private void LateUpdate() { if (window == null) { return; } if (!SEP_Utilities.UIWindowReflectionLoaded) { return; } if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel == vessel) { return; } int l = Fields.Count; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { BaseField b = Fields[i]; if (!b.guiActive) { continue; } try { window.GetType().InvokeMember("AddFieldControl", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, window, new object[] { b, part, this }); } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("Error in adding KSP Field to unfocused UI Part Action Window\n{0}", logLevels.error, e); continue; } try { var items = SEP_Utilities.UIActionListField(window).GetValue(window) as List <UIPartActionItem>; int c = items.Count; for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { UIPartActionItem item = items[j]; if (item is UIPartActionLabel) { item.UpdateItem(); } } } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("Error in setting KSP Field on unfocused UI Part Action Window\n{0}", logLevels.error, e); } } }
public void addConnectecExperiment(ModuleSEPScienceExperiment mod) { if (experiments.Count >= maxExperiments) { SEP_Utilities.log("SEP Control Station module at capacity...", logLevels.log); return; } if (mod == null) { return; } if (!mod.IsDeployed) { return; } if (mod.Handler == null) { return; } experiments.Add(mod); setControllerFields(); setCollectEvent(); }
public void SettingsApplied() { if (HighLogic.CurrentGame != null) { settings = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <SEP_GameParameters>(); } if (settings == null) { return; } if (settings.useAsDefault) { showAllVessels = settings.showAllVessels; fadeout = settings.fadeOut; stockToolbar = settings.stockToolbar; hoverOpen = settings.hoverOpen; scale = settings.scale; if (Save()) { SEP_Utilities.log("[SEP Science] Settings file saved", logLevels.log); } } }
public void gatherScience(bool silent = false) { int level = handler.getMaxLevel(instantResults); if (level <= 0) { return; } ScienceData data = SEP_Utilities.getScienceData(handler, handler.getExperimentLevel(instantResults), level); if (data == null) { SEP_Utilities.log("Null Science Data returned; something went wrong here...", logLevels.warning); return; } GameEvents.OnExperimentDeployed.Fire(data); if (handler == null) { return; } handler.GetData().Add(data); if (silent) { transferToEVA(); } else { ReviewData(); } }
private void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); instance = this; fullPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), fileName).Replace("\\", "/"); GameEvents.OnGameSettingsApplied.Add(SettingsApplied); if (Load()) { SEP_Utilities.log("Settings file loaded", logLevels.log); } else { if (Save()) { SEP_Utilities.log("New Settings file generated at:\n{0}", logLevels.log, fullPath); } } }
private void watcher(float sci, ScienceSubject sub, ProtoVessel v, bool b) { if (sub == null) { return; } if (!"SEP")) { return; } GameScenes scene = HighLogic.LoadedScene; List <ScienceSubject> subjects = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjects(); if (scene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER || scene == GameScenes.TRACKSTATION) { //SEPUtilities.log("Recovery detected...\nSubject ID - {0}\nScience Recovered - {1:N2}", logLevels.warning,, sci); SEP_Utilities.checkAndUpdateRelatedSubjects(subjects, sub, sci); } else if (scene == GameScenes.FLIGHT) { //SEPUtilities.log("Transmission detected...\nSubject ID - {0}\nScience Recovered - {1:N2}", logLevels.warning,, sci); SEP_Utilities.checkAndUpdateRelatedSubjects(subjects, sub, sci); } }
public bool Load() { bool b = false; try { if (File.Exists(fullPath)) { ConfigNode node = ConfigNode.Load(fullPath); ConfigNode unwrapped = node.GetNode(GetType().Name); ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(this, unwrapped); b = true; } else { SEP_Utilities.log("[SEP Science] Settings file could not be found [{0}]", logLevels.warning, fullPath); b = false; } } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("[SEP Science] Error while loading settings file from [{0}]\n{1}", logLevels.error, fullPath, e); b = false; } return(b); }
