/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DynamicRelation"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="leftOperand">The left operand.</param> /// <param name="joinType">Type of the join. If None is specified, Inner is assumed.</param> /// <param name="rightOperand">The right operand which is an entity type.</param> /// <param name="aliasRightOperand">The alias of the right operand. If you don't want to / need to alias the right operand (only alias if you have to), specify string.Empty.</param> /// <param name="onClause">The on clause for the join.</param> public DynamicRelation(DerivedTableDefinition leftOperand, JoinHint joinType, SD.HnD.DAL.EntityType rightOperand, string aliasRightOperand, IPredicate onClause) { this.InitClass(joinType, string.Empty, aliasRightOperand, onClause, leftOperand, GeneralEntityFactory.Create(rightOperand)); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DynamicRelation"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="leftOperand">The left operand, which is an entity.</param> /// <param name="joinType">Type of the join. If None is specified, Inner is assumed.</param> /// <param name="rightOperand">The right operand which is an entity.</param> /// <param name="aliasLeftOperand">The alias of the left operand. If you don't want to / need to alias the left operand (only alias if you have to), specify string.Empty.</param> /// <param name="aliasRightOperand">The alias of the right operand. If you don't want to / need to alias the right operand (only alias if you have to), specify string.Empty.</param> /// <param name="onClause">The on clause for the join.</param> public DynamicRelation(SD.HnD.DAL.EntityType leftOperand, JoinHint joinType, SD.HnD.DAL.EntityType rightOperand, string aliasLeftOperand, string aliasRightOperand, IPredicate onClause) { this.InitClass(joinType, aliasLeftOperand, aliasRightOperand, onClause, GeneralEntityFactory.Create(leftOperand), GeneralEntityFactory.Create(rightOperand)); }
/// <summary>General factory entrance method which will return an EntityFields object with the format generated by the factory specified</summary> /// <param name="relatedEntityType">The type of entity the fields are for</param> /// <returns>The IEntityFields instance requested</returns> public static IEntityFields CreateEntityFieldsObject(SD.HnD.DAL.EntityType relatedEntityType) { return(FieldInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance().GetEntityFields(InheritanceInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance(), PersistenceInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance(), _entityTypeNamesCache[relatedEntityType])); }