GetLevelInfoForTag() публичный Метод

Returns the selection level info for the specified tag found in the level info for this selection. NOTE: This version only searches the anchor for the specified tag.
Thrown if the specified tag is not found in the level /// info for the Anchor of the selection
public GetLevelInfoForTag ( int tag ) : SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.SelLevInfo
tag int The field tag to search for /// (i.e. BaseStText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs)
Результат SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.SelLevInfo
Пример #1
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Common utility for the CurrentRef* properties
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selection"></param>
		/// <param name="selLimit">The limit of the selection (anchor, end, etc.) to get the
		/// reference of</param>
		/// <returns>the start and end reference of the given selection, as an array of two
		/// ScrReference objects</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected virtual ScrReference[] GetCurrentRefRange(SelectionHelper selection,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimit)
			if (m_cache == null || selection == null || BookFilter == null)
				return new ScrReference[] {ScrReference.Empty, ScrReference.Empty};

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;

			// If there is a current book...
			BCVRef start = new BCVRef();
			BCVRef end = new BCVRef();

			int iBook = tracker.GetBookIndex(selection, selLimit);
			if (iBook >= 0 && BookFilter.BookCount > 0)
					ScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);

					// if there is not a current section, then use the book and chapter/verse of 0.
					int hvoSection = tracker.GetSectionHvo(CurrentSelection, selLimit);
					if (hvoSection >= 0)
						// If there is a section...
						ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache, hvoSection);
						int paraHvo = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
							(int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, selLimit).hvo;
						ScrTxtPara scrPara = new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, paraHvo);
						// Get the ich at either the beginning or the end of the selection,
						// as specified with limit. (NB that this is relative to the property, not the whole paragraph.)
						int ich;
						// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
						ITsString tss;
						SelLevInfo segInfo;
						int refWs;
						if (selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTxtPara.SegmentsFlid(Cache), selLimit, out segInfo))
							// selection is in a segmented BT segment. Figure the reference based on where the segment is
							// in the underlying paragraph.
							tss = scrPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString; // for check below on range of ich.
							CmBaseAnnotation seg = new CmBaseAnnotation(Cache, segInfo.hvo);
							ich = seg.BeginOffset;
							Debug.Assert(seg.BeginObjectRAHvo == scrPara.Hvo);
							refWs = -1; // ich is in the paragraph itself, not some CmTranslation
							ich = selection.GetIch(selLimit);
							// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
							tss = selection.GetTss(selLimit);
							refWs = GetCurrentBtWs(selLimit); // figures out whether it's in a CmTranslation or the para itself.
						Debug.Assert(tss == null || ich <= tss.Length);
						if (tss != null && ich <= tss.Length)
							scrPara.GetBCVRefAtPosition(refWs, ich, true, out start, out end);

							// If the chapter number is 0, then use the chapter from the section reference
							if (end.Chapter == 0)
								end.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
							if (start.Chapter == 0)
								start.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
						// either it didn't find a level or it didn't find an index. Either way,
						// it couldn't find a section.
						start.Book = end.Book = book.CanonicalNum;
					// Bummer man, something went wrong... don't sweat it though, it happens...
					// This can occur if you are in the introduction or other location that lacks
					// relevant information or other necessary stuff.
			return new ScrReference[] {new ScrReference(start, m_scr.Versification),
				new ScrReference(end, m_scr.Versification)}; ;
Пример #2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Merges the paras in table.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helper">The helper.</param>
		/// <param name="dpt">The problem deletion type.</param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> if we merged the paras, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal protected bool MergeParasInTable(SelectionHelper helper, VwDelProbType dpt)
			SelLevInfo[] levInfo = helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
			if (levInfo[0].tag != (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs)
				return false;

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;
			IScrBook book = new ScrBook(m_cache, tracker.GetBookHvo(
				helper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor));

			SelLevInfo tmpInfo;
			IStText text;
			if (helper.GetLevelInfoForTag((int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle, out tmpInfo))
				text = book.TitleOA;
				IScrSection section = book.SectionsOS[tracker.GetSectionIndexInBook(
					helper,	SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor)];

				text = (levInfo[1].tag == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading ?
					section.HeadingOA :	text = section.ContentOA);

			int iPara = helper.GetLevelInfoForTag((int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs).ihvo;
			StTxtPara currPara = (StTxtPara)text.ParagraphsOS[iPara];
			ITsStrBldr bldr;

			// Backspace at beginning of paragraph
			if (dpt == VwDelProbType.kdptBsAtStartPara)
				if (iPara <= 0)
					return false;

				StTxtPara prevPara = (StTxtPara)text.ParagraphsOS[iPara - 1];
				int prevParaLen = prevPara.Contents.Length;

				// Need to make sure we move the back translations
				AboutToDelete(helper, currPara.Hvo, text.Hvo,
					(int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, iPara, false);

				bldr = prevPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();
				bldr.ReplaceTsString(prevPara.Contents.Length, prevPara.Contents.Length,
				prevPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = bldr.GetString();
				helper.SetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top, prevParaLen);
				helper.SetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom, prevParaLen);
				levInfo[0].ihvo = iPara - 1;
				helper.SetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top, levInfo);
				helper.SetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom, levInfo);
				return true;
			// delete at end of a paragraph
			int cParas = text.ParagraphsOS.Count;
			if (iPara + 1 >= cParas)
				return false; // We don't handle merging across StTexts

			StTxtPara nextPara = (StTxtPara)text.ParagraphsOS[iPara + 1];

			// Need to make sure we move the back translations
			AboutToDelete(helper, nextPara.Hvo, text.Hvo,
				(int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, iPara + 1, false);

			bldr = currPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();
			bldr.ReplaceTsString(currPara.Contents.Length, currPara.Contents.Length,
			currPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = bldr.GetString();
			text.ParagraphsOS.RemoveAt(iPara + 1);
			return true;
Пример #3
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Deletes the picture specified by the hvo.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helper">Selection containing the picture.</param>
		/// <param name="hvoPic">hvo of picture.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void DeletePicture(SelectionHelper helper, int hvoPic)
			int paraHvo = helper.GetLevelInfoForTag((int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs).hvo;
			Debug.Assert(paraHvo != 0);

			int iBook, iSection;
			iBook = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker.GetBookIndex(helper,
			iSection = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker.GetSectionIndexInBook(helper,