private void onTransmitData(ScienceData data) { results = null; if (handler == null) { return; } IScienceDataTransmitter bestTransmitter = ScienceUtil.GetBestTransmitter(vessel); if (bestTransmitter != null) { SEP_Utilities.log("Sending data to vessel comms: {0}", logLevels.log, data.title); bestTransmitter.TransmitData(new List <ScienceData> { data }); DumpData(data); } else if (CommNet.CommNetScenario.CommNetEnabled) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(Localizer.Format("#autoLOC_237738"), 3f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); } else { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(Localizer.Format("#autoLOC_237740"), 3f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); } }
private void onTransmitData(ScienceData data) { results = null; if (handler == null) { return; } IScienceDataTransmitter bestTransmitter = ScienceUtil.GetBestTransmitter(vessel); if (bestTransmitter != null) { SEP_Utilities.log("Sending data to vessel comms: {0}", logLevels.log, data.title); bestTransmitter.TransmitData(new List <ScienceData> { data }); DumpData(data); } else if (CommNet.CommNetScenario.CommNetEnabled) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("No usable, in-range Comms Devices on this vessel. Cannot Transmit Data.", 3f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); } else { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("No Comms Devices on this vessel. Cannot Transmit Data.", 3f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); } }
private IEnumerator loadSprites() { while (TelemetryUpdate.Instance == null) { yield return(null); } SEP_Utilities.loadSprites(TelemetryUpdate.Instance.SS0, TelemetryUpdate.Instance.SS1, TelemetryUpdate.Instance.SS2, TelemetryUpdate.Instance.SS3, TelemetryUpdate.Instance.SS4); }
public float getSubmittedData() { ScienceSubject sub = SEP_Utilities.subjectIsValid(this); if (sub == null) { return(0); } return( / sub.subjectValue); }
private void Start() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { running = false; Destroy(gameObject); } if (!SEP_Utilities.partModulesLoaded) { SEP_Utilities.loadPartModules(); } if (!SEP_Utilities.antennaModulesLoaded) { SEP_Utilities.loadAntennaParts(); } if (!SEP_Utilities.spritesLoaded) { StartCoroutine(loadSprites()); } if (ResearchAndDevelopment.GetTechnologyState(transmissionNode) == RDTech.State.Available) { transmissionUpgrade = true; } else { transmissionUpgrade = false; } if (running) { Destroy(gameObject); } if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { StartCoroutine(attachWindowListener()); } instance = this; running = true; usingCommNet = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.EnableCommNet; GameEvents.onLevelWasLoaded.Add(onReady); GameEvents.OnGameSettingsApplied.Add(onSettingsApplied); }
private IEnumerator attachWindowListener() { while (UIPartActionController.Instance == null) { yield return(null); } while (UIPartActionController.Instance.windowPrefab == null) { yield return(null); } SEP_Utilities.attachWindowPrefab(); }
private ConfigNode AsConfigNode() { try { ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(GetType().Name); node = ConfigNode.CreateConfigFromObject(this, node); return(node); } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("[SEP Science] Failed to generate settings file node...\n{0}", logLevels.error, e); return(new ConfigNode(GetType().Name)); } }
private void Start() { GameScenes scene = HighLogic.LoadedScene; if (scene == GameScenes.MAINMENU) { if (!SEP_Utilities.partModulesLoaded) { SEP_Utilities.loadPartModules(); } if (!SEP_Utilities.UIWindowReflectionLoaded) { SEP_Utilities.assignReflectionMethod(); } } if (!(scene == GameScenes.FLIGHT || scene == GameScenes.TRACKSTATION || scene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER)) { running = false; Destroy(gameObject); } if (ResearchAndDevelopment.GetTechnologyState(transmissionNode) == RDTech.State.Available) { transmissionUpgrade = true; } else { transmissionUpgrade = false; } if (running) { Destroy(gameObject); } if (scene == GameScenes.FLIGHT) { StartCoroutine(attachWindowListener()); } instance = this; running = true; GameEvents.onLevelWasLoaded.Add(onReady); }
public bool Save() { bool b = false; try { ConfigNode node = AsConfigNode(); ConfigNode wrapper = new ConfigNode(GetType().Name); wrapper.AddNode(node); wrapper.Save(fullPath); b = true; } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("[SEP Science] Error while saving settings file from [{0}]\n{1}", logLevels.error, fullPath, e); b = false; } return(b); }
