Пример #1
        public async void AddProduct(string productCode)
                if (!await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.IsValidKey(productCode))
                    await DisplayAlert("Produktcode ungültiger", "Es wurde ein ungültiger Produktcode eingegeben. Bitte anderen code eingeben.", "Neue Eingabe");
                localFileSystem file = new localFileSystem();
                String userPath = file.AdjustPath(file.GetUser().user_Email);

                //Gets the Serveradress 
                DataAccessHandler accessHandler = new DataAccessHandler();
                string serverAdress = accessHandler.ServerAdress;

                IFtpClient client = DependencyService.Get<IFtpClient>();
                Product product = await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetProductByKey(productCode);

                List<Product> listUserProducts = await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetUserProducts(file.GetUser());
                foreach (var userProducts in listUserProducts)
                    if (userProducts.product_ID == product.product_ID)
                        await DisplayAlert("Produkt bereits vorhanden!", "Sie besitzen dieses Produkt bereits", "OK");
                //Loads the List<PContent> of the Product from the server
                List<PContent> listPContents = await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetPContent(product.product_ID);
                //Loads the List<PContent> of the Product from the the User-Folder
                List<PContent> newlistPContents = file.loadContentList(userPath);

                foreach (PContent pcontent in listPContents)
                    //stops if the pcontent is empty
                    if (pcontent.content_ID == 0) break;
                    //adds new Pcontent if necessary
                    while (newlistPContents.Count <= pcontent.content_ID)
                    //updates PContent
                    newlistPContents[pcontent.content_ID] = pcontent;
                    if (pcontent.content_Kind!=0) {
                        client.DownloadFile(@"Thumbnail/" + pcontent.content_ID + ".png",
                        DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(file.GetUser().user_Email + @"/Thumbnail/") + pcontent.content_ID + ".png", serverAdress, accessHandler.FtpName,

                    List<string> contentPath =
                        await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetFileServerPath(pcontent.content_ID);                   

                    //creates a new p folder for the content_Kind if not exists
                    DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(userPath), "p" + pcontent.content_ID));

                    foreach (var path in contentPath)
                        if (pcontent.content_ID == 0) break;
                        //Download for each PContent its Files
                        DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().CreateFolder(userPath + @"/p" + pcontent.content_ID);
                            DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(file.GetUser().user_Email) + @"/p" +
                            pcontent.content_ID + @"/" + Path.GetFileName(path), serverAdress, accessHandler.FtpName,
                //Adds the Product to the Product-File from the User
                List<Product> newUserProducts = file.LoadProductList();
                file.SaveModelsLocal(userPath, newUserProducts, newlistPContents);
                //Adds the Product to the User in the Database
                DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.AddProductToUser(product.product_ID, file.GetUser());
                await DisplayAlert("Produkt aktiviert!", "Das Produkt wurde erfolgreiche aktiviert!", "OK");
                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(new MainMenuPage(file.GetUser())));
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("Fehler beim hinzufügen von Produkt: " + e);
                await DisplayAlert("Fehler beim Downloaden", "Es gab einen Fehler beim Downloaden, bitte erneut versuchen", "OK");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Konstruktor der MainMenuPage, welcher eine Instanz der Seite erstellt.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        public MainMenuPage(User user)
            DataAccessHandler accessHandler = new DataAccessHandler();
            string serverAdress = accessHandler.ServerAdress;
            files = new localFileSystem();
            String userPath = files.AdjustPath(user.user_Email);

            ToolbarItem toolButton = new ToolbarItem
                Name = "Hinzufügen",
                Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Primary,
                Icon = null,
                Command = new Command(() => Navigation.PushAsync(new AddProduktPage()))

            //Ende Toolbar

            ProductCollection = new Collection<Product>();
            ProductCollection = files.LoadProductList();
            List<PContent> PcontentCollection = files.loadContentList(userPath);

            ScrollView scrollView = new ScrollView();
            StackLayout stackLayout = new StackLayout();

            foreach (Product product in ProductCollection)
                TapGestureRecognizer gesture = new TapGestureRecognizer();
                bool owned = files.HasContent(product, PcontentCollection);
                Color color = Color.FromHex("E2001A");
                DetailPage detailPage = new DetailPage(product, userPath);

                var test = (DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().PathCombine(DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(localFileSystem.productFolderLocation), product.product_ID + product.product_Thumbnail));

                if (owned == true)
                    color = Color.FromHex("006AB3");
                Frame frame = new Frame
                    BackgroundColor = color,
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Content = new StackLayout
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                        VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                        Children =
                            new Image
                                Source = ImageSource.FromFile(DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().PathCombine(DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(localFileSystem.productFolderLocation), product.product_Thumbnail)),
                                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                                HeightRequest = 110

                                    new Label
                                        FormattedText = product.product_Name,
                                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                                        VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                                        FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label)),
                                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
                            }//ende stacklayout (innen)
                    }//ende stacklayout
                };//frame ende

                gesture.Tapped += async (sender, e) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(detailPage);

            scrollView.Content = stackLayout;
            Content = scrollView;
            BackgroundColor = Color.White;
            Padding = new Thickness(5, Device.OnPlatform(0, 15, 0), 5, 5);
            //View Ende
Пример #3
        public async Task DownloadInitialContent(User user)
                localFileSystem files = new localFileSystem();
                String userPath = files.AdjustPath(user.user_Email);
                //A newly created User cant have a folder with the same name in the folder so no check must be implemented

