Пример #1
		protected override void DrawWindowPre(int id)
			//Some clumsy logic is used here to ensure that the color selection fields always remain in sync with the current map in each scene
			if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
				if (data == null)
					data = SCANUtil.getData(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody);
					if (data == null)
						data = new SCANdata(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody);
						SCANcontroller.controller.addToBodyData(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody, data);

				if (bigMapObj.Visible && SCANBigMap.BigMap != null)
					data = bigMapObj.Data;
					bigMap = SCANBigMap.BigMap;
				else if (data.Body != FlightGlobals.currentMainBody)
					data = SCANUtil.getData(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody);
					if (data == null)
						data = new SCANdata(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody);
						SCANcontroller.controller.addToBodyData(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody, data);

				if (bigMap == null)
					if (SCANBigMap.BigMap != null)
						bigMap = SCANBigMap.BigMap;

			//Lock space center click through - Sync SCANdata
			else if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER)
				if (data == null)
					data = SCANUtil.getData(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
					if (data == null)
						data = new SCANdata(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
						SCANcontroller.controller.addToBodyData(Planetarium.fetch.Home, data);
				if (kscMapObj.Visible)
					data = kscMapObj.Data;
					bigMap = SCANkscMap.BigMap;
				else if (data.Body != Planetarium.fetch.Home)
					data = SCANUtil.getData(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
					if (data == null)
						data = new SCANdata(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
						SCANcontroller.controller.addToBodyData(Planetarium.fetch.Home, data);
				if (bigMap == null)
					if (SCANkscMap.BigMap != null)
						bigMap = SCANkscMap.BigMap;
				Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
				mousePos.y = Screen.height - mousePos.y;
				if (WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && !controlLock)
					InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.CAMERACONTROLS | ControlTypes.KSC_ALL, lockID);
					controlLock = true;
				else if (!WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && controlLock)

			//Lock tracking scene click through - Sync SCANdata
			else if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.TRACKSTATION)
				if (data == null)
					data = SCANUtil.getData(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
					if (data == null)
						data = new SCANdata(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
						SCANcontroller.controller.addToBodyData(Planetarium.fetch.Home, data);
				if (kscMapObj.Visible)
					data = kscMapObj.Data;
					bigMap = SCANkscMap.BigMap;
				else if (data.Body != Planetarium.fetch.Home)
					data = SCANUtil.getData(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
					if (data == null)
						data = new SCANdata(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
						SCANcontroller.controller.addToBodyData(Planetarium.fetch.Home, data);
				if (bigMap == null)
					if (SCANkscMap.BigMap != null)
						bigMap = SCANkscMap.BigMap;
				Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
				mousePos.y = Screen.height - mousePos.y;
				if (WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && !controlLock)
					InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.TRACKINGSTATION_UI, lockID);
					controlLock = true;
				else if (!WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && controlLock)

			//This updates all of the fields whenever the palette selection is changed
			if (windowMode == 0 && (currentLegend == null || bodyIndex != data.Body.flightGlobalsIndex))
				currentTerrain = new SCANterrainConfig(data.TerrainConfig);

				SCANUtil.SCANdebugLog("Trigger Body Change");
				bodyIndex = data.Body.flightGlobalsIndex;

				currentTerrain = new SCANterrainConfig(data.TerrainConfig);


			if (windowMode == 0 && previewLegend == null)

			if (!dropDown)
				paletteBox = false;
				resourceBox = false;
				saveWarning = false;
Пример #2
		protected override void Start()
			if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER || HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.TRACKSTATION)
				kscMapObj = (SCANkscMap)SCANcontroller.controller.kscMap;
				if (SCANkscMap.BigMap != null)
					bigMap = SCANkscMap.BigMap;
				if (kscMapObj.Data != null)
					data = kscMapObj.Data;
			else if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
				bigMapObj = (SCANBigMap)SCANcontroller.controller.BigMap;
				if (SCANBigMap.BigMap != null)
					bigMap = SCANBigMap.BigMap;
				if (bigMapObj.Data != null)
					data = bigMapObj.Data;

			if (data == null)
				data = SCANUtil.getData(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
				if (data == null)
					data = new SCANdata(Planetarium.fetch.Home);
					SCANcontroller.controller.addToBodyData(Planetarium.fetch.Home, data);

