private void fn_get_sale_ppm_daily(string orderdate5, string orderdate6, Form1 frm1) { string sql = null; string queryString1 = ""; myConnection = DbConnection.GetRemoteDataInstance().getRemoteDbConnection("213"); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, myConnection); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); // SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); frm1.Log("PPM 정가판매 데이터 생성 시작"); string YYYYMM = String.Format("{0:yyyyMM}", Convert.ToDateTime(orderdate5)); try { //1. 낱개 박스설정 제외한 물품 적용 !!!!!!!!!!!수정 // 제외 카테고리 적용 sql = " INSERT INTO preset_sale_ppm_daily" + " (orderdate, storeno, ppmidx, qty_jungga, qty_total, qty_discount) " + " SELECT a.orderdate, right(a.storeno,4) as storeno, a.ppmidx " + " , SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' THEN a.qty ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' and (a.price_discount<>0 OR b.membergrade='13')THEN a.qty ELSE 0 END) as qty_jungga " + " , SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' THEN a.qty ELSE 0 END) as qty_total " + " , SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' and (a.price_discount<>0 OR b.membergrade='13') THEN a.qty ELSE 0 END) as qty_discount " + " FROM pos_sale_orderNo_detail_" + YYYYMM + " a WITH (NOLOCK) " + " LEFT JOIN pos_member_sy b WITH (NOLOCK) ON a.memidx=b.memidx " + " LEFT JOIN pos_db_membergrade_sub c WITH (NOLOCK) ON c.gradeNo2=b.memberGrade2 and c.memo='폐기자가' " + " LEFT JOIN pos_product_master_box as d WITH (NOLOCK) on a.ppmidx = d.ppmidx_box and ='1' " + " WHERE a.orderDate >= '" + orderdate5 + "' and a.orderDate <= '" + orderdate6 + "' " + " AND a.ppmidx in ( " + " select ppmidx from pos_sale_A01_ppm_daily as a with(nolock) " + " left join pos_product_master as b with(nolock) on a.ppmidx = b.idx " + " where (a.orderdate >= '" + orderdate5 + "' and a.orderdate <= '" + orderdate6 + "' ) and b.pdbidx not in ('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17') and " + " b.pcmidx in (select idx from pos_category_master where idx not in ('1','4','15','18','23','62','77','83','84','85','86','102','107','106','108','109','155','103','129','130','144','161','164') and pcgidx not in('32','33') ) " // + " and b.erp_p_ab = 'A' and b.erp_recall_ab <> 'A' and b.erp_shop_release_date > 1 " + "group by ppmidx " + " ) " // + " AND a.ppmidx in (SELECT ppmidx FROM pos_sale_A01_ppm_daily WHERE orderdate >= '" + orderdate5 + "' and orderdate <= '" + orderdate6 + "' )" + " and ppmidx_box is null " + " GROUP BY a.orderdate,a.storeno,a.ppmidx " + " having SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' THEN a.qty ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' and (a.price_discount<>0 OR b.membergrade='13')THEN a.qty ELSE 0 END) > 0 "; command = new SqlCommand(sql, myConnection); command.CommandTimeout = 0; command.CommandText = sql; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { frm1.sendSms("ppm_daily 박스 제외 쿼리 1:" + ex.Message); frm1.Log("ppm_daily 박스 제외 쿼리 1(fn_get_sale_ppm_daily)]:" + ex.Message); frm1.Log("박스제외쿼리:" + sql); //throw; } //myConnection.Dispose(); //myConnection.Close(); //2. 낱개 박스설정 포함한 물품에 대한 낱개코드로 환산 string queryString = " SELECT a.orderdate, right(a.storeno,4) as storeno, a.ppmidx, d.ppmidx_single " + " , SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' THEN a.qty * ppmidx_box_ea ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' and (a.price_discount<>0 OR b.membergrade='13') THEN a.qty * ppmidx_box_ea ELSE 0 END) as qty_jungga " + " , SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' THEN a.qty * ppmidx_box_ea ELSE 0 END) as qty_total " + ", SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' and (a.price_discount<>0 OR b.membergrade='13') THEN a.qty * ppmidx_box_ea ELSE 0 END) as qty_discount " + " FROM pos_sale_orderNo_detail_" + YYYYMM + " a WITH (NOLOCK) " + " LEFT JOIN pos_member_sy b WITH (NOLOCK) ON a.memidx=b.memidx " + " LEFT JOIN pos_db_membergrade_sub c WITH (NOLOCK) ON