Пример #1
        public static void Go(string conn, string outputFile, string scriptFolder, bool recurseFlag, string upgradeTo)
            // find upgrade folder (should be just one)
            string configUpgradeFolderName = Settings.getUpgradeFolderName(true);
            string configIgnoreDirList = Settings.getIgnoreDirList(true);
            string configIgnoreFileList = Settings.getIgnoreFileList(true);
            string[] upgradeFolderList = Directory.GetDirectories(scriptFolder, configUpgradeFolderName, SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            if (upgradeFolderList.Length == 0)
                Log.Error("upgrade", "Upgrade directory not found");
                Log.ExitError("Upgrade failed");

            // make a list of all upgrade scripts
            ArrayList upgradeScriptList = new ArrayList();
            // there can be more than one upgrade folder
            foreach (string folder in upgradeFolderList)
                ArrayList unfilteredUpgradeScriptList = new ArrayList();
                unfilteredUpgradeScriptList.AddRange(FolderSearch.Search(folder, true, "*.sql", configIgnoreDirList, configIgnoreFileList));
                // remove all scripts > upgradeTo
                if (upgradeTo != "")
                    foreach (string upgradeScript in unfilteredUpgradeScriptList)
                        if (RegistryTable.compareVersion(UpgradeScriptnameComparer.extractUpgradeScriptVersion(upgradeScript), upgradeTo) <= 0)


            // sort in ascending order
            upgradeScriptList.Sort(new UpgradeScriptnameComparer());

            string maxDatamodelVersion = UpgradeScriptnameComparer.extractUpgradeScriptVersion((string)upgradeScriptList[upgradeScriptList.Count - 1]);

            Log.Verbose("upgrade", "Open connection to database");
            // Open connections
            if (conn == "")
                Log.Error("upgrade", "Upgrade can not be done in offline mode");
                Log.ExitError("Upgrade failed");
            OracleSql db = new OracleSql();
            if (outputFile == "") db.OpenConnection(conn);
            else db.SpoolOn(outputFile);
            Log.Verbose("upgrade", "DB object successfuly created...");

            Log.Verbose("upgrade", "Extract version info from sqlmake registry");
            // Extract current datamodel version
            RegistryTable registryTable = new RegistryTable();
            string currDatamodelVersion = RegistryTable.getDatamodelVersion(db);
            int currErrCount = RegistryTable.getErrorCount(db, currDatamodelVersion);
            Log.Verbose("upgrade", "Current schema datamodel version is {0}", currDatamodelVersion);

            if (currErrCount > 0)
                Log.Error("upgrade", "Previous install/upgrade finished with {0} error(s)", currErrCount);
                // TODO: force command line switch to force upgrade even if errors are found
                Log.ExitError("Upgrade failed");

            if (RegistryTable.compareVersion(maxDatamodelVersion, currDatamodelVersion) == -1)
                Log.Error("upgrade", "Datamodel is newer then scripts on filesystem. No upgrade is necessary");
                Log.ExitError("Skipping upgrade script deployment");

            if (RegistryTable.compareVersion(maxDatamodelVersion, currDatamodelVersion) == 1)
                Log.Info("upgrade", "Upgrading data model ...");
                foreach (string upgradeScript in upgradeScriptList)
                    string scriptVersion = UpgradeScriptnameComparer.extractUpgradeScriptVersion(upgradeScript);
                    if (RegistryTable.compareVersion(currDatamodelVersion, scriptVersion) == -1)
                        Log.Info("upgrade", "");
                        int errCount = SqlScript.RunLogErrors(db, upgradeScript, scriptVersion, registryTable);
                        currDatamodelVersion = scriptVersion;
                        registryTable.addNewUpgrade(db, currDatamodelVersion, errCount, upgradeScript);

                        if (errCount > 0)
                            Log.Error("upgrade", "Errors found during upgrade to version {0}", currDatamodelVersion);
                            Log.ExitError("Upgrade failed");
                            Log.Info("upgrade", "Installation of upgrade script {0} successful", Path.GetFileName(upgradeScript));
                Log.Info("upgrade", "");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Log.Info("upgrade", "All upgrade scripts applied");
                Log.Info("upgrade", "Datamodel is up to date. No upgrade is necessary");
Пример #2
        public static void Go(string connectString, string outputScript, string sourceScriptsDir, bool recurseFlag)
            Log.Verbose("install", "Install start");

