Пример #1
        private void DomNode_AttributeChanged(object sender, AttributeEventArgs e)
            if (IsCircuitItem(e.DomNode, e.DomNode.Parent))
                NotifyObjectChanged(e.DomNode); //required for Layers. http://tracker.ship.scea.com/jira/browse/WWSATF-1389

                // Editing the subgraph may cause changes in the parent graph, such as reordering group pins in a group needs
                // to change the pin indexes of the external edges in the parent graph.
                // Each circuit or group has its own local editing context, and the default TransactionContext implementation
                // only responds to these Dom changes from the adapted DomNode and below.
                // We need to catch changes up in the hierarchy too for proper undo/redo.
                var circuitValidator = DomNode.GetRoot().As <CircuitValidator>();
                if (circuitValidator != null)
                    var transactionContext = circuitValidator.ActiveHistoryContext;
                    if (transactionContext != null && transactionContext != this)
                        if (transactionContext.DomNode.Ancestry.FirstOrDefault(x => x == e.DomNode.Parent) != null)
                            if (transactionContext.InTransaction)
                                transactionContext.AddOperation(new AttributeChangedOperation(e));
                                var parent = transactionContext.DomNode.Ancestry.FirstOrDefault(x => x == e.DomNode.Parent);
                                Trace.TraceInformation("PARENT GRAPH {0} element  {1} -- Attribute {2} changed from  {3} to {4}",
                                                       CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(parent), CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(e.DomNode), e.AttributeInfo.Name, e.OldValue, e.NewValue);
Пример #2
 private bool CanDoTogglePinVisibility(object context, object target)
     if (target.Is <Group>())
         if (CircuitUtil.IsTemplateTargetMissing(target))
         var viewingContext = context.Cast <CircuitEditingContext>().DomNode.Cast <ViewingContext>();
         if (viewingContext.Control != null)
             var contextMenu = viewingContext.Control.As <ContextMenuAdapter>();
             if (CommandService.ContextMenuIsTriggering && contextMenu != null)
                 foreach (var pickingAdapter in viewingContext.Control.AsAll <IPickingAdapter2>())
                     DiagramHitRecord hitRecord = pickingAdapter.Pick(contextMenu.TriggeringLocation.GetValueOrDefault());
                     if (hitRecord.Part.Is <GroupPin>())
                     if (hitRecord.SubPart.Is <GroupPin>())
                     if (hitRecord.SubPart.Is <ElementType.Pin>())
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs initialization when the adapter's node is set</summary>
        protected override void OnNodeSet()
            m_subGraphs       = new HashSet <Group>();
            m_circuits        = new HashSet <Circuit>();
            m_historyContexts = new HashSet <HistoryContext>();
            foreach (DomNode node in DomNode.Subtree)
                if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(node))
                    var template = CircuitUtil.GetGroupTemplate(node);
                    m_templateInstances.Add(template.DomNode, node);
                else if (node.Is <Group>())
                    m_subGraphs.Add(node.Cast <Group>());
                else if (node.Is <Circuit>())
                    m_circuits.Add(node.Cast <Circuit>());

Пример #4
        private void ToggleHideUnconnectedPins()
            if (m_targetRef == null || m_targetRef.Target == null)

            var group = m_targetRef.Target.Cast <Group>();

            if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(m_targetRef.Target))
                group = CircuitUtil.GetGroupTemplate(m_targetRef.Target);
                // for template instances, force update template group pin connectivity
                // because currently the pin connectivity  of a group template is computed on-demand
                var graphValidator = m_targetRef.Target.Cast <DomNode>().GetRoot().As <CircuitValidator>();
                if (graphValidator == null) // it is possible to hold on a templated instance that is converting to a copy instance during rapid mouse clicks,
                                            // where the templated instance is no longer a child of root node

