Пример #1
		public void DeleteText_BasicChart()
			MakeFakeWfics(); // annotation hvos are stored in List m_hvoAnnot.
			MakeFakeTemplate(); // template hvos are stored in m_cols[].
			// CCA annotation hvos are stored in m_expectedCCAHvos, but should get deleted!
			// CCR annotation hvos are stored in m_expectedCCRHvos, but should get deleted!
			Set<int> hvosToDelete = new Set<int>();

			using (NullProgressState state = new NullProgressState())
				// SUT
				m_stText.DeleteObjectSideEffects(hvosToDelete, state);
			int[] hvosActual = hvosToDelete.ToArray();
			// 10 = chartHvo, TextHvo, StTextHvo, 2XCCRHvo, 5XCCAHvo
			Assert.AreEqual(10, hvosActual.Length, "Wrong number of hvos to delete.");
			Assert.Contains(m_chart.Hvo, hvosActual, "The (empty) chart should be deleted.");
				m_stText.Hvo, "StText is already deleted.");
			Assert.Contains(m_text.Hvo, hvosActual, "The containing Text should be deleted.");
			AssertArrayContainedInArray(m_expectedCCAHvos.ToArray(), hvosActual);
			AssertArrayContainedInArray(m_expectedCCRHvos.ToArray(), hvosActual);
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Parse through all the given texts, even if they've been fully analyzed.
		/// Collect occurrences of words and cache all paragraph and wordform related virtual properties.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvosStText">list of hvos for StText objects</param>
		public static void ConcordTexts(FdoCache cache, int[] hvosStText, ProgressState progress)
			if (progress == null)
				progress = new NullProgressState();
			using (ParagraphParser pp = new ParagraphParser(cache))
				long ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
				// Ensure all info about paragraphs of texts and contents of paragraphs is in cache and current.
				// Enhance JohnT: possibly performance would be helped, especially in cases where we have a lot
				// of archived Scripture versions, by restricting this to just the texts in hvosStText.
				cache.LoadAllOfAnOwningVectorProp((int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, "StText");
				Debug.WriteLine("Time to end of loading text data = " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks));
				pp.m_hvosStText = hvosStText;
				//// Get a list of all the paragraphs.
				//List<int> targetParagraphs = new List<int>();
				//foreach (IStText text in new FdoObjectSet<IStText>(cache, pp.m_hvosStText, true))
				//    targetParagraphs.AddRange(text.ParagraphsOS.HvoArray);

				pp.RebuildingConcordanceWordforms = true;
				WordformInventory wfi =	(cache.LangProject.WordformInventoryOA as WordformInventory);

				Debug.WriteLine("Time to end of reset occurrenes = " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks));


				// Estimate the number of total number of milestones we'll set.
				// Enhance: we could construct a way to set percentage done based upon
				// number of texts and paragraphs in each text.
				if (progress is MilestoneProgressState)
					MilestoneProgressState mp = progress as SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Controls.MilestoneProgressState;
					for (int i = 0; i < pp.m_hvosStText.Length; ++i)

				// Parse each text to load our paragraph and wordform segment annotations.
				using (SuppressSubTasks suppressor = new SuppressSubTasks(cache, true))
					List<IStText> texts = new List<IStText>(new FdoObjectSet<IStText>(cache, pp.m_hvosStText, false));
					// Anything like this is currently redundant, we loaded the contents of ALL paragraphs above.
					//List<IStText> parsedTexts = texts.FindAll(HasLastParsedTimestamp);
					//if (parsedTexts.Count != 0)
					//    // We actually have parsed some texts before...yet we have to again. Possibly another program changed
					//    // the data. Reload it as efficiently as possible.
					//    int[] parsedHvos = new int[parsedTexts.Count];
					//    for (int i = 0; i < parsedHvos.Length; i++)
					//        parsedHvos[i] = parsedTexts[i].Hvo;
					//    int index = 0;
					//    string Hvos = DbOps.MakePartialIdList(ref index, parsedHvos);
					//    string whereClause = "";
					//    if (index == parsedHvos.Length)
					//    {
					//        // If we can make a single where clause we'll do it; otherwise do them all
					//        whereClause = " where Owner$ in (" + Hvos + ")";
					//    }
					//    string sql = "select Owner$, Id, UpdStmp, Contents, Contents_Fmt from StTxtPara_ " + whereClause + " order by owner$, OwnOrd$";
					//    IDbColSpec dcs = DbColSpecClass.Create();
					//    dcs.Push((int)DbColType.koctBaseId, 0, 0, 0);
					//    dcs.Push((int)DbColType.koctObjVecOwn, 1, (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, 0);
					//    dcs.Push((int)DbColType.koctTimeStamp, 2, 0, 0);
					//    dcs.Push((int)DbColType.koctString, 2, (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, 0);
					//    dcs.Push((int)DbColType.koctFmt, 2, (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, 0);
					//    cache.VwOleDbDaAccessor.Load(sql, dcs, 0, 0, null, false);

					// Need a separate loop for these, otherwise things get confused as we start to reuse
					// annotations in pp.Parse() and then re-encounter them in later attempts to salvage Pfics and segments.
					Debug.WriteLine("Time to end of preliminaries = " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks));
					foreach (IStText text in texts)
					Debug.WriteLine("Time to start of main parse loop = " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks));
					foreach (IStText text in texts)
						pp.Parse(text, progress);
					Debug.WriteLine("Time to end of main parse loop = " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks));
				//Debug.WriteLine("Time for whole ConcordTexts = " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks));
				Debug.WriteLine("Parse required " + pp.m_cDummyAnnotations + " dummy annotations"
					+ " but could only reuse " + pp.m_dummyAnnotationsToReuse.Count);
				Debug.WriteLine("  Parse created " + pp.m_cWficsMade + " Wfics, " + pp.m_cPficsMade + " Pfics, and "
					+ pp.m_cSegmentsMade + " Segments");
				Debug.WriteLine("  So far we made a total of " + s_cTotalDummiesMade + "; this parse making dummies took " + pp.m_cTicksMakingDummies);
				Debug.WriteLine("  This parse we reset " + pp.m_cTotalDummiesReset + " in a time of " + pp.m_cTicksResettingDummies);
Пример #3
		public void DeleteText_WficsButEmptyChart()
			MakeFakeWfics(); // annotation hvos are stored in List m_hvoAnnot.
			Set<int> hvosToDelete = new Set<int>();

			using (NullProgressState state = new NullProgressState())
				// SUT
				m_stText.DeleteObjectSideEffects(hvosToDelete, state);
			int[] hvosActual = hvosToDelete.ToArray();
			Assert.AreEqual(3, hvosActual.Length, "Wrong number of hvos to delete.");
			Assert.Contains(m_chart.Hvo, hvosActual, "The (empty) chart should be deleted.");
				m_stText.Hvo, "StText is already deleted.");
			Assert.Contains(m_text.Hvo, hvosActual, "The containing Text should be deleted.");
Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Delete the underlying object, without reporting progress.
		/// </summary>
		public void DeleteUnderlyingObject()
			using (NullProgressState progress = new NullProgressState())