public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); usingEC = resHandler.inputResources.Count > 0; flightID = (int)part.flightID; if (complexity > 4) { complexity = 4; } else if (complexity < 1) { complexity = 1; } if (state == StartState.Editor) { return; } if (animated && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(animationName)) { anim = part.FindModelAnimators(animationName)[0]; } if (IsDeployed && animated) { animator(anim, animationName, 1, 1); } setupEvents(); requiredPartList = SEP_Utilities.parsePartStringList(requiredParts); requiredModuleList = SEP_Utilities.parseModuleStringList(requiredModules); GameEvents.onVesselSituationChange.Add(sitChange); SEP_Utilities.onWindowSpawn.Add(onWindowSpawn); SEP_Utilities.onWindowDestroy.Add(onWindowDestroy); }
private bool canConduct() { failMessage = ""; ExperimentSituations sit = ScienceUtil.GetExperimentSituation(vessel); if (handler == null) { SEP_Utilities.log("SEP Experiment Handler is null; Stopping any experiments...", logLevels.warning); failMessage = Localizer.Format("#LOC_SurfaceExperimentPack_ModuleSEPScienceExperiment_failExperimentError"); return(false); } if (handler.basicExperiment == null) { SEP_Utilities.log("SEP Experiment definition is null; stopping experiment\npossible errors or corruption present in the SEP ScienceDefs file", logLevels.warning); failMessage = Localizer.Format("#LOC_SurfaceExperimentPack_ModuleSEPScienceExperiment_failExperimentError"); return(false); } if (Inoperable) { failMessage = Localizer.Format("#LOC_SurfaceExperimentPack_ModuleSEPScienceExperiment_failFunctional"); return(false); } else if (handler.basicExperiment.requireAtmosphere && !vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { failMessage = includeAtmosphereMessage; return(false); } else if (!handler.basicExperiment.IsAvailableWhile(sit, vessel.mainBody)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(situationFailMessage)) { failMessage = situationFailMessage; } return(false); } else if (excludeAtmosphere && vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excludeAtmosphereMessage)) { failMessage = excludeAtmosphereMessage; } return(false); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerModule)) { if (!VesselUtilities.VesselHasModuleName(controllerModule, vessel)) { failMessage = controllerModuleMessage; return(false); } } if (requiredPartList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < requiredPartList.Count; i++) { string partName = requiredPartList[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partName)) { continue; } if (!VesselUtilities.VesselHasPartName(partName, vessel)) { failMessage = requiredPartsMessage; return(false); } } } if (requiredModuleList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < requiredModuleList.Count; i++) { string moduleName = requiredModuleList[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName)) { continue; } if (!VesselUtilities.VesselHasModuleName(moduleName, vessel)) { failMessage = requiredModulesMessage; return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void LateUpdate() { if (window == null) { return; } if (UIPartActionController.Instance == null) { return; } if (!SEP_Utilities.UIWindowReflectionLoaded) { return; } if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel == vessel) { return; } bool update = false; int l = part.Resources.Count; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { PartResource r = part.Resources[i]; try { window.GetType().InvokeMember("AddResourceFlightControl", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, window, new object[] { r }); update = true; } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("Error in adding EC Field to unfocused SEP UI Part Action Window\n{0}", logLevels.error, e); continue; } try { var items = SEP_Utilities.UIActionListField(window).GetValue(window) as List <UIPartActionItem>; int c = items.Count; for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { UIPartActionItem item = items[j]; if (item is UIPartActionResource) { item.UpdateItem(); } } } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("Error in setting KSP Field on unfocused UI Part Action Window\n{0}", logLevels.error, e); } } if (update) { try { window.GetType().InvokeMember("PointerUpdate", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, window, null); } catch (Exception e) { SEP_Utilities.log("Error in updating unfocused UI Part Action Window position\n{0}", logLevels.error, e); } } }