            // CTE does not set group’s parent during deserialization,
            // this call ensures the group pins’ external connectivity updated

            if (m_allUnconnectedHidden)
                foreach (var grpPin in group.InputGroupPins)
                    foreach (var childGroupPin in grpPin.SinkChain(true))
                        childGroupPin.Visible = true;
                foreach (var grpPin in group.OutputGroupPins)
                    foreach (var childGroupPin in grpPin.SinkChain(false))
                        childGroupPin.Visible = true;
                foreach (var grpPin in group.InputGroupPins)
                    grpPin.Visible = grpPin.Info.ExternalConnected;

                foreach (var grpPin in group.OutputGroupPins)
                    grpPin.Visible = grpPin.Info.ExternalConnected;
Пример #5
        private void DomNode_AttributeChanged(object sender, AttributeEventArgs e)
            Dirty = true;
            if (e.DomNode == DomNode || e.DomNode.Parent == DomNode)
                Trace.TraceInformation("{0} element  {1} -- Attribute {2} changed from  {3} to {4}",
                                       CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(DomNode), CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(e.DomNode), e.AttributeInfo.Name, e.OldValue, e.NewValue);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the given nodes into a container</summary>
        /// <param name="newParent">New container</param>
        /// <param name="movingObjects">Nodes to move</param>
        void IEditableGraphContainer <Element, Wire, ICircuitPin> .Move(object newParent, IEnumerable <object> movingObjects)
            if (newParent == null)
                newParent = this;

            var movingItems = movingObjects.ToArray();

            var moduleSet    = new HashSet <Element>();
            var movingNodes  = movingItems.AsIEnumerable <Element>().ToArray();
            var newContainer = newParent.Cast <ICircuitContainer>();
            var oldContainer = movingNodes.First().DomNode.Parent.Cast <ICircuitContainer>();

            Debug.Assert(oldContainer != newContainer);

            // all relevant (internal to the old container) edges before the moving
            var internalConnections = new List <Wire>();
            var incomingConnections = new List <Wire>();
            var outgoingConnections = new List <Wire>();

            CircuitUtil.GetSubGraph(oldContainer, movingItems, moduleSet, internalConnections, incomingConnections, outgoingConnections);
            var graphValidator = DomNode.GetRoot().Cast <CircuitValidator>();

            graphValidator.Suspended = true;

            // transfer modules
            foreach (var module in movingNodes)

            // transfer internal connections (those between grouped modules)
            foreach (Wire connection in internalConnections)

            // locaton transformation of moved modules
            var offset = GetRelativeOffset(oldContainer, newContainer);

            foreach (var module in movingNodes)
                var relLoc = module.Bounds.Location;
                module.Bounds = new Rectangle(relLoc, module.Bounds.Size);

            graphValidator.Suspended            = false;
            graphValidator.MovingCrossContainer = true;
Пример #7
        private void DomNode_ChildRemoved(object sender, ChildEventArgs e)
            Dirty = true;
            if (e.Parent == DomNode)
                Trace.TraceInformation("{0} --  Removed {1}  from parent {2}", CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(DomNode),
                                       CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(e.Child), CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(e.Parent));
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the pin external connectivity of the connecting group</summary>
        /// <param name="wire">Wire that has been added or removed in the DOM node tree</param>
        private void UpdateGroupPinConnectivity(Wire wire)
            if (wire.InputElement == null || wire.OutputElement == null)

            var updatedNodes = new List <DomNode>();

            // need to update the pin external connectivity of the connecting group
            if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(wire.InputElement.DomNode))
                var template = CircuitUtil.GetGroupTemplate(wire.InputElement.DomNode);
                if (template != null) // if the template is not missing
            else if (wire.InputElement.DomNode.Is <Group>())
                wire.InputElement.DomNode.Cast <Group>().UpdateGroupPinInfo();

            if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(wire.OutputElement.DomNode))
                var template = CircuitUtil.GetGroupTemplate(wire.OutputElement.DomNode);
                if (template != null) // if the template is not missing
            else if (wire.OutputElement.DomNode.Is <Group>())
                wire.OutputElement.DomNode.Cast <Group>().UpdateGroupPinInfo();

