Пример #1
        unsafe int CreateStagingNodeBinned(
            ref BinnedResources resources, int start, int count,
            ref int stagingNodeCount, out float childTreeletsCost)
            var stagingNodeIndex = stagingNodeCount++;
            var stagingNode      = resources.StagingNodes + stagingNodeIndex;

            //The resource memory could contain arbitrary data.
            //ChildCount will be read, so zero it out.
            stagingNode->ChildCount = 0;

            if (count <= ChildrenCapacity)
                //No need to do any sorting. This node can fit every remaining subtree.
                var localIndexMap = resources.IndexMap + start;
                stagingNode->ChildCount = count;
                var stagingNodeBounds   = &stagingNode->A;
                var stagingNodeChildren = &stagingNode->ChildA;
                var leafCounts          = &stagingNode->LeafCountA;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    var subtreeIndex = localIndexMap[i];
                    stagingNodeBounds[i]   = resources.BoundingBoxes[subtreeIndex];
                    leafCounts[i]          = resources.LeafCounts[subtreeIndex];
                    stagingNodeChildren[i] = Encode(subtreeIndex);
                //Because subtrees do not change in size, they cannot change the cost.
                childTreeletsCost = 0;

            const int recursionDepth = ChildrenCapacity == 32 ? 4 : ChildrenCapacity == 16 ? 3 : ChildrenCapacity == 8 ? 2 : ChildrenCapacity == 4 ? 1 : 0;

            SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(recursionDepth, ref resources, start, count, stagingNodeIndex, ref stagingNodeCount, out childTreeletsCost);

Пример #2
        public unsafe void BinnedRefine(int nodeIndex, ref QuickList <int> subtreeReferences, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList <int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList <int> spareNodes,
                                        ref BinnedResources resources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            Debug.Assert(subtreeReferences.Count == 0, "The subtree references list should be empty since it's about to get filled.");
            Debug.Assert(subtreeReferences.Elements.Length >= maximumSubtrees, "Subtree references list should have a backing array large enough to hold all possible subtrees.");
            Debug.Assert(treeletInternalNodes.Count == 0, "The treelet internal nodes list should be empty since it's about to get filled.");
            Debug.Assert(treeletInternalNodes.Elements.Length >= maximumSubtrees - 1, "Internal nodes queue should have a backing array large enough to hold all possible treelet internal nodes.");
            float originalTreeletCost;

            CollectSubtrees(nodeIndex, maximumSubtrees, resources.SubtreeHeapEntries, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, out originalTreeletCost);
            Debug.Assert(subtreeReferences.Count <= maximumSubtrees);

            //CollectSubtreesDirect(nodeIndex, maximumSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, out originalTreeletCost);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Number of subtrees: {subtreeReferences.Count}");

            //Gather necessary information from nodes.
            for (int i = 0; i < subtreeReferences.Count; ++i)
                resources.IndexMap[i] = i;
                if (subtreeReferences.Elements[i] >= 0)
                    //It's an internal node.
                    var subtreeNode = nodes + subtreeReferences.Elements[i];
                    var parentNode  = nodes + subtreeNode->Parent;
                    resources.BoundingBoxes[i] = (&parentNode->A)[subtreeNode->IndexInParent];
                    resources.Centroids[i]     = resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Min + resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Max;
                    resources.LeafCounts[i]    = (&parentNode->LeafCountA)[subtreeNode->IndexInParent];
                    //It's a leaf node.
                    var leaf = leaves + Encode(subtreeReferences.Elements[i]);
                    resources.BoundingBoxes[i] = (&nodes[leaf->NodeIndex].A)[leaf->ChildIndex];
                    resources.Centroids[i]     = resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Min + resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Max;
                    resources.LeafCounts[i]    = 1;

            var node          = nodes + nodeIndex;
            int parent        = node->Parent;
            int indexInParent = node->IndexInParent;

            //Now perform a top-down sweep build.
            //TODO: this staging creation section is really the only part that is sweep-specific. The rest is common to any other kind of subtree-collection based refinement.
            //If you end up making others, keep this in mind.
            int stagingNodeCount = 0;

            float newTreeletCost;

            CreateStagingNodeBinned(ref resources, 0, subtreeReferences.Count, ref stagingNodeCount, out newTreeletCost);
            //Copy the refine flag over from the treelet root so that it persists.
            resources.StagingNodes[0].RefineFlag = node->RefineFlag;

            //ValidateStaging(stagingNodes, sweepSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, parent, indexInParent);

            if (true)//newTreeletCost < originalTreeletCost)
                //The refinement is an actual improvement.
                //Apply the staged nodes to real nodes!
                int nextInternalNodeIndexToUse = 0;
                ReifyStagingNodes(nodeIndex, resources.StagingNodes, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref nextInternalNodeIndexToUse, ref spareNodes, out nodesInvalidated);
                //If any nodes are left over, put them into the spares list for later reuse.
                for (int i = nextInternalNodeIndexToUse; i < treeletInternalNodes.Count; ++i)
                nodesInvalidated = false;
Пример #3
        unsafe void SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(int depthRemaining, ref BinnedResources resources,
                                                    int start, int count,
                                                    int stagingNodeIndex, ref int stagingNodesCount, out float childrenTreeletsCost)
            if (count > 1)
                BoundingBox a, b;
                int         leafCountA, leafCountB;
                int         splitIndex;
                FindPartitionBinned(ref resources, start, count, out splitIndex, out a, out b, out leafCountA, out leafCountB);

                float costA, costB;
                if (depthRemaining > 0)
                    SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(depthRemaining, ref resources, start, splitIndex - start, stagingNodeIndex, ref stagingNodesCount, out costA);
                    SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(depthRemaining, ref resources, splitIndex, start + count - splitIndex, stagingNodeIndex, ref stagingNodesCount, out costB);
                    //Recursion bottomed out.
                    var stagingNode = resources.StagingNodes + stagingNodeIndex;
                    var childIndexA = stagingNode->ChildCount++;
                    var childIndexB = stagingNode->ChildCount++;
                    Debug.Assert(stagingNode->ChildCount <= ChildrenCapacity);

                    var stagingBounds     = &stagingNode->A;
                    var stagingChildren   = &stagingNode->ChildA;
                    var stagingLeafCounts = &stagingNode->LeafCountA;

                    stagingBounds[childIndexA] = a;
                    stagingBounds[childIndexB] = b;

                    stagingLeafCounts[childIndexA] = leafCountA;
                    stagingLeafCounts[childIndexB] = leafCountB;