            OracleSql db = new OracleSql();
            RegistryTable registryTable = new RegistryTable();

            if (connectString != "")
                // Open connections
                if (connectString != "")

                Log.Verbose("install", "Check registry table");
                // Check if registry files are already created

                string currDatamodelVersion = RegistryTable.getDatamodelVersion(db);
                if (currDatamodelVersion == "-1")
                    Log.Error("install", "Target schema is installed but does not contain version information", currDatamodelVersion);
                    Log.Error("install", "Only manual upgrade is possible");
                    Log.ExitError("Installation failed");

                if (RegistryTable.compareVersion(currDatamodelVersion, "0") == 1)
                    Log.Error("install", "Target schema already contains version {0} of datamodel", currDatamodelVersion);
                    Log.Error("install", "Use upgrade instead of install");
                    Log.ExitError("Installation failed");

            else if (outputScript != "")
                Log.Error("install", "Either connect string or output script must be specified");
                Log.ExitError("Install did not start");

            Log.Info("install", "Searching for sql scripts ...");
            Log.Verbose("install", "Allowed file types {0}", Settings.getSqlFileList(true));
            Log.Verbose("install", "Ignore directories {0}", Settings.getIgnoreDirList(true));
            Log.Verbose("install", "Ignore files {0}", Settings.getIgnoreFileList(true));
            ArrayList sqlCommandList = new ArrayList();
            string[] fileList = FolderSearch.Search(sourceScriptsDir, recurseFlag, Settings.getSqlFileList(true), Settings.getIgnoreDirList(true), Settings.getIgnoreFileList(true));

            Log.Info("install", "Loading sql commands from scripts ... ");
            //Load SQL commands from scripts
            foreach (string scriptname in fileList)
                Log.Verbose("install", "Loading script {0}", scriptname);
            Log.Verbose("install", "Sort loaded sql commands");

            //Extract datamodel version
            Log.Verbose("Install", "Looking for datamodel version...");
            string datamodelVersion = "-1";

            if (Settings.getDatamodelVersionLocation(true) == "FILE")
                Log.Verbose("Install", "Extracting datamodel version from file {0}", Settings.getDatamodelVersionFilename(true));
                datamodelVersion = VersionStringManipulation.extractVersionStringFromTextualFile(sourceScriptsDir, recurseFlag, Settings.getDatamodelVersionFilename(true), Settings.getDatamodelVersionSearchPattern(true), Settings.getDatamodelVersionIdDefinition(true));

            if (Settings.getDatamodelVersionLocation(true) == "DIRECTORY")
                Log.Verbose("Install", "Extracting datamodel version from directory name {0}", sourceScriptsDir);
                datamodelVersion = VersionStringManipulation.extractVersionStringFromDirectoryName(sourceScriptsDir, Settings.getDatamodelVersionSearchPattern(true), Settings.getDatamodelVersionIdDefinition(true));

            if (datamodelVersion == "-1") Log.Warning("Install", "  Target datamodel version not found. Setting version to -1.");

            //foreach (SqlObject s in sqlCommandList)
            //    Console.WriteLine("{6} [{0},{1}] action {2}, objectType {3}, objectName {4}, secondaryObjectName {5}", s.lineStart, s.lineEnd, s.action, s.objectType, s.objectName, s.secondaryObjectName, s.filename);

            Log.Info("install", "Executing SQL commands in predefined order...");
            // execute in predefined order
            string installOrder = Settings.getInstallOrder(true);
            int sqlCount = 0;
            int cmdSequence = 0;
            int errCount = 0;
            foreach (string objectType in installOrder.Split(','))
                sqlCount = 0;
                Log.Verbose("install", "Looking for SQL commands where type is {0}", objectType);
                foreach (SqlObject s in sqlCommandList)
                    if (s.commandType != "SQLPlus" &&
                        ((s.action.Trim() == "CREATE" || s.action == "CREATE OR REPLACE") && s.objectType == objectType.Trim()) ||
                        ((s.action.Trim() == "GRANT" || s.action.Trim() == "INSERT") && s.action == objectType.Trim())
                        if (sqlCount == 0) db.Prompt("=========== " + objectType + " ======================================");
                        db.Comment(String.Format("[Line {0} to {1}] {2}", s.lineStart, s.lineEnd, s.filename));
                        string installingWhat = "";
                        if (s.secondaryObjectName == "") installingWhat = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", s.action.ToLower(), s.objectType.ToLower(), s.objectName.ToLower());
                        else installingWhat = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} on {3}", s.action.ToLower(), s.objectType.ToLower(), s.secondaryObjectName.ToLower(), s.objectName.ToLower());
                        db.Prompt(installingWhat + "...");
                        int sqlCode = db.Exec(s.sqlText, "install", "");
                        if (sqlCode != 0)
                            registryTable.addError(db, datamodelVersion, cmdSequence, s.filename, s.lineStart, db.lastErrm, s.sqlText, installingWhat);
                        s.isInstalled = true;
                Log.Verbose("install", "{0} found", sqlCount);

