public IstabWindow(MainForm main_form, Istab.TABTYP tabtyp) { InitializeComponent(); this.main_form = main_form; this.tabtyp = tabtyp; this.sort = SORT_BY.TYPCOD; }
//public IstabList(SnWindow parent_window, string typcod, Istab.TABTYP tabtyp) public IstabList(MainForm main_form, string typcod, Istab.TABTYP tabtyp) : this() { //this.parent_window = parent_window; this.main_form = main_form; this.tabtyp = tabtyp; this.selected_typcod = typcod; this.setTitleText(); this.sort_by = SORT_TYPCOD; }
/// <summary> /// Form for Add/Edit istab data /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">Specify mode (add or edit)</param> /// <param name="tabtyp">Tabtyp value</param> /// <param name="istab_data">istab data to edit(for edit mode only)</param> public IstabAddEditForm(FORM_MODE mode, Istab.TABTYP tabtyp, Istab istab_data = null) { InitializeComponent(); this.istab = istab_data; this.tabtyp = tabtyp; EscapeKeyToCloseDialog.ActiveEscToClose(this); EnterKeyManager.Active(this); this.mode = mode; this.initializeForm(); }
private List<Istab> getIstabDataFromServer(Istab.TABTYP tabtyp) { CRUDResult get = ApiActions.GET(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/get_all&tabtyp=" + tabtyp.ToTabtypString() + "&sort=typcod"); ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { if (sr.istab.Count > 0) { return sr.istab; } else { return new List<Istab>(); } } else { return new List<Istab>(); } }
public static string getTabtypString(Istab.TABTYP tabtyp) { switch (tabtyp) { case Istab.TABTYP.AREA: return "01"; case Istab.TABTYP.VEREXT: return "02"; case Istab.TABTYP.HOWKNOWN: return "03"; case Istab.TABTYP.BUSITYP: return "04"; case Istab.TABTYP.PROBLEM_CODE: return "05"; case Istab.TABTYP.ABSENT_CAUSE: return "06"; case Istab.TABTYP.SERVICE_CASE: return "07"; case Istab.TABTYP.USER_GROUP: return "08"; default: return "00"; } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageAlert.Show("ลบกลุ่มผู้ใช้นี้ , สมาชิกในกลุ่มจะถูกนำออกจากกลุ่มด้วย\nดำเนินการต่อ?", "", MessageAlertButtons.OK_CANCEL, MessageAlertIcons.QUESTION) == DialogResult.OK) { bool delete_success = false; string err_msg = ""; int deleted_list_index = this.list_group.FindIndex(g => ==; this.FormProcessing(); BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += delegate { CRUDResult delete = ApiActions.DELETE(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/delete_users_group&id=" +; ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { delete_success = true; } else { delete_success = false; err_msg = sr.message; } }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate { if (delete_success) { this.LoadDependenciesData(); this.current_group = (this.list_group.Count == 0 ? null : (deleted_list_index < this.list_group.Count - 1 ? this.list_group[deleted_list_index] : this.list_group.First<Istab>())); this.FillForm(this.current_group); this.FormRead(); } else { this.FormRead(); MessageAlert.Show(err_msg, "Error", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.ERROR); } }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.FormAddGroup(); this.processing_group = new Istab() { id = -1 }; this.FillForm(this.processing_group); this.txtTypcod.textBox1.Focus(); }
private void UsersGroupWindow_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.list_group.Count > 0) { this.current_group = this.list_group.First<Istab>(); this.FillForm(this.current_group); } this.FillDgvMember(this.current_group); this.FillDgvUngroup(); this.FormRead(); }
private void RefreshCurrentData() { this.LoadDependenciesData(); if (this.list_group.Count > 0) { this.current_group = (this.list_group.Find(g => == != null ? this.list_group.Find(g => == : this.list_group.First<Istab>()); } else { this.current_group = null; } }
public static string getTabtypTitle(Istab.TABTYP tabtyp) { switch (tabtyp) { case TABTYP.AREA: return "Sales Area"; case TABTYP.VEREXT: return "Version Extension"; case TABTYP.HOWKNOWN: return "How to Know"; case TABTYP.BUSITYP: return "Business Type"; case TABTYP.PROBLEM_CODE: return "Problem Code"; case TABTYP.ABSENT_CAUSE: return "Absent Cause"; case TABTYP.SERVICE_CASE: return "Service Case"; case TABTYP.USER_GROUP: return "User Group"; default: return "Istab"; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Add/Edit Group if (this.form_mode == FORM_MODE.ADD_GROUP || this.form_mode == FORM_MODE.EDIT_GROUP) { string json_data = "{\"id\":" + + ","; json_data += "\"tabtyp\":\"" + Istab.TABTYP.USER_GROUP.ToTabtypString() + "\","; json_data += "\"typcod\":\"" + this.txtTypcod.Texts.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"abbreviate_th\":\"\","; json_data += "\"abbreviate_en\":\"\","; json_data += "\"typdes_th\":\"" + this.txtTypdes.Texts.