                    int subtreeCountA = splitIndex - start;
                    int subtreeCountB = start + count - splitIndex;
                    if (subtreeCountA > 1)
                        stagingChildren[childIndexA] = CreateStagingNodeBinned(ref resources, start, subtreeCountA,
                                                                               ref stagingNodesCount, out costA);
                        costA += ComputeBoundsMetric(ref a); //An internal node was created; measure its cost.
                        Debug.Assert(subtreeCountA == 1);
                        //Only one subtree. Don't create another node.
                        stagingChildren[childIndexA] = Encode(resources.IndexMap[start]);
                        costA = 0;
                    if (subtreeCountB > 1)
                        stagingChildren[childIndexB] = CreateStagingNodeBinned(ref resources, splitIndex, subtreeCountB,
                                                                               ref stagingNodesCount, out costB);
                        costB += ComputeBoundsMetric(ref b); //An internal node was created; measure its cost.
                        Debug.Assert(subtreeCountB == 1);
                        //Only one subtree. Don't create another node.
                        stagingChildren[childIndexB] = Encode(resources.IndexMap[splitIndex]);
                        costB = 0;
                childrenTreeletsCost = costA + costB;
                Debug.Assert(count == 1);
                //Only one subtree. Just stick it directly into the node.
                var childIndex   = resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].ChildCount++;
                var subtreeIndex = resources.IndexMap[start];
                Debug.Assert(resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].ChildCount <= ChildrenCapacity);
                (&resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].A)[childIndex]          = resources.BoundingBoxes[subtreeIndex];
                (&resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].ChildA)[childIndex]     = Encode(subtreeIndex);
                (&resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].LeafCountA)[childIndex] = resources.LeafCounts[subtreeIndex];
                //Subtrees cannot contribute to change in cost.
                childrenTreeletsCost = 0;
Пример #4
        unsafe void FindPartitionBinned(ref BinnedResources resources, int start, int count,
               out int splitIndex, out BoundingBox a, out BoundingBox b, out int leafCountA, out int leafCountB)
            //var totalStartTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

            //var startCentroidBoundsTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //Initialize the per-axis candidate maps.
            var localIndexMap = resources.IndexMap + start;
            BoundingBox centroidBoundingBox;
            centroidBoundingBox.Min = resources.Centroids[localIndexMap[0]];
            centroidBoundingBox.Max = centroidBoundingBox.Min;

            for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i)
                var centroid = resources.Centroids + localIndexMap[i];
                centroidBoundingBox.Min = Vector3.Min(*centroid, centroidBoundingBox.Min);
                centroidBoundingBox.Max = Vector3.Max(*centroid, centroidBoundingBox.Max);
            //var endCentroidBoundsTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var centroidBoundsTime = (endCentroidBoundsTime - startCentroidBoundsTime) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Centroid Bounds Time (ms): {centroidBoundsTime * 1e3}");

            //Bin along all three axes simultaneously.
            var nullBoundingBox = new BoundingBox { Min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue), Max = new Vector3(float.MinValue) };
            var span = centroidBoundingBox.Max - centroidBoundingBox.Min;
            if (span.X < Toolbox.Epsilon && span.Y < Toolbox.Epsilon && span.Z < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                //All axes are degenerate.
                //This is the one situation in which we can end up with all objects in the same bin.
                //To stop this, just short circuit.
                splitIndex = count / 2;
                a = nullBoundingBox;
                b = nullBoundingBox;
                leafCountA = 0;
                leafCountB = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < splitIndex; ++i)
                    BoundingBox.Merge(ref a, ref resources.BoundingBoxes[localIndexMap[i]], out a);
                    leafCountA += resources.LeafCounts[localIndexMap[i]];
                for (int i = splitIndex; i < count; ++i)
                    BoundingBox.Merge(ref b, ref resources.BoundingBoxes[localIndexMap[i]], out b);
                    leafCountB += resources.LeafCounts[localIndexMap[i]];
                splitIndex += start;

            //There is no real value in having tons of bins when there are very few children.
            //At low counts, many of them even end up empty.
            //You can get huge speed boosts by simply dropping the bin count adaptively.
            var binCount = (int)Math.Min(MaximumBinCount, Math.Max(count * .25f, 2));

            //Take into account zero-width cases.
            //This will result in degenerate axes all being dumped into the first bin.
            var inverseBinSize = new Vector3(
                span.X > 1e-7f ? binCount / span.X : 0,
                span.Y > 1e-7f ? binCount / span.Y : 0,
                span.Z > 1e-7f ? binCount / span.Z : 0);
            //inverseBinSize = new Vector3(inverseBinSize.X, inverseBinSize.Y, inverseBinSize.Z);

            //If the span along an axis is too small, just ignore it.
            var maximumBinIndex = new Vector3(binCount - 1);

            //Initialize bin information.
            for (int i = 0; i < binCount; ++i)
                resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[i] = nullBoundingBox;
                resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[i] = nullBoundingBox;
                resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[i] = nullBoundingBox;

                resources.BinSubtreeCountsX[i] = 0;
                resources.BinSubtreeCountsY[i] = 0;
                resources.BinSubtreeCountsZ[i] = 0;

                resources.BinLeafCountsX[i] = 0;
                resources.BinLeafCountsY[i] = 0;
                resources.BinLeafCountsZ[i] = 0;

            //var startAllocateToBins = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //Allocate subtrees to bins for all axes simultaneously.
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                var subtreeIndex = localIndexMap[i];
                var binIndices = Vector3.Min((resources.Centroids[subtreeIndex] - centroidBoundingBox.Min) * inverseBinSize, maximumBinIndex);
                var x = (int)binIndices.X;
                var y = (int)binIndices.Y;
                var z = (int)binIndices.Z;

                resources.SubtreeBinIndicesX[i] = x;
                resources.SubtreeBinIndicesY[i] = y;
                resources.SubtreeBinIndicesZ[i] = z;

                var leafCount = resources.LeafCounts + subtreeIndex;
                var subtreeBoundingBox = resources.BoundingBoxes + subtreeIndex;

                resources.BinLeafCountsX[x] += *leafCount;
                resources.BinLeafCountsY[y] += *leafCount;
                resources.BinLeafCountsZ[z] += *leafCount;


                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[x], ref *subtreeBoundingBox, out resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[x]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[y], ref *subtreeBoundingBox, out resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[y]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[z], ref *subtreeBoundingBox, out resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[z]);
            //var endAllocateToBins = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var allocateTime = (endAllocateToBins - startAllocateToBins) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Allocate To Bins Time (ms): {allocateTime * 1e3}");

