public void calculateTransactTest_DepositPositiveAmount() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 4"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); // REM int transactType = 2; // REM Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(10000); // REM Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(1000); // REM string errorMsg = string.Empty; // REM string errorMsgExpected = string.Empty; // REM Decimal expected = new Decimal(11000); // REM Decimal actual; actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void calculateTransactTest_interesAddingAfterAYear() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 6"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value int transactType = 3; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(10000); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(0.1); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string errorMsg = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string errorMsgExpected = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string lastInterestDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-365).Date); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Decimal expected = new Decimal(11000); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Decimal actual; actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg, lastInterestDate); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void calculateTransactTest_WithdrawIllegalBoundaryAmount() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 5:boundary"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); // REM int transactType = 1; // REM Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(); // REM Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(); // REM accountBalance = 0; transactAmount = 0.01m; string errorMsg = string.Empty; // REM string errorMsgExpected = "The current balance is " + accountBalance + "\r\n\n" + "Your withdrawal of " + transactAmount + " is not possible at this time !! \r\n\n Please withdraw a lower amount."; Decimal expected = new Decimal(0); // REM Decimal actual; actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void calculateTransactTest_WithdrawIllegalAmount() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 2"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); // REM int transactType = 1; // WithDraw Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(10000); // REM Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(11000); /** * Withdraw more than the current balance * This should not be possible, and must raise an error message. */ string errorMsg = string.Empty; // REM string errorMsgExpected = "The current balance is " + accountBalance + "\r\n\n" + "Your withdrawal of " + transactAmount + " is not possible at this time !! \r\n\n Please withdraw a lower amount."; Console.WriteLine(errorMsg); Decimal expected = new Decimal(10000); // REM Decimal actual; actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void calculateTransactTest_WithdrawBoundaryAmount() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 4:boundary"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); // REM int transactType = 1; // REM Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(); // REM Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(); // REM accountBalance = 0.01m; transactAmount = 0.01m; string errorMsg = string.Empty; // REM string errorMsgExpected = string.Empty; // REM Decimal expected = new Decimal(0); // REM Decimal actual; actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void calculateTransactTest_WithdrawAllowedAmount() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 1"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); int transactType = 1; // WithDraw Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(10000); // REM Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(9000); // REM string errorMsg = string.Empty; // REM string errorMsgExpected = string.Empty; // REM Decimal expected = new Decimal(1000); // REM Decimal actual; actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void calculateTransactTest_interesAddingWithNoDate() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 8"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); int transactType = 3; Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(10000); Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(0.1); string errorMsg = string.Empty; string errorMsgExpected = "The last date of interest adding is missing !!"; string lastInterestDate = string.Empty; Decimal expected = new Decimal(10000); Decimal actual; /// We expect the accountBalance to remain unchanged, as we cannot see the last date of interest update /// The method must throw the interestAddingException actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg, lastInterestDate); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Console.WriteLine(errorMsg); }
public void calculateTransactTest_interesAddingUnderAYear() { Console.WriteLine("TestID 7"); Transactions target = new Transactions(); int transactType = 3; Decimal accountBalance = new Decimal(10000); Decimal transactAmount = new Decimal(0.1); string errorMsg = string.Empty; string errorMsgExpected = "It has not been a year since last interest adding !!"; string lastInterestDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-364).Date); Decimal expected = new Decimal(10000); Decimal actual; actual = target.calculateTransact(transactType, accountBalance, transactAmount, out errorMsg, lastInterestDate); Assert.AreEqual(errorMsgExpected, errorMsg); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Console.WriteLine(errorMsg); }