                DataAccessHandler accessHandler = new DataAccessHandler();
                string serverAdress = accessHandler.ServerAdress;

                IFtpClient client = DependencyService.Get<IFtpClient>();

                //Download all Products from the database
                List<Product> listAllProducts = await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetAllProducts();
                List<PContent> newEmptyContent = new List<PContent>();
                foreach (var productAll in listAllProducts)

                    if (productAll.product_ID == 0) break;
                    //Download Thumbnail in Produkte Folder
                    client.DownloadFile(@"Produkte/" + productAll.product_Thumbnail,
                    DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(@"Produkte/") + productAll.product_Thumbnail, serverAdress, accessHandler.FtpName,
                files.SaveModelsLocal(userPath, listAllProducts, newEmptyContent);

                //Hier GetALLProducts ansttt nur user products
                List<Product> listUserProducts = await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetUserProducts(user);
                List<PContent> newlistPContents = new List<PContent>();
                foreach (var product in listUserProducts)
                    //loads the PContent from the server
                    List<PContent> listUserPContents =
                        await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetPContent(product.product_ID);

                    if (product.product_ID == 0) break;

                    foreach (var pcontent in listUserPContents)
                        if (pcontent.content_ID == 0) break;
                        //creates a new p folder if not exists for content_Kind
                            DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(userPath), "p" + pcontent.content_ID));

                        List<string> contentPath = await DataAccessHandler.DataAccess.GetFileServerPath(pcontent.content_ID);
                        foreach (var path in contentPath)
                            //loads every content from PContent 
                            DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(files.GetUser().user_Email) + @"/p" + pcontent.content_ID + @"/" + Path.GetFileName(path), serverAdress, accessHandler.FtpName,

                        while (newlistPContents.Count <= pcontent.content_ID)

                        //updates Pcontent
                        newlistPContents[pcontent.content_ID] = pcontent;
                        if (pcontent.content_Kind != 0)
                            client.DownloadFile(@"Thumbnail/" + pcontent.content_ID + ".png",
                            DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(files.GetUser().user_Email + @"/Thumbnail/") + pcontent.content_ID + ".png", serverAdress, accessHandler.FtpName,
                //Saves User, Products and PContent XML
                files.SaveModelsLocal(userPath, listAllProducts, newlistPContents);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("catched DL Exception: " + e);
                await DisplayAlert("Fehler beim Downloaden", "Es gab einen Fehler beim Downloaden, bitte erneut versuchen", "OK");
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks: if Empty Email or password, if valid Email, if valid Login. Password Entry is set as isPassword and the shown Passworddigits only contains zeros. Password will be stored as SHA512StringHash
        /// </summary>
        public LoginPage()
            BackgroundColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, 1);

            var button = new Button { Text = "Login", BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("006AB3") };
            button.Clicked += async (sender, e) =>
                //Checks if the Entry for username or password is empty
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(username.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(password.Text))
                    password.Text = "";
                    await DisplayAlert("Abfragefehler", "E-Mail und Passwort bitte angeben", "Neue Eingabe");
                //Checks if the Email Entry is receiving a valid Email String
                if (!IsValidEmail(username.Text))
                    password.Text = "";
                    await DisplayAlert("Ungültige E-Mail", "E-Mail ist in einem ungültigen Format angegeben worden", "Neue Eingabe");
                // Converts Password in SHA512StringHash
                string passwordHash = DependencyService.Get<IHash>().Sha512StringHash(password.Text);
                // Sets the Passworddigits to zero after receiving a letter
                password.Text = new string('0', password.Text.Length);
                User validUser = await IsValidLogin(new User(username.Text, passwordHash));
                // Checks with null parameter if user is valid
                if (null == validUser)
                    password.Text = "";
                    if (_exception)
                        await DisplayAlert("Verbindungsfehler", "Server ist nicht erreichtbar. Internetzugang aktiv?", "OK");
                        await DisplayAlert("Ungültiger Login", "E-Mail oder Passwort falsch angegeben", "Neue Eingabe");
                    localFileSystem file = new localFileSystem();
                    if (!DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().FileExist(DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().PathCombine(file.AdjustPath( validUser.user_Email), "PContent")))
                        Debug.WriteLine("getphath2 " + DependencyService.Get<ISaveAndLoad>().Getpath(""));
                        await DisplayAlert("Neue Anmeldung", "Sie haben sich an einem neuen Gerät angemeldet. Daten werden runtergeladen", "OK");
                        CreateAccountPage cap = new CreateAccountPage();
                        await cap.DownloadInitialContent(validUser);

                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(new MainMenuPage(validUser)));
            var create = new Button { Text = "Account erstellen", BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("E2001A") };
            create.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                MessagingCenter.Send<ContentPage>(this, "Erstellen");

            //Receives the CurrentUser and Set the Entry field as the Email from the last user with a valid Login
            username = new Entry { Text = App.Current.CurrentUser != null ? App.Current.CurrentUser.user_Email : "", BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("3f3f3f") };
            password = new Entry { Text = "", BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("3f3f3f"), IsPassword = true };

            Content = new StackLayout
                Padding = new Thickness(10, 40, 10, 10),
                //VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                Children = {
                    new Label { Text = "Login", TextColor = Color.FromHex("006AB3"), FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)) },
                    new Label { Text = "E-Mail", TextColor = Color.FromHex("000000")},
                    new Label { Text = "Passwort", TextColor = Color.FromHex("000000")},
                    button, create