			StTxtPara para = new StTxtPara(m_cache, paraHvo);

			// Find the ORC and delete it from the paragraph
			ITsString contents = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString;
			int startOfRun = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < contents.RunCount; i++)
				string str = contents.get_Properties(i).GetStrPropValue(

				if (str != null)
					Guid guid = MiscUtils.GetGuidFromObjData(str.Substring(1));
					int hvo = m_cache.GetIdFromGuid(guid);
					if (hvo == hvoPic)
						ITsStrBldr bldr = contents.GetBldr();
						startOfRun = contents.get_MinOfRun(i);
						bldr.Replace(startOfRun, contents.get_LimOfRun(i),
							string.Empty, null);
						para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = bldr.GetString();

			// TODO (TE-4967): do a prop change that actually works.
			//			m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
			//				para.Hvo, (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents,
			//				startOfRun, 0, 1);
			if (FwApp.App != null)

			// TODO (TimS): This code to create a selection in the paragraph the picture was
			// in probably won't work when deleting a picture in back translation
			// material (which isn't possible to insert yet).

				SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor, iBook, iSection);

			if (Callbacks != null && Callbacks.EditedRootBox != null) // may not exist in tests.
						(int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, startOfRun);
					// If we couldn't make the selection in the contents, it's probably because
					// we are in a user prompt, so try that instead.
					MakeSimpleTextSelection(helper.LevelInfo, (int)SimpleRootSite.kTagUserPrompt,
Пример #4
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Inserts a footnote at the given selection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">Current selection information</param>
		/// <param name="styleName">style name for created footnote</param>
		/// <param name="iFootnote">out: If selHelper is in vernacular para, the ihvo of the
		/// footnote just inserted. If selHelper is in back trans, the ihvo of the footnote
		/// corresponding to the ref ORC just inserted in the BT, or -1 no corresponding</param>
		/// <returns>The created/corresponding footnote</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual ScrFootnote InsertFootnote(SelectionHelper selHelper, string styleName,
			out int iFootnote)

			// Get any selected text.
			ITsString tssSelected;
			IVwSelection vwsel = selHelper.Selection;
			if (IsSelectionInOneEditableProp(vwsel))
				vwsel.GetSelectionString(out tssSelected, string.Empty);
				tssSelected = StringUtils.MakeTss(string.Empty, m_cache.DefaultVernWs);

			int hvoObj;
			ITsString tssPara;
			int propTag;
			int ws;
			selHelper.ReduceToIp(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom, false, false);
			int ichSel = GetSelectionInfo(selHelper, out hvoObj, out propTag, out tssPara, out ws);

			if (propTag == (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents)
				ws = Cache.DefaultVernWs;

			// get book info
			IScrBook book = GetCurrentBook(m_cache);
			// get paragraph info
			int paraHvo = selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag((int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs).hvo;
			StTxtPara para = new StTxtPara(m_cache, paraHvo);

			if (tssSelected.Length > 0)
				tssSelected = StringUtils.RemoveORCsAndStylesFromTSS(tssSelected,
					new List<string>(new string[] {ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber, ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber}),
					false, m_cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor);
				if (tssSelected.Length > 0)
					ITsStrBldr bldr = tssSelected.GetBldr();
					bldr.SetStrPropValue(0, bldr.Length, (int) FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, ScrStyleNames.ReferencedText);
					bldr.ReplaceRgch(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, " ", 1, StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, ws));
					tssSelected = bldr.GetString();

			ScrFootnote footnote = null;
			string undo;
			string redo;
			if (styleName == ScrStyleNames.CrossRefFootnoteParagraph)
				TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidInsertCrossReference", out undo, out redo);
				TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidInsertFootnote", out undo, out redo);
			using (UndoTaskHelper undoTaskHelper =
					  new UndoTaskHelper(Callbacks.EditedRootBox.Site, undo, redo, true))
					if (propTag == (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents)
						// Inserting footnote into the vernacular paragraph
						iFootnote = FindFootnotePosition(book, selHelper);
						ITsStrBldr tsStrBldr = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();
						// create the footnote and insert its marker into the paragraph's string
						// builder.
						footnote = ScrFootnote.InsertFootnoteAt(book, styleName, iFootnote, tsStrBldr, ichSel);

						// BEFORE we insert the ORC in the paragraph, we need to insert an empty
						// paragraph into the new StFootnote, because the para style is needed to
						// determine the footnote marker type.
						StTxtPara footnotePara = new StTxtPara();
						// If we wait for this to be created by the VC, its creation won't be part of the
						// Undo task, and we won't be able to Undo creating the footnote, because the paragraph
						// will own something that Undo doesn't know to delete (TE-7988).
						ITsPropsBldr propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
						footnotePara.StyleRules = propsBldr.GetTextProps();

						// Record information, as if we were typing the footnote caller, that allows
						// segment boundaries to be adjusted properly.

						// update the paragraph contents to include the footnote marker
						para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = tsStrBldr.GetString();

						// Finish off any necessary annotation adjustments.

						// Insert the selected text (or an empty run) into the footnote paragraph.
						footnotePara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = tssSelected;

						// Do a prop change to get the footnote updated in all views
						m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, book.Hvo,
							(int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes, iFootnote, 1, 0);
						// Inserting footnote reference ORC into a back translation
						ICmTranslation btParaTrans = para.GetOrCreateBT();
						ITsString btTss = btParaTrans.Translation.GetAlternative(ws).UnderlyingTsString;
						footnote = FindVernParaFootnote(ichSel, btTss, para);
						if (footnote != null)
							// Insert footnote reference ORC into back translation paragraph.
							ITsStrBldr tssBldr = btTss.GetBldr();
							//if reference to footnote already somewhere else in para, delete it first
							int ichDel = StTxtPara.DeleteBtFootnoteMarker(tssBldr, footnote.Guid);
							if (ichDel >= 0 && ichSel > ichDel)
								ichSel -= footnote.FootnoteMarker.Length;

							footnote.InsertRefORCIntoTrans(tssBldr, ichSel, ws);
							btParaTrans.Translation.SetAlternative(tssBldr.GetString(), ws);
							iFootnote = footnote.IndexInOwner;

							if (tssSelected.Length > 0)
								ICmTranslation btFootnoteTrans = ((StTxtPara) footnote.ParagraphsOS[0]).GetOrCreateBT();
								ITsString btFootnoteTss = btFootnoteTrans.Translation.GetAlternative(ws).UnderlyingTsString;

