/// <summary>
        /// Sets the value in the <see cref="Config"/>, optionally saving the <see cref="Config"/> to disk if the
        /// <see cref="MenuAttribute.SaveEvents.ChangeValue"/> flag is set, before passing off to
        /// <see cref="InvokeOnChangeEvents{TSource}(ModOptionAttributeMetadata{T}, object, TSource)"/>
        /// to invoke any methods specified with an <see cref="OnChangeAttribute"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the original choice changed event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="ChoiceChangedEventArgs"/> for the choice changed event.</param>
        public void HandleChoiceChanged(object sender, ChoiceChangedEventArgs e)
            if (TryGetMetadata(e.Id, out ModOptionAttributeMetadata <T> modOptionMetadata))
                // Set the value in the Config
                MemberInfoMetadata <T> memberInfoMetadata = modOptionMetadata.MemberInfoMetadata;
                ChoiceAttribute        choiceAttribute    = modOptionMetadata.ModOptionAttribute as ChoiceAttribute;

                if (memberInfoMetadata.ValueType.IsEnum && (choiceAttribute.Options == null || !choiceAttribute.Options.Any()))
                    // Enum-based choice where the values are parsed from the enum type
                    object value = Enum.Parse(memberInfoMetadata.ValueType, e.Value);
                    memberInfoMetadata.SetValue(Config, value);
                else if (memberInfoMetadata.ValueType.IsEnum)
                    // Enum-based choice where the values are defined as custom strings
                    object value = Enum.Parse(memberInfoMetadata.ValueType, Enum.GetNames(memberInfoMetadata.ValueType)[e.Index]);
                    memberInfoMetadata.SetValue(Config, value);
                else if (memberInfoMetadata.ValueType == typeof(string))
                    // string-based choice value
                    string value = e.Value;
                    memberInfoMetadata.SetValue(Config, value);
                else if (memberInfoMetadata.ValueType == typeof(int))
                    // index-based choice value
                    int value = e.Index;
                    memberInfoMetadata.SetValue(Config, value);

                // Optionally save the Config to disk
                if (MenuAttribute.SaveOn.HasFlag(MenuAttribute.SaveEvents.ChangeValue))

                // Invoke any OnChange methods specified
                InvokeOnChangeEvents(modOptionMetadata, sender, e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value in the <see cref="Config"/>, optionally saving the <see cref="Config"/> to disk if the
        /// <see cref="MenuAttribute.SaveEvents.ChangeValue"/> flag is set, before passing off to
        /// <see cref="InvokeOnChangeEvents{TSource}(ModOptionAttributeMetadata{T}, object, TSource)"/>
        /// to invoke any methods specified with an <see cref="OnChangeAttribute"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the original slider changed event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="SliderChangedEventArgs"/> for the slider changed event.</param>
        public void HandleSliderChanged(object sender, SliderChangedEventArgs e)
            if (TryGetMetadata(e.Id, out ModOptionAttributeMetadata <T> modOptionMetadata))
                // Set the value in the Config
                MemberInfoMetadata <T> memberInfoMetadata = modOptionMetadata.MemberInfoMetadata;
                object value = Convert.ChangeType(e.Value, memberInfoMetadata.ValueType);
                memberInfoMetadata.SetValue(Config, value);

                // Optionally save the Config to disk
                if (MenuAttribute.SaveOn.HasFlag(MenuAttribute.SaveEvents.ChangeValue))

                // Invoke any OnChange methods specified
                InvokeOnChangeEvents(modOptionMetadata, sender, e);