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"typdes_en\":\"\"}"; //Console.WriteLine(" >> " + json_data); bool post_success = false; string err_msg = ""; Istab inserted_group = null; if (this.form_mode == FORM_MODE.ADD_GROUP) { this.FormProcessing(); BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += delegate { CRUDResult post = ApiActions.POST(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/create", json_data); ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { post_success = true; inserted_group = sr.istab[0]; } else { post_success = false; err_msg = sr.message; } }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate { if (post_success) { this.LoadDependenciesData(); this.current_group = inserted_group; this.FillForm(this.current_group); this.FormRead(); } else { MessageAlert.Show(err_msg, "Error", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.ERROR); this.FormAddGroup(); this.txtTypdes.textBox1.Focus(); } }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } if (this.form_mode == FORM_MODE.EDIT_GROUP) { this.FormProcessing(); BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += delegate { Console.WriteLine(" >> " + json_data); CRUDResult post = ApiActions.POST(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/submit_change", json_data); ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { post_success = true; inserted_group = sr.istab[0]; } else { post_success = false; err_msg = sr.message; } }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate { if (post_success) { this.LoadDependenciesData(); this.current_group = inserted_group; this.FillForm(this.current_group); this.FormRead(); } else { MessageAlert.Show(err_msg, "Error", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.ERROR); this.FormAddGroup(); this.txtTypdes.textBox1.Focus(); } }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } } #endregion Add/Edit Group #region Add Member if (this.form_mode == FORM_MODE.ADD_F8) { if (this.inline_user.comboBox1.SelectedItem == null) { MessageAlert.Show("กรุณาเลือกรหัสพนักงาน", "", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.NONE); return; } string json_data = "{\"id\":" + ((Users)((ComboboxItem)this.inline_user.comboBox1.SelectedItem).Tag).id.ToString() + ","; json_data += "\"usergroup\":\"" + this.current_group.typcod + "\","; json_data += "\"rec_by\":\"" + this.main_form.G.loged_in_user_name + "\"}"; bool post_success = false; string err_msg = ""; Users edited_user = null; BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += delegate { CRUDResult post = ApiActions.POST(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "users/change_group", json_data); ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { post_success = true; edited_user = sr.users[0]; } else { post_success = false; err_msg = sr.message; } }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate { if (post_success) { this.RefreshCurrentData(); this.FillForm(this.current_group); this.FormReadF8(); this.ShowInlineForm(FORM_MODE.ADD_F8); this.FormAddF8(); return; } MessageAlert.Show(err_msg, "Error", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.ERROR); this.FormAddF8(); }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } #endregion Add Member }
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LoadDependenciesData(); if (this.list_group.Find(g => == != null) { int curr_index = this.list_group.FindIndex(g => ==; this.current_group = (curr_index < this.list_group.Count - 1 ? this.list_group[curr_index + 1] : this.list_group.Last<Istab>()); } else { this.current_group = this.list_group.Last<Istab>(); } this.FillForm(this.current_group); }
private void showEditForm(Istab istab) { IstabAddEditForm wind = new IstabAddEditForm(IstabAddEditForm.FORM_MODE.EDIT, this.tabtyp, istab); if (wind.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.main_form.data_resource.Refresh(); this.fillInDataGrid(this.WhichDataToUse()); this.setSelectedItem(wind.istab); this.dgvIstab.Focus(); } else { this.dgvIstab.Focus(); } }
private void showConfirmDelete(Istab istab) { if (MessageAlert.Show(StringResource.CONFIRM_DELETE, "", MessageAlertButtons.YES_NO, MessageAlertIcons.QUESTION) == DialogResult.Yes) { CRUDResult delete = ApiActions.DELETE(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/delete&id=" +; ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { this.main_form.data_resource.Refresh(); this.fillInDataGrid(this.WhichDataToUse()); this.dgvIstab.Focus(); } else { MessageAlert.Show(sr.message, "Error", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.ERROR); this.dgvIstab.Focus(); } } else { this.dgvIstab.Focus(); } }
private void setSelectedItem(Istab selected_item = null) { if (selected_item == null) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in this.dgvIstab.Rows) { if (string.CompareOrdinal(this.selected_typcod, ((Istab)row.Tag).typcod) <= 0) { row.Cells[1].Selected = true; break; } } } else { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in this.dgvIstab.Rows) { if (((Istab)row.Tag).typcod == selected_item.typcod) { row.Cells[1].Selected = true; break; } } } this.dgvIstab.Focus(); }
