Пример #1
 public void Start()
     _lastupdate = DateTime.Now;
     _db = new SQLiteDatabase("|DataDirectory|app_data.sqlite;Version=3;");
     TransportInfo localTransport = CreateTransport(Helpers.GetLocalIP(), 7202);
     _app = new SIPApp(localTransport);
     _app.RequestRecvEvent += AppRequestRecvEvent;
     _app.ResponseRecvEvent += AppResponseRecvEvent;
     const string scscfIP = "scscf.open-ims.test";
     const int scscfPort = 6060;
     SIPStack stack = CreateStack(_app, scscfIP, scscfPort);
     stack.Uri = new SIPURI("*****@*****.**");
     _localparty = new Address("<sip:[email protected]>");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a SIP request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The SIP method.</param>
        /// <param name="dest">The dest (either Address or string[]).</param>
        /// <param name="stateless">if set to <c>true</c> [act as a stateless proxy].</param>
        /// <param name="recordRoute">if set to <c>true</c> [record the SIP route].</param>
        /// <param name="headers">The SIP headers to use.</param>
        /// <param name="route">The route.</param>
        /// <returns>Message.</returns>
        public Message CreateRequest(string method, object dest, bool stateless = false, bool recordRoute = false,
                                     Dictionary<string, List<Header>> headers = null, List<Header> route = null)
            if (method != Request.Method)
                Debug.Assert(false, "method in createRequest must be same as original UAS for proxy");
            Message request = Request.Dup();
            if (!stateless && Transaction == null)
                Transaction = Transaction.CreateServer(Stack, this, Request, Stack.Transport, Stack.Tag,

            if (dest.GetType() == typeof(Address))
                request.Uri = ((Address)dest).Uri.Dup();
            else if (dest is string[])
                string[] destArray = (string[])dest;
                string scheme = request.Uri.Scheme;
                string user = request.Uri.User;
                request.Uri = new SIPURI { Scheme = scheme, User = user, Host = destArray[0], Port = int.Parse(destArray[1]) };
                Debug.Assert(false, "Dest in Proxy Create Request is not a String or Address");
                //else: request.uri = dest.dup()
            if (request.First("Max-Forwards") != null)
                object value = request.First("Max-Forwards").Value;
                int currentValue = int.Parse(value.ToString());
                currentValue = currentValue - 1;
                request.InsertHeader(new Header(currentValue.ToString(), "Max-Forwards"));
            else request.InsertHeader(new Header("70", "Max-Forwards"));
            if (recordRoute)
                Address rr = new Address(Stack.Uri.ToString());
                rr.Uri.Parameters["lr"] = null;
                rr.MustQuote = true;
                request.InsertHeader(new Header(rr.ToString(), "Record-Route"));
            if (headers != null) request.Headers.Concat(headers).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
            if (route != null)
                foreach (Header header in route)

            Header viaHeader = Stack.CreateVia();
            viaHeader.Attributes["branch"] = Transaction.createProxyBranch(request, false);
            request.InsertHeader(viaHeader, "insert");
            return request;
Пример #3
        private static void RouteNewMessage(Message request, Proxy pua)
            SIPURI to = request.Uri;
            string toID = to.User + "@" + to.Host;

            Address from = (Address)(request.First("From").Value);
            string fromID = from.Uri.User + "@" + from.Uri.Host;

            Address dest = new Address(to.ToString());