								// Insert any selected text into this back translation for the footnote paragraph.
								btFootnoteTrans.Translation.SetAlternative(tssSelected, ws);
							iFootnote = -1;
							MiscUtils.ErrorBeep(); // No footnote reference ORC inserted
					undoTaskHelper.EndUndoTask = false;
					throw; // rethrow the original exception
			return footnote;
Пример #5
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Try to do something about an IP selection deletion that is at the start or end of an
		/// StText. If successful return true, otherwise false.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helper"></param>
		/// <param name="dpt"></param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> if we successfully handled the deletion.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal bool HandleBsOrDelAtTextBoundary(SelectionHelper helper, VwDelProbType dpt)

			SelLevInfo[] levInfo = helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor);

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;
			// bail out if we are not in a paragraph within a scripture section
			if (levInfo.Length !=
				tracker.GetLevelCount((int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent) ||
				tracker.GetSectionIndexInView(helper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor) < 0 ||
				levInfo[0].tag != (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs)
				// Assume we are in a book title
				SelLevInfo dummyInfo;
				if (helper.GetLevelInfoForTag((int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle, out dummyInfo))
					return MergeParasInTable(helper, dpt);
				return false;

			// Level 1 will have tags showing which field of section is selected
			int iLevelSection = helper.GetLevelForTag((int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading);
			if (iLevelSection >= 0)
				if (levInfo[0].ihvo == 0 && dpt == VwDelProbType.kdptBsAtStartPara)
					// first paragraph of section head
					return HandleBackspaceAfterEmptyContentParagraph(helper);
				else if (levInfo[0].ihvo == 0 && helper.IchAnchor == 0)
					// Delete was pressed in an empty section head - try to combine with previous
					// return DeleteSectionHead(helper, false, false);
					if (dpt == VwDelProbType.kdptBsAtStartPara)
						return HandleBackspaceAfterEmptySectionHeadParagraph(helper);
					return HandleDeleteBeforeEmptySectionHeadParagraph(helper);
				// NOTE: we check the vector size for the parent of the paragraph (levInfo[1].hvo)
				// but with our own tag (levInfo[0].tag)!
				else if (levInfo[0].ihvo == m_cache.GetVectorSize(levInfo[iLevelSection].hvo,
					levInfo[0].tag) - 1
					&& dpt == VwDelProbType.kdptDelAtEndPara)
					// last paragraph of section head
					return HandleDeleteBeforeEmptySectionContentParagraph(helper);
					// other problem deletion: e.g. delete in BT side-by-side view. Because
					// we're displaying the paragraphs in a table with two columns, the views
					// code can't handle that. We have to merge the two paragraphs manually.
					return MergeParasInTable(helper, dpt);
			else if (helper.GetLevelForTag((int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent) >= 0)
				iLevelSection = helper.GetLevelForTag((int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent);
				if (levInfo[0].ihvo == 0 && dpt == VwDelProbType.kdptBsAtStartPara)
					// first paragraph of section
					return HandleBackspaceAfterEmptySectionHeadParagraph(helper);
				else if (levInfo[0].ihvo == 0 && helper.IchAnchor == 0)
					// Delete was pressed in an empty section content - try to combine with previous
					if (dpt == VwDelProbType.kdptBsAtStartPara)
						return HandleBackspaceAfterEmptyContentParagraph(helper);
					return HandleDeleteBeforeEmptySectionContentParagraph(helper);
				// NOTE: we check the vector size for the parent of the paragraph (levInfo[1].hvo)
				// but with our own tag (levInfo[0].tag)!
				else if (levInfo[0].ihvo == m_cache.GetVectorSize(levInfo[iLevelSection].hvo,
					levInfo[0].tag) - 1 && dpt == VwDelProbType.kdptDelAtEndPara)
					// last paragraph of section
					return HandleDeleteBeforeEmptySectionHeadParagraph(helper);
					// other problem deletion: e.g. delete in BT side-by-side view. Because
					// we're displaying the paragraphs in a table with two columns, the views
					// code can't handle that. We have to merge the two paragraphs manually.
					return MergeParasInTable(helper, dpt);
			return false;
Пример #6
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the index of the current book in the book filter, or -1 if there is no
		/// current book (e.g. no selection or empty view).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper.</param>
		/// <param name="selLimitType">Which end of the selection</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// Index of the current book, or -1 if there is no current book.
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>The returned value is suitable for making a selection.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual int GetBookIndex(SelectionHelper selHelper,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimitType)
			if (selHelper == null)
				return -1;

			SelLevInfo levInfo;
			if (selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(BookTag, selLimitType, out levInfo))
				return levInfo.ihvo;
			return -1;
Пример #7
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Common utility for the CurrentRef* properties
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selhelper">The selection helper representing the current selection
		/// (or sometimes the current reduced to an IP)</param>
		/// <param name="selLimit">The limit of the selection (anchor, end, etc.) to get the
		/// reference of</param>
		/// <returns>the start and end reference of the given selection, as an array of two
		/// ScrReference objects</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected ScrReference[] GetCurrentRefRange(SelectionHelper selhelper,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimit)
			if (m_cache == null || selhelper == null || BookFilter == null)
				return new ScrReference[] {ScrReference.Empty, ScrReference.Empty};

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;

			// If there is a current book...
			BCVRef start = new BCVRef();
			BCVRef end = new BCVRef();
			int iBook = tracker.GetBookIndex(selhelper, selLimit);
			if (iBook >= 0 && BookFilter.BookCount > 0)
					IScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);

