private void DuplicateHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { lock (RulerApplicationContext.CurrentContext) { var copy = new RulerForm(); copy.Show(); } }
public void StartNewRuler(RulerInfo info) { lock (RulerApplicationContext.CurrentContext) { // Get the main form so we can start the new ruler on the main (UI) thread if (RulerApplicationContext.CurrentContext.MainForm != null) { RulerApplicationContext.CurrentContext.MainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { var newRuler = new RulerForm(info); newRuler.Show(); }); } } }
private void DuplicateHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { var copy = new RulerForm(_context, _info); copy.Show(); }
void NewHorizontalRuler(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ruler = new RulerForm(this, _config.HorizontalRulerInfo); ruler.Show(); }
void NewVerticalRuler(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ruler = new RulerForm(this, _config.VerticalRulerInfo); ruler.Show(); }