			currentTerrain = new SCANterrainConfig(data.TerrainConfig);

			stockBiomes = SCANcontroller.controller.useStockBiomes;

			minTerrainSlider = new SCANuiSlider(data.TerrainConfig.DefaultMinHeight - SCANconfigLoader.SCANNode.RangeBelowMinHeight, data.TerrainConfig.MaxTerrain - 100, data.TerrainConfig.MinTerrain, "Min: ", "m", -2);
			maxTerrainSlider = new SCANuiSlider(data.TerrainConfig.MinTerrain + 100, data.TerrainConfig.DefaultMaxHeight + SCANconfigLoader.SCANNode.RangeAboveMaxHeight, data.TerrainConfig.MaxTerrain, "Max: ", "m", -2);
			clampTerrainSlider = new SCANuiSlider(data.TerrainConfig.MinTerrain + 10, data.TerrainConfig.MaxTerrain - 10, data.TerrainConfig.ClampTerrain ?? data.TerrainConfig.MinTerrain + 10, "Clamp: ", "m", -1);
			paletteSizeSlider = new SCANuiSlider(3, 12, data.TerrainConfig.PalSize, "Palette Size: ", "", 0);

			slopeColorPickerLow = new SCANuiColorPicker(SCANcontroller.controller.lowSlopeColorOne, SCANcontroller.controller.highSlopeColorOne, true);
			slopeColorPickerHigh = new SCANuiColorPicker(SCANcontroller.controller.lowSlopeColorTwo, SCANcontroller.controller.highSlopeColorTwo, true);


			bTrans = SCANcontroller.controller.biomeTransparency;
			biomeTransSlider = new SCANuiSlider(0, 80, bTrans, "Ter. Trans: ", "%", 0);

			biomeColorPicker = new SCANuiColorPicker(SCANcontroller.controller.lowBiomeColor, SCANcontroller.controller.highBiomeColor, true);


			if (SCANconfigLoader.GlobalResource)
				loadedResources = SCANcontroller.setLoadedResourceList();
				currentResource = new SCANresourceGlobal(loadedResources[0]);

				if (currentResource != null)
					resourceMinSlider = new SCANuiSlider(0, currentResource.CurrentBody.MinValue - 0.1f, currentResource.CurrentBody.MinValue, "Min: ", "%", 1);
					resourceMaxSlider = new SCANuiSlider(currentResource.CurrentBody.MinValue + 0.1f, 100, currentResource.CurrentBody.MaxValue, "Max: ", "%", 1);
					resourceTransSlider = new SCANuiSlider(0, 80, currentResource.Transparency, "Trans: ", "%", 0);

					resourceColorPicker = new SCANuiColorPicker(currentResource.MinColor, currentResource.MaxColor, true);

			bodyIndex = data.Body.flightGlobalsIndex;

			if (windowMode > 3 || (windowMode > 2 && !SCANconfigLoader.GlobalResource))
				windowMode = 0;

Пример #3
		//Draw the orbit overlay
		internal static void drawOrbit(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, Vessel vessel, CelestialBody body)
			if (vessel == null) return;
			if (vessel.mainBody != body) return;
			int eqh = 16;

			if (vessel.LandedOrSplashed)
			bool lite = maprect.width < 400;
			Orbit o = vessel.orbit;
			double startUT = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
			double UT = startUT;
			int steps = 80; // increase for neater lines, decrease for better speed indication
			bool ath = false;
			if (vessel.mainBody.atmosphere)
				if (vessel.mainBody.atmosphereDepth >= vessel.altitude)
					ath = true;
			Rect r = new Rect(0, 0, 70f, 50f);
			Color col;
			// project the last and the current orbital period onto the map
			for (int i = -steps; i < steps; ++i)
				if (i < 0)
					UT = startUT - (steps + i) * (o.period / steps);
					UT = startUT + i * o.period * 1f / steps;
				if (double.IsNaN(UT))
				if (UT < o.StartUT && o.StartUT != startUT)
				if (UT > o.EndUT)
				if (double.IsNaN(o.getObtAtUT(UT)))
				Vector3d pos = o.getPositionAtUT(UT);
				double rotation = 0;
				if (vessel.mainBody.rotates)
					rotation = (360 * ((UT - startUT) / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360;
				double alt = (vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(pos));
				if (alt < 0)
					if (i < 0)
						i = 0;
				double lo = (vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pos) - rotation);
				double la = (vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(pos));
				double lon = (map.projectLongitude(lo, la) + 180) % 360;
				double lat = (map.projectLatitude(lo, la) + 90) % 180;
				lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat);
				lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon);
				if (lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360)
				lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f;
				lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f;
				r.x = maprect.x + (float)lon;
				r.y = maprect.y + (float)lat;
				col = palette.cb_skyBlue;
				if (i < 0)
					col = palette.cb_orange;
					if (vessel.mainBody.atmosphere)
						if (vessel.mainBody.atmosphereDepth >= alt)
							if (!ath)
								ath = true;
								// do something when it flips?
							col = palette.cb_reddishPurple;
				SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Planet, col, 8, false);