					// if there is not a current section, then use the book and chapter/verse of 0.
					IScrSection section = tracker.GetSection(selhelper, selLimit);
					if (section != null)
						// If there is a section...
						int paraHvo = selhelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, selLimit).hvo;
						IScrTxtPara scrPara = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrTxtParaRepository>().GetObject(paraHvo);
						// Get the ich at either the beginning or the end of the selection,
						// as specified with limit. (NB that this is relative to the property, not the whole paragraph.)
						int ich;
						// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
						ITsString tss;
						int refWs;
						SelLevInfo segInfo;
						int textPropTag = 0;
						if (selhelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTxtParaTags.kflidSegments, selLimit, out segInfo))
							// selection is in a segmented BT segment. Figure the reference based on where the segment is
							// in the underlying paragraph.
							tss = scrPara.Contents; // for check below on range of ich.
							ISegment seg = m_repoSegment.GetObject(segInfo.hvo);
							ich = seg.BeginOffset;
							Debug.Assert(seg.Paragraph == scrPara);
							refWs = -1; // ich is in the paragraph itself, not some CmTranslation
							textPropTag = selhelper.GetTextPropId(selLimit);
							if (textPropTag == SimpleRootSite.kTagUserPrompt)
								ich = 0;
								tss = null;
								ich = selhelper.GetIch(selLimit);
								tss = selhelper.GetTss(selLimit); // Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
								if (ich < 0 || tss == null)
									HandleFootnoteAnchorIconSelected(selhelper.Selection, (hvo, flid, wsDummy, ichAnchor) =>
										SelectionHelper helperTemp = new SelectionHelper(selhelper);
										ich = helperTemp.IchAnchor = helperTemp.IchEnd = ichAnchor;
										helperTemp.SetSelection(false, false);
										tss = helperTemp.GetTss(selLimit);
							refWs = GetCurrentBtWs(selLimit); // figures out whether it's in a CmTranslation or the para itself.
						Debug.Assert(tss == null || ich <= tss.Length);
						if ((tss != null && ich <= tss.Length) || textPropTag == SimpleRootSite.kTagUserPrompt)
							scrPara.GetRefsAtPosition(refWs, ich, true, out start, out end);

							// If the chapter number is 0, then use the chapter from the section reference
							if (end.Chapter == 0)
								end.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
							if (start.Chapter == 0)
								start.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
						// either it didn't find a level or it didn't find an index. Either way,
						// it couldn't find a section.
						start.Book = end.Book = book.CanonicalNum;
					// Bummer man, something went wrong... don't sweat it though, it happens...
					// This can occur if you are in the introduction or other location that lacks
					// relevant information or other necessary stuff.
			return new ScrReference[] {new ScrReference(start, m_scr.Versification),
				new ScrReference(end, m_scr.Versification)}; ;
Пример #8
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Deletes the picture specified by the hvo.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helper">Selection containing the picture.</param>
		/// <param name="hvoPic">hvo of picture.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void DeletePicture(SelectionHelper helper, int hvoPic)
			SelLevInfo info = helper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
			int paraHvo = info.hvo;
			Debug.Assert(paraHvo != 0);
			int iPara = info.ihvo;
			IStTxtPara para = m_repoScrTxtPara.GetObject(paraHvo);
			int tag, hvo;
			bool fGotSelectedScrElement = GetSelectedScrElement(out tag, out hvo);

			int iBook = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker.GetBookIndex(helper,

			int iSection = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker.GetSectionIndexInBook(helper,

			int ichOrc = -1;
			int iSegment = -1;

			if (IsBackTranslation)
				ICmPictureRepository repo = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmPictureRepository>();
				ISegment segment;
				if (helper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTxtParaTags.kflidSegments, out info))
					segment = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ISegmentRepository>().GetObject(info.hvo);
					iSegment = segment.IndexInOwner;
					segment = para.GetSegmentForOffsetInFreeTranslation(helper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top), RootVcDefaultWritingSystem);
				ITsString contents = segment.FreeTranslation.get_String(RootVcDefaultWritingSystem);
				Guid guidPic = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmPictureRepository>().GetObject(hvoPic).Guid;
				for (int i = 0; i < contents.RunCount; i++)
					string str = contents.get_Properties(i).GetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptObjData);

					if (str != null && MiscUtils.GetGuidFromObjData(str.Substring(1)) == guidPic)
						ichOrc = contents.get_MinOfRun(i);
						int limOfRun = contents.get_LimOfRun(i);
						ITsStrBldr bldr = contents.GetBldr();
						bldr.Replace(ichOrc, limOfRun, string.Empty, null);
						segment.FreeTranslation.set_String(RootVcDefaultWritingSystem, bldr.GetString());
						if (ContentType == StVc.ContentTypes.kctSimpleBT)
							ichOrc += para.GetOffsetInFreeTranslationForStartOfSegment(segment, RootVcDefaultWritingSystem);
				ichOrc = para.DeletePicture(hvoPic);

			Debug.Assert(ichOrc >= 0);

			// TODO (TE-4967): do a prop change that actually works.
			//			m_cache.DomainDataByFlid.PropChanged(null, (int)PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
			//				para.Hvo, StTxtParaTags.kflidContents,
			//				startOfRun, 0, 1);
			if (m_app != null)

			SelectRangeOfChars(iBook, iSection, tag, iPara, iSegment, ichOrc, ichOrc, true, true,
				true, VwScrollSelOpts.kssoDefault);
Пример #9
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Low-level implementation of insert verse number.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">the given SelectionHelper</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void InsertVerseNumber(SelectionHelper selHelper)
			Debug.Assert(selHelper != null);
			Debug.Assert(!selHelper.IsRange || IsSelectionInPrompt(selHelper));

			// Get the details about the current selection
			int ichSelOrig; //the character offset of the selection in the ITsString
			int hvoObj; //the id of the object the selection is in (StTxtPara or CmTranslation)
			int propTag; //property tag of object
			ITsString tssSel; //ITsString containing the selection
			int wsAlt; //the WS of the multiString alt, if selection is in a back translation
			ichSelOrig = GetSelectionInfo(selHelper, out hvoObj, out propTag, out tssSel, out wsAlt);

			// The current run is a chapter number and IP is either at the beginning of the line or
			// in the middle of the chapter number, we need to jump past it to insert the verse number
			// otherwise it will insert it before the chapter number or in the chapter number.
			int iRun = tssSel.get_RunAt(ichSelOrig);
			if (tssSel.Style(iRun) == ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber &&
				(ichSelOrig == 0 || ichSelOrig > tssSel.get_MinOfRun(iRun)))
				ichSelOrig = tssSel.get_LimOfRun(iRun);

