/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected bool OnDialogSaveChanges(object args)
            // I could kick myself! The OKCancelDlgBase sends a DialogSaveChanges message
            // from it's "InternalVerify" method *AND* it's InternalSaveChanges" method.
            // I only want to receive the "DialogSaveChanges" message once, not twice.
            // (I think I had intended to broadcast a "DailogVerifyChanges" message from
            // the "InternalSaveChanges" method, but forgot to change the message name after
            // pasting in the code. Argh!). This is my kludge to make sure I only process
            // this message when I'm here when the message is sent from the dialog's
            // "InternalSaveChanges" method.
            if (Environment.StackTrace.Contains("OKCancelDlgBase.InternalVerify()"))