			// show apoapsis and periapsis
			if (o.ApA > 0 && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, o, o.timeToAp, startUT))
				SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Ap, palette.cb_skyBlue, 32, true);
				r.x += 24;
				r.y -= 12;
				if (!lite)
					drawLabel(r, o.ApA.ToString("N0"), true, true, true);
			if (o.PeA > 0 && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, o, o.timeToPe, startUT))
				SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Pe, palette.cb_skyBlue, 32, true);
				r.x += 24;
				r.y -= 12;
				if (!lite)
					drawLabel(r, o.PeA.ToString("N0"), true, true, true);

			if (lite)

			// show first maneuver node
			if (vessel.patchedConicSolver != null)
				if (vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count > 0)
					ManeuverNode n = vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0];
					if (n.patch == vessel.orbit && n.nextPatch != null && n.nextPatch.activePatch && n.UT > startUT - o.period && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, o, n.UT - startUT, startUT))
						col = palette.cb_reddishPurple;
						if (SCANcontroller.controller.colours != 1)
							col = palette.xkcd_PurplyPink;
						SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.ManeuverNode, col, 32, true);
						Orbit nuo = n.nextPatch;
						for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
							double T = n.UT - startUT + i * nuo.period / steps;
							if (T + startUT > nuo.EndUT)
							if (mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, nuo, T, startUT))
								SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Planet, col, 8, false);
						if (nuo.patchEndTransition == Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ESCAPE)
							SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Exit, col, 32, true);
						else if (nuo.patchEndTransition == Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ENCOUNTER)
							SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Encounter, col, 32, true);
						if (nuo.timeToAp > 0 && n.UT + nuo.timeToAp < nuo.EndUT && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, nuo, n.UT - startUT + nuo.timeToAp, startUT))
							SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Ap, col, 32, true);
						if (nuo.timeToPe > 0 && n.UT + nuo.timeToPe < nuo.EndUT && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, nuo, n.UT - startUT + nuo.timeToPe, startUT))
							SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.OrbitIcon.Pe, col, 32, true);

			if (o.PeA < 0)
			if (map.Projection == MapProjection.Polar)

			if (SCANBigMap.eq_frame <= 0)
				// predict equatorial crossings for the next 100 loops
				double TAAN = 360f - o.argumentOfPeriapsis;	// true anomaly at ascending node
				double TADN = (TAAN + 180) % 360;			// true anomaly at descending node
				double MAAN = meanForTrue(TAAN, o.eccentricity);
				double MADN = meanForTrue(TADN, o.eccentricity);
				double tAN = (((MAAN - o.meanAnomaly * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 360) % 360) / 360f * o.period + startUT);
				double tDN = (((MADN - o.meanAnomaly * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 360) % 360) / 360f * o.period + startUT);

