Пример #1
        public static async Task LikeComment(comment c)
            await VerifyAccountV3AndRefreshIfNecessary();

            var req = NewJsonRequest();
            if (c.parent_object_name == "article")
                req.Resource = "minisite/article_reply_liking.json";
            else if (c.parent_object_name == "post")
                req.Resource = "group/post_reply_liking.json";

            req.Method = Method.POST;
            req.AddParameter(new Parameter() { Name = "access_token", Value = ViewModelLocator.ApplicationSettingsStatic.GuokrAccountProfile.access_token, Type = ParameterType.GetOrPost });
            req.AddParameter(new Parameter() { Name = "reply_id", Value = c.reply_id, Type = ParameterType.GetOrPost });

            var resp = await RestSharpAsync.RestSharpExecuteAsyncTask<GuokrResponse>(ApiClient, req);

            // TODO: need to improve error handling
            if (resp.Data.ok == false)
                throw new Exception();
Пример #2
        public static async Task DeleteCommentV2(comment c)
            await VerifyAccountV3AndRefreshIfNecessary();
            var client = ApiClient;
            var req = NewJsonRequest();

            if (c.parent_object_name == "article")
                req.Resource = "minisite/article_reply.json";
            else if (c.parent_object_name == "post")
                req.Resource = "group/post_reply.json";
            req.Method = Method.DELETE;

            req.AddParameter(new Parameter() { Name = "reply_id", Value = c.reply_id, Type = ParameterType.GetOrPost });
            req.AddParameter(new Parameter() { Name = "access_token", Value = ViewModelLocator.ApplicationSettingsStatic.GuokrAccountProfile.access_token, Type = ParameterType.GetOrPost });

            var response = await RestSharpAsync.RestSharpExecuteAsyncTask(client, req);
                Messenger.Default.Send<DeleteCommentComplete>(new DeleteCommentComplete() { comment = c });
            catch (GuokrException e)
                Messenger.Default.Send<DeleteCommentComplete>(new DeleteCommentComplete() { comment = c, Exception = e });
Пример #3
        private static List<comment> InternalParsePostComments(HtmlDocument htmlDocument)
            var xpath = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
            { "ul", @"//ul[@class=""cmts-list""]"},
            { "content" , @"//div[contains(@class,""cmt-content"")]"},
            { "date_create" , @"//span[@class=""cmt-info""]"},
            { "floor" , @"//span[@class=""cmt-floor""]"},
            { "head_48" , @"//div[contains(@class,""cmt-img"")]//img"},
            { "home_url" , @"//div[contains(@class,""cmt-img"")]/a"},
            { "nickname" , @"//a[@class=""cmt-author cmtAuthor""]"},
            { "reply_id" , @"//li"} };

            var ul = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xpath["ul"]);
            if (ul == null)
                return new List<comment>();

            var contents = ul.SelectNodes(ul.XPath + xpath["content"]);

            if (contents == null || contents.Count == 0)
                return new List<comment>();

            var date_creates = ul.SelectNodes(ul.XPath + xpath["date_create"]);
            var floors = ul.SelectNodes(ul.XPath + xpath["floor"]);
            var head_48s = ul.SelectNodes(ul.XPath + xpath["head_48"]);
            var home_urls = ul.SelectNodes(ul.XPath + xpath["home_url"]);
            var nicknames = ul.SelectNodes(ul.XPath + xpath["nickname"]);
            var reply_ids = ul.SelectNodes(ul.XPath + xpath["reply_id"]);

            if (contents.Count != date_creates.Count
                || contents.Count != floors.Count
                || contents.Count != head_48s.Count
                || contents.Count != home_urls.Count
                || contents.Count != nicknames.Count
                || contents.Count != reply_ids.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            List<comment> ress = new List<comment>();
            for (int i = 0; i < contents.Count; i++)
                var p = new comment();
                    p.contentHtml = contents[i].InnerHtml; // don't do DeEntitize because this will be loaded as HTMLDocument
                    p.date_create = date_creates[i].InnerText;
                    if (p.date_create.Contains("刚刚"))
                        p.date_create = ServerNow.ToString();
                    else if (p.date_create.Contains("今天"))
                        p.date_create = p.date_create.Replace("今天", ServerNow.Date.ToShortDateString());
                    else if (p.date_create.Contains("前"))
                        string[] a = new string[] { "秒前", "分钟前", "小时前" };
                        int m = 1;
                        foreach (var item in a)
                            if (p.date_create.Contains(item))
                                p.date_create = p.date_create.Replace(item, "");
                                m = m * 60;
                        if (m > 3600)
                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                        TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(m * Convert.ToInt32(p.date_create));
                        p.date_create = (ServerNow - ts).ToString();
                    p.floor = Convert.ToInt32(floors[i].InnerText.Substring(0, floors[i].InnerText.Length - 1));
                    p.head_48 = head_48s[i].GetAttributeValue("src", "");
                    p.userUrl = home_urls[i].GetAttributeValue("href", "");
                    p.nickname = nicknames[i].InnerText;
                    p.reply_id = Convert.ToInt64(reply_ids[i].GetAttributeValue("id", "0"));
                catch (Exception e)
                    DebugLogging.Append("exception", e.Message, "");

            return ress;