public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { object time, t; long seconds = 0; long uSeconds = 0; if (Class.rb_scan_args(caller, rest, 1, 1, false) == 2) { time = rest[0]; t = rest[1]; seconds = Numeric.rb_num2long(rest[0], caller); uSeconds = Numeric.rb_num2long(rest[1], caller); } else { time = rest[0]; Time.rb_time_timeval(rest[0], out seconds, out uSeconds, caller); } if (time is Time) { bool gmt = ((Time)time).gmt; t = Time.time_new_internal(seconds, uSeconds, gmt, caller); } else { t = Time.time_new_internal(seconds, uSeconds, false, caller); ((Time)t).value = ((Time)t).value.ToLocalTime(); } return t; }
internal static int GETASTER(ref int t, ref int p, out int n, int end, string fmtString, ref int posArg, ref int nextArg, object nextValue, object tmp, Array argv, Frame caller) { t = p++; n = 0; for (; p < end && char.IsDigit(fmtString[p]); p++) { n = 10 * n + (fmtString[p] - '0'); } if (p >= end) { throw new ArgumentError("malformed format string - %*[0-9]").raise(caller); } if (fmtString[p] == '$') { tmp = GETPOSARG(caller, n, ref posArg, argv); } else { tmp = GETARG(caller, ref posArg, ref nextArg, nextValue, argv); p = t; } return Numeric.rb_num2long(tmp, caller); }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { if ((rest.Count == 0) || ((rest.Count == 0) && (rest.value[0].Equals(recv)))) return recv; return Eval.CallPrivate(rest.value[0], caller, "new", block, rest); }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object str, Frame caller, Proc block, Array argv) { int argc = argv.Count; object result; if (argc < 1 || 2 < argc) { throw new ArgumentError(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "wrong number of arguments ({0} for 1)", argc)).raise(caller); } Array buf = new Array(); int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { buf.Add(argv[i]); } result = rb_str_aref_m.singleton.Call(last_class, str, caller, null, buf); if (result != null) { buf.Add(new String()); rb_str_aset_m.singleton.Call(last_class, str, caller, null, buf); } return result; }
public override object Call(Class klass, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { int count = Class.rb_scan_args(caller, rest, 1, 1, false); if (block != null && count == 2) { Errors.rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument"); } object if_none = null; if (count == 2) if_none = rest[1]; string name = String.StringValue(rest[0], caller); string val = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name); if (val == null) { if (block != null) return Proc.rb_yield(block, caller, rest[0]); if (if_none != null) return if_none; throw new IndexError("key not found").raise(caller); } else if (Env.PATH_ENV.Equals(name, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !Env.rb_env_path_tainted()) return new String(val); else return Env.env_str_new2(caller, val); }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { int i = Numeric.rb_num2long(recv, caller); if (rest.Count == 0) return new String(i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return rb_big_to_s.singleton.Call(last_class, new Bignum(i), caller, block, rest); }
internal static Class rb_struct_define(string name, Frame caller, params string[] members) { Array ary = new Array(); foreach (string mem in members) ary.Add(new Symbol(mem)); return make_struct(name, ary, Ruby.Runtime.Init.rb_cStruct, caller); }
public override object Call0(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block) { Array memo = new Array(); Eval.CallPrivate(recv, caller, "each", new Proc(null, null, new to_a(memo), 1)); return memo; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { if (Class.rb_scan_args(caller, rest, 0, 1, false) == 1) { return rb_str_replace.singleton.Call1(last_class, recv, caller, null, rest[0]); } else return recv; }
public override object Call0(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block) { Array ary = new Array(); foreach (uint id in Symbol.sym_tbl.Values) { ary.Add(new Symbol(id)); } return ary; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { if (rest.Count == 0) return recv; Exception exc = (Exception)recv; exc.instance_variable_set("mesg", rest.value[0]); return exc; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { if (rest.Count > 0) if (rest[0] is Class) return each_object((Class)rest[0], caller, block); else throw new TypeError("class or module required").raise(caller); else return each_object(null, caller, block); }
internal static object GETNTHARG(Frame caller, int nth, Array argv) { if (nth >= argv.Count) { throw new ArgumentError("too few arguments.").raise(caller); } else { return argv[nth]; } }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { Array ary; if (rest.Count < 0) throw new ArgumentError("negative number of arguments").raise(caller); if (rest.Count > 0) ary = new Array((Class)recv, rest); else ary = new Array((Class)recv); return ary; }
public RubyException raise(Frame caller) { Array backtrace = new Array(); Frame frame = caller; while (frame != null) { backtrace.Add(new String(frame.callPoint())); frame = frame.caller; } this.instance_variable_set("bt", backtrace); return rubyException; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { if (((IO)recv).f != null) throw new RuntimeError("reinitializing File").raise(caller); int fd; if (0 < rest.Count && rest.Count < 3) { fd = Object.CheckConvert<int>(rest[0], "to_int", caller); if (fd > 0) return rb_io_initialize.singleton.Call(last_class, recv, caller, block, fd, rest); } return IO.rb_open_file((IO)recv, caller, rest); }