				if (SCANBigMap.eq_an_map == null || SCANBigMap.eq_dn_map == null || SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length != maprect.width)
					SCANBigMap.eq_an_map = new int[(int)maprect.width];
					SCANBigMap.eq_dn_map = new int[(int)maprect.width];
				if (SCANBigMap.eq_map == null || SCANBigMap.eq_map.width != SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length)
					SCANBigMap.eq_map = new Texture2D(SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length, eqh, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
				for (int i = 0; i < SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length; ++i)
					SCANBigMap.eq_an_map[i] = 0;
					SCANBigMap.eq_dn_map[i] = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
					double UTAN = tAN + o.period * i;
					double UTDN = tDN + o.period * i;
					if (double.IsNaN(UTAN) || double.IsNaN(UTDN))
					Vector3d pAN = o.getPositionAtUT(UTAN);
					Vector3d pDN = o.getPositionAtUT(UTDN);
					double rotAN = 0, rotDN = 0;
					if (vessel.mainBody.rotates)
						rotAN = ((360 * ((UTAN - startUT) / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360);
						rotDN = ((360 * ((UTDN - startUT) / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360);
					double loAN = vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pAN) - rotAN;
					double loDN = vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pDN) - rotDN;
					int lonAN = (int)(((map.projectLongitude(loAN, 0) + 180) % 360) * SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length / 360f);
					int lonDN = (int)(((map.projectLongitude(loDN, 0) + 180) % 360) * SCANBigMap.eq_dn_map.Length / 360f);
					if (lonAN >= 0 && lonAN < SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length)
						SCANBigMap.eq_an_map[lonAN] += 1;
					if (lonDN >= 0 && lonDN < SCANBigMap.eq_dn_map.Length)
						SCANBigMap.eq_dn_map[lonDN] += 1;
				Color[] pix = SCANBigMap.eq_map.GetPixels(0, 0, SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length, eqh);
				Color cAN = palette.cb_skyBlue, cDN = palette.cb_orange;
				for (int y = 0; y < eqh; ++y)
					Color lc = palette.clear;
					for (int x = 0; x < SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length; ++x)
						Color c = palette.clear;
						float scale = 0;
						if (y < eqh / 2)
							c = cDN;
							scale = SCANBigMap.eq_dn_map[x];
							c = cAN;
							scale = SCANBigMap.eq_an_map[x];
						if (scale >= 1)
							if (y == 0 || y == eqh - 1)
								c = palette.black;
								if (lc == palette.clear)
									pix[y * SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length + x - 1] = palette.black;
								scale = Mathf.Clamp(scale - 1, 0, 10) / 10f;
								c = palette.lerp(c, palette.white, scale);
							c = palette.clear;
							if (lc != palette.clear && lc != palette.black)
								c = palette.black;
						pix[y * SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length + x] = c;
						lc = c;
				SCANBigMap.eq_map.SetPixels(0, 0, SCANBigMap.eq_an_map.Length, eqh, pix);
				SCANBigMap.eq_frame = 4;
				SCANBigMap.eq_frame -= 1;

			if (SCANBigMap.eq_map != null)
				r.x = maprect.x;
				r.y = maprect.y + maprect.height / 2 + -SCANBigMap.eq_map.height / 2;
				r.width = SCANBigMap.eq_map.width;
				r.height = SCANBigMap.eq_map.height;
				GUI.DrawTexture(r, SCANBigMap.eq_map);
Пример #4
		private void RedrawMap()
			map = new SCANmap();
			orbitingBody = vessel.mainBody;
			map.setSize(screenWidth, screenHeight);
			map.MapScale *= (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier);
			mapCenterLong = vessel.longitude;
			mapCenterLat = vessel.latitude;
			// That's really just sweeping the problem under the carpet instead of fixing it, but meh.
			if (zoomLevel == 0)
				mapCenterLat = 0;
			map.centerAround(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat);
			map.resetMap((mapType)mapMode, false);

			// Compute and store the map scale factors in mapSizeScale.  We
			// use these values for every segment when drawing trails, so it
			// makes sense to compute it only when it changes.
			mapSizeScale = new Vector2d(360.0 * map.MapScale / map.MapWidth, 180.0 * map.MapScale / map.MapHeight);
			redrawDeviation = redrawEdge * 180 / (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier);
			try {
				SCANdata data = SCANUtil.getData(vessel.mainBody);
				if (data != null)
					localAnomalies = data.Anomalies;
					localWaypoints = data.Waypoints;
			} catch {
				Debug.Log("JSISCANsatRPM: Could not get a list of anomalies, what happened?");
			// MATH!
			double kmPerDegreeLon = (2 * Math.PI * (orbitingBody.Radius / 1000d)) / 360d;
			double pixelsPerDegree = Math.Abs(longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong + (((mapCenterLong + 1) > 360) ? -1 : 1), mapCenterLat) - longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat));
			pixelsPerKm = pixelsPerDegree / kmPerDegreeLon;
Пример #5
		private static void drawWaypointLabel(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, SCANwaypoint p, SCANdata data)
			double lon = SCANUtil.fixLon(p.Longitude);
			double lat = SCANUtil.fixLat(p.Latitude);

			if (map != null)
				lat = SCANUtil.fixLat(map.projectLatitude(p.Longitude, p.Latitude));
				lon = SCANUtil.fixLon(map.projectLongitude(p.Longitude, p.Latitude));
				lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat);
				lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon);
				if (lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360)
			lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f;
			lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f;