            // let's assume all the updated groups have changed connectivity, and notify the graph adaptors
            foreach (var group in updatedNodes)
                var editingContext = group.As <CircuitEditingContext>();
                if (editingContext != null)
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// AttributeChanged event handler for document DomNode</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender (root DOM node)</param>
        /// <param name="e">Attribute change event args</param>
        protected virtual void OnDocumentNodeAttributeChanged(object sender, AttributeEventArgs e)
            var group = e.DomNode.As <Group>();

            if (group != null && (group.IsNameAttribute(e.AttributeInfo)))
                // update ControlInfo.Name for all group controls
                foreach (var circuitControl in m_circuitNodeControls)
                    if (circuitControl.Key.Is <Group>())
                        circuitControl.Value.Second.Name = CircuitUtil.GetGroupPath(circuitControl.Key.Cast <Group>());
Пример #10
 private void RemoveSubtree(DomNode root)
     foreach (DomNode node in root.Subtree)
         if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(node))
             var template = CircuitUtil.GetGroupTemplate(node);
             m_templateInstances.Remove(template.DomNode, node);
         else if (node.Is <Group>())
             m_subGraphs.Remove(node.Cast <Group>());
         else if (node.Is <Circuit>())
             m_circuits.Remove(node.Cast <Circuit>());
Пример #11
        private void DomNode_ChildInserted(object sender, ChildEventArgs e)
            if (IsCircuitItem(e.Child, e.Parent))
                if (e.Child.Is <Wire>())
                    var connection = e.Child.Cast <Wire>();
                    if (connection.InputElement.Is <Group>())  // set dirty to force update group pin connectivity
                        connection.InputElement.Cast <Group>().Dirty = true;

                    if (connection.OutputElement.Is <Group>())
                        connection.OutputElement.Cast <Group>().Dirty = true;

                OnObjectInserted(new ItemInsertedEventArgs <object>(e.Index, e.Child, e.Parent));

                var circuitValidator = DomNode.GetRoot().As <CircuitValidator>();
                if (circuitValidator != null)
                    var transactionContext = circuitValidator.ActiveHistoryContext;
                    if (transactionContext != null && transactionContext != this)
                        if (transactionContext.DomNode.Ancestry.FirstOrDefault(x => x == e.Parent) != null)
                            if (transactionContext.InTransaction)
                                transactionContext.AddOperation(new ChildInsertedOperation(e));
                                var parent = transactionContext.DomNode.Ancestry.FirstOrDefault(x => x == e.Parent);
                                Trace.TraceInformation("PARENT GRAPH {0} --  Added {1} to parent {2}",
                                                       CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(parent), CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(e.Child), CircuitUtil.GetDomNodeName(e.Parent));
Пример #12
 private void AddSubtree(DomNode root)
     foreach (DomNode node in root.Subtree)
         if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(node))
             var template = CircuitUtil.GetGroupTemplate(node);
             if (template != null) // if the template is not missing
                 m_templateInstances.Add(template.DomNode, node);
         else if (node.Is <Group>())
             m_subGraphs.Add(node.Cast <Group>());
         else if (node.Is <Circuit>())
             m_circuits.Add(node.Cast <Circuit>());
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs initialization when the adapter's node is set</summary>
        protected override void OnNodeSet()
            m_subGraphs       = new HashSet <Group>();
            m_circuits        = new HashSet <Circuit>();
            m_historyContexts = new HashSet <HistoryContext>();
            foreach (DomNode node in DomNode.Subtree)
                if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(node))
                    var template = CircuitUtil.GetGroupTemplate(node);
                    if (template != null)
                        m_templateInstances.Add(template.DomNode, node);
                else if (node.Is <Group>())
                    m_subGraphs.Add(node.Cast <Group>());
                else if (node.Is <Circuit>())
                    m_circuits.Add(node.Cast <Circuit>());