			// Adjust the insertion position to the beginning of a word - not in the middle
			//  (may move to an existing verse number too)
			int ichWord = tssSel.FindWordBoundary(ichSelOrig, UnicodeCharProps, ScrStyleNames.ChapterAndVerse);

			//			TomB and MarkB have decided we won't do this, at least for now
			//			// If the start of the Bt does not match the vernacular, adjust it if required.
			//			if (ichWord > 0)
			//				cInsDel = SetVerseAtStartOfBtIfNeeded();
			//			ichWord += cInsDel; //adjust

			// some key variables set by Update or Insert methods, etc
			string sVerseNumIns = null; // will hold the verse number string we inserted; could be
			//   a simple number, a verse bridge, or the end number added to a bridge
			string sChapterNumIns = null; // will hold chapter number string inserted or null if none
			int ichLimIns = -1; //will hold the end of the new chapter/verse numbers we update or insert

			// Is ichWord in or next to a verse number? (if so, get its ich range)
			bool fCheckForChapter = (wsAlt != 0); //check for chapter in BT only
			int ichMin; // min of the verse number run, if we are on one
			int ichLim; // lim of the verse number run, if we are on one
			bool fFoundExistingRef =
				InReference(tssSel, ichWord, fCheckForChapter, out ichMin, out ichLim);

			SelLevInfo paraInfo = selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
			IScrTxtPara para = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrTxtParaRepository>().GetObject(paraInfo.hvo);

			// If we moved the selection forward (over spaces or punctuation) to an
			//  existing verse number ...
			if (fFoundExistingRef && (ichSelOrig < ichWord))
				//Attempt to insert a verse number at the IP, if one is missing there.
				// if selection is in vernacular...
				if (propTag == StTxtParaTags.kflidContents)
					// Insert missing verse number in vernacular
					para.InsertMissingVerseNumberInVern(ichSelOrig, ichWord, out sVerseNumIns,
						out ichLimIns);

			// if a verse number was not inserted, sVerseNumIns is null
			// If no verse number inserted yet...
			if (sVerseNumIns == null)
				if (fFoundExistingRef)
					//We must update the existing verse number at ichWord
					// is selection in vern or BT?
					if (propTag == StTxtParaTags.kflidContents)
						// Update verse number in vernacular
						para.UpdateExistingVerseNumberInVern(ichMin, ichLim, out sVerseNumIns,
							out ichLimIns);
						//Update verse number in back translation
						para.UpdateExistingVerseNumberInBt(wsAlt, ichMin, ichLim, out sVerseNumIns,
							out sChapterNumIns, out ichLimIns);
					// We're NOT on an existing verse number, so insert the next appropriate one.
					// is selection in vern or BT?
					if (propTag == StTxtParaTags.kflidContents)
						para.InsertNextVerseNumberInVern(ichWord, out sVerseNumIns, out ichLimIns);
						para.InsertNextVerseNumberInBt(wsAlt, ichWord, out sVerseNumIns,
							out sChapterNumIns, out ichLimIns);

			if (sVerseNumIns == null)
				MiscUtils.ErrorBeep(); // No verse number inserted or updated

			// set new IP behind the verse number
			selHelper.IchAnchor = ichLimIns;
			selHelper.IchEnd = ichLimIns;
			selHelper.AssocPrev = true;

			// Remove any duplicate chapter/verse numbers following the new verse number.
			para.RemoveDuplicateVerseNumbers(wsAlt, sChapterNumIns, sVerseNumIns, ichLimIns);
Пример #10
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Selects the paragraph in the DraftView or FootnoteView associated with the style.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="origSelection">selection user originally made</param>
		/// <param name="view">The DraftView or FootnoteView</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void SelectAssociatedPara(SelectionHelper origSelection, IVwRootSite view)
			SelLevInfo paraInfoAnchor = origSelection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
				StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
			SelLevInfo paraInfoEnd = origSelection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
				StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);

			if (paraInfoAnchor.hvo != m_prevPara1Hvo || paraInfoEnd.hvo != m_prevPara2Hvo)
				// The selection changed paragraphs, so update the selection in the
				// DraftView or FootnoteView
				IStTxtPara para1 = m_fdoCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IStTxtParaRepository>().GetObject(paraInfoAnchor.hvo);
				IStTxtPara para2 = m_fdoCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IStTxtParaRepository>().GetObject(paraInfoEnd.hvo);
				SelectionHelper helper = MakeSelection(para1, para2, view);
				IVwSelection sel = helper.SetSelection(view, true, false);
				// If the selection fails then try selecting the user prompt.
				if (sel == null)
					AdjustSelectionForPrompt(helper, para1, para2);
					sel = helper.SetSelection(view, true, false);

				Debug.Assert(sel != null || ((SimpleRootSite)view).ReadOnlyView);
				m_prevPara1Hvo = paraInfoAnchor.hvo;
				m_prevPara2Hvo = paraInfoEnd.hvo;
Пример #11
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets an StTxtPara representing the paragraph of the given selection.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private IStTxtPara GetPara(SelectionHelper helper, out IStText text, out int iPara, out int tag)
			SelLevInfo paraLevInfo;
			if (!helper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, out paraLevInfo))
				text = null;
				iPara = tag = -1;
				return null;
			iPara = paraLevInfo.ihvo;

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;
			IScrBook book = tracker.GetBook(helper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);

			IScrSection section = tracker.GetSection(helper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);

			if (section == null)
				text = book.TitleOA;
				tag = ScrBookTags.kflidTitle;
				tag = (helper.GetLevelForTag(ScrSectionTags.kflidContent) >= 0 ?
					ScrSectionTags.kflidContent : ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading);
				text = (tag == ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading ? section.HeadingOA : section.ContentOA);

			return text[iPara];
Пример #12
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the current section, or null if we're not in a section (e.g. the IP is in a
		/// title).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper.</param>
		/// <param name="selLimitType">Which end of the selection</param>
		/// <returns>The section or null if we're not in a section.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual IScrSection GetSection(SelectionHelper selHelper,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimitType)
			if (selHelper == null)
				return null;