            Message proxiedMessage = pua.CreateRequest(request.Method, dest, true, true);
            proxiedMessage.First("To").Value = dest;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses the specified string into an header object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The header name.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The header value.</param>
 public void Parse(string name, string value)
     string rest = "";
     int index = 0;
     if (Address.Contains(name.ToLower()))
         HeaderType = "address";
         Address addr = new Address {MustQuote = true};
         int count = addr.Parse(value);
         Value = addr;
         if (count < value.Length)
             rest = value.Substring(count, value.Length - count);
         if (rest.Length > 0)
             foreach (string parm in rest.Split(';'))
                 if (parm.Contains('='))
                     index = parm.IndexOf('=');
                     string parmName = parm.Substring(0, index);
                     string parmValue = parm.Substring(index + 1);
                     Attributes.Add(parmName, parmValue);
     else if (!(Comma.Contains(name.ToLower())) && !(Unstructured.Contains(name.ToLower())))
         HeaderType = "standard";
         if (!value.Contains(";lr>"))
             if (value.Contains(';'))
                 index = value.IndexOf(';');
                 Value = value.Substring(0, index);
                 string tempStr = value.Substring(index + 1).Trim();
                 foreach (string parm in tempStr.Split(';'))
                     if (parm.Contains('='))
                         index = parm.IndexOf('=');
                         string parmName = parm.Substring(0, index);
                         string parmValue = parm.Substring(index + 1);
                         Attributes.Add(parmName, parmValue);
                 Value = value;
             Value = value;
     if (Comma.Contains(name.ToLower()))
         HeaderType = "comma";
         if (value.Contains(' '))
             index = value.IndexOf(' ');
             AuthMethod = value.Substring(0, index).Trim();
             Value = value.Substring(0, index).Trim();
             string values = value.Substring(index + 1);
             foreach (string parm in values.Split(','))
                 if (parm.Contains('='))
                     index = parm.IndexOf('=');
                     string parmName = parm.Substring(0, index);
                     string parmValue = parm.Substring(index + 1);
                     Attributes.Add(parmName, parmValue);
     else if (name.ToLower() == "cseq")
         HeaderType = "unstructured";
         string[] parts = value.Trim().Split(' ');
         int tempNumber = -1;
         int.TryParse(parts[0], out tempNumber);
         Number = tempNumber;
         Method = parts[1];
     if (Unstructured.Contains(name.ToLower()) && name.ToLower() != "cseq")
         HeaderType = "unstructured";
         Value = value;
     if (name.ToLower() == "via")
         string[] parts = value.Split(' ');
         string proto = parts[0];
         string addr = parts[1].Split(';')[0];
         string type = proto.Split('/')[2].ToLower();
         ViaUri = new SIPURI("sip:" + addr + ";transport=" + type);
         if (ViaUri.Port == 0)
             ViaUri.Port = 5060;
         if (Attributes.Keys.Contains("rport"))
             int tempPort = 5060;
             int.TryParse(Attributes["rport"], out tempPort);
             ViaUri.Port = tempPort;
         if ((type != "tcp") && (type != "sctp") && (type != "tls"))
             if (Attributes.Keys.Contains("maddr"))
                 ViaUri.Host = Attributes["maddr"];
             else if (Attributes.Keys.Contains("received"))
                 ViaUri.Host = Attributes["received"];
Пример #5
 private static void Main()
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_localIP))
         _localIP = Helpers.GetLocalIP();
     TransportInfo localTransport = CreateTransport(_localIP, LocalPort);
     _app = new SIPApp(localTransport);
     _app.RequestRecvEvent += AppRequestRecvEvent;
     _app.ResponseRecvEvent += AppResponseRecvEvent;
     const string scscfIP = "scscf.open-ims.test";
     const int scscfPort = 6060;
     SIPStack stack = CreateStack(_app, scscfIP, scscfPort);
     stack.Uri = new SIPURI("*****@*****.**");
     _localparty = new Address("<sip:[email protected]>");
     PublishService(true, LocalPort);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:SIPLib.SIP.UserAgent" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stack">The SIP stack associated with this UA.</param>
        /// <param name="request">An optional SIP request.</param>
        /// <param name="server">if set to <c>true</c> [act as a user agent server].</param>
        public UserAgent(SIPStack stack, Message request = null, bool server = false)
            Stack = stack;
            //this.app = stack.app;
            Request = request;
            if (server)
                Server = true;
                Server = (request == null);
            Transaction = null;
            CancelRequest = null;
            if ((request != null) && (request.Headers.ContainsKey("Call-ID")))
                CallID = (string) request.Headers["Call-ID"][0].Value;
                CallID = stack.NewCallId();

            if ((request != null) && (request.Headers.ContainsKey("From")))
                RemoteParty = (Address) request.Headers["From"][0].Value;
                RemoteParty = null;

            if ((request != null) && (request.Headers.ContainsKey("To")))
                LocalParty = (Address) request.Headers["To"][0].Value;
                LocalParty = null;
            LocalTag = stack.Tag + _random.Next(0, 2147483647).ToString();
            RemoteTag = stack.Tag + _random.Next(0, 2147483647).ToString();

            if ((request != null) && (request.Headers.ContainsKey("Subject")))
                Subject = (string) request.Headers["Subject"][0].Value;
                Subject = "";