c.gradeNo2=b.memberGrade2 and c.memo='폐기자가' " + " LEFT JOIN pos_product_master_box as d WITH (NOLOCK) on a.ppmidx = d.ppmidx_box and ='1' " + " WHERE a.orderDate >= '" + orderdate5 + "' and a.orderDate <= '" + orderdate6 + "' " // AND d.ppmidx_single in ('26433','15494','21219') " //cug 2276010 덧글 28> 등록된 물품만 + " AND a.ppmidx in ( " + " select ppmidx from pos_sale_A01_ppm_daily as a with(nolock) " + " left join pos_product_master as b with(nolock) on a.ppmidx = b.idx " + " where (a.orderdate >= '" + orderdate5 + "' and a.orderdate <= '" + orderdate6 + "' ) and b.pdbidx not in ('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17') and " + " b.pcmidx in (select idx from pos_category_master where idx not in ('1','4','15','18','23','62','77','83','84','85','86','102','107','106','108','109','155','103','129','130','144','161','164') and pcgidx not in('32','33') ) " // + " and b.erp_p_ab = 'A' and b.erp_recall_ab <> 'A' and b.erp_shop_release_date > 1 " + "group by ppmidx " + " ) " //+ " AND a.ppmidx in (SELECT ppmidx FROM pos_sale_A01_ppm_daily WHERE orderdate >= '" + orderdate5 + "' and orderdate <= '" + orderdate6 + "' )" + " and ppmidx_box is not null " + " GROUP BY a.orderdate, a.storeno,a.ppmidx, d.ppmidx_single " + " having SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' THEN a.qty * ppmidx_box_ea ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN a.vc_mainvoid='0' and (a.price_discount<>0 OR b.membergrade='13') THEN a.qty * ppmidx_box_ea ELSE 0 END) > 0 "; adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(queryString, myConnection); adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 0; try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds); DataTable table = ds.Tables[0]; DataRowCollection rows = table.Rows; string orderdate = ""; string storeno = ""; string ppmidx_single = ""; int qty_jungga = 0; int qty_total = 0; int qty_discount = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in rows) { orderdate = dr["orderdate"].ToString(); storeno = dr["storeno"].ToString(); ppmidx_single = dr["ppmidx_single"].ToString().Trim(); qty_jungga = Convert.ToInt32(dr["qty_jungga"].ToString()); qty_total = Convert.ToInt32(dr["qty_total"].ToString()); qty_discount = Convert.ToInt32(dr["qty_discount"].ToString()); //기존에 있는 물품인 경우, 설정값 Update 없는 물품인 경우 Insert queryString1 = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM preset_sale_ppm_daily WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE orderdate = '" + orderdate + "' AND storeno ='" + storeno + "' AND ppmidx ='" + ppmidx_single + "')" + " BEGIN " + " UPDATE preset_sale_ppm_daily " + " SET qty_jungga = qty_jungga + '" + qty_jungga + "', qty_total = qty_total + '" + qty_total + "', qty_discount = qty_discount +'" + qty_discount + "'" + " WHERE orderdate = '" + orderdate + "' AND storeno = '" + storeno + "' AND ppmidx ='" + ppmidx_single + "' " + " END" + " ELSE" + " BEGIN" + " INSERT INTO preset_sale_ppm_daily " + " (orderdate, storeno, ppmidx, qty_jungga, qty_total, qty_discount) " + " VALUES ('" + orderdate + "', '" + storeno + "', '" + ppmidx_single + "', '" + qty_jungga + "', '" + qty_total + "', '" + qty_discount + "') " + " END"; SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand(queryString1, myConnection); command1.CommandText = queryString1; command1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // frm1.sendSms("NEWPOS_PPM 기초 자료 생성 완료"); frm1.Log("PPM 정가판매 데이터 생성 완료"); } catch (Exception ex) { frm1.sendSms("박스기초자료오류:" + ex.Message); frm1.Log("[박스기초자료오류]:" + ex.Message); frm1.Log("박스기초자료쿼리:" + queryString1); //throw; } myConnection.Dispose(); myConnection.Close(); frm1.Log((String.Format("[MsSql 정가판매량 ]:{0}", myConnection.State.ToString()))); }
public void fn_ppmdaily(string orderdate5, string orderdate6, Form1 frm1) { //frm1.sendSms("PPM " + orderdate5 + " 정가판매 데이터 생성 시작"); fn_get_sale_ppm_daily(orderdate5, orderdate6, frm1); //기초 데이터 생성 frm1.sendSms("PPM " + orderdate5 + " 정가판매 데이터 생성 완료"); }