            //Determine split axes for all axes simultaneously.
            //Sweep from low to high.
            var lastIndex = binCount - 1;

            resources.ALeafCountsX[0] = resources.BinLeafCountsX[0];
            resources.ALeafCountsY[0] = resources.BinLeafCountsY[0];
            resources.ALeafCountsZ[0] = resources.BinLeafCountsZ[0];
            resources.AMergedX[0] = resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[0];
            resources.AMergedY[0] = resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[0];
            resources.AMergedZ[0] = resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < lastIndex; ++i)
                var previousIndex = i - 1;
                resources.ALeafCountsX[i] = resources.BinLeafCountsX[i] + resources.ALeafCountsX[previousIndex];
                resources.ALeafCountsY[i] = resources.BinLeafCountsY[i] + resources.ALeafCountsY[previousIndex];
                resources.ALeafCountsZ[i] = resources.BinLeafCountsZ[i] + resources.ALeafCountsZ[previousIndex];
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.AMergedX[previousIndex], ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[i], out resources.AMergedX[i]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.AMergedY[previousIndex], ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[i], out resources.AMergedY[i]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.AMergedZ[previousIndex], ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[i], out resources.AMergedZ[i]);

            //Sweep from high to low.
            BoundingBox bMergedX = nullBoundingBox;
            BoundingBox bMergedY = nullBoundingBox;
            BoundingBox bMergedZ = nullBoundingBox;
            int bLeafCountX = 0;
            int bLeafCountY = 0;
            int bLeafCountZ = 0;

            int bestAxis = 0;
            float cost = float.MaxValue;
            var binSplitIndex = 0;
            a = nullBoundingBox;
            b = nullBoundingBox;
            leafCountA = 0;
            leafCountB = 0;

            for (int i = lastIndex; i >= 1; --i)
                int aIndex = i - 1;
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref bMergedX, ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[i], out bMergedX);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref bMergedY, ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[i], out bMergedY);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref bMergedZ, ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[i], out bMergedZ);
                bLeafCountX += resources.BinLeafCountsX[i];
                bLeafCountY += resources.BinLeafCountsY[i];
                bLeafCountZ += resources.BinLeafCountsZ[i];

                //It's possible for a lot of bins in a row to be unpopulated. In that event, the metric isn't defined; don't bother calculating it.
                float costCandidateX, costCandidateY, costCandidateZ;
                if (bLeafCountX > 0 && resources.ALeafCountsX[aIndex] > 0)
                    var metricAX = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref resources.AMergedX[aIndex]);
                    var metricBX = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref bMergedX);
                    costCandidateX = resources.ALeafCountsX[aIndex] * metricAX + bLeafCountX * metricBX;
                    costCandidateX = float.MaxValue;
                if (bLeafCountY > 0 && resources.ALeafCountsY[aIndex] > 0)
                    var metricAY = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref resources.AMergedY[aIndex]);
                    var metricBY = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref bMergedY);
                    costCandidateY = resources.ALeafCountsY[aIndex] * metricAY + bLeafCountY * metricBY;
                    costCandidateY = float.MaxValue;
                if (bLeafCountZ > 0 && resources.ALeafCountsZ[aIndex] > 0)
                    var metricAZ = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref resources.AMergedZ[aIndex]);
                    var metricBZ = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref bMergedZ);
                    costCandidateZ = resources.ALeafCountsZ[aIndex] * metricAZ + bLeafCountZ * metricBZ;
                    costCandidateZ = float.MaxValue;
                if (costCandidateX < costCandidateY && costCandidateX < costCandidateZ)
                    if (costCandidateX < cost)
                        bestAxis = 0;
                        cost = costCandidateX;
                        binSplitIndex = i;
                        a = resources.AMergedX[aIndex];
                        b = bMergedX;
                        leafCountA = resources.ALeafCountsX[aIndex];
                        leafCountB = bLeafCountX;
                else if (costCandidateY < costCandidateZ)
                    if (costCandidateY < cost)
                        bestAxis = 1;
                        cost = costCandidateY;
                        binSplitIndex = i;
                        a = resources.AMergedY[aIndex];
                        b = bMergedY;
                        leafCountA = resources.ALeafCountsY[aIndex];
                        leafCountB = bLeafCountY;
                    if (costCandidateZ < cost)
                        bestAxis = 2;
                        cost = costCandidateZ;
                        binSplitIndex = i;
                        a = resources.AMergedZ[aIndex];
                        b = bMergedZ;
                        leafCountA = resources.ALeafCountsZ[aIndex];
                        leafCountB = bLeafCountZ;


            int* bestBinSubtreeCounts;
            int* bestSubtreeBinIndices;
            switch (bestAxis)
                case 0:
                    bestBinSubtreeCounts = resources.BinSubtreeCountsX;
                    bestSubtreeBinIndices = resources.SubtreeBinIndicesX;
                case 1:
                    bestBinSubtreeCounts = resources.BinSubtreeCountsY;
                    bestSubtreeBinIndices = resources.SubtreeBinIndicesY;
                    bestBinSubtreeCounts = resources.BinSubtreeCountsZ;
                    bestSubtreeBinIndices = resources.SubtreeBinIndicesZ;
            //Rebuild the index map.

            resources.BinStartIndices[0] = 0;
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass[0] = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < binCount; ++i)
                resources.BinStartIndices[i] = resources.BinStartIndices[i - 1] + bestBinSubtreeCounts[i - 1];
                resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass[i] = 0;

            //var startIndexMapTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                var index = bestSubtreeBinIndices[i];
                resources.TempIndexMap[resources.BinStartIndices[index] + resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass[index]++] = localIndexMap[i];

            //Update the real index map.
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                localIndexMap[i] = resources.TempIndexMap[i];
            //var endIndexMapTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var indexMapTime = (endIndexMapTime - startIndexMapTime) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Indexmap time (ms): {indexMapTime * 1e3f}");

            //Transform the split index into object indices.
            splitIndex = resources.BinStartIndices[binSplitIndex] + start;

            //var totalEndTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var totalTime = (totalEndTime - totalStartTime) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Total time (ms): {totalTime * 1e3f}, measured percent: {(centroidBoundsTime + allocateTime + indexMapTime) / totalTime}");
Пример #5
        unsafe void FindPartitionBinned(ref BinnedResources resources, int start, int count,
                                        out int splitIndex, out BoundingBox a, out BoundingBox b, out int leafCountA, out int leafCountB)
            //var totalStartTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

