting 50 items
					// This works-around the problem of too many parameters in a RPC call of Oracle
					// See also CutLog

					for(int chunk = 0; chunk <= ids.Count / MaxParametersInQuery; chunk++) {
						query = queryBuilder.DeleteFrom("RecentChange");
						List<string> parms = new List<string>(MaxParametersInQuery);
						List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>(MaxParametersInQuery);

						for(int i = chunk * MaxParametersInQuery; i < Math.Min(ids.Count, (chunk + 1) * MaxParametersInQuery); i++) {
							parms.Add("P" + i.ToString());
							parameters.Add(new Parameter(ParameterType.Int32, parms[parms.Count - 1], ids[i]));

						query = queryBuilder.WhereIn(query, "Id", parms.ToArray());

						command = builder.GetCommand(transaction, query, parameters);

						if(ExecuteNonQuery(command, false) < 0) {