            // Since templates may be externally referenced & edited, better to validate and fix the dangling wires
            // that were connected to already deleted sub-nodes of a template
            if (m_templateInstances.Keys.Any())
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the current rendering style for an item</summary>
        /// <param name="item">Rendered item</param>
        /// <returns>Rendering style set by SetStyle, Normal if no override is set</returns>
        public virtual DiagramDrawingStyle GetStyle(object item)
            DiagramDrawingStyle result = DiagramDrawingStyle.Normal;

            // no override
            if (m_visibilityContext != null && !m_visibilityContext.IsVisible(item))
                result = DiagramDrawingStyle.Hidden;
            else if (item == m_hoverObject || item == m_hoverSubObject)
                if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(item))
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.TemplatedInstance;
                else if (item.Is <Group>())
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.CopyInstance;
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.Hot;
            else if (m_selectionContext != null && m_selectionContext.SelectionContains(item))
                if (m_selectionContext.LastSelected.Equals(item))
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.LastSelected;
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.Selected;
            else if (m_selectionPathProvider != null && m_selectionPathProvider.IncludedPath(item) != null)
                if (CircuitUtil.IsGroupTemplateInstance(item))
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.TemplatedInstance;
                else if (item.Is <Group>())
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.CopyInstance;
                    result = DiagramDrawingStyle.Hot;
            else if (m_renderer.RouteConnecting != null)
                // connection context cue: highlight edges that connect to the starting node
                if (item.Is <TEdge>())
                    var edge = item.Cast <TEdge>();
                    if (m_renderer.RouteConnecting.StartNode.Equals(edge.FromNode) ||
                        result = DiagramDrawingStyle.Hot;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates a newly created group with circuit elements that are currently in the given graph</summary>
        /// <param name="newGroup">A new group, empty of circuit elements</param>
        /// <param name="elementsToGroup">The circuit elements to move into 'newGroup'.</param>
        /// <param name="graphContainer">The container for the circuit elements and their wires. These will
        /// be removed from 'graphContainer' and placed into 'newGroup'.</param>
        /// <remarks>This method is intended to help with persistence of circuit groups.</remarks>
        public static void CreateGroup(Group newGroup, IEnumerable <object> elementsToGroup, ICircuitContainer graphContainer)
            // get the selected modules and the connections between them
            HashSet <Element> modules             = new HashSet <Element>();
            List <Wire>       internalConnections = new List <Wire>();
            List <Wire>       externalConnections = new List <Wire>();

            CircuitUtil.GetSubGraph(graphContainer, elementsToGroup, modules, internalConnections, externalConnections, externalConnections);

            // the group must be added before transferring modules and connections to it,
            //  so that the history mechanism will capture all the changes.

            // transfer modules
            foreach (Element module in modules)

            // auto-generate sub-graph group pins to support the external connections to group
            // group pins may have multiple external connections
            newGroup.UpdateGroupPins(modules, internalConnections, externalConnections);

            // transfer internal connections (those between grouped modules)
            foreach (Wire connection in internalConnections)

            // initalize group pin's index and pinY

            if (graphContainer.Is <Group>()) // making a group inside a group
                // remap group pins in the parent group
                var parentGroup = graphContainer.Cast <Group>();

                // remap parent group pins that reference the new group's subnodes to the new group
                foreach (var grpPin in parentGroup.InputGroupPins)
                    if (modules.Contains(grpPin.InternalElement))
                        // adjust the internal pin index first
                        for (int j = 0; j < newGroup.Inputs.Count; ++j)
                            var newGrpPin = newGroup.Inputs[j] as GroupPin;
                            if (newGrpPin.InternalElement.DomNode == grpPin.InternalElement.DomNode &&
                                newGrpPin.InternalPinIndex == grpPin.InternalPinIndex)
                                grpPin.InternalPinIndex = j;
                                newGrpPin.Name          = grpPin.Name;
                                //grpPin.Name = newGroup.Name + ":" + newGrpPin.Name;

