internal Tuple<string, ICompilation, IMetadataImporter, MockErrorReporter> Compile(string source, bool includeLinq = false, bool expectErrors = false)
            var sourceFile = new MockSourceFile("file.cs", source);
            var md = new MetadataImporter.ScriptSharpMetadataImporter(false);
            var n = new DefaultNamer();
            var er = new MockErrorReporter(!expectErrors);
            PreparedCompilation compilation = null;
            var rtl = new ScriptSharpRuntimeLibrary(md, er, n.GetTypeParameterName, tr => { var t = tr.Resolve(compilation.Compilation).GetDefinition(); return new JsTypeReferenceExpression(t.ParentAssembly, md.GetTypeSemantics(t).Name); });
            var compiler = new Compiler.Compiler(md, n, rtl, er);

            var references = includeLinq ? new[] { Common.Mscorlib, Common.Linq } : new[] { Common.Mscorlib };
            compilation = compiler.CreateCompilation(new[] { sourceFile }, references, null);
            var compiledTypes = compiler.Compile(compilation);

            if (expectErrors) {
                Assert.That(er.AllMessages, Is.Not.Empty, "Compile should have generated errors");
                return Tuple.Create((string)null, compilation.Compilation, (IMetadataImporter)md, er);

            er.AllMessagesText.Should().BeEmpty("Compile should not generate errors");

            var js = new OOPEmulator.ScriptSharpOOPEmulator(md, rtl, er).Rewrite(compiledTypes, compilation.Compilation);
            js = new GlobalNamespaceReferenceImporter().ImportReferences(js);

            string script = string.Join("", js.Select(s => OutputFormatter.Format(s, allowIntermediates: false)));

            if (Output == OutputType.GeneratedScript)
            return Tuple.Create(script, compilation.Compilation, (IMetadataImporter)md, er);
            public bool Compile(CompilerOptions options, ErrorReporterWrapper er)
                string intermediateAssemblyFile = Path.GetTempFileName(), intermediateDocFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                try {
                    // Compile the assembly
                    var settings = MapSettings(options, intermediateAssemblyFile, intermediateDocFile, er);
                    if (er.HasErrors)
                        return false;

                    if (!options.AlreadyCompiled) {
                        // Compile the assembly
                        var ctx = new CompilerContext(settings, new ConvertingReportPrinter(er));
                        var d = new Mono.CSharp.Driver(ctx);
                        if (er.HasErrors)
                            return false;

                    // Compile the script
                    var md = new MetadataImporter.ScriptSharpMetadataImporter(options.MinimizeScript);
                    var n = new DefaultNamer();
                    PreparedCompilation compilation = null;
                    var rtl = new ScriptSharpRuntimeLibrary(md, er, n.GetTypeParameterName, tr => { var t = tr.Resolve(compilation.Compilation).GetDefinition(); return new JsTypeReferenceExpression(t.ParentAssembly, md.GetTypeSemantics(t).Name); });
                    var compiler = new Compiler.Compiler(md, n, rtl, er, allowUserDefinedStructs: options.References.Count == 0 /* We allow user-defined structs in mscorlib only, which can be identified by the fact that it has no references*/);

                    var references = LoadReferences(settings.AssemblyReferences, er);
                    if (references == null)
                        return false;

                    compilation = compiler.CreateCompilation(options.SourceFiles.Select(f => new SimpleSourceFile(f, settings.Encoding)), references, options.DefineConstants);
                    var compiledTypes = compiler.Compile(compilation);

                    var js = new ScriptSharpOOPEmulator(compilation.Compilation, md, rtl, er).Rewrite(compiledTypes, compilation.Compilation);
                    js = new GlobalNamespaceReferenceImporter().ImportReferences(js);

                    if (er.HasErrors)
                        return false;

                    string outputAssemblyPath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputAssemblyPath) ? options.OutputAssemblyPath : Path.ChangeExtension(options.SourceFiles[0], ".dll");
                    string outputScriptPath   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputScriptPath)   ? options.OutputScriptPath   : Path.ChangeExtension(options.SourceFiles[0], ".js");

                    if (!options.AlreadyCompiled) {
                        try {
                            File.Copy(intermediateAssemblyFile, outputAssemblyPath, true);
                        catch (IOException ex) {
                            er.Region = DomRegion.Empty;
                            er.Message(7950, ex.Message);
                            return false;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.DocumentationFile)) {
                            try {
                                File.Copy(intermediateDocFile, options.DocumentationFile, true);
                            catch (IOException ex) {
                                er.Region = DomRegion.Empty;
                                er.Message(7952, ex.Message);
                                return false;

                    string script = string.Join("", js.Select(s => options.MinimizeScript ? OutputFormatter.FormatMinified(Minifier.Process(s)) : OutputFormatter.Format(s)));
                    try {
                        File.WriteAllText(outputScriptPath, script, settings.Encoding);
                    catch (IOException ex) {
                        er.Region = DomRegion.Empty;
                        er.Message(7951, ex.Message);
                        return false;
                    return true;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    er.Region = DomRegion.Empty;
                    return false;
                finally {
                    if (!options.AlreadyCompiled) {
                        try { File.Delete(intermediateAssemblyFile); } catch {}
                        try { File.Delete(intermediateDocFile); } catch {}