Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Searches the specified mailbox for messages that match the given
		/// searching criteria.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="criteria">A search criteria expression. Only messages
		/// that match this expression will be included in the result set returned
		/// by this method.</param>
		/// <param name="mailbox">The mailbox that will be searched. If this parameter is
		/// omitted, the value of the DefaultMailbox property is used to determine the mailbox
		/// to operate on.</param>
		/// <exception cref="NotAuthenticatedException">Thrown if the method was called
		/// in a non-authenticated state, i.e. before logging into the server with
		/// valid credentials.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="BadServerResponseException">Thrown if the search could
		/// not be completed. The message property of the exception contains the error
		/// message returned by the server.</exception>
		/// <returns>An array of unique identifier (UID) message attributes which
		/// can be used with the GetMessage family of methods to download mail
		/// messages.</returns>
		/// <remarks>A unique identifier (UID) is a 32-bit value assigned to each
		/// message which uniquely identifies the message within a mailbox. No two
		/// messages in a mailbox share the the same UID.</remarks>
		/// <include file='Examples.xml' path='S22/Imap/ImapClient[@name="Search"]/*'/>
		public uint[] Search(SearchCondition criteria, string mailbox = null) {
			if (!Authed)
				throw new NotAuthenticatedException();
			lock (sequenceLock) {
				string tag = GetTag();
				string response = SendCommandGetResponse(tag + "UID SEARCH " +
				List<uint> result = new List<uint>();
				while (response.StartsWith("*")) {
					Match m = Regex.Match(response, @"^\* SEARCH (.+)");
					if (m.Success) {
						string[] v = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Split(' ');
						foreach (string s in v) {
							try {
							} catch(FormatException) { }
					response = GetResponse();
				if (!IsResponseOK(response, tag))
					throw new BadServerResponseException(response);
				return result.ToArray();
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Searches the specified mailbox for messages that match the given
		/// searching criteria.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="criteria">A search criteria expression. Only messages
		/// that match this expression will be included in the result set returned
		/// by this method.</param>
		/// <param name="mailbox">The mailbox that will be searched. If this parameter is
		/// omitted, the value of the DefaultMailbox property is used to determine the mailbox
		/// to operate on.</param>
		/// <exception cref="NotAuthenticatedException">Thrown if the method was called
		/// in a non-authenticated state, i.e. before logging into the server with
		/// valid credentials.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="BadServerResponseException">Thrown if the search could
		/// not be completed. The message property of the exception contains the error
		/// message returned by the server.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Thrown if the search values
		/// contain characters beyond the ASCII range and the server does not support
		/// handling such strings.</exception>
		/// <returns>An array of unique identifier (UID) message attributes which
		/// can be used with the GetMessage family of methods to download mail
		/// messages.</returns>
		/// <remarks>A unique identifier (UID) is a 32-bit value assigned to each
		/// message which uniquely identifies the message within a mailbox. No two
		/// messages in a mailbox share the the same UID.</remarks>
		/// <include file='Examples.xml' path='S22/Imap/ImapClient[@name="Search"]/*'/>
		public uint[] Search(SearchCondition criteria, string mailbox = null) {
			if (!Authed)
				throw new NotAuthenticatedException();
			lock (sequenceLock) {
				string tag = GetTag(), str = criteria.ToString();
				StringReader reader = new StringReader(str);
				bool useUTF8 = str.Contains("\r\n");
				string line = reader.ReadLine();
				string response = SendCommandGetResponse(tag + "UID SEARCH " +
					(useUTF8 ? "CHARSET UTF-8 " : "") + line);
				// If our search string consists of multiple lines, we're sending some
				// strings in literal form and need to issue continuation requests.
				while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
					if (!response.StartsWith("+")) {
						throw new NotSupportedException("Please restrict your search " +
							"to ASCII-only characters", new BadServerResponseException(response));
					response = SendCommandGetResponse(line);
				List<uint> result = new List<uint>();
				while (response.StartsWith("*")) {
					Match m = Regex.Match(response, @"^\* SEARCH (.+)");
					if (m.Success) {
						string[] v = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Split(' ');
						foreach (string s in v) {
							try {
							} catch(FormatException) { }
					response = GetResponse();
				if (!IsResponseOK(response, tag))
					throw new BadServerResponseException(response);
				return result.ToArray();
Пример #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Searches the specified mailbox for messages that match the given
		/// searching criteria.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="criteria">A search criteria expression. Only messages
		/// that match this expression will be included in the result set returned
		/// by this method.</param>
		/// <param name="mailbox">The mailbox that will be searched. If this parameter is
		/// omitted, the value of the DefaultMailbox property is used to determine the mailbox
		/// to operate on.</param>
		/// <exception cref="NotAuthenticatedException">Thrown if the method was called
		/// in a non-authenticated state, i.e. before logging into the server with
		/// valid credentials.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="BadServerResponseException">Thrown if the search could
		/// not be completed. The message property of the exception contains the error
		/// message returned by the server.</exception>
		/// <returns>An array of unique identifier (UID) message attributes which
		/// can be used with the GetMessage family of methods to download mail
		/// messages.</returns>
		/// <remarks>A unique identifier (UID) is a 64-bit value assigned to each
		/// message which uniquely identifies the message within a mailbox. No two
		/// messages in a mailbox share the the same UID.</remarks>
		/// <include file='Examples.xml' path='S22/Imap/ImapClient[@name="Search"]/*'/>
		public List<long> Search(SearchCondition criteria) {
            return this.Search(criteria.ToString());