                        // now update node references for the parent group pin
                        grpPin.InternalElement = newGroup;

                foreach (var grpPin in parentGroup.OutputGroupPins)
                    if (modules.Contains(grpPin.InternalElement))
                        // adjust the internal pin index first
                        for (int j = 0; j < newGroup.Outputs.Count; ++j)
                            var newGrpPin = newGroup.Outputs[j] as GroupPin;
                            if (newGrpPin.InternalElement.DomNode == grpPin.InternalElement.DomNode &&
                                newGrpPin.InternalPinIndex == grpPin.InternalPinIndex)
                                grpPin.InternalPinIndex = j;
                                newGrpPin.Name          = grpPin.Name;
                                //grpPin.Name = newGroup.Name + ":" + newGrpPin.Name;

                        // now update node references for the parent group pin
                        grpPin.InternalElement = newGroup;

            newGroup.OnChanged(EventArgs.Empty); // notify the change( derived class of Group may need custom actions)

            // Remap external connections from grouped modules to group.
            foreach (Wire connection in externalConnections)
                var groupInputPin = newGroup.MatchedGroupPin(connection.InputElement, connection.InputPin.Index, true);
                if (groupInputPin != null)

                    // reroute original edge
                    connection.SetInput(newGroup, groupInputPin);
                    connection.InputPinTarget = groupInputPin.PinTarget;

                var groupOutputPin = newGroup.MatchedGroupPin(connection.OutputElement, connection.OutputPin.Index, false);
                if (groupOutputPin != null)

                    // reroute original edge
                    connection.SetOutput(newGroup, groupOutputPin);
                    connection.OutputPinTarget = groupOutputPin.PinTarget;

            // find upper-left corner of the subnodes
            Point minLocation = new Point(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);

            foreach (var module in newGroup.Elements)
                if (minLocation.X > module.Bounds.Location.X)
                    minLocation.X = module.Bounds.Location.X;
                if (minLocation.Y > module.Bounds.Location.Y)
                    minLocation.Y = module.Bounds.Location.Y;
            // offset sub-nodes location so they are relative to the parent
            foreach (var module in newGroup.Elements)
                var relLoc = module.Bounds.Location;
                relLoc.Offset(-minLocation.X, -minLocation.Y);
                module.Bounds   = new Rectangle(relLoc, module.Bounds.Size);
                module.Position = module.Bounds.Location;
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates command state for given command</summary>
        /// <param name="commandTag">Command</param>
        /// <param name="state">Command state to update</param>
        public void UpdateCommand(object commandTag, CommandState state)
            if (commandTag is CommandTag)
                if (commandTag.Equals(CommandTag.ResetGroupPinNames))
                    if (m_targetRef != null && m_targetRef.Target != null)
                        object target = m_targetRef.Target;
                        if (target.Is <Group>() && !CircuitUtil.IsTemplateTargetMissing(target))
                            var group = target.Cast <Group>();
                            state.Text = string.Format("Reset Pin Names on \"{0}\"".Localize(), group.Name);
                else if (commandTag.Equals(CommandTag.ShowExpandedGroupPins))
                    if (m_targetRef != null && m_targetRef.Target != null)
                        object target = m_targetRef.Target;
                        if (target.Is <Group>())
                            var group = target.Cast <Group>();
                            state.Check = group.Info.ShowExpandedGroupPins;
                            state.Text  = string.Format("Show Expanded Group Pins on \"{0}\"".Localize(), group.Name);
                else if (commandTag.Equals(CommandTag.HideUnconnectedPins))
                    if (m_targetRef != null && m_targetRef.Target != null)
                        object target = m_targetRef.Target;
                        if (target.Is <Group>() && !CircuitUtil.IsTemplateTargetMissing(target))
                            var group          = target.Cast <Group>();
                            var graphContainer = group.ParentGraph.As <ICircuitContainer>();
                            if (graphContainer != null)
                                // check if all unconnected pins are hidden
                                m_allUnconnectedHidden = true;
                                foreach (var grpPin in group.InputGroupPins)
                                    bool externalConectd =
                                            x => x.InputPinTarget.FullyEquals(grpPin.PinTarget)) != null;
                                    if (!externalConectd && grpPin.Visible)
                                        m_allUnconnectedHidden = false;
                                if (m_allUnconnectedHidden)
                                    foreach (var grpPin in group.OutputGroupPins)
                                        bool externalConectd =
                                                x => x.OutputPinTarget.FullyEquals(grpPin.PinTarget)) != null;
                                        if (!externalConectd && grpPin.Visible)
                                            m_allUnconnectedHidden = false;