			SelLevInfo levInfo;
			if (selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(ScrBookTags.kflidSections,
				selLimitType, out levInfo))
				IScrSection section;
				if (m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrSectionRepository>().TryGetObject(levInfo.hvo, out section))
					return section;
			return null;
Пример #13
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the index of the section (relative to RootBox), or -1 if we're not in a section
		/// (e.g. the IP is in a title).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper.</param>
		/// <param name="selLimitType">Which end of the selection</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// Index of the section, or -1 if we're not in a section.
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>The returned value is suitable for making a selection.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual int GetSectionIndexInView(SelectionHelper selHelper,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimitType)
			if (selHelper == null)
				return -1;

			SelLevInfo levInfo;
			if (selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(ScrBookTags.kflidSections,	selLimitType, out levInfo))
				return levInfo.ihvo;
			return -1;
Пример #14
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the current book, or null if there is no current book (e.g. no selection or
		/// empty view).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper.</param>
		/// <param name="selLimitType">Which end of the selection</param>
		/// <returns>The book, or null if there isn't a current book.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual IScrBook GetBook(SelectionHelper selHelper,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimitType)
			if (selHelper == null)
				return null;

			SelLevInfo levInfo;
			if (selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(BookTag, selLimitType, out levInfo))
				return m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrBookRepository>().GetObject(levInfo.hvo);
			return null;
Пример #15
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Find and select the next translation meeting a given condition
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selection">The selection where to start the search.
		/// NOTE: The selection must have all of the info set in the LevelInfo (hvo, ihvo)</param>
		/// <param name="condition">Condition the cack translation must meet</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void MoveToNextTranslation(SelectionHelper selection,
			Func<ICmTranslation, bool> condition)
			SelLevInfo bookInfo;
			SelLevInfo paraInfo;
			SelLevInfo sectionInfo;
			bool fFoundBookLevel = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(BookFilter.Tag, out bookInfo);
			bool fFoundSectionLevel = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
				ScrBookTags.kflidSections, out sectionInfo);
			int secLev = selection.GetLevelForTag(ScrBookTags.kflidSections);
			bool fFoundParaLevel = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
				StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, out paraInfo);

			if (!fFoundBookLevel || !fFoundParaLevel)

			// Look through all the books in the book filter
			int bookStartIndex = bookInfo.ihvo;
			int sectionStartIndex = 0;
			int sectionTag;
			int paraStartIndex = paraInfo.ihvo + 1;
			int paraIndex;

			if (fFoundSectionLevel)
				// start with current section
				sectionStartIndex = sectionInfo.ihvo;
				sectionTag = selection.LevelInfo[secLev - 1].tag;
				// no section, so this must be the title - Look through the title paragraphs
				IScrBook checkBook = BookFilter.GetBook(bookStartIndex);
				paraIndex = FindNextTranslationInText(checkBook.TitleOA, paraStartIndex, condition);
				if (paraIndex >= 0)
					// select the title paragraph
					SetInsertionPoint(ScrBookTags.kflidTitle, bookStartIndex, 0, paraIndex);
				// continue the search with the current book
				sectionTag = ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading;
				paraStartIndex = 0;

			for (int bookIndex = bookStartIndex; bookIndex < BookFilter.BookCount; bookIndex++)
				IScrBook checkBook = BookFilter.GetBook(bookIndex);
				if (bookIndex > bookStartIndex)
					// Look through the title paragraphs
					paraIndex = FindNextTranslationInText(checkBook.TitleOA, 0, condition);
					if (paraIndex >= 0)
						// select the title paragraph
						SetInsertionPoint(ScrBookTags.kflidTitle, bookIndex, 0, paraIndex);

				// Look through the sections in order.
				for (int sectionIndex = sectionStartIndex;
					sectionIndex < checkBook.SectionsOS.Count; sectionIndex++)
					IScrSection checkSection = checkBook.SectionsOS[sectionIndex];

					// Look in the paragraphs (could be either content or heading)
					IStText text = (sectionTag == ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading) ?
						checkSection.HeadingOA : checkSection.ContentOA;
					paraIndex = FindNextTranslationInText(text, paraStartIndex, condition);
					if (paraIndex >= 0)
						// select the paragraph
						SetInsertionPoint(sectionTag, bookIndex, sectionIndex, paraIndex);

					// Look in the content paragraphs, if we haven't already
					if (sectionTag == ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
						sectionTag = ScrSectionTags.kflidContent;
						paraIndex = FindNextTranslationInText(checkSection.ContentOA, 0, condition);
						if (paraIndex >= 0)
							// select the content paragraph
							SetInsertionPoint(sectionTag, bookIndex, sectionIndex, paraIndex);

					sectionTag = ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading;
					paraStartIndex = 0;
				sectionStartIndex = 0;
Пример #16
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Inserts a footnote at the given selection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">Current selection information</param>
		/// <param name="styleName">style name for created footnote</param>
		/// <param name="iFootnote">out: If selHelper is in vernacular para, the ihvo of the
		/// footnote just inserted. If selHelper is in back trans, the ihvo of the footnote
		/// corresponding to the ref ORC just inserted in the BT, or -1 no corresponding</param>
		/// <returns>The created/corresponding footnote</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual IStFootnote InsertFootnote(SelectionHelper selHelper, string styleName,
			out int iFootnote)
			// Get any selected text.
			ITsString tssSelectedText;
			IVwSelection vwsel = selHelper.Selection;
			if (!IsSelectionInUserPrompt && IsSelectionInOneEditableProp(vwsel))
				vwsel.GetSelectionString(out tssSelectedText, string.Empty);
				tssSelectedText = TsStringUtils.MakeTss(string.Empty, m_cache.DefaultVernWs);

			int hvoObj;
			ITsString tssSel; // This is either the vernacular or the BT, depending on the selection location.
			int propTag;
			int ws;
			selHelper.ReduceToIp(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom, false, false);
			int ichSel = GetSelectionInfo(selHelper, out hvoObj, out propTag, out tssSel, out ws);
			if (propTag == StTxtParaTags.kflidContents)
				ws = Cache.DefaultVernWs;