private bool transmitData(SEP_ExperimentHandler exp, int level, float submittedData, float newData) { ScienceData data = SEP_Utilities.getScienceData(exp, exp.getExperimentLevel(level), level); if (exp.vessel.loaded) { IScienceDataTransmitter bestTransmitter = ScienceUtil.GetBestTransmitter(exp.vessel); if (bestTransmitter != null) { ScienceExperiment e = exp.getExperimentLevel(level); float transmitterCost = getLoadedTransmitterCost(bestTransmitter); float ecCost = newData * e.dataScale * transmitterCost; if (ecCost > SEP_Utilities.getTotalVesselEC(exp.vessel)) { if (!dataOnboard(exp, level)) { SEP_Utilities.log("Not enough power for transmissionon this vessel: {1}; saving data: {0}", logLevels.log, data.title, exp.vessel.vesselName); exp.addData(data); if ( != null) {["ReviewDataEvent"].active = true;["TransferDataEvent"].active =;["CollectData"].active = true; if ( != null) {; } } } return(false); } SEP_Utilities.log("Sending data to vessel comms: {0}", logLevels.log, data.title); bestTransmitter.TransmitData(new List <ScienceData> { data }); return(true); } else { if (!dataOnboard(exp, level)) { SEP_Utilities.log("No Comms Devices on this vessel: {1}. Cannot Transmit Data; saving data: {0}", logLevels.log, data.title, exp.vessel.vesselName); exp.addData(data); if ( != null) {["ReviewDataEvent"].active = true;["TransferDataEvent"].active =;["CollectData"].active = true; if ( != null) {; } } } return(false); } } else { List <ProtoPartSnapshot> transmitters = getProtoTransmitters(exp.vessel.protoVessel); float?transmitterCost = getBestTransmitterCost(transmitters); if (transmitterCost == null) { if (!dataOnboard(exp, level)) { SEP_Utilities.log("No Comms Devices on this vessel: {1}. Cannot Transmit Data; saving data: {0}", logLevels.log, data.title, exp.vessel.protoVessel.vesselName); exp.addData(data); } return(false); } //SEP_Utilities.log("Transmission Score: {0:N4}EC", logLevels.warning, transmitterCost); ScienceExperiment e = exp.getExperimentLevel(level); float ecCost = newData * e.dataScale * (float)transmitterCost; //SEP_Utilities.log("Transmission Cost: {0:N4}EC", logLevels.warning, ecCost); if (ecCost > SEP_Utilities.getTotalVesselEC(exp.vessel.protoVessel)) { if (!dataOnboard(exp, level)) { SEP_Utilities.log("Not enough electricity on this vessel: {1}. Cannot Transmit Data; saving data: {0}", logLevels.log, data.title, exp.vessel.protoVessel.vesselName); exp.addData(data); } return(false); } ScienceSubject sub = SEP_Utilities.checkAndUpdateRelatedSubjects(exp, level, newData, submittedData); if (sub == null) { return(false); } ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.SubmitScienceData(newData * sub.dataScale, sub, 1, exp.vessel.protoVessel); if (exp.vessel.HasValidContractObjectives(new List <string> { "Generator" })) { consumeResources(exp.vessel.protoVessel, ecCost); } exp.submittedData += (newData - submittedData); return(true); } }
private void experimentCheck(double time) { int l = experiments.Count; //if (l > 0) //SEP_Utilities.log("Performing SEP background check on {0} experiments at time: {1:N0}", logLevels.log, l , time); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { List <SEP_ExperimentHandler> modules = experiments.At(i); int c = modules.Count; for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { SEP_ExperimentHandler m = modules[j]; if (m == null) { continue; } if (!m.loaded) { continue; } if (!m.vessel.Landed) { continue; } if (!m.experimentRunning) { continue; } if (m.usingECResource && !m.vessel.loaded) { if (!m.vessel.HasValidContractObjectives(new List <string> { "Generator" })) { continue; } } if (m.vessel.loaded) { if ( != null && != null) { if ( != { continue; } } else { continue; } } double t = m.experimentTime; float calib = m.calibration; if (usingCommNet) { if (m.vessel.Connection != null) { float signal = (float)m.vessel.Connection.SignalStrength - 0.5f; if (signal < 0) { signal /= 2; } float bonus = calib * signal; calib += bonus; } } t /= calib; double length = time - m.lastBackgroundCheck; m.lastBackgroundCheck = time; double days = length / 21600; if (days < t) { double n = days / t; //SEPUtilities.log("Updating SEP Experiment Handler [{0}]: Add {1:P6}", logLevels.warning, m.experimentTitle, n); m.completion += (float)n; } else { m.completion = 1; } float max = m.getMaxCompletion(); if (max <= 0.5f) { if (m.completion >= 0.5f) { m.completion = 0.5f; } } else if (max <= 0.75f) { if (m.completion >= 0.75f) { m.completion = 0.75f; } } else { if (m.completion >= 1f) { m.completion = 1f; } } bool transmitted = false; m.submittedData = m.getSubmittedData(); if (m.canTransmit && m.controllerAutoTransmit && transmissionUpgrade) { transmitted = checkTransmission(m); } else { int level = m.getMaxLevel(false); if (!dataOnboard(m, level)) { m.addData(SEP_Utilities.getScienceData(m, m.getExperimentLevel(level), level)); if (m.vessel.loaded && != null) {["ReviewDataEvent"].active = true;["TransferDataEvent"].active =;["CollectData"].active = true; if ( != null) {; } } } } if (transmitted) { m.clearData(); } if (m.completion >= max) { m.experimentRunning = false; if (m.vessel.loaded && != null) { int count = m.GetScienceCount();["ReviewDataEvent"].active = !transmitted && count > 0;["TransferDataEvent"].active = !transmitted && count > 0 &&;["CollectData"].active = !transmitted && count > 0;; if ( != null) {; } } } } } }
