Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the contact targets.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IList GetContactTargets()
        IList              contactList;
        IQueryable         query       = (IQueryable)EntityFactory.GetRepository <IContact>();
        IExpressionFactory expressions = query.GetExpressionFactory();
        IProjections       projections = query.GetProjectionsFactory();
        ICriteria          criteria    = query.CreateCriteria("a1")
                                         .CreateCriteria("Account", "account")
                                         .CreateCriteria("a1.Addresses", "address")


        AddExpressionsCriteria(criteria, expressions);
        contactList = criteria.List();
        // NOTE: The generic exception handler was removed since the exception was rethrown; this exception would be logged twice otherwise.
        // We may want to throw a UserObservableApplicationException in the future.
    /// <summary>
    /// Shows the sales process info.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="opportunity">The opportunity.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool ShowSalesProcessInfo(IOpportunity opportunity)
        bool result = false;

        if (GetOpportunityStatusMatch(opportunity, "Open") ||
            GetOpportunityStatusMatch(opportunity, "Inactive"))
            IRepository <ISalesProcesses> rep = EntityFactory.GetRepository <ISalesProcesses>();
            IQueryable         qry            = (IQueryable)rep;
            IExpressionFactory ep             = qry.GetExpressionFactory();
            ICriteria          crit           = qry.CreateCriteria();
            crit.Add(ep.Eq("EntityId", opportunity.Id.ToString()));
            IProjection proj = qry.GetProjectionsFactory().Count("Id");
            int count = (int)crit.UniqueResult();
            result = (count > 0);
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the contact targets via a join through Account.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IList GetAccountTargets()
        IList contactList;

            IQueryable         query       = (IQueryable)EntityFactory.GetRepository <IContact>();
            IExpressionFactory expressions = query.GetExpressionFactory();
            IProjections       projections = query.GetProjectionsFactory();
            ICriteria          criteria    = query.CreateCriteria("a1")
                                             .CreateCriteria("Account", "account")
                                             .CreateCriteria("Addresses", "address")
            AddExpressionsCriteria(criteria, expressions);
            contactList = criteria.List();
        catch (NHibernate.QueryException nex)
            log.Error("The call to ManageTargets.GetAccountTargets() failed", nex);
            string message = GetLocalResourceObject("QueryError").ToString();
            if (nex.Message.Contains("could not resolve property"))
                message += "  " + GetLocalResourceObject("QueryErrorInvalidParameter");

            throw new ValidationException(message);
        // NOTE: The generic exception handler was removed since the exception was rethrown; this exception would be logged twice otherwise.
        // We may want to throw a UserObservableApplicationException in the future.