			// Make sure the selection is updated with the new ich position in case it was wrong
			// (e.g. If the selection is in a user prompt) (TE-8919)
			selHelper.IchAnchor = selHelper.IchEnd = ichSel;

			// get book info
			IScrBook book = GetCurrentBook(m_cache);

			// get paragraph info
			int paraHvo = selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs).hvo;
			IScrTxtPara para = m_repoScrTxtPara.GetObject(paraHvo);

			tssSelectedText = TsStringUtils.GetCleanTsString(tssSelectedText, ScrStyleNames.ChapterAndVerse);
			Debug.Assert(tssSelectedText != null);
			if (tssSelectedText.Length > 0)
				ITsStrBldr bldr = tssSelectedText.GetBldr();
				bldr.SetStrPropValue(0, bldr.Length, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, ScrStyleNames.ReferencedText);
				bldr.ReplaceRgch(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, " ", 1, StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, ws));
				tssSelectedText = bldr.GetString();

			//Cache.ActionHandlerAccessor.AddAction(new UndoWithRefreshAction());
			IScrFootnote footnote = null;
			iFootnote = -1;
			if (propTag == StTxtParaTags.kflidContents)
				// Inserting footnote into the vernacular paragraph
				iFootnote = FindFootnotePosition(book, selHelper);
				ITsStrBldr tsStrBldr = para.Contents.GetBldr();
				// create the footnote and insert its marker into the paragraph's string
				// builder.
				footnote = book.InsertFootnoteAt(iFootnote, tsStrBldr, ichSel);

				// BEFORE we insert the ORC in the paragraph, we need to insert an empty
				// paragraph into the new StFootnote, because the para style is needed to
				// determine the footnote marker type.
				IStTxtPara footnotePara = footnote.AddNewTextPara(styleName);

				// update the paragraph contents to include the footnote marker
				para.Contents = tsStrBldr.GetString();

				// Insert the selected text (or an empty run) into the footnote paragraph.
				footnotePara.Contents = tssSelectedText;
				IMultiString bt = null;
				if (propTag == SegmentTags.kflidFreeTranslation)
					// Inserting footnote reference ORC into a segment free translation
					ISegment segment = m_repoSegment.GetObject(selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTxtParaTags.kflidSegments).hvo);
					bt = segment.FreeTranslation;
					footnote = FindVernParaFootnote(segment, ws);
				else if (propTag == CmTranslationTags.kflidTranslation)
					// Inserting footnote reference ORC into a back translation
					footnote = FindVernParaFootnote(ichSel, tssSel, para);
					bt = para.GetBT().Translation;

				if (footnote != null)
					// Insert footnote reference ORC into back translation paragraph.
					ITsStrBldr tssBldr = tssSel.GetBldr();
					//if reference to footnote already somewhere else in para, delete it first
					int ichDel = TsStringUtils.DeleteOrcFromBuilder(tssBldr, footnote.Guid);
					if (ichDel >= 0 && ichSel > ichDel)

					TsStringUtils.InsertOrcIntoPara(footnote.Guid, FwObjDataTypes.kodtNameGuidHot,
						tssBldr, ichSel, ichSel, ws);
					bt.set_String(ws, tssBldr.GetString());
					iFootnote = footnote.IndexInOwner;

					if (tssSelectedText.Length > 0)
						ICmTranslation btFootnoteTrans = ((IStTxtPara)footnote.ParagraphsOS[0]).GetBT();
						ITsString btFootnoteTss = btFootnoteTrans.Translation.get_String(ws);

						// Insert any selected text into this back translation for the footnote paragraph.
						btFootnoteTrans.Translation.set_String(ws, tssSelectedText);

			if (footnote == null)
				MiscUtils.ErrorBeep(); // No footnote reference ORC inserted
				// Update the selection in the view that the footnote was inserted.
				selHelper.UpdateScrollLocation(); // Make sure this is up-to-date
				selHelper = new SelectionHelper(selHelper); // Get a new copy, so any subsequent changes won't affect us.
				selHelper.AssocPrev = false; // Associate away from the newly inserted marker to avoid shifting scroll position by a couple pixels
				selHelper.IchEnd = selHelper.IchAnchor;

			return footnote;
Пример #17
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Find and select the previous translation with a given state
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selection">The selection where to start the search.
		/// NOTE: The selection must have all of the info set in the LevelInfo (hvo, ihvo)</param>
		/// <param name="searchStatus">Back translation status to search for</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void MoveToPrevTranslation(SelectionHelper selection,
			BackTranslationStatus searchStatus)
			SelLevInfo bookInfo;
			SelLevInfo paraInfo;
			SelLevInfo sectionInfo;
			bool fFoundBookLevel = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(BookFilter.Tag, out bookInfo);
			bool fFoundSectionLevel = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
				ScrBookTags.kflidSections, out sectionInfo);
			int secLev = selection.GetLevelForTag(ScrBookTags.kflidSections);
			bool fFoundParaLevel = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
				StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, out paraInfo);

			if (!fFoundBookLevel || !fFoundParaLevel)

			// Look through all the books in the book filter
			int bookStartIndex = bookInfo.ihvo;
			int sectionStartIndex = -1;
			int sectionTag = ScrSectionTags.kflidContent;
			int paraStartIndex = paraInfo.ihvo - 1;
			int paraIndex;

			if (fFoundSectionLevel)
				// start with current section
				sectionStartIndex = sectionInfo.ihvo;
				sectionTag = selection.LevelInfo[secLev - 1].tag;
				// no section, so this must be the title - Look through the title paragraphs
				IScrBook checkBook = BookFilter.GetBook(bookStartIndex);
				paraIndex = FindPrevTranslationInText(checkBook.TitleOA, searchStatus,
				if (paraIndex >= 0)
					// select the title paragraph
					SetInsertionPoint(ScrBookTags.kflidTitle, bookStartIndex, 0, paraIndex);
				// continue the search with the previous book
				paraStartIndex = -2;

			for (int bookIndex = bookStartIndex; bookIndex >= 0 ; bookIndex--)
				IScrBook checkBook = BookFilter.GetBook(bookIndex);
				if (sectionStartIndex == -1)
					sectionStartIndex = checkBook.SectionsOS.Count - 1;
					sectionTag = ScrSectionTags.kflidContent;