private void populateExperiments() { experiments = new DictionaryValueList <Vessel, List <SEP_ExperimentHandler> >(); int l = FlightGlobals.Vessels.Count; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { Vessel v = FlightGlobals.Vessels[i]; if (v == null) { continue; } if (v.vesselType == VesselType.Debris) { continue; } if (experiments.Contains(v)) { continue; } List <SEP_ExperimentHandler> handlers = new List <SEP_ExperimentHandler>(); if (v.loaded) { handlers = (from mod in v.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleSEPScienceExperiment>() where mod.Handler != null && mod.IsDeployed select mod.Handler).ToList(); if (handlers.Count > 0) { SEP_Utilities.log("Processing loaded SEP vessel: {0}\n{1} SEP modules found", logLevels.log, v.vesselName, handlers.Count); } } else { var snaps = v.protoVessel.protoPartSnapshots; int s = snaps.Count; for (int j = 0; j < s; j++) { ProtoPartSnapshot p = snaps[j]; if (!p.modules.Any(m => m.moduleName == "ModuleSEPScienceExperiment")) { continue; } var mods = p.modules; int d = mods.Count; for (int k = 0; k < d; k++) { ProtoPartModuleSnapshot mod = mods[k]; if (mod.moduleName != "ModuleSEPScienceExperiment") { continue; } if (!mod.moduleValues.HasValue("IsDeployed") || mod.moduleValues.GetValue("IsDeployed") != "True") { continue; } SEP_ExperimentHandler handler = new SEP_ExperimentHandler(mod, v); if (handler.loaded) { handlers.Add(handler); } } } if (handlers.Count > 0) { SEP_Utilities.log("Processing unloaded SEP vessel: {0}\n{1} SEP modules found", logLevels.log, v.vesselName, handlers.Count); } } if (handlers.Count > 0) { if (VesselUtilities.VesselHasModuleName("ModuleSEPStation", v)) { experiments.Add(v, handlers); } } } setup = true; }
private void experimentCheck(double time) { int l = experiments.Count; if (l > 0) { SEP_Utilities.log("Performing SEP background check on {0} experiments at time: {1:N0}", logLevels.log, l, time); } for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { List <SEP_ExperimentHandler> modules = experiments.ElementAt(i).Value; int c = modules.Count; for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { SEP_ExperimentHandler m = modules[j]; if (m == null) { continue; } if (!m.loaded) { continue; } if (!m.experimentRunning) { continue; } if (m.usingECResource && !m.vessel.loaded) { List <string> generators = FinePrint.ContractDefs.GetModules("Power"); if (!FinePrint.Utilities.VesselUtilities.VesselHasAnyModules(generators, m.vessel)) { continue; } } if (m.vessel.loaded) { if ( != null && != null) { if ( != { continue; } } else { continue; } } double t = m.experimentTime; t /= m.calibration; double length = time - m.lastBackgroundCheck; m.lastBackgroundCheck = time; double days = length / 21600; if (days < t) { double n = days / t; //SEPUtilities.log("Updating SEP Experiment Handler [{0}]: Add {1:P6}", logLevels.warning, m.experimentTitle, n); m.completion += (float)n; } else { m.completion = 1; } float max = m.getMaxCompletion(); if (max <= 0.5f) { if (m.completion >= 0.5f) { m.completion = 0.5f; } } else if (max <= 0.75f) { if (m.completion >= 0.75f) { m.completion = 0.75f; } } else { if (m.completion >= 1f) { m.completion = 1f; } } bool transmitted = false; m.submittedData = m.getSubmittedData(); if (m.canTransmit && m.controllerAutoTransmit && transmissionUpgrade) { transmitted = checkTransmission(m); } else { int level = m.getMaxLevel(false); float science = m.currentMaxScience(level); if (science > m.submittedData) { bool flag = true; if (m.GetScienceCount() > 0) { ScienceData dat = m.GetData()[0]; ScienceSubject sub = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(dat.subjectID); if (sub != null) { float d = dat.dataAmount / sub.dataScale; //SEPUtilities.log("Science Data value check: {0:N2} - {1:N2}", logLevels.warning, science, d); if (science <= d) { flag = false; } } else { flag = false; } } if (flag) { m.addData(SEP_Utilities.getScienceData(m, m.getExperimentLevel(level), level)); if (m.vessel.loaded && != null) {["ReviewDataEvent"].active = true;["CollectData"].active = true; if ( != null) {; } } } } } if (transmitted) { m.clearData(); } if (m.completion >= max) { m.experimentRunning = false; if (m.vessel.loaded && != null) { int count = m.GetScienceCount();["ReviewDataEvent"].active = !transmitted && count > 0;["CollectData"].active = !transmitted && count > 0;; if ( != null) {; } } } } } }
