private void TrainCore(IChannel ch, IProgressChannel pch, RoleMappedData data, TPredictor predictor)
            // Verifications.
            ch.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));

            ValidateTrainInput(ch, data);

            var featureColumns = data.Schema.GetColumns(RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole.Feature);

            ch.Check(featureColumns.Count == 1, "Only one vector of features is allowed.");

            // Data dimension.
            int fi      = data.Schema.Feature.Index;
            var colType = data.Schema.Schema.GetColumnType(fi);

            ch.Assert(colType.IsVector, "Feature must be a vector.");
            ch.Assert(colType.VectorSize > 0, "Feature dimension must be known.");
            int       nbDim  = colType.VectorSize;
            IDataView view   = data.Data;
            long      nbRows = DataViewUtils.ComputeRowCount(view);

            Float[] labels;
            uint[]  groupCount;
            DMatrix dtrain;
            // REVIEW xadupre: this can be avoided by using method XGDMatrixCreateFromDataIter from the XGBoost API.
            // XGBoost removes NaN values from a dense matrix and stores it in sparse format anyway.
            bool isDense = DetectDensity(data);
            var  dt      = DateTime.Now;

            if (isDense)
                dtrain = FillDenseMatrix(ch, nbDim, nbRows, data, out labels, out groupCount);
                ch.Info("Dense matrix created with nbFeatures={0} and nbRows={1} in {2}.", nbDim, nbRows, DateTime.Now - dt);
                dtrain = FillSparseMatrix(ch, nbDim, nbRows, data, out labels, out groupCount);
                ch.Info("Sparse matrix created with nbFeatures={0} and nbRows={1} in {2}.", nbDim, nbRows, DateTime.Now - dt);

            // Some options are filled based on the data.
            var options = _args.ToDict(_host);

            UpdateXGBoostOptions(ch, options, labels, groupCount);

            // For multi class, the number of labels is required.
            ch.Assert(PredictionKind != PredictionKind.MultiClassClassification || options.ContainsKey("num_class"),
                      "XGBoost requires the number of classes to be specified in the parameters.");

            ch.Info("XGBoost objective={0}", options["objective"]);

            int     numTrees;
            Booster res = WrappedXGBoostTraining.Train(ch, pch, out numTrees, options, dtrain,
                                                       numBoostRound: _args.numBoostRound,
                                                       obj: null, verboseEval: _args.verboseEval,
                                                       xgbModel: predictor == null ? null : predictor.GetBooster(),
                                                       saveBinaryDMatrix: _args.saveXGBoostDMatrixAsBinary);

            int nbTrees = res.GetNumTrees();

            ch.Info("Training is complete. Number of added trees={0}, total={1}.", numTrees, nbTrees);

            _model             = res.SaveRaw();
            _nbFeaturesXGboost = (int)dtrain.GetNumCols();
            _nbFeaturesML      = nbDim;
 public int GetNumTrees()