				// Look through the sections in reverse order.
				for (int sectionIndex = sectionStartIndex; sectionIndex >= 0; sectionIndex--)
					IScrSection checkSection = checkBook.SectionsOS[sectionIndex];

					if (paraStartIndex == -2)
						paraStartIndex = checkSection.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1;
						sectionTag = ScrSectionTags.kflidContent;

					// Look in the paragraphs (could be either content or heading)
					IStText text = (sectionTag == ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading) ?
						checkSection.HeadingOA : checkSection.ContentOA;
					paraIndex = FindPrevTranslationInText(text, searchStatus, paraStartIndex);
					if (paraIndex >= 0)
						// select the paragraph
						SetInsertionPoint(sectionTag, bookIndex, sectionIndex, paraIndex);

					// Look in the heading paragraphs, if we haven't already
					if (sectionTag == ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
						sectionTag = ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading;
						int startHeadPara = checkSection.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1;
						paraIndex = FindPrevTranslationInText(checkSection.HeadingOA, searchStatus,
						if (paraIndex >= 0)
							// select the heading paragraph
							SetInsertionPoint(sectionTag, bookIndex, sectionIndex, paraIndex);
					paraStartIndex = -2;
				sectionStartIndex = -1;

				// Look through the title paragraphs
				int startTitlePara = checkBook.TitleOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1;
				paraIndex = FindPrevTranslationInText(checkBook.TitleOA, searchStatus, startTitlePara);
				if (paraIndex >= 0)
					// select the title paragraph
					SetInsertionPoint(ScrBookTags.kflidTitle, bookIndex, 0, paraIndex);
Пример #18
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// This is called by a view when the views code is about to delete a paragraph. We
		/// need to save the back translations by moving them to whatever paragraph the deleted
		/// one is merging with.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selHelper">The selection helper</param>
		/// <param name="hvoObject">Paragraph to be deleted</param>
		/// <param name="hvoOwner">StText that owns the para</param>
		/// <param name="tag">flid in which para is owned</param>
		/// <param name="ihvo">index of paragraph in text</param>
		/// <param name="fMergeNext"><c>true</c> if this paragraph is merging with the
		/// following paragraph.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual void AboutToDelete(SelectionHelper selHelper, int hvoObject,
			int hvoOwner, int tag, int ihvo, bool fMergeNext)

			if (tag != (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs)

			StTxtPara paraToDelete = new StTxtPara(m_cache, hvoObject);

			// If the paragraph that is being deleted is empty, then do not attempt to save a back
			// translation for it.
			if (paraToDelete.Contents.Text == null)

			// ihvoTop is either the paragraph before the IP or the first paragraph in a range selection
			int ihvoTop = ihvo - 1;
			int hvoOwnerSurviving = hvoOwner;

			// Figure out what is being deleted and what is staying.
			// NOTE: it is possible that the selection is no longer valid. This is ok for our purposes here,
			// since all information we access here is already retrieved and stored in member variables of
			// SelectionHelper.
			if (selHelper.IsRange)
				int paraLev = selHelper.GetLevelForTag(tag, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				SelLevInfo[] rgSelLevInfo = selHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				ihvoTop = rgSelLevInfo[paraLev].ihvo;
				if (paraLev + 1 < rgSelLevInfo.Length)
					hvoOwnerSurviving = rgSelLevInfo[paraLev + 1].hvo;
				int ihvoBottom = selHelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(tag, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom).ihvo;

				// Pretty sure that if we get here top will NEVER equal bottom.
				Debug.Assert(ihvoTop != ihvoBottom || hvoOwnerSurviving != hvoOwner);
				if (hvoOwnerSurviving == hvoOwner)
					if (ihvoTop == ihvoBottom)

					int ichEnd = selHelper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);
					// No need to merge because entire paragraph (with its contents) is going away.
					if (ihvo == ihvoBottom && ichEnd == paraToDelete.Contents.Length)
					// No need to merge because entire paragraph (with its contents) is going away.
					if (ihvo > ihvoTop && ihvo < ihvoBottom)

			// Determine the surviving paragraph.
			StText text = new StText(m_cache, hvoOwnerSurviving);
			StTxtPara paraSurviving;
			if (fMergeNext)
				// when merging with next and there are no more paragraphs, then the BT can be discarded.
				if (text.ParagraphsOS.Count < ihvo + 1)
				// The surviving paragraph will be the one following the one that is deleted
				paraSurviving = (StTxtPara)text.ParagraphsOS[ihvo + 1];
				// If we are deleting the first paragraph in the surviving text, the BT should
				// also be deleted, so we're done.
				if (ihvo == 0 && hvoOwnerSurviving == hvoOwner)
				// The surviving paragraph will be the top one in the selection
				paraSurviving = (StTxtPara)text.ParagraphsOS[ihvoTop];

			ITsStrBldr bldr;
			ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf;
			List<int> writingSystems = GetWsList(out wsf);

			foreach (ICmTranslation transToDelete in paraToDelete.TranslationsOC)
				// Find or create surviving translation of the same type.
				ICmTranslation transSurviving = paraSurviving.GetOrCreateTrans(transToDelete.TypeRA);

				// Merge back translations of the surviving and paragraph to be deleted for each writing system
				foreach (int ws in writingSystems)
					TsStringAccessor tssAccToDelete = transToDelete.Translation.GetAlternative(ws);
					if (tssAccToDelete.Text != null)
						TsStringAccessor tssAccSurviving = transSurviving.Translation.GetAlternative(ws);
						bldr = tssAccSurviving.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();

						// If the surviving paragraph ends with white space of the paragraph to delete
						// begins with white space, add white space.
						string textSurviving = bldr.Text;
						ILgCharacterPropertyEngine charPropEng = m_cache.UnicodeCharProps;
						if (textSurviving != null &&
							!charPropEng.get_IsSeparator(textSurviving[textSurviving.Length - 1]) &&
							bldr.ReplaceRgch(textSurviving.Length, textSurviving.Length, " ", 1, null);

						int cch = bldr.Length;
						bldr.ReplaceTsString(cch, cch, tssAccToDelete.UnderlyingTsString);
						tssAccSurviving.UnderlyingTsString = bldr.GetString();