private Manager()
            Initialized = false;
            Config = new NameValueCollection((NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("SSO.Client.SettingsGroup/SSO.Client.Settings"));
            ManagerIPAddr = null;
            RNG = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
            CookieSent = false;
            UserInfo = null;
            UserCache = null;

            // Initialize new read/write globals.
            QueryString = new NameValueCollection(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString);
            Form = new NameValueCollection(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form);
            Cookies = new NameValueCollection();
            foreach (string Key in HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies)
                Cookies[Key] = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[Key].Value;
            RequestVars = new NameValueCollection(Cookies);
            foreach (string Key in QueryString)
                RequestVars[Key] = QueryString[Key];
            foreach (string Key in Form)
                RequestVars[Key] = Form[Key];
        public bool LoggedIn()
            if (UserInfo != null)  return (UserInfo.sso_id != "");
            if (RequestVars[Config["cookie_name"] + "_s"] == null)  return false;

                // Decrypt the cookie.
                UserInfo = new UserInfoBase();
                byte[] CData = Base64Decode(RequestVars[Config["cookie_name"] + "_s"].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/'));

                NameValueCollection Options = new NameValueCollection();
                Options["mode"] = "CBC";
                Options["iv"] = Config["rand_seed2"];
                Options["key2"] = Config["rand_seed4"];
                Options["iv2"] = Config["rand_seed5"];
                Options["lightweight"] = "true";
                CData = AES_ExtractDataPacket(CData, Config["rand_seed"], Options);

                if (CData.Length > 2)
                    byte[] APIKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Config["server_apikey"]);
                    byte[] CData2 = new byte[CData.Length + 1 + APIKey.Length];
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(CData, 0, CData2, 0, CData.Length);
                    CData2[CData.Length] = (byte)':';
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(APIKey, 0, CData2, CData.Length + 1, APIKey.Length);
                    string VData;
                    using (HMACSHA1 TempHMAC = new HMACSHA1(ConvertHexToBytes(Config["rand_seed6"])))
                        VData = Convert.ToBase64String(TempHMAC.Hash);

                    bool Compressed = (CData[0] == (byte)'1');
                    CData2 = new byte[CData.Length - 2];
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(CData, 2, CData2, 0, CData.Length - 2);
                    CData = (Compressed ? Uncompress(CData2) : CData2);
                    JObject CDataObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(CData));

                    // Load the user information structure.
                    UserInfo.sso_id = (string)CDataObj["s"];
           = (string)CDataObj["i"];
                    UserInfo.extra = (string)CDataObj["e"];
                    if (CDataObj["t"] != null)
                        foreach (var x in (JObject)CDataObj["t"])  UserInfo.tag_map[x.Key] = "1";
                    if (CDataObj["a"] != null)  UserInfo.admin = ((int)CDataObj["a"] == 1);

                    UserCache = new UserCacheBase();
                    if (CDataObj["b"] != null)  UserCache.hasdb = ((int)CDataObj["b"] == 1);
                    UserCache.ts = (string)CDataObj["c"];
                    UserCache.ipaddr = (ManagerIPAddr["ipv4"] != "" && ManagerIPAddr["ipv4"].Length < ManagerIPAddr["shortipv6"].Length ? ManagerIPAddr["ipv4"] : ManagerIPAddr["shortipv6"]);
                    if (CDataObj["d"] != null)
                        foreach (var x in (JObject)CDataObj["d"])[x.Key] = (string)x.Value;

                    // If the verification cookie is missing or invalid, logout of the session.
                    if (RequestVars[Config["cookie_name"] + "_v"] == null || RequestVars[Config["cookie_name"] + "_v"].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') != VData.Replace("=", ""))

                        return false;

                    // Check for outdated login information.
                    UserCache.ts2 = UTCToLocalDate(UserCache.ts);
                    if (RequestVars[Config["cookie_name"] + "_c"] == null || UserCache.ts2 < DateTime.Now || UserCache.ipaddr != (string)CDataObj["p"] || (IsSiteAdmin() && Config["client_check_site_admin"] == "1"))
                        // Reset the session if the IP address changed.
                        if (Config["cookie_reset_ipaddr_changes"] == "1" && UserCache.ipaddr != (string)CDataObj["p"])
                            UserInfo.sso_id = "";