private void returnSelectedResult() { this.istab = (Istab)this.dgvIstab.Rows[this.dgvIstab.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Tag; this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtTypcod.Text.Length > 0) { CRUDResult post; if (this.mode == FORM_MODE.ADD) // Add { Console.WriteLine("current tabtyp = " + Istab.getTabtypString(this.tabtyp)); string json_data = "{\"tabtyp\":\"" + Istab.getTabtypString(this.tabtyp) + "\","; json_data += "\"typcod\":\"" + this.txtTypcod.Text.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"abbreviate_en\":\"" + this.txtAbbreviate_en.Text.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"abbreviate_th\":\"" + this.txtAbbreviate_th.Text.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"typdes_en\":\"" + this.txtTypdes_en.Text.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"typdes_th\":\"" + this.txtTypdes_th.Text.cleanString() + "\"}"; Console.WriteLine(json_data); post = ApiActions.POST(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/create", json_data); } else // Edit { string json_data = "{\"id\":" + + ","; json_data += "\"tabtyp\":\"" + this.istab.tabtyp + "\","; json_data += "\"typcod\":\"" + this.istab.typcod + "\","; json_data += "\"abbreviate_en\":\"" + this.txtAbbreviate_en.Text.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"abbreviate_th\":\"" + this.txtAbbreviate_th.Text.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"typdes_en\":\"" + this.txtTypdes_en.Text.cleanString() + "\","; json_data += "\"typdes_th\":\"" + this.txtTypdes_th.Text.cleanString() + "\"}"; Console.WriteLine(json_data); post = ApiActions.POST(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/submit_change", json_data); } ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; Console.WriteLine(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { if (sr.istab != null) { this.istab = sr.istab[0]; } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } else { MessageAlert.Show(sr.message, "Error", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.ERROR); } } else { MessageAlert.Show(StringResource.PLEASE_FILL_CODE, "Warning", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.WARNING); this.txtTypcod.Focus(); } }
private void GetIstabData(Istab selected_item = null, bool performadd = false, int selected_row_index_after_delete = -1) { this.FormProcessing(); string sort = ""; switch (this.sort) { case SORT_BY.TYPCOD: sort = "typcod"; break; case SORT_BY.ABBR_TH: sort = "abbreviate_th"; break; case SORT_BY.ABBR_EN: sort = "abbreviate_en"; break; case SORT_BY.DESC_TH: sort = "typdes_th"; break; case SORT_BY.DESC_EN: sort = "typdes_en"; break; default: sort = "typcod"; break; } bool get_success = false; string err_msg = ""; BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += delegate { CRUDResult get = ApiActions.GET(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/get_all&tabtyp=" + this.tabtyp.ToTabtypString() + "&sort=" + sort); ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { get_success = true; this.istabs = sr.istab; this.main_form.data_resource.Refresh(); } else { get_success = false; err_msg = sr.message; } }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate { if (get_success) { this.FillInDatagrid(selected_item); this.FormRead(); if (performadd) { this.toolStripAdd.PerformClick(); } if (selected_row_index_after_delete > -1) { this.dgvIstab.Rows[selected_row_index_after_delete].Cells[1].Selected = true; } } else { MessageAlert.Show(err_msg, "Error", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.ERROR); this.FormRead(); } }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void IstabAddEditForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.mode == FORM_MODE.ADD) { this.Text = "Add data : " + Istab.getTabtypTitle(this.tabtyp); this.txtTypcod.Focus(); } else { this.Text = "Edit data : " + Istab.getTabtypTitle(this.tabtyp); this.txtTypcod.Enabled = false; this.txtAbbreviate_th.Focus(); CRUDResult get = ApiActions.GET(PreferenceForm.API_MAIN_URL() + "istab/get_by_id&id=" +; ServerResult sr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerResult>(; if (sr.result == ServerResult.SERVER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { if (sr.istab != null) { this.istab = sr.istab.First<Istab>(); this.txtTypcod.Text = this.istab.typcod; this.txtAbbreviate_en.Text = this.istab.abbreviate_en; this.txtAbbreviate_th.Text = this.istab.abbreviate_th; this.txtTypdes_en.Text = this.istab.typdes_en; this.txtTypdes_th.Text = this.istab.typdes_th; } } } }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RefreshCurrentData(); this.FormEditGroup(); this.processing_group = new Istab() { id =, tabtyp = this.current_group.tabtyp, typcod = this.current_group.typcod, abbreviate_th = this.current_group.abbreviate_th, abbreviate_en = this.current_group.abbreviate_en, typdes_th = this.current_group.typdes_th, typdes_en = this.current_group.typdes_en }; this.FillForm(this.processing_group); this.txtTypdes.textBox1.Focus(); }
private void btnLast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LoadDependenciesData(); this.current_group = this.list_group.Last<Istab>(); this.FillForm(this.current_group); }
private void FillForm(Istab group) { this.txtTypcod.Texts = (group != null ? group.typcod : ""); this.txtTypdes.Texts = (group != null ? group.typdes_th : ""); this.txtMemberCount.Texts = (group != null ? this.list_users.Where(u => u.usergroup == group.typcod).ToList<Users>().Count.ToString() : ""); this.FillDgvMember(group); this.FillDgvUngroup(); }