            //var startCentroidBoundsTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //Initialize the per-axis candidate maps.
            var         localIndexMap = resources.IndexMap + start;
            BoundingBox centroidBoundingBox;

            centroidBoundingBox.Min = resources.Centroids[localIndexMap[0]];
            centroidBoundingBox.Max = centroidBoundingBox.Min;

            for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i)
                var centroid = resources.Centroids + localIndexMap[i];
                centroidBoundingBox.Min = Vector3.Min(*centroid, centroidBoundingBox.Min);
                centroidBoundingBox.Max = Vector3.Max(*centroid, centroidBoundingBox.Max);
            //var endCentroidBoundsTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var centroidBoundsTime = (endCentroidBoundsTime - startCentroidBoundsTime) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Centroid Bounds Time (ms): {centroidBoundsTime * 1e3}");

            //Bin along all three axes simultaneously.
            var nullBoundingBox = new BoundingBox {
                Min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue), Max = new Vector3(float.MinValue)
            var span = centroidBoundingBox.Max - centroidBoundingBox.Min;

            if (span.X < Toolbox.Epsilon && span.Y < Toolbox.Epsilon && span.Z < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                //All axes are degenerate.
                //This is the one situation in which we can end up with all objects in the same bin.
                //To stop this, just short circuit.
                splitIndex = count / 2;
                a          = nullBoundingBox;
                b          = nullBoundingBox;
                leafCountA = 0;
                leafCountB = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < splitIndex; ++i)
                    BoundingBox.Merge(ref a, ref resources.BoundingBoxes[localIndexMap[i]], out a);
                    leafCountA += resources.LeafCounts[localIndexMap[i]];
                for (int i = splitIndex; i < count; ++i)
                    BoundingBox.Merge(ref b, ref resources.BoundingBoxes[localIndexMap[i]], out b);
                    leafCountB += resources.LeafCounts[localIndexMap[i]];
                splitIndex += start;

            //There is no real value in having tons of bins when there are very few children.
            //At low counts, many of them even end up empty.
            //You can get huge speed boosts by simply dropping the bin count adaptively.
            var binCount = (int)Math.Min(MaximumBinCount, Math.Max(count * .25f, 2));

            //Take into account zero-width cases.
            //This will result in degenerate axes all being dumped into the first bin.
            var inverseBinSize = new Vector3(
                span.X > 1e-7f ? binCount / span.X : 0,
                span.Y > 1e-7f ? binCount / span.Y : 0,
                span.Z > 1e-7f ? binCount / span.Z : 0);
            //inverseBinSize = new Vector3(inverseBinSize.X, inverseBinSize.Y, inverseBinSize.Z);

            //If the span along an axis is too small, just ignore it.
            var maximumBinIndex = new Vector3(binCount - 1);

            //Initialize bin information.
            for (int i = 0; i < binCount; ++i)
                resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[i] = nullBoundingBox;
                resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[i] = nullBoundingBox;
                resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[i] = nullBoundingBox;

                resources.BinSubtreeCountsX[i] = 0;
                resources.BinSubtreeCountsY[i] = 0;
                resources.BinSubtreeCountsZ[i] = 0;

                resources.BinLeafCountsX[i] = 0;
                resources.BinLeafCountsY[i] = 0;
                resources.BinLeafCountsZ[i] = 0;

            //var startAllocateToBins = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //Allocate subtrees to bins for all axes simultaneously.
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                var subtreeIndex = localIndexMap[i];
                var binIndices   = Vector3.Min((resources.Centroids[subtreeIndex] - centroidBoundingBox.Min) * inverseBinSize, maximumBinIndex);
                var x            = (int)binIndices.X;
                var y            = (int)binIndices.Y;
                var z            = (int)binIndices.Z;

                resources.SubtreeBinIndicesX[i] = x;
                resources.SubtreeBinIndicesY[i] = y;
                resources.SubtreeBinIndicesZ[i] = z;

                var leafCount          = resources.LeafCounts + subtreeIndex;
                var subtreeBoundingBox = resources.BoundingBoxes + subtreeIndex;

                resources.BinLeafCountsX[x] += *leafCount;
                resources.BinLeafCountsY[y] += *leafCount;
                resources.BinLeafCountsZ[z] += *leafCount;


                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[x], ref *subtreeBoundingBox, out resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[x]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[y], ref *subtreeBoundingBox, out resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[y]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[z], ref *subtreeBoundingBox, out resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[z]);
            //var endAllocateToBins = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var allocateTime = (endAllocateToBins - startAllocateToBins) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Allocate To Bins Time (ms): {allocateTime * 1e3}");

            //Determine split axes for all axes simultaneously.
            //Sweep from low to high.
            var lastIndex = binCount - 1;

            resources.ALeafCountsX[0] = resources.BinLeafCountsX[0];
            resources.ALeafCountsY[0] = resources.BinLeafCountsY[0];
            resources.ALeafCountsZ[0] = resources.BinLeafCountsZ[0];
            resources.AMergedX[0]     = resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[0];
            resources.AMergedY[0]     = resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[0];
            resources.AMergedZ[0]     = resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < lastIndex; ++i)
                var previousIndex = i - 1;
                resources.ALeafCountsX[i] = resources.BinLeafCountsX[i] + resources.ALeafCountsX[previousIndex];
                resources.ALeafCountsY[i] = resources.BinLeafCountsY[i] + resources.ALeafCountsY[previousIndex];
                resources.ALeafCountsZ[i] = resources.BinLeafCountsZ[i] + resources.ALeafCountsZ[previousIndex];
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.AMergedX[previousIndex], ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[i], out resources.AMergedX[i]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.AMergedY[previousIndex], ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[i], out resources.AMergedY[i]);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref resources.AMergedZ[previousIndex], ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[i], out resources.AMergedZ[i]);

            //Sweep from high to low.
            BoundingBox bMergedX    = nullBoundingBox;
            BoundingBox bMergedY    = nullBoundingBox;
            BoundingBox bMergedZ    = nullBoundingBox;
            int         bLeafCountX = 0;
            int         bLeafCountY = 0;
            int         bLeafCountZ = 0;

            int   bestAxis      = 0;
            float cost          = float.MaxValue;
            var   binSplitIndex = 0;

            a          = nullBoundingBox;
            b          = nullBoundingBox;
            leafCountA = 0;
            leafCountB = 0;

            for (int i = lastIndex; i >= 1; --i)
                int aIndex = i - 1;
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref bMergedX, ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesX[i], out bMergedX);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref bMergedY, ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesY[i], out bMergedY);
                BoundingBox.Merge(ref bMergedZ, ref resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ[i], out bMergedZ);
                bLeafCountX += resources.BinLeafCountsX[i];
                bLeafCountY += resources.BinLeafCountsY[i];
                bLeafCountZ += resources.BinLeafCountsZ[i];

                var metricAX = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref resources.AMergedX[aIndex]);
                var metricAY = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref resources.AMergedY[aIndex]);
                var metricAZ = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref resources.AMergedZ[aIndex]);
                var metricBX = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref bMergedX);
                var metricBY = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref bMergedY);
                var metricBZ = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref bMergedZ);