			Rect r = new Rect(maprect.x + (float)lon, maprect.y + (float)lat, 24, 24);

			r.x -= 12;

			if (!p.LandingTarget)
				r.y -= 24;
				drawMapIcon(r, SCANskins.SCAN_WaypointIcon, true);
				r.x += 1;
				r.y -= 13;
				drawMapIcon(r, SCANcontroller.controller.mechJebTargetSelection ? SCANskins.SCAN_MechJebIcon : SCANskins.SCAN_TargetIcon, true, SCANcontroller.controller.mechJebTargetSelection ? palette.red : palette.xkcd_PukeGreen, true);
Пример #6
		internal static Dictionary<int, List<List<Vector2d>>> drawGridLine(Rect maprect, SCANmap map)
			var lineDict = new Dictionary<int, List<List<Vector2d>>>();
			var whiteLineList = new List<List<Vector2d>>();
			var blackLineList = new List<List<Vector2d>>();

			switch (map.Projection)
				case MapProjection.Rectangular:
						for (double lon = -150; lon <= 150; lon += 30)
							List<Vector2d> points = new List<Vector2d>();
							List<Vector2d> pointsBlack = new List<Vector2d>();
							points.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (lon + 180)), 0));
							points.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (lon + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * 180)));
							pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d(points[0].x + 1, points[0].y));
							pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d(points[1].x + 1, points[1].y));

						for (double lat = -60; lat <= 60; lat += 30)
							List<Vector2d> points = new List<Vector2d>();
							List<Vector2d> pointsBlack = new List<Vector2d>();
							points.Add(new Vector2d(0, (int)(map.MapScale * (lat + 90))));
							points.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * 360), (int)(map.MapScale * (lat + 90))));
							pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d(points[0].x, points[0].y - 1));
							pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d(points[1].x, points[1].y - 1));

				case MapProjection.KavrayskiyVII:
						for (double lon = -150; lon <= 150; lon += 30)
							List<Vector2d> points = new List<Vector2d>();
							List<Vector2d> pointsBlack = new List<Vector2d>();
							int i = 0;
							for (double lat = -88; lat <= 88; lat += 4)
								points.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(lon, lat) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLatitude(lon, lat) + 90))));
								pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d(points[i].x + 1, points[i].y));

						for (double lat = -60; lat <= 60; lat += 30)
							List<Vector2d> points = new List<Vector2d>();
							List<Vector2d> pointsBlack = new List<Vector2d>();
							points.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(-179, lat) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (lat + 90))));
							points.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(179, lat) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (lat + 90))));
							pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d(points[0].x, points[0].y - 1));
							pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d(points[1].x, points[1].y - 1));

				case MapProjection.Polar:
						for (double lon = -180; lon <= 150; lon += 30)
							List<Vector2d> pointsS = new List<Vector2d>();
							List<Vector2d> pointsBlackS = new List<Vector2d>();
							pointsS.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(lon, -88) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLatitude(lon, -88) + 90))));
							pointsS.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(lon, -2) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLatitude(lon, -2) + 90))));


							List<Vector2d> pointsN = new List<Vector2d>();
							List<Vector2d> pointsBlackN = new List<Vector2d>();
							pointsN.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(lon, 2) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLatitude (lon, 2) + 90))));
							pointsN.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(lon, 88) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLatitude(lon, 88) + 90))));