private void btnPrevious_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LoadDependenciesData(); if (this.list_group.Find(g => == != null) { int curr_index = this.list_group.FindIndex(g => ==; this.current_group = (curr_index > 0 ? this.list_group[curr_index - 1] : this.list_group.First<Istab>()); } else { this.current_group = this.list_group.First<Istab>(); } this.FillForm(this.current_group); }
private Istab GetDataInForm() { Istab data = new Istab(); if (this.dgvIstab.Rows[this.dgvIstab.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Tag is Istab) // edit mode return row_id { = ((Istab)this.dgvIstab.Rows[this.dgvIstab.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Tag).id; } else // add mode return -1 { = -1; } if (this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_typcod", true).Length > 0) { data.typcod = ((CustomTextBox)this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_typcod", true)[0]).Texts; } if (this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_abbr_th", true).Length > 0) { data.abbreviate_th = ((CustomTextBox)this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_abbr_th", true)[0]).Texts; } if (this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_abbr_en", true).Length > 0) { data.abbreviate_en = ((CustomTextBox)this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_abbr_en", true)[0]).Texts; } if (this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_typdes_th", true).Length > 0) { data.typdes_th = ((CustomTextBox)this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_typdes_th", true)[0]).Texts; } if (this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_typdes_en", true).Length > 0) { data.typdes_en = ((CustomTextBox)this.dgvIstab.Parent.Controls.Find("inline_typdes_en", true)[0]).Texts; } return data; }
private void FillDgvMember(Istab group, Users selected_user = null) { this.dgvMember.Rows.Clear(); this.dgvMember.Columns.Clear(); this.dgvMember.Tag = HelperClass.DGV_TAG.READ; this.dgvMember.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "ลำดับ", Width = 40 }); this.dgvMember.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "รหัส", Width = 120 }); this.dgvMember.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "ชื่อ", AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill }); this.dgvMember.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "ระดับผู้ใช้", Width = 120 }); this.dgvMember.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "สถานะผู้ใช้", Width = 120 }); if (group != null) { int count = 0; foreach (Users u in this.list_users.Where(u => u.usergroup == group.typcod).ToList<Users>()) { int r = this.dgvMember.Rows.Add(); this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Tag = u; this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[0].ValueType = typeof(int); this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[0].Value = ++count; this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[0].Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[0].Style.ForeColor = Color.Gray; this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[0].Style.SelectionForeColor = Color.Gray; this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[1].ValueType = typeof(string); this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[1].Value = u.username; this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[2].ValueType = typeof(string); this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[2].Value =; this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[3].ValueType = typeof(string); this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[3].Value = GlobalVar.GetUserLevelString(u.level); this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[4].ValueType = typeof(string); this.dgvMember.Rows[r].Cells[4].Value = (u.status == "N" ? "ปกติ" : (u.status == "X" ? "ห้ามใช้" : "")); } this.dgvMember.FillLine(this.list_users.Where(u => u.usergroup == group.typcod).ToList<Users>().Count); } this.dgvMember.FillLine(0); }
private void GetGroupByTypcod(string typcod) { Istab target_group = null; BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += delegate { this.LoadDependenciesData(); if(this.list_group.Count == 0) // if list_group is null return; if (this.list_group.Where(g => g.typcod.Length >= typcod.Length).Where(g => g.typcod.Substring(0, typcod.Length) == typcod).Count<Istab>() > 0) // if atleast 1 match { target_group = this.list_group.Where(g => g.typcod.Length >= typcod.Length).Where(g => g.typcod.Substring(0, typcod.Length) == typcod).First<Istab>(); return; } if (true) // if no one match, compare with any group.typcod { List<Istab> tmp_list = this.list_group.OrderBy(g => g.typcod, new CompareStrings()).ToList<Istab>(); foreach (Istab g in tmp_list) { if (g.typcod.CompareTo(typcod) > 0) { target_group = g; break; } } return; } }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate { if (target_group != null) { this.current_group = target_group; this.FillForm(this.current_group); return; } MessageAlert.Show(StringResource.DATA_NOT_FOUND, "", MessageAlertButtons.OK, MessageAlertIcons.NONE); }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public IstabList(MainForm main_form, string typcod, Istab.TABTYP tabtyp, List<Istab> list_istab) : this(main_form, typcod, tabtyp) { this.passing_list = list_istab; }