                                state.Check = m_allUnconnectedHidden;
                                state.Text  = string.Format("Hide Unconnected Pins on \"{0}\"".Localize(), group.Name);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Can the client do the command?</summary>
        /// <param name="commandTag">Command</param>
        /// <returns>True iff client can do the command</returns>
        public virtual bool CanDoCommand(object commandTag)
            bool enabled = false;
            var  context = m_contextRegistry.GetActiveContext <CircuitEditingContext>();

            if (context != null)
                var selectionContext = m_contextRegistry.GetActiveContext <ISelectionContext>();
                if (commandTag is StandardCommand)
                    if (StandardCommand.EditGroup.Equals(commandTag))
                        var lastSelected = selectionContext.GetLastSelected <Element>();
                        enabled = (lastSelected != null) &&       // at least one Module selected
                                  selectionContext.Selection.All( // selected elements should have a common parent(i.e. belong to the same container)
                            x => x.Is <Element>() && x.Cast <DomNode>().Parent == lastSelected.DomNode.Parent);
                        if (enabled)
                            enabled = selectionContext.Selection.All(x => !CircuitUtil.IsTemplateTargetMissing(x));
                        if (enabled && (!context.SupportsNestedGroup))
                            // if nested group is not supported, then neither any selected item can be a group,
                            // nor any of their ancestry
                            enabled = selectionContext.Selection.All(x => !x.Is <Group>());
                            if (enabled)
                                enabled = lastSelected.DomNode.Ancestry.All(x => !x.Is <Group>());
                    else if (StandardCommand.EditUngroup.Equals(commandTag))
                        enabled = selectionContext.Selection.Any() &&
                                  selectionContext.Selection.All(x => x.Is <Group>() &&            // selected are all are group instances
                                                                 !(x.Is <IReference <DomNode> >()) // disallow template instances as they suppose acting atomically
                else if (commandTag is CommandTag)
                    if (CommandTag.ShowExpandedGroupPins.Equals(commandTag))
                        enabled = m_targetRef != null && m_targetRef.Target.Is <Group>() &&
                                  m_targetRef.Target.Cast <Group>().Expanded;
                    else if (CommandTag.ResetGroupPinNames.Equals(commandTag))
                        enabled = m_targetRef != null && m_targetRef.Target.Is <Group>() && (m_targetRef.Target is IReference <DomNode>);
                        if (enabled)
                            enabled = !CircuitUtil.IsTemplateTargetMissing(m_targetRef.Target);
                    else if (CommandTag.HideUnconnectedPins.Equals(commandTag))
                        enabled = m_targetRef != null && m_targetRef.Target.Is <Group>();
                        if (enabled)
                            enabled = !CircuitUtil.IsTemplateTargetMissing(m_targetRef.Target);
                    else if (CommandTag.TogglePinVisibility.Equals(commandTag))
                        enabled = m_targetRef != null && CanDoTogglePinVisibility(context, m_targetRef.Target);
                    else if (CommandTag.EdgeStyleDefault.Equals(commandTag))
                        enabled = true;
                    else if (CommandTag.EdgeStyleDirectCurve.Equals(commandTag))
                        enabled = true;