            Log.Verbose("install", "Check for leftover commands");
            // check if any of sqlObjects were left unatended
            // we can safely ignore: COMMIT
            bool lefotverFlag = false;
            foreach (SqlObject s in sqlCommandList)
                if (s.commandType != "SQLPlus" && !s.isInstalled && s.action.Trim() != "COMMIT")
                    lefotverFlag = true;
                    string installingWhat = "";
                    if (s.secondaryObjectName == "") installingWhat = String.Format("Action={0} ObjectType={1} ObjectName={2}...", s.action.ToLower(), s.objectType.ToLower(), s.objectName.ToLower());
                    else installingWhat = String.Format("Action={0} ObjectType={1} {2} on {3}...", s.action.ToLower(), s.objectType.ToLower(), s.secondaryObjectName.ToLower(), s.objectName.ToLower());
                    Log.Warning("install", "Leftover: [Line {0} to {1}] {2}", s.lineStart, s.lineEnd, s.filename);
                    Log.Warning("install", installingWhat);

            // check for errors during install
            Log.Verbose("install", "Check for erros during install");
            bool failedInstall = false;

            if (errCount > 0)
                failedInstall = true;
                Log.Error("install", "{0} error(s) occured during install", errCount);
            if (lefotverFlag)
                failedInstall = true;
                Log.Error("install", "There are lefover SQL commands that did not get installed. See sqlmake log file for details");

            Log.Info("install", "Recompile invalid objects");
            int invalidCount = db.RecompileInvalidObjects();
            if ( invalidCount > 0)
                failedInstall = true;
                Log.Error("install", "{0} invalid object(s) found after recompilation", invalidCount);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} invalid object(s) found after recompilation", invalidCount);

            Log.Info("install", "");
            Log.Verbose("install", "Set datamodel version in registry table");
            if (datamodelVersion == "0")
                failedInstall = true;
                registryTable.setDatamodelVersion(db, "-1");
                Log.Error("install", "Unknown version of datamodel installed");
                registryTable.setDatamodelVersion(db, datamodelVersion);
                Log.Info("install", "Version {0} of datamodel installed", datamodelVersion);


            // Done
            if (failedInstall)
                Log.ExitError("Installation failed");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Log.Info("install", "Installation successful");
Пример #3
        public static int RunLogErrors(OracleSql db, string filename, string datamodelVersion, RegistryTable registryTable)
            Log.Info("SqlScript", "Execute script {0}", filename);
            int errCount = 0;

            ArrayList cmdList = new ArrayList(SqlScript.Load(filename));
            foreach (SqlObject cmd in cmdList)
                if (cmd.commandType == "SQL" || cmd.commandType == "PLSQL")
                    db.Comment(String.Format("  [Line {0} to {1}] {2}", cmd.lineStart, cmd.lineEnd, cmd.filename));
                    string installingWhat = "";
                    if (cmd.secondaryObjectName == "") installingWhat = String.Format("  {0} {1} {2}...", cmd.action.ToLower(), cmd.objectType.ToLower(), cmd.objectName.ToLower());
                    else installingWhat = String.Format("  {0} {1} {2} on {3}...", cmd.action.ToLower(), cmd.objectType.ToLower(), cmd.secondaryObjectName.ToLower(), cmd.objectName.ToLower());

                    int errCode = db.Exec(cmd.sqlText, "sqlScript", "run");
                    if (errCode != 0)
                        registryTable.addError(db, datamodelVersion, cmd.seqInFile, cmd.filename, cmd.lineStart, db.lastErrm, cmd.sqlText, installingWhat);

            return errCount;