private void FillInDatagrid(Istab selected_item = null) { this.dgvIstab.Rows.Clear(); this.dgvIstab.Columns.Clear(); this.dgvIstab.Tag = DGV_TAG.NORMAL; this.dgvIstab.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col0 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col0.HeaderText = "ID"; col0.Width = 0; col0.HeaderCell.Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold), BackColor = Color.YellowGreen, Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3), Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter }; col0.Visible = false; this.dgvIstab.Columns.Add(col0); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col1 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col1.HeaderText = "รหัส"; col1.Width = 80; col1.HeaderCell.Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold), BackColor = this.sorted_column_header, Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3), Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter }; this.dgvIstab.Columns.Add(col1); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col2 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col2.HeaderText = "ชื่อย่อไทย"; col2.Width = 100; col2.HeaderCell.Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold), BackColor = this.general_column_header, Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3), Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter }; this.dgvIstab.Columns.Add(col2); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col3 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col3.HeaderText = "ชื่อย่อEng"; col3.Width = 100; col3.HeaderCell.Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold), BackColor = this.general_column_header, Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3), Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter }; this.dgvIstab.Columns.Add(col3); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col4 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col4.HeaderText = "ชื่อเต็มไทย"; col4.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill; col4.HeaderCell.Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold), BackColor = this.general_column_header, Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3), Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter }; this.dgvIstab.Columns.Add(col4); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col5 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col5.HeaderText = "ชื่อเต็มEng"; col5.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill; col5.HeaderCell.Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold), BackColor = this.general_column_header, Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3), Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter }; this.dgvIstab.Columns.Add(col5); foreach (Istab istab in this.istabs) { int r = this.dgvIstab.Rows.Add(); this.dgvIstab.Rows[r].Tag = istab; DataGridViewRow row = this.dgvIstab.Rows[r]; row.Height = 25; row.ReadOnly = true; row.Cells[0].ValueType = typeof(int); row.Cells[0].Tag = "ID"; row.Cells[0].Value =; row.Cells[0].Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f), BackColor = Color.White, ForeColor = Color.Black, SelectionBackColor = Color.White, SelectionForeColor = Color.Black, }; row.Cells[1].ValueType = typeof(string); row.Cells[1].Value = istab.typcod; row.Cells[1].Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f), BackColor = Color.White, ForeColor = Color.Black, SelectionBackColor = Color.White, SelectionForeColor = Color.Black, }; row.Cells[2].ValueType = typeof(string); row.Cells[2].Value = istab.abbreviate_th; row.Cells[2].Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f), BackColor = Color.White, ForeColor = Color.Black, SelectionBackColor = Color.White, SelectionForeColor = Color.Black, }; row.Cells[3].ValueType = typeof(string); row.Cells[3].Value = istab.abbreviate_en; row.Cells[3].Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f), BackColor = Color.White, ForeColor = Color.Black, SelectionBackColor = Color.White, SelectionForeColor = Color.Black, }; row.Cells[4].ValueType = typeof(string); row.Cells[4].Value = istab.typdes_th; row.Cells[4].Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f), BackColor = Color.White, ForeColor = Color.Black, SelectionBackColor = Color.White, SelectionForeColor = Color.Black, }; row.Cells[5].ValueType = typeof(string); row.Cells[5].Value = istab.typdes_en; row.Cells[5].Style = new DataGridViewCellStyle() { Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9.75f), BackColor = Color.White, ForeColor = Color.Black, SelectionBackColor = Color.White, SelectionForeColor = Color.Black, }; } this.dgvIstab.FillLine(this.istabs.Count); if (selected_item == null) return; if (this.dgvIstab.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>().Where(t => t.Tag is Istab).Where(t => ((Istab)t.Tag).id == > 0) { this.dgvIstab.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>().Where(t => t.Tag is Istab).Where(t => ((Istab)t.Tag).id ==<DataGridViewRow>().Cells[1].Selected = true; } }