							if (lon == -180 || lon == 0)
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[0].x + 1, pointsS[0].y));
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[1].x + 1, pointsS[1].y));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[0].x + 1, pointsN[0].y));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[1].x + 1, pointsN[1].y));
							else if (lon == -90 || lon == 90)
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[0].x, pointsS[0].y - 1));
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[1].x, pointsS[1].y - 1));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[0].x, pointsN[0].y - 1));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[1].x, pointsN[1].y - 1));
							else if (lon == -60 || lon == -30 || lon == 120 || lon == 150)
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[0].x - 1, pointsS[0].y - 1));
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[1].x - 1, pointsS[1].y - 1));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[0].x + 1, pointsN[0].y - 1));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[1].x + 1, pointsN[1].y - 1));
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[0].x + 1, pointsS[0].y - 1));
								pointsBlackS.Add(new Vector2d(pointsS[1].x + 1, pointsS[1].y - 1));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[0].x - 1, pointsN[0].y - 1));
								pointsBlackN.Add(new Vector2d(pointsN[1].x - 1, pointsN[1].y - 1));
						for (double lat = -88; lat <= 88; lat += 2)
							if (lat != 0)
								if (lat % 30 == 0 || lat == -88 || lat == 88)
									List<Vector2d> points = new List<Vector2d>();
									List<Vector2d> pointsBlack = new List<Vector2d>();
									for (double lon = -180; lon <= 180; lon += 4)
										points.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(lon, lat) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLatitude(lon, lat) + 90))));
										float offset = 0;
										if (lat == 30) offset = -0.8f;
										else if (lat == -30) offset = 0.8f;
										else if (lat == 60) offset = -0.3f;
										else if (lat == -60) offset = 0.3f;
										if (lat != -88 && lat != 88)
											pointsBlack.Add(new Vector2d((int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLongitude(lon, lat + offset) + 180)), (int)(map.MapScale * (map.projectLatitude(lon, lat + offset) + 90))));

			lineDict.Add(0, blackLineList);
			lineDict.Add(1, whiteLineList);

			return lineDict;
Пример #7
		//Method to draw anomaly labels on the map
		private static void drawAnomalyLabel(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, SCANanomaly anomaly)
			if (!anomaly.Known)
			double lon = SCANUtil.fixLon(anomaly.Longitude);
			double lat = SCANUtil.fixLat(anomaly.Latitude);
			if (map != null)
				lat = SCANUtil.fixLat(map.projectLatitude(anomaly.Longitude, anomaly.Latitude));
				lon = SCANUtil.fixLon(map.projectLongitude(anomaly.Longitude, anomaly.Latitude));
				lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat);
				lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon);
				if (lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360)
			lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f;
			lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f;
			string txt = SCANcontroller.controller.anomalyMarker + " " + anomaly.Name;
			if (!anomaly.Detail)
				txt = SCANcontroller.controller.anomalyMarker + " Anomaly";
			Rect r = new Rect(maprect.x + (float)lon, maprect.y + (float)lat, 250f, 25f);
			drawLabel(r, txt, true, true, true);
Пример #8
		//Handles various map labels; probably should be split up into multiple methods
		internal static void drawMapLabels(Rect maprect, Vessel vessel, SCANmap map, SCANdata data, CelestialBody body, bool showAnom, bool showWaypoints)
			//This section handles flag and asteroid labels
			foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
				if (v.mainBody == body)
					if (MapView.OrbitIconsMap != null)
						if (v.vesselType == VesselType.Flag && SCANcontroller.controller.map_flags)
							drawVesselLabel(maprect, map, 0, v);
						if (v.vesselType == VesselType.SpaceObject && SCANcontroller.controller.map_asteroids)
							drawVesselLabel(maprect, map, 0, v);
			//This section handles anomaly labels
			if (showAnom)
				foreach (SCANanomaly anomaly in data.Anomalies)
					drawAnomalyLabel(maprect, map, anomaly);
			if (showWaypoints)
				foreach (SCANwaypoint p in data.Waypoints)
					if (!p.LandingTarget)
						if (p.Root != null)
							if (p.Root.ContractState != Contracts.Contract.State.Active)
						if (p.Param != null)
							if (p.Param.State != Contracts.ParameterState.Incomplete)