                //It's possible for a lot of bins in a row to be unpopulated. In that event, you'll get a metric of -infinity. Avoid letting that propagate.
                float costCandidateX, costCandidateY, costCandidateZ;
                if (metricAX > 0 && metricBX > 0)
                    costCandidateX = resources.ALeafCountsX[aIndex] * metricAX + bLeafCountX * metricBX;
                    costCandidateX = float.MaxValue;
                if (metricAY > 0 && metricBY > 0)
                    costCandidateY = resources.ALeafCountsY[aIndex] * metricAY + bLeafCountY * metricBY;
                    costCandidateY = float.MaxValue;
                if (metricAZ > 0 && metricBZ > 0)
                    costCandidateZ = resources.ALeafCountsZ[aIndex] * metricAZ + bLeafCountZ * metricBZ;
                    costCandidateZ = float.MaxValue;
                if (costCandidateX < costCandidateY && costCandidateX < costCandidateZ)
                    if (costCandidateX < cost)
                        bestAxis      = 0;
                        cost          = costCandidateX;
                        binSplitIndex = i;
                        a             = resources.AMergedX[aIndex];
                        b             = bMergedX;
                        leafCountA    = resources.ALeafCountsX[aIndex];
                        leafCountB    = bLeafCountX;
                else if (costCandidateY < costCandidateZ)
                    if (costCandidateY < cost)
                        bestAxis      = 1;
                        cost          = costCandidateY;
                        binSplitIndex = i;
                        a             = resources.AMergedY[aIndex];
                        b             = bMergedY;
                        leafCountA    = resources.ALeafCountsY[aIndex];
                        leafCountB    = bLeafCountY;
                    if (costCandidateZ < cost)
                        bestAxis      = 2;
                        cost          = costCandidateZ;
                        binSplitIndex = i;
                        a             = resources.AMergedZ[aIndex];
                        b             = bMergedZ;
                        leafCountA    = resources.ALeafCountsZ[aIndex];
                        leafCountB    = bLeafCountZ;

            int *bestBinSubtreeCounts;
            int *bestSubtreeBinIndices;

            switch (bestAxis)
            case 0:
                bestBinSubtreeCounts  = resources.BinSubtreeCountsX;
                bestSubtreeBinIndices = resources.SubtreeBinIndicesX;

            case 1:
                bestBinSubtreeCounts  = resources.BinSubtreeCountsY;
                bestSubtreeBinIndices = resources.SubtreeBinIndicesY;

                bestBinSubtreeCounts  = resources.BinSubtreeCountsZ;
                bestSubtreeBinIndices = resources.SubtreeBinIndicesZ;
            //Rebuild the index map.

            resources.BinStartIndices[0]            = 0;
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass[0] = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < binCount; ++i)
                resources.BinStartIndices[i]            = resources.BinStartIndices[i - 1] + bestBinSubtreeCounts[i - 1];
                resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass[i] = 0;

            //var startIndexMapTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                var index = bestSubtreeBinIndices[i];
                resources.TempIndexMap[resources.BinStartIndices[index] + resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass[index]++] = localIndexMap[i];

            //Update the real index map.
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                localIndexMap[i] = resources.TempIndexMap[i];
            //var endIndexMapTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var indexMapTime = (endIndexMapTime - startIndexMapTime) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Indexmap time (ms): {indexMapTime * 1e3f}");

            //Transform the split index into object indices.
            splitIndex = resources.BinStartIndices[binSplitIndex] + start;

            //var totalEndTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            //var totalTime = (totalEndTime - totalStartTime) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            //if (count == 262144)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Total time (ms): {totalTime * 1e3f}, measured percent: {(centroidBoundsTime + allocateTime + indexMapTime) / totalTime}");
Пример #6
        unsafe void PartialRefine(int index, int depth, int offset, int skip, ref QuickList <int> subtreeReferences, ref QuickList <int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList <int> spareNodes, int maximumSubtrees, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            nodesInvalidated = false;
            var node      = nodes + index;
            var children  = &node->ChildA;
            int nextDepth = depth + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < node->ChildCount; ++i)
                if (children[i] >= 0)
                    bool childNodesInvalidated;
                    PartialRefine(children[i], nextDepth, offset, skip, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, maximumSubtrees, ref binnedResources, out childNodesInvalidated);
                    if (childNodesInvalidated)
                        node             = nodes + index;
                        children         = &node->ChildA;
                        nodesInvalidated = true;

            //Do a bottom-up refit.
            if (depth == 0 || (depth % skip - offset) == 0)
                bool currentNodesInvalidated;
                BinnedRefine(index, ref subtreeReferences, maximumSubtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out currentNodesInvalidated);
                if (currentNodesInvalidated)
                    nodesInvalidated = true;
Пример #7
        unsafe void RecursiveRefine(int nodeIndex, int maximumSubtrees, ref int treeSizeSeed, ref QuickList <int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList <int> spareNodes, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            QuickList <int> subtreeReferences = new QuickList <int>(BufferPools <int> .Thread, BufferPool <int> .GetPoolIndex(maximumSubtrees));

            //Vary the size between 0.5 and 1 times the maximumSubtrees.
            ulong halfMaximumSubtrees = (ulong)(maximumSubtrees / 2);

            var size = ((ulong)(treeSizeSeed * treeSizeSeed) * 413158511UL + 735632797UL) % halfMaximumSubtrees;
            var targetSubtreeCount = (int)(size + halfMaximumSubtrees);

            nodesInvalidated = false;
            bool invalidated;

