Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the camera based on the tilt of the Windows Phone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The elapsed time since the last call of <see cref="Update"/>.</param>
        private void TiltCamera(TimeSpan deltaTime)
            // (Note: We use DigitalRune Mathematics instead of the XNA math types - mainly because
            // DigitalRune Mathematics provides a 3x3 matrix to describe rotations and the QuaternionF
            // provides a nice helper function to create a rotation from two given vectors.
            // Please note that DigitalRune Mathematics uses column vectors whereas XNA uses row vectors.
            // When using Vector3F and Matrix33F we need to multiple them in this order: v' = M * v.
            // When using Vector3 and Matrix we need to multiple them in this order: v' = v * M.)

            // Get accelerometer value transformed into world space.
            Vector3F accelerometerVector = new Vector3F(

            // Run the accelerometer signal through a low-pass filter to remove noise and jitter.
            Vector3F currentGravityDirection = _lowPassFilter.Filter(accelerometerVector, (float)deltaTime.TotalSeconds);

            Matrix33F cameraTilt;

            if (!currentGravityDirection.IsNumericallyZero)
                // We have some valid sensor readings.
                // Let's compute the tilt of the camera. When the phone is lying flat on a table the camera
                // looks down onto the scene. When the phone is tilted we want to rotate the position of
                // the camera. QuaternionF contains a useful helper function that creates a rotation from
                // two given directions - exactly what we need here.
                cameraTilt = QuaternionF.CreateRotation(currentGravityDirection, new Vector3F(0, -1, 0)).ToRotationMatrix33();
                // Current acceleration is nearly (0, 0, 0). We cannot infer any useful direction from
                // this vector. Reset the camera tilt.
                cameraTilt = Matrix33F.Identity;

            // ----- Set up the view matrix (= the position and orientation of the camera).
            Vector3F cameraTarget   = new Vector3F(0, 2, 0);               // That's were the camera is looking at.
            Vector3F cameraPosition = new Vector3F(0, _cameraDistance, 0); // That's the default position of the camera.
            Vector3F cameraUpVector = new Vector3F(0, 0, -1);              // That's the up-vector of the camera.

            // Apply the camera tilt to the position and orientation.
            cameraPosition = cameraTilt * cameraPosition;
            cameraUpVector = cameraTilt * cameraUpVector;

            // Keep the camera above the ground.
            cameraPosition.Y = Math.Max(0.5f, cameraPosition.Y);

            // Create the view matrix from these points.
            GraphicsScreen.CameraNode.View = Matrix44F.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, cameraUpVector);

            // Save the camera position because it is required for hit-testing in DragBodies().
            _cameraPosition = cameraPosition;