Пример #1
		public void SimplePropertyDescriptorConstructionTest()
			PropertyBag bag = new PropertyBag();
			// add some property specifications. 
			bag.PropertySpecifications.Add(new PropertySpecification("Property 1", typeof(string), "Cat1", "Prop1 desc", "Foo"));
			bag.PropertySpecifications.Add(new PropertySpecification("Property 2", typeof(string), "Cat1", "Prop2 desc", "Bar"));
			bag.PropertySpecifications.Add(new PropertySpecification("Property 3", typeof(string), "Cat2", "Prop3 desc", string.Empty));

			// open a testform which binds the propertybag to a property grid. There's no value store so edited values are not stored. Just
			// to show the categorization etc.
			using(TestForm f = new TestForm(bag))
Пример #2
		public void AdvancedPropertyDescriptorConstructionTestWithEvents()
			PropertyBag bag = new PropertyBag();
			// add some property specifications. 
			var property1 = new PropertySpecification("Property 1", typeof(string), "Cat1", "Prop1 desc", "Foo");
			// make readonly

			// add expanding property
			var property2 = new PropertySpecification("Picture", typeof(Image), "Some Category", "This is a sample description.");
			property2.Attributes.Add(new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)));

			// custom editor
			var property3 = new PropertySpecification("Source folder", typeof(string), "OutputFolders", "The output folder for the sourcecode", "c:\\temp");
			property3.Attributes.Add(new EditorAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Design.FolderNameEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)));

			// use value list
			var property4 = new PropertySpecification("PickAValue", typeof(string), "Cat1", "A property which value has to be picked from a list");
			property4.TypeConverterType = typeof(PropertySpecificationValuesListTypeConverter);
			property4.ValueList.AddRange(new[] { "One", "Two", "Three", "Many" });

			// value list to store values in
			Dictionary<string, object> values = new Dictionary<string, object>();

			// event handler binding so values get store inside the dictionary and also retrieved from it. 
			bag.GetValue += (sender, e) => { e.Value = values.GetValue(e.Property.Name); };
			bag.SetValue += (sender, e) => { values[e.Property.Name] = e.Value; };
			// open a testform which binds the bag to the propertygrid. Editing values will store the values in the dictionary, default values are
			// not in the dictionary.
			using(TestForm f = new TestForm(bag))
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PropertySpecificationDescriptor"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="specification">The specification.</param>
 /// <param name="containingBag">The containing bag.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyAttributes">The property attributes.</param>
 public PropertySpecificationDescriptor(PropertySpecification specification, PropertyBag containingBag, Attribute[] propertyAttributes)
     : base(specification.Name, propertyAttributes)
     _containingBag = containingBag;
     _specification = specification;
Пример #4
		public void AdvancedPropertyDescriptorConstructionTestWithFuncs()
			PropertyBag bag = new PropertyBag();
			// add some property specifications. 
			var property1 = new PropertySpecification("Property 1", typeof(string), "Cat1", "Prop1 desc", "Foo");
			// make readonly

			// add expanding property
			var property2 = new PropertySpecification("Picture", typeof(Image), "Some Category", "This is a sample description.");
			property2.Attributes.Add(new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)));

			// custom editor
			var property3 = new PropertySpecification("Source folder", typeof(string), "OutputFolders", "The output folder for the sourcecode", "c:\\temp");
			property3.Attributes.Add(new EditorAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Design.FolderNameEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)));
			property3.ConvertEmptyStringToNull = true;

			// use value list
			var property4 = new PropertySpecification("PickAValue", typeof(string), "Cat1", "A property which value has to be picked from a list", "One");
			property4.TypeConverterType = typeof(PropertySpecificationValuesListTypeConverter);
			property4.ValueList.AddRange(new[] { "One", "Two", "Three", "Many" });

			var property5 = new PropertySpecification("EnumValue", typeof(ConsoleColor), "Cat1", "Enum property to see that values are converted back/forth to int");

			// value list to store values in
			Dictionary<string, object> values = new Dictionary<string, object>();

			// func setting so values get store inside the dictionary and also retrieved from it. Console write added to see what happens when you bind
			// a windows forms propertygrid to a bag: many many redundant calls to the getters/setters occur.
			bag.ValueGetterFunc = (s) =>
										var v = values.GetValue(s);
										Console.WriteLine("Get: {0} : {1}", s, v ?? "<null>");
										return v;
			bag.ValueSetterFunc = (s, v) =>
										values[s] = v;
										Console.WriteLine("Set: {0} : {1}", s, v ?? "<null>");

			// open a testform which binds the bag to the propertygrid. Editing values will store the values in the dictionary, default values are
			// not in the dictionary.
			using(TestForm f = new TestForm(bag))