            MaxForwards = 70;
            RouteSet = new List<Header>();

            LocalTarget = null;
            RemoteTarget = null;
            RemoteCandidates = null;
            LocalSeq = 0;
            RemoteSeq = 0;

            Contact = new Address(stack.Uri.ToString());

            if (LocalParty != null)
                if (LocalParty.Uri.User.Length > 0)
                    Contact.Uri.User = LocalParty.Uri.User;

            Autoack = true;
            Auth = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a SIP response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The SIP response (either a response code or SIP message).</param>
        /// <param name="responseText">Optional response text.</param>
        /// <param name="content">Optional content.</param>
        /// <param name="contentType">Optional type of the SIP body contents.</param>
        /// <param name="createDialog">if set to <c>true</c> [can create dialog].</param>
        public virtual void SendResponse(object response, string responseText = "", string content = "",
                                         string contentType = "", bool createDialog = true)
            Message responseMessage;
            if (Request == null)
                Debug.Assert(false, String.Format("Invalid request in sending a response"));
            if (response is int)
                responseMessage = CreateResponse((int) (response), responseText, content, contentType);
                responseMessage = (Message) (response);
            if (createDialog && CanCreateDialog(Request, responseMessage))
                if (Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Record-Route"))
                    responseMessage.Headers.Add("Record-Route", Request.Headers["Record-Route"]);

                if (!responseMessage.Headers.ContainsKey("Contact"))
                    Address contact = new Address(Contact.ToString());
                    if (contact.Uri.User.Length != 0)
                        contact.Uri.User = ((Address) Request.First("To").Value).Uri.User;
                        responseMessage.InsertHeader(new Header(contact.ToString(), "Contact"));
                Dialog dialog = Dialog.CreateServer(Stack, Request, responseMessage, Transaction);
                Stack.DialogCreated(dialog, this);
                Stack.Sending(dialog, responseMessage);
                Stack.Sending(this, responseMessage);
            if (Transaction == null)
                Stack.Send(responseMessage, responseMessage.Headers["Via"][0].ViaUri.HostPort());
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a SIP request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The SIP method (invite etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="content">The SIP body contents.</param>
        /// <param name="contentType">The type of the SIP body.</param>
        /// <returns>Message.</returns>
        public virtual Message CreateRequest(string method, string content = "", string contentType = "")
            Server = false;
            if (RemoteParty == null)
                Debug.Assert(false, String.Format("No remoteParty for UAC\n"));
            if (LocalParty == null)
                LocalParty = new Address("\"Anonymous\" <sip:[email protected]>");
            //TODO: Use Remote Party instead of Remote Target?
            SIPURI uri;
            if (RemoteTarget != null)
                uri = new SIPURI(RemoteTarget.ToString());
                uri = new SIPURI(RemoteParty.ToString());

            if (method == "REGISTER")
                //TODO: Is this right ?
                //uri.User = "";
            if ((method != "ACK") && (method != "CANCEL"))
                LocalSeq = ++LocalSeq;
            //TODO: Use Remote Party instead of Remote Target?
            Header to;
            if (RemoteTarget != null)
                to = new Header(RemoteTarget.ToString(), "To");
                to = new Header(RemoteParty.ToString(), "To");