            BinnedRefine(nodeIndex, ref subtreeReferences, targetSubtreeCount, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out invalidated);
            if (invalidated)
                nodesInvalidated = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtreeReferences.Count; ++i)
                if (subtreeReferences.Elements[i] >= 0)
                    RecursiveRefine(subtreeReferences.Elements[i], maximumSubtrees, ref treeSizeSeed, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out invalidated);
                    if (invalidated)
                        nodesInvalidated = true;
            subtreeReferences.Count = 0;
Пример #8
        unsafe void PartialRefine(int index, int depth, int offset, int skip, ref QuickList<int> subtreeReferences, ref QuickList<int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList<int> spareNodes, int maximumSubtrees, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            nodesInvalidated = false;
            var node = nodes + index;
            var children = &node->ChildA;
            int nextDepth = depth + 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < node->ChildCount; ++i)
                if (children[i] >= 0)
                    bool childNodesInvalidated;
                    PartialRefine(children[i], nextDepth, offset, skip, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, maximumSubtrees, ref binnedResources, out childNodesInvalidated);
                    if (childNodesInvalidated)
                        node = nodes + index;
                        children = &node->ChildA;
                        nodesInvalidated = true;

            //Do a bottom-up refit.
            if (depth == 0 || (depth % skip - offset) == 0)
                bool currentNodesInvalidated;
                BinnedRefine(index, ref subtreeReferences, maximumSubtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out currentNodesInvalidated);
                if (currentNodesInvalidated)
                    nodesInvalidated = true;

Пример #9
 public unsafe void PartialRefine(int offset, int skip, ref QuickList<int> spareNodes, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList<int> treeletInternalNodes, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
     QuickList<int> subtreeReferences = new QuickList<int>(BufferPools<int>.Thread, BufferPool<int>.GetPoolIndex(maximumSubtrees));
     PartialRefine(0, 0, offset, skip, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, maximumSubtrees, ref binnedResources, out nodesInvalidated);
Пример #10
        private unsafe void TopDownBinnedRefine(int nodeIndex, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList<int> subtreeReferences, ref QuickList<int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList<int> spareNodes, ref BinnedResources resources)
            bool nodesInvalidated;
            BinnedRefine(nodeIndex, ref subtreeReferences, maximumSubtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref resources, out nodesInvalidated);
            //The root of the tree is guaranteed to stay in position, so nodeIndex is still valid.

            //Node pointers can be invalidated, so don't hold a reference between executions.
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes[nodeIndex].ChildCount; ++i)
                var child = (&nodes[nodeIndex].ChildA)[i];
                if (child >= 0)
                    TopDownBinnedRefine(child, maximumSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref resources);
Пример #11
        unsafe void TryToBottomUpBinnedRefine(int[] refinementFlags, int nodeIndex, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList<int> subtreeReferences, ref QuickList<int> treeletInternalNodes, ref BinnedResources resources, ref QuickList<int> spareInternalNodes)
            if (++refinementFlags[nodeIndex] == nodes[nodeIndex].ChildCount)
                bool nodesInvalidated;
                BinnedRefine(nodeIndex, ref subtreeReferences, maximumSubtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareInternalNodes, ref resources, out nodesInvalidated);

                var parent = nodes[nodeIndex].Parent;
                if (parent != -1)
                    TryToBottomUpBinnedRefine(refinementFlags, parent, maximumSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref resources, ref spareInternalNodes);
Пример #12
        public unsafe void BinnedRefine(int nodeIndex, ref QuickList<int> subtreeReferences, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList<int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList<int> spareNodes,
            ref BinnedResources resources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            Debug.Assert(subtreeReferences.Count == 0, "The subtree references list should be empty since it's about to get filled.");
            Debug.Assert(subtreeReferences.Elements.Length >= maximumSubtrees, "Subtree references list should have a backing array large enough to hold all possible subtrees.");
            Debug.Assert(treeletInternalNodes.Count == 0, "The treelet internal nodes list should be empty since it's about to get filled.");
            Debug.Assert(treeletInternalNodes.Elements.Length >= maximumSubtrees - 1, "Internal nodes queue should have a backing array large enough to hold all possible treelet internal nodes.");
            float originalTreeletCost;
            CollectSubtrees(nodeIndex, maximumSubtrees, resources.SubtreeHeapEntries, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, out originalTreeletCost);
            Debug.Assert(subtreeReferences.Count <= maximumSubtrees);
            //CollectSubtreesDirect(nodeIndex, maximumSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, out originalTreeletCost);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Number of subtrees: {subtreeReferences.Count}");

            //Gather necessary information from nodes.
            for (int i = 0; i < subtreeReferences.Count; ++i)
                resources.IndexMap[i] = i;
                if (subtreeReferences.Elements[i] >= 0)
                    //It's an internal node.
                    var subtreeNode = nodes + subtreeReferences.Elements[i];
                    var parentNode = nodes + subtreeNode->Parent;
                    resources.BoundingBoxes[i] = (&parentNode->A)[subtreeNode->IndexInParent];
                    resources.Centroids[i] = resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Min + resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Max;
                    resources.LeafCounts[i] = (&parentNode->LeafCountA)[subtreeNode->IndexInParent];
                    //It's a leaf node.
                    var leaf = leaves + Encode(subtreeReferences.Elements[i]);
                    resources.BoundingBoxes[i] = (&nodes[leaf->NodeIndex].A)[leaf->ChildIndex];
                    resources.Centroids[i] = resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Min + resources.BoundingBoxes[i].Max;
                    resources.LeafCounts[i] = 1;

            var node = nodes + nodeIndex;
            int parent = node->Parent;
            int indexInParent = node->IndexInParent;

            //Now perform a top-down sweep build.
            //TODO: this staging creation section is really the only part that is sweep-specific. The rest is common to any other kind of subtree-collection based refinement. 
            //If you end up making others, keep this in mind.
            int stagingNodeCount = 0;

            float newTreeletCost;
            CreateStagingNodeBinned(ref resources, 0, subtreeReferences.Count, ref stagingNodeCount, out newTreeletCost);
            //Copy the refine flag over from the treelet root so that it persists.
            resources.StagingNodes[0].RefineFlag = node->RefineFlag;

            //ValidateStaging(stagingNodes, sweepSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, parent, indexInParent);

            if (true)//newTreeletCost < originalTreeletCost)
                //The refinement is an actual improvement.
                //Apply the staged nodes to real nodes!
                int nextInternalNodeIndexToUse = 0;
                ReifyStagingNodes(nodeIndex, resources.StagingNodes, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref nextInternalNodeIndexToUse, ref spareNodes, out nodesInvalidated);
                //If any nodes are left over, put them into the spares list for later reuse.
                for (int i = nextInternalNodeIndexToUse; i < treeletInternalNodes.Count; ++i)
                nodesInvalidated = false;

