Пример #1
        protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e)

                // Look up for the SP ID
                string referer = this.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri;
                int    i       = -1;
                if (!referer.StartsWith(Services.LocalUri))
                    for (i = 0; i < Services.AllowedServiceUrls.Length; i++)
                        string url = Services.AllowedServiceUrls[i];

                        if (referer.StartsWith(url))

                    if (i == Services.AllowedServiceUrls.Length)
                        throw new Exception("Your SP is not allowed");

                // Get the saved SSO state, if any.
                // If there isn't saved state then receive the authentication request.
                // If there is saved state then we've just completed a local login in response
                // to a prior authentication request.
                SsoAuthnState ssoState = (SsoAuthnState)Session[SsoSessionKey];

                // Receive the authentication request.
                AuthnRequest authnRequest = null;
                string       relayState   = null;

                if (i != -1)
                    Util.ReceiveAuthnRequest(this, out authnRequest, out relayState);

                    if (authnRequest == null)
                        // No authentication request found.

                if (ssoState == null)
                    // Process the authentication request.
                    bool forceAuthn  = authnRequest.ForceAuthn;
                    bool allowCreate = false;

                    if (authnRequest.NameIdPolicy != null)
                        allowCreate = authnRequest.NameIdPolicy.AllowCreate;

                    ssoState = new SsoAuthnState();
                    ssoState.AuthnRequest                = authnRequest;
                    ssoState.RelayState                  = relayState;
                    ssoState.IdpProtocolBinding          = SamlBindingUri.UriToBinding(authnRequest.ProtocolBinding);
                    ssoState.AssertionConsumerServiceURL = authnRequest.AssertionConsumerServiceUrl;

                    // Determine whether or not a local login is required.
                    bool requireLocalLogin = false;

                    if (forceAuthn)
                        requireLocalLogin = true;
                        if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated & allowCreate)
                            requireLocalLogin = true;

                    // If a local login is required then save the authentication request
                    // and initiate a local login.
                    if (requireLocalLogin)
                        // Save the SSO state.
                        Session[SsoSessionKey] = ssoState;

                        // Initiate a local login.

                // Create a SAML response with the user's local identity, if any.
                ComponentPro.Saml2.Response samlResponse = Util.CreateSamlResponse(this);

                if (i != -1)
                    // Update the Relay state before sending SAML response.
                    // Dynamically update the assertion consumer service URL corresponding to the service provider.
                    ssoState.AssertionConsumerServiceURL = authnRequest.AssertionConsumerServiceUrl;

                // Send the SAML response to the service provider.
                Util.SendSamlResponse(this, samlResponse, ssoState);

            catch (Exception exception)
                Trace.Write("IdentityProvider", "An Error occurred", exception);
        // Send the SAML response over the specified binding.
        public static void SendSamlResponse(Page page, ComponentPro.Saml2.Response samlResponse, SsoAuthnState ssoState)
            // Sign the SAML response
            X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = (X509Certificate2)page.Application[Global.IdPCertKey];


            // Send the SAML response to the service provider.
            switch (ssoState.IdpProtocolBinding)
            case SamlBinding.HttpPost:
                samlResponse.SendPostBindingForm(page.Response.OutputStream, ssoState.AssertionConsumerServiceURL, ssoState.RelayState);

            case SamlBinding.HttpArtifact:
                // Create the artifact.
                string identificationUrl           = Util.GetAbsoluteUrl(page, "~/");
                Saml2ArtifactType0004 httpArtifact = new Saml2ArtifactType0004(SamlArtifact.GetSourceId(identificationUrl), SamlArtifact.GetHandle());

                // Cache the authentication request for subsequent sending using the artifact resolution protocol. Sliding expiration time is 1 hour.
                SamlSettings.CacheProvider.Insert(httpArtifact.ToString(), samlResponse.GetXml(), new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));

                // Send the artifact.
                httpArtifact.SendPostForm(page.Response.OutputStream, ssoState.AssertionConsumerServiceURL,

                Trace.Write("IdentityProvider", "Invalid identity provider binding");