                            return false;

                        // Validate the login.  Handle scenarios where the SSO Server is unavailable.
                        Options = new NameValueCollection();
                        Options["sso_id"] = UserInfo.sso_id;
                        Options["expires"] = (Convert.ToInt32(Config["cookie_timeout"]) > 0 && Convert.ToInt32(Config["cookie_timeout"]) < Convert.ToInt32(Config["server_session_timeout"]) ? Config["cookie_timeout"] : Config["server_session_timeout"]);

                        JObject Result = SendRequest("getlogin", Options);
                        if (!(bool)Result["success"] && Result["info"] == null)
                            UserInfo.sso_id = "";

                            return false;
                        if ((bool)Result["success"])  ProcessLogin(Result, false);

                    return true;
            catch (Exception)

            return false;
        private void ProcessLogin(JObject Info, bool FromServer)
            UserInfo = new UserInfoBase();
            UserInfo.sso_id = (string)Info["sso_id"];
   = (string)Info["id"];
            UserInfo.extra = (string)Info["extra"];
            if (Info["field_map"].Type == JTokenType.Object)
                JObject TempMap = (JObject)Info["field_map"];
                foreach (var x in TempMap)  UserInfo.field_map[x.Key] = (string)x.Value;
            if (Info["writable"].Type == JTokenType.Object)
                JObject TempMap = (JObject)Info["writable"];
                foreach (var x in TempMap)  UserInfo.writable[x.Key] = "1";
            if (Info["tag_map"].Type == JTokenType.Object)
                JObject TempMap = (JObject)Info["tag_map"];
                foreach (var x in TempMap)  UserInfo.tag_map[x.Key] = "1";
            UserInfo.admin = (bool)Info["admin"];
            UserInfo.loaded = true;

            UserCache = new UserCacheBase();
            UserCache.fromserver = FromServer;
            UserCache.changed = true;
            UserCache.dbchanged = true;
            UserCache.hasdb = false;
            UserCache.ts = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(Config["cookie_check"])).ToUniversalTime().ToString("u").Replace("Z", "");
            UserCache.ts2 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(Config["cookie_check"]));
            UserCache.ipaddr = (ManagerIPAddr["ipv4"] != "" && ManagerIPAddr["ipv4"].Length < ManagerIPAddr["shortipv6"].Length ? ManagerIPAddr["ipv4"] : ManagerIPAddr["shortipv6"]);

            Cookies.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_c");
            Cookies.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_s");
            Cookies.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_v");

            if (Info["rinfo"] != null)
                    byte[] Data = Base64Decode((string)Info["rinfo"]);
                    NameValueCollection Options = new NameValueCollection();
                    Options["mode"] = "CBC";
                    Options["iv"] = Config["rand_seed8"];
                    Options["key2"] = Config["rand_seed9"];
                    Options["iv2"] = Config["rand_seed10"];
                    Data = AES_ExtractDataPacket(Data, Config["rand_seed7"], Options);
                    Data = Uncompress(Data);
                    JObject TempMap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Data));

                    // Reload.
                    QueryString = new NameValueCollection();
                    foreach (var x in (JObject)TempMap["get"])  QueryString[x.Key] = (string)x.Value;
                    Form = new NameValueCollection();
                    foreach (var x in (JObject)TempMap["post"])  Form[x.Key] = (string)x.Value;
                    RequestVars = new NameValueCollection();
                    foreach (var x in (JObject)TempMap["request"])  RequestVars[x.Key] = (string)x.Value;
                catch (Exception)

            // Reinitialize stored input.
            QueryString.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_c");
            QueryString.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_s");
            QueryString.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_v");
            Form.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_c");
            Form.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_s");
            Form.Remove(Config["cookie_name"] + "_v");