private bool transmitData(SEP_ExperimentHandler exp, int level, float submittedData, float newData) { if (exp.vessel.loaded) { List <IScienceDataTransmitter> tranList = exp.vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <IScienceDataTransmitter>(); ScienceData data = SEP_Utilities.getScienceData(exp, exp.getExperimentLevel(level), level); if (tranList.Count > 0) { SEP_Utilities.log("Sending data to vessel comms. {0} devices to choose from. Will try to pick the best one", logLevels.log, tranList.Count); tranList.OrderBy(ScienceUtil.GetTransmitterScore).First().TransmitData(new List <ScienceData> { data }); return(true); } else { exp.addData(data); if (exp.vessel.loaded && != null) {["ReviewDataEvent"].active = true;["CollectData"].active = true; if ( != null) {; } } return(false); } } else { List <ProtoPartSnapshot> transmitters = getProtoTransmitters(exp.vessel.protoVessel); float?transmitterCost = getBestTransmitterCost(transmitters); if (transmitterCost == null) { exp.addData(SEP_Utilities.getScienceData(exp, exp.getExperimentLevel(level), level)); return(false); } //SEPUtilities.log("Transmission Score: {0:N4}EC", logLevels.warning, transmitterCost); ScienceExperiment e = exp.getExperimentLevel(level); float ecCost = newData * e.dataScale * (float)transmitterCost; //SEPUtilities.log("Transmission Cost: {0:N4}EC", logLevels.warning, ecCost); if (ecCost > SEP_Utilities.getTotalVesselEC(exp.vessel.protoVessel)) { exp.addData(SEP_Utilities.getScienceData(exp, exp.getExperimentLevel(level), level)); return(false); } ScienceSubject sub = SEP_Utilities.checkAndUpdateRelatedSubjects(exp, level, newData, submittedData); if (sub == null) { return(false); } ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.SubmitScienceData(newData * sub.dataScale, sub, 1, exp.vessel.protoVessel); List <string> generators = FinePrint.ContractDefs.GetModules("Power"); if (!FinePrint.Utilities.VesselUtilities.VesselHasAnyModules(generators, exp.vessel)) { consumeResources(exp.vessel.protoVessel, ecCost); } exp.submittedData += (newData - submittedData); return(true); } }
private bool canConduct() { failMessage = ""; ExperimentSituations sit = ScienceUtil.GetExperimentSituation(vessel); if (handler == null) { SEP_Utilities.log("SEP Experiment Handler is null; Stopping any experiments...", logLevels.warning); failMessage = "Whoops, something went wrong with the SEP Experiment"; return(false); } if (Inoperable) { failMessage = "Experiment is no longer functional"; return(false); } else if (!handler.basicExperiment.IsAvailableWhile(sit, vessel.mainBody)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(situationFailMessage)) { failMessage = situationFailMessage; } return(false); } else if (excludeAtmosphere && vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excludeAtmosphereMessage)) { failMessage = excludeAtmosphereMessage; } return(false); } else if (handler.basicExperiment.requireAtmosphere && !vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { failMessage = includeAtmosphereMessage; return(false); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerModule)) { if (!VesselUtilities.VesselHasModuleName(controllerModule, vessel)) { failMessage = controllerModuleMessage; return(false); } } if (requiredPartList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < requiredPartList.Count; i++) { string partName = requiredPartList[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partName)) { continue; } if (!VesselUtilities.VesselHasPartName(partName, vessel)) { failMessage = requiredPartsMessage; return(false); } } } if (requiredModuleList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < requiredModuleList.Count; i++) { string moduleName = requiredModuleList[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName)) { continue; } if (!VesselUtilities.VesselHasModuleName(moduleName, vessel)) { failMessage = requiredModulesMessage; return(false); } } } return(true); }