Пример #13
        unsafe int CreateStagingNodeBinned(
            ref BinnedResources resources, int start, int count,
            ref int stagingNodeCount, out float childTreeletsCost)
            var stagingNodeIndex = stagingNodeCount++;
            var stagingNode = resources.StagingNodes + stagingNodeIndex;
            //The resource memory could contain arbitrary data.
            //ChildCount will be read, so zero it out.
            stagingNode->ChildCount = 0;

            if (count <= ChildrenCapacity)
                //No need to do any sorting. This node can fit every remaining subtree.
                var localIndexMap = resources.IndexMap + start;
                stagingNode->ChildCount = count;
                var stagingNodeBounds = &stagingNode->A;
                var stagingNodeChildren = &stagingNode->ChildA;
                var leafCounts = &stagingNode->LeafCountA;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    var subtreeIndex = localIndexMap[i];
                    stagingNodeBounds[i] = resources.BoundingBoxes[subtreeIndex];
                    leafCounts[i] = resources.LeafCounts[subtreeIndex];
                    stagingNodeChildren[i] = Encode(subtreeIndex);
                //Because subtrees do not change in size, they cannot change the cost.
                childTreeletsCost = 0;
                return stagingNodeIndex;

            const int recursionDepth = ChildrenCapacity == 32 ? 4 : ChildrenCapacity == 16 ? 3 : ChildrenCapacity == 8 ? 2 : ChildrenCapacity == 4 ? 1 : 0;

            SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(recursionDepth, ref resources, start, count, stagingNodeIndex, ref stagingNodeCount, out childTreeletsCost);

            return stagingNodeIndex;

Пример #14
        unsafe void SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(int depthRemaining, ref BinnedResources resources,
            int start, int count,
            int stagingNodeIndex, ref int stagingNodesCount, out float childrenTreeletsCost)
            if (count > 1)

                BoundingBox a, b;
                int leafCountA, leafCountB;
                int splitIndex;
                FindPartitionBinned(ref resources, start, count, out splitIndex, out a, out b, out leafCountA, out leafCountB);

                float costA, costB;
                if (depthRemaining > 0)
                    SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(depthRemaining, ref resources, start, splitIndex - start, stagingNodeIndex, ref stagingNodesCount, out costA);
                    SplitSubtreesIntoChildrenBinned(depthRemaining, ref resources, splitIndex, start + count - splitIndex, stagingNodeIndex, ref stagingNodesCount, out costB);
                    //Recursion bottomed out. 
                    var stagingNode = resources.StagingNodes + stagingNodeIndex;
                    var childIndexA = stagingNode->ChildCount++;
                    var childIndexB = stagingNode->ChildCount++;
                    Debug.Assert(stagingNode->ChildCount <= ChildrenCapacity);

                    var stagingBounds = &stagingNode->A;
                    var stagingChildren = &stagingNode->ChildA;
                    var stagingLeafCounts = &stagingNode->LeafCountA;

                    stagingBounds[childIndexA] = a;
                    stagingBounds[childIndexB] = b;

                    stagingLeafCounts[childIndexA] = leafCountA;
                    stagingLeafCounts[childIndexB] = leafCountB;

                    int subtreeCountA = splitIndex - start;
                    int subtreeCountB = start + count - splitIndex;
                    if (subtreeCountA > 1)
                        stagingChildren[childIndexA] = CreateStagingNodeBinned(ref resources, start, subtreeCountA,
                            ref stagingNodesCount, out costA);
                        costA += ComputeBoundsMetric(ref a); //An internal node was created; measure its cost.
                        Debug.Assert(subtreeCountA == 1);
                        //Only one subtree. Don't create another node.
                        stagingChildren[childIndexA] = Encode(resources.IndexMap[start]);
                        costA = 0;
                    if (subtreeCountB > 1)
                        stagingChildren[childIndexB] = CreateStagingNodeBinned(ref resources, splitIndex, subtreeCountB,
                            ref stagingNodesCount, out costB);
                        costB += ComputeBoundsMetric(ref b); //An internal node was created; measure its cost.
                        Debug.Assert(subtreeCountB == 1);
                        //Only one subtree. Don't create another node.
                        stagingChildren[childIndexB] = Encode(resources.IndexMap[splitIndex]);
                        costB = 0;
                childrenTreeletsCost = costA + costB;
                Debug.Assert(count == 1);
                //Only one subtree. Just stick it directly into the node.
                var childIndex = resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].ChildCount++;
                var subtreeIndex = resources.IndexMap[start];
                Debug.Assert(resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].ChildCount <= ChildrenCapacity);
                (&resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].A)[childIndex] = resources.BoundingBoxes[subtreeIndex];
                (&resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].ChildA)[childIndex] = Encode(subtreeIndex);
                (&resources.StagingNodes[stagingNodeIndex].LeafCountA)[childIndex] = resources.LeafCounts[subtreeIndex];
                //Subtrees cannot contribute to change in cost.
                childrenTreeletsCost = 0;
Пример #15
        private unsafe void TopDownBinnedRefine(int nodeIndex, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList <int> subtreeReferences, ref QuickList <int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList <int> spareNodes, ref BinnedResources resources)
            bool nodesInvalidated;

            BinnedRefine(nodeIndex, ref subtreeReferences, maximumSubtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref resources, out nodesInvalidated);
            //The root of the tree is guaranteed to stay in position, so nodeIndex is still valid.

            //Node pointers can be invalidated, so don't hold a reference between executions.
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes[nodeIndex].ChildCount; ++i)
                var child = (&nodes[nodeIndex].ChildA)[i];
                if (child >= 0)
                    TopDownBinnedRefine(child, maximumSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref resources);
Пример #16
        unsafe void RecursiveRefine(int nodeIndex, int maximumSubtrees, ref int treeSizeSeed, ref QuickList<int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList<int> spareNodes, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            QuickList<int> subtreeReferences = new QuickList<int>(BufferPools<int>.Thread, BufferPool<int>.GetPoolIndex(maximumSubtrees));

