Пример #1
        public UC_BangKeChiTietCK(frmChuyenKho _nhap, string _Timechon, DateTime _DateTimeFrom, DateTime _DateTimeTo, DataTable _table)
            cbochon.Text     = _Timechon;
            main_form        = _nhap;
            dateTu.DateTime  = _DateTimeFrom;
            dateDen.DateTime = _DateTimeTo;
            gridView1.IndicatorWidth        = 40;
            lookkhotu.Properties.DataSource = new STOCKController().STOCK_GetList();
            // The field providing the editor's display text.
            lookkhotu.Properties.DisplayMember = "Stock_Name";
            // The field matching the edit value.
            lookkhotu.Properties.ValueMember = "Stock_ID";
            //lookkho.Properties.BestFitMode = BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;

            // Enable auto completion search mode.
            //lookkho.Properties.SearchMode = SearchMode.AutoComplete;
            // Specify the column against which to perform the search.
            lookkhotu.Properties.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;
            lookkhoden.Properties.DataSource           = new STOCKController().STOCK_GetList();
            // The field providing the editor's display text.
            lookkhoden.Properties.DisplayMember = "Stock_Name";
            // The field matching the edit value.
            lookkhoden.Properties.ValueMember = "Stock_ID";
            //lookkho.Properties.BestFitMode = BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;

            // Enable auto completion search mode.
            //lookkho.Properties.SearchMode = SearchMode.AutoComplete;
            // Specify the column against which to perform the search.
            lookkhoden.Properties.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;
            gridControl1.DataSource = _table;
Пример #2
        public UC_BangKeTongHopCK(frmChuyenKho _nhap, string _Timechon, DateTime _DateTimeFrom, DateTime _DateTimeTo, DataTable _table)
            cbochon.Text     = _Timechon;
            dateDen.DateTime = _DateTimeFrom;
            dateTu.DateTime  = _DateTimeTo;
            gridView1.IndicatorWidth = 40;
            gridControl1.DataSource  = _table;
            main_form = _nhap;

            gridView1.IndicatorWidth            = 40;
            looknguoinhan.Properties.DataSource = new EMPLOYEEController().LayDSNhanVien();
            // The field providing the editor's display text.
            looknguoinhan.Properties.DisplayMember = "Employee_Name";
            // The field matching the edit value.
            looknguoinhan.Properties.ValueMember = "Employee_ID";
            //lookkho.Properties.BestFitMode = BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;

            // Enable auto completion search mode.
            //lookkho.Properties.SearchMode = SearchMode.AutoComplete;
            // Specify the column against which to perform the search.
            looknguoinhan.Properties.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;
            //gridControl1.DataSource = new STOCK_TRANSFERController().STOCK_TRANSFER_GetList_ByDate_Action(dateTu.DateTime, dateDen.DateTime, 0, 9);
            _sys_log.MChine      = new MobilityNetwork().GetComputerName();
            _sys_log.IP          = new MobilityNetwork().GetIP();
            _sys_log.UserID      = "US000001";
            _sys_log.Created     = DateTime.Now;
            _sys_log.Action_Name = "Xem";
            _sys_log.Description = "Bảng Kê Phiếu Chuyển Kho";
            _sys_log.Module      = "Bảng Kê Phiếu Chuyển Kho";
            _sys_log.Reference   = "";
            _sys_log.Active      = true;
            SYS_LOGController insertlog = new SYS_LOGController();