					drawWaypointLabel(maprect, map, p, data);
			if (vessel != null)
				if (vessel.mainBody == body)
					drawVesselLabel(maprect, map, 0, vessel);
Пример #9
		//Method to actually draw vessel labels on the map
		internal static void drawVesselLabel(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, int num, Vessel vessel)
			bool flash = false;
			double lon = SCANUtil.fixLon(vessel.longitude);
			double lat = SCANUtil.fixLat(vessel.latitude);
			if (map != null)
				lat = SCANUtil.fixLat(map.projectLatitude(vessel.longitude, vessel.latitude));
				lon = SCANUtil.fixLon(map.projectLongitude(vessel.longitude, vessel.latitude));
				lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat);
				lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon);
				if (lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360)
			lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f;
			lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f;
			string txt = num.ToString();
			if (num == 0)
				txt = vessel.vesselName;
			else if (num < 0)
				txt = "";
			Rect r = new Rect(maprect.x + (float)lon, maprect.y + (float)lat, 250f, 25f);
			Color col = palette.white;
			if (SCANcontroller.controller.colours == 1 && vessel != FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)
				col = palette.cb_skyBlue;
			if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel && (int)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 2) == 0)
				flash = true;
				col = palette.cb_yellow;
			int sz = 16;
			if (vessel.vesselType == VesselType.Flag)
				sz = 24;
			SCANicon.drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, SCANicon.orbitIconForVesselType(vessel.vesselType), col, sz, true);
			if (maprect.width < 360)
			r.x += 12;
			drawLabel(r, txt, flash, true, true);
Пример #10
		internal static void mouseOverInfoSimple(double lon, double lat, SCANmap mapObj, SCANdata data, CelestialBody body, bool b)
			string info = "";
			string posInfo = "";

			if (b)
				if (SCANUtil.isCovered(lon, lat, data, SCANtype.AltimetryHiRes))
					info += SCANUtil.getElevation(body, lon, lat).ToString("N0") + "m ";
				else if (SCANUtil.isCovered(lon, lat, data, SCANtype.AltimetryLoRes))
					info += (((int)SCANUtil.getElevation(body, lon, lat) / 500) * 500).ToString() + "m ";
				if (SCANUtil.isCovered(lon, lat, data, SCANtype.Biome))
					info += SCANUtil.getBiomeName(body, lon, lat) + " ";

				if (SCANcontroller.controller.map_ResourceOverlay && SCANconfigLoader.GlobalResource && mapObj.Resource != null) //Adds selected resource amount to big map legend
					if (SCANUtil.isCovered(lon, lat, data, mapObj.Resource.SType))
						double amount = SCANUtil.ResourceOverlay(lat, lon, mapObj.Resource.Name, mapObj.Body);
						string label;
						if (amount < 0)
							label = "Unknown";
							if (amount > 1)
								amount = 1;
							label = amount.ToString("P2");
						info += palette.colored(mapObj.Resource.MaxColor, mapObj.Resource.Name + ": " + label + " ");

				if (SCANcontroller.controller.map_waypoints && WaypointManager.Instance() != null)
					double range = ContractDefs.Survey.MaximumTriggerRange;
					foreach (SCANwaypoint p in data.Waypoints)
						if (!p.LandingTarget)
							if (p.Root != null)
								if (p.Root.ContractState != Contracts.Contract.State.Active)
							if (p.Param != null)
								if (p.Param.State != Contracts.ParameterState.Incomplete)

							if (WaypointManager.Instance().Distance(lat, lon, 1000, p.Latitude, p.Longitude, 1000, body) <= range)
								info += p.Name + " ";

				posInfo += string.Format("{0} ({1:F2}°,{2:F2}°)", toDMS(lat, lon), lat, lon);

			//Draw the readout info labels
			readableLabel(info, false);
			readableLabel(posInfo, false);
Пример #11
		/* UI: This isn't really a UI function, so it doesn't belong here.
		 * 		This is more of a time-projection mathematical function. */
		/* FIXME: possible relocation */
		private static bool mapPosAtT(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, ref Rect r, Vessel vessel, Orbit o, double dT, double startUT)
			double UT = startUT + dT;
			if (double.IsNaN(UT))
				return false;
				if (double.IsNaN(o.getObtAtUT(UT)))
					return false;
				Vector3d pos = o.getPositionAtUT(UT);
				double rotation = 0;
				if (vessel.mainBody.rotates)
					rotation = (360 * (dT / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360;
				double lo = (vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pos) - rotation);
				double la = (vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(pos));
				double lon = (map.projectLongitude(lo, la) + 180) % 360;
				double lat = (map.projectLatitude(lo, la) + 90) % 180;
				lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat);
				lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon);
				if (lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360)
					return false;
				lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f;
				lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f;
				r.x = maprect.x + (float)lon;
				r.y = maprect.y + (float)lat;
				return true;
			catch (Exception)
				return false;