            //Vary the size between 0.5 and 1 times the maximumSubtrees.
            ulong halfMaximumSubtrees = (ulong)(maximumSubtrees / 2);
            var size = ((ulong)(treeSizeSeed * treeSizeSeed) * 413158511UL + 735632797UL) % halfMaximumSubtrees;
            var targetSubtreeCount = (int)(size + halfMaximumSubtrees);
            nodesInvalidated = false;
            bool invalidated;
            BinnedRefine(nodeIndex, ref subtreeReferences, targetSubtreeCount, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out invalidated);
            if (invalidated)
                nodesInvalidated = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtreeReferences.Count; ++i)
                if (subtreeReferences.Elements[i] >= 0)
                    RecursiveRefine(subtreeReferences.Elements[i], maximumSubtrees, ref treeSizeSeed, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out invalidated);
                    if (invalidated)
                        nodesInvalidated = true;
            subtreeReferences.Count = 0;
Пример #17
        unsafe void TryToBottomUpBinnedRefine(int[] refinementFlags, int nodeIndex, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList <int> subtreeReferences, ref QuickList <int> treeletInternalNodes, ref BinnedResources resources, ref QuickList <int> spareInternalNodes)
            if (++refinementFlags[nodeIndex] == nodes[nodeIndex].ChildCount)
                bool nodesInvalidated;
                BinnedRefine(nodeIndex, ref subtreeReferences, maximumSubtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareInternalNodes, ref resources, out nodesInvalidated);

                var parent = nodes[nodeIndex].Parent;
                if (parent != -1)
                    TryToBottomUpBinnedRefine(refinementFlags, parent, maximumSubtrees, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref resources, ref spareInternalNodes);
Пример #18
 public unsafe void RecursiveRefine(int maximumSubtrees, int treeSizeSeed, ref QuickList<int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList<int> spareNodes, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
     RecursiveRefine(0, maximumSubtrees, ref treeSizeSeed, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out nodesInvalidated);
Пример #19
        public unsafe void PartialRefine(int offset, int skip, ref QuickList <int> spareNodes, int maximumSubtrees, ref QuickList <int> treeletInternalNodes, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            QuickList <int> subtreeReferences = new QuickList <int>(BufferPools <int> .Thread, BufferPool <int> .GetPoolIndex(maximumSubtrees));

            PartialRefine(0, 0, offset, skip, ref subtreeReferences, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, maximumSubtrees, ref binnedResources, out nodesInvalidated);
Пример #20
        public static unsafe void CreateBinnedResources(BufferPool <int> bufferPool, int maximumSubtreeCount, out int[] buffer, out MemoryRegion region, out BinnedResources resources)
            int nodeCount = maximumSubtreeCount - 1;
            //Note alignment. Probably won't provide any actual benefit- if the CLR doesn't provide aligned memory by default,
            //it's highly unlikely that anything is built to expect or benefit from aligned memory (at the software level, anyway).
            //(And I don't think the vector types are aligned.)
            int bytesRequired =
                16 * (3 + 3 + 1) + sizeof(BoundingBox) * (maximumSubtreeCount + 3 * nodeCount + 3 * MaximumBinCount) +
                16 * (6 + 3 + 8) + sizeof(int) * (maximumSubtreeCount * 6 + nodeCount * 3 + MaximumBinCount * 8) +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(Vector3) * maximumSubtreeCount +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(SubtreeHeapEntry) * maximumSubtreeCount +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(Node) * nodeCount;

            //Divide by 4 due to int.
            //We're using int buffers because they are the most commonly requested resource type, so the resource stands a higher chance of being reused.
            int poolIndex = BufferPool <int> .GetPoolIndex(bytesRequired / 4);

            buffer = bufferPool.TakeFromPoolIndex(poolIndex);

            region = new MemoryRegion(buffer);

            resources.BoundingBoxes      = (BoundingBox *)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.LeafCounts         = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.IndexMap           = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.Centroids          = (Vector3 *)region.Allocate(sizeof(Vector3) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeHeapEntries = (SubtreeHeapEntry *)region.Allocate(sizeof(SubtreeHeapEntry) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.StagingNodes       = (Node *)region.Allocate(sizeof(Node) * nodeCount);

            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesX = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesY = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesZ = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.TempIndexMap       = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);

            resources.ALeafCountsX = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.ALeafCountsY = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.ALeafCountsZ = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedX     = (BoundingBox *)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedY     = (BoundingBox *)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedZ     = (BoundingBox *)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);

            resources.BinBoundingBoxesX          = (BoundingBox *)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinBoundingBoxesY          = (BoundingBox *)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ          = (BoundingBox *)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsX             = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsY             = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsZ             = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsX          = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsY          = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsZ          = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinStartIndices            = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass = (int *)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
Пример #21
 public unsafe void RecursiveRefine(int maximumSubtrees, int treeSizeSeed, ref QuickList <int> treeletInternalNodes, ref QuickList <int> spareNodes, ref BinnedResources binnedResources, out bool nodesInvalidated)
     RecursiveRefine(0, maximumSubtrees, ref treeSizeSeed, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref spareNodes, ref binnedResources, out nodesInvalidated);
Пример #22
        public static unsafe void CreateBinnedResources(BufferPool<int> bufferPool, int maximumSubtreeCount, out int[] buffer, out MemoryRegion region, out BinnedResources resources)
            int nodeCount = maximumSubtreeCount - 1;
            //Note alignment. Probably won't provide any actual benefit- if the CLR doesn't provide aligned memory by default,
            //it's highly unlikely that anything is built to expect or benefit from aligned memory (at the software level, anyway).
            //(And I don't think the vector types are aligned.)
            int bytesRequired =
                16 * (3 + 3 + 1) + sizeof(BoundingBox) * (maximumSubtreeCount + 3 * nodeCount + 3 * MaximumBinCount) +
                16 * (6 + 3 + 8) + sizeof(int) * (maximumSubtreeCount * 6 + nodeCount * 3 + MaximumBinCount * 8) +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(Vector3) * maximumSubtreeCount +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(SubtreeHeapEntry) * maximumSubtreeCount +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(Node) * nodeCount;

            //Divide by 4 due to int.
            //We're using int buffers because they are the most commonly requested resource type, so the resource stands a higher chance of being reused.
            int poolIndex = BufferPool<int>.GetPoolIndex(bytesRequired / 4);

            buffer = bufferPool.TakeFromPoolIndex(poolIndex);

            region = new MemoryRegion(buffer);

            resources.BoundingBoxes = (BoundingBox*)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.LeafCounts = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.IndexMap = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.Centroids = (Vector3*)region.Allocate(sizeof(Vector3) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeHeapEntries = (SubtreeHeapEntry*)region.Allocate(sizeof(SubtreeHeapEntry) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.StagingNodes = (Node*)region.Allocate(sizeof(Node) * nodeCount);

            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesX = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesY = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesZ = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.TempIndexMap = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);

            resources.ALeafCountsX = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.ALeafCountsY = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.ALeafCountsZ = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedX = (BoundingBox*)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedY = (BoundingBox*)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedZ = (BoundingBox*)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);

            resources.BinBoundingBoxesX = (BoundingBox*)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinBoundingBoxesY = (BoundingBox*)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ = (BoundingBox*)region.Allocate(sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsX = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsY = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsZ = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsX = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsY = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsZ = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinStartIndices = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass = (int*)region.Allocate(sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);