            Header from = new Header(LocalParty.ToString(), "From");
            from.Attributes["tag"] = LocalTag;
            Header cSeq = new Header(LocalSeq + " " + method, "CSeq");
            Header callId = new Header(CallID, "Call-ID");
            Header maxForwards = new Header(MaxForwards.ToString(), "Max-Forwards");
            Header via = Stack.CreateVia();
            Dictionary<string, object> branchParams = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    {"To", to.Value},
                    {"From", @from.Value},
                    {"CallId", callId.Value},
                    {"CSeq", cSeq.Number}
            via.Attributes["branch"] = Transaction.CreateBranch(branchParams, false);
            if (LocalTarget == null)
                LocalTarget = Stack.Uri.Dup();
                LocalTarget.User = LocalParty.Uri.User;
            Header contact = new Header(LocalTarget.ToString(), "Contact");
            Header[] headerList = {to, from, cSeq, callId, maxForwards, via, contact};
            List<Header> headers = headerList.ToList();
            // Check this TODO
            if (RouteSet.Count != 0)

            //app adds other headers such as Supported, Require and Proxy-Require
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
                headers.Add(new Header(contentType, "Content-Type"));
            Dictionary<string, List<Header>> headerDict = new Dictionary<string, List<Header>>();
            foreach (Header h in headers)
                if (headerDict.ContainsKey(h.Name))
                    List<Header> temp = new List<Header> {h};
                    headerDict.Add(h.Name, temp);
            Request = Message.CreateRequest(method, uri, headerDict, content);
            return Request;
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a SIP register request.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aor">The address-of-record.</param>
 /// <returns>Message.</returns>
 public virtual Message CreateRegister(SIPURI aor)
     if (aor != null)
         RemoteParty = new Address(aor.ToString());
     if (LocalParty == null)
         LocalParty = new Address(RemoteParty.ToString());
     Message m = CreateRequest("REGISTER");
     m.InsertHeader(new Header("", "Authorization"));
     return m;
Пример #10
 private static Address RouteService(Message request, Block Block, string toId, string fromId)
     string callID = request.First("Call-ID").ToString();
     if (_activeFlows.ContainsKey(callID))
         ActiveFlow af = _activeFlows[callID];
         af.LastRequest = request;
         af.LastBlock = Block;
         ActiveFlow af = new ActiveFlow();
         af.OriginalRequest = request;
         af.LastRequest = request;
         af.LastBlock = Block;
     Address dest = new Address(Block.DestURI);
     return dest;
Пример #11
        private static void RouteNewMessage(Message request, Proxy pua)
            SIPURI to = request.Uri;
            string toID = to.User + "@" + to.Host;

            Address from = (Address)(request.First("From").Value);
            string fromID = from.Uri.User + "@" + from.Uri.Host;

            List<ServiceFlow> toUserFlows = GetUserBlocks(toID);
            List<ServiceFlow> fromUserFlows = GetUserBlocks(fromID);

            Address dest = new Address(to.ToString());

            foreach (ServiceFlow serviceFlow in toUserFlows)
                if (serviceFlow.Blocks.Count > 0)
                    Block firstBlock = serviceFlow.Blocks[serviceFlow.FirstBlockGUID];
                    Address temp_dest = CheckServiceBlock(request, firstBlock, toID, fromID);
                    if (temp_dest != null)
                        dest = temp_dest;
                else continue;

            Message proxiedMessage = pua.CreateRequest(request.Method, dest, true, true);
            proxiedMessage.First("To").Value = dest;
            string callID = proxiedMessage.First("Call-ID").ToString();
            ActiveFlow af = new ActiveFlow ();
            af.LastRequest = proxiedMessage;
            _activeFlows[callID] = af;
Пример #12
        private static void ContinueRoutingMessage(Message request, Proxy pua, Block block)
            SIPURI to = request.Uri;
            string toID = to.User + "@" + to.Host;

            Address from = (Address)(request.First("From").Value);
            string fromID = from.Uri.User + "@" + from.Uri.Host;

            Address dest = new Address(to.ToString());
            Address temp_dest = CheckServiceBlock(request, block, toID, fromID);
            if (temp_dest != null)
                dest = temp_dest;
            if (dest.ToString().Contains("anonymous.invalid"))
                Message proxiedMessage = pua.CreateResponse(403, "Forbidden");
                Message proxiedMessage = pua.CreateRequest(request.Method, dest, true, true);
                proxiedMessage.First("To").Value = dest;