internal static Class make_struct(string name, Array members, Class klass, Frame caller) { // Compiler Bug???: Found bug here the following code crashes this method: // Customer = :name, :address, :zip ) // FIXME: OBJ_FREEZE(members); Class nstr = null; if (name == null) { nstr = new Class(null, klass, Class.Type.Class); Class.rb_make_metaclass(nstr, klass.my_class); nstr.class_inherited(klass, caller); } else { if (!Symbol.is_const_id(name)) { throw new NameError("identifier " + name + " needs to be constant").raise(caller); } if (klass.const_defined(name, false)) { // rb_warn klass.remove_const(name); } nstr = Class.rb_define_class_under(klass, name, klass, caller); } nstr.instance_variable_set("__size__", members.Count); nstr.instance_variable_set("__members__", members); Class.rb_define_alloc_func(nstr, Methods.struct_alloc.singleton); Class.rb_define_singleton_method(nstr, "new", Methods.rb_class_new_instance.singleton, -1, caller); Class.rb_define_singleton_method(nstr, "[]", Methods.rb_class_new_instance.singleton, -1, caller); Class.rb_define_singleton_method(nstr, "members", Methods.rb_struct_s_members.singleton, 0, caller); foreach (object m in members) { string id = Symbol.rb_to_id(caller, m); if (Symbol.is_local_id(id) || Symbol.is_const_id(id)) { Class.rb_define_method(nstr, id, new AttrReaderMethodBody(id), 0, caller); Class.rb_define_method(nstr, id + "=", new AttrWriterMethodBody(id), 1, caller); } } return nstr; }
public override object Call(Class klass, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { throw new NotImplementedError("rb_thread_s_new not supported").raise(caller); //Ruby.Thread th = new Thread(); ////volatile VALUE *pos; ////pos = th->stk_pos; //Eval.CallPrivate(th, caller, "initialize", block, rest.value.ToArray()); ////if (th->stk_pos == 0) { //// rb_raise(rb_eThreadError, "uninitialized thread - check `%s#initialize'", //// rb_class2name(klass)); ////} //return th; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { string name = null; string[] members = new string[0]; /** if (rest.Count > 0) { if (!(rest[0] is Symbol)) { name = Symbol.rb_to_id(rest[0]); if (rest.Count > 1) rest = new Array(rest.value.GetRange(1, rest.Count - 1)); } } */ // BBTAG: the following is a temporary work-around as the compiler currently does not // differentiate between Symbols and Strings: if the first identifier is a valid const // name, then we assume it is the name of the struct if (rest.Count > 0) { string id = Symbol.rb_to_id(caller, rest[0]); if (Symbol.is_const_id(id)) { name = id; if (rest.Count > 1) rest = new Array(rest.value.GetRange(1, rest.Count - 1)); } } if (rest.Count > 0) { members = new string[rest.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < rest.Count; i++) members[i] = Symbol.rb_to_id(caller, rest[i]); } Class st = Struct.make_struct(name, new Array(members), Ruby.Runtime.Init.rb_cStruct, caller); if (block != null) rb_mod_module_eval.singleton.Call(last_class, st, caller, block, new Array()); return st; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array argv) { String str;//, kcode; //int kcode_saved = reg_kcode; if (Class.rb_scan_args(caller, argv, 1, 1, false) == 2) { //rb_set_kcode(StringValuePtr(kcode)); //curr_kcode = reg_kcode; //reg_kcode = kcode_saved; } str = String.RStringValue(argv[0], caller); str = Regexp.rb_reg_quote(str); //kcode_reset_option(); return str; }
public override object Call1(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, object level) { Array list = new Array(); int skip = (int)level; int i = 0; while (caller != null) { if (i >= skip) list.Add(new String(caller.callPoint())); caller = caller.caller; i++; } return list; }
public override object Call0(Class last_class, object group, Frame caller, Proc block) { ThreadGroup data; Array ary; data = (ThreadGroup)group; ary = new Array(); foreach(Thread th in Thread.thread_list){ if (th.thGroup == { ary.Add(th.thread); } } return ary; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object thread, Frame caller, Proc block, Array args) { throw new Ruby.NotImplementedError("rb_thread_initialize not supported").raise(caller); //if (block == null) //{ // throw new ThreadError("`initialize': must be called with a block (ThreadError)").raise(caller); //} ////this is naive //((Thread)thread).ThreadStart(caller, block, args); //return null; ////TODO: a lot of work is going on in here. ////return rb_thread_start_0(rb_thread_yield, args, Thread.rb_thread_check(thread)); }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, object p1, object p2, Array rest) { throw new NotImplementedError("rb_thread_start not supported").raise(caller); //Ruby.Thread thread = new Thread(); //if (block == null) //{ // throw new Ruby.ThreadError("`initialize': must be called with a block (ThreadError)").raise(caller); //} //thread.ThreadStart(caller, block, rest); //// HOW DO I GENERATE THIS ERROR? //// if (th->stk_pos == 0) { //// rb_raise(rb_eThreadError, "uninitialized thread - check `%s#initialize'", //// rb_class2name(klass)); //// } //return thread; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array args) { if (args.Count == 0) return null; IO outstream; if (args[0] is String) outstream = (IO)IO.rb_stdout.value; else { outstream = (IO)args[0]; args.value.RemoveAt(0); } IO.rb_io_write(outstream, rb_f_sprintf.singleton.Call(last_class, null, caller, null, args), caller); return null; }
internal static object GETPOSARG(Frame caller, int n, ref int posArg, Array argv) { if (posArg > 0) { throw new ArgumentError(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "numbered({0}) after unnumbered({1})", n, posArg)).raise(caller); } else { if (n < 1) { throw new ArgumentError(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "invalid index - {0}$", n)).raise(caller); } else { posArg = -1; return GETNTHARG(caller, n, argv); } } }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { System.Collections.ArrayList list; if (Class.rb_scan_args(caller, rest, 0, 1, false) == 0) rest.Add(true); if (Marshal.RTEST(rest[0])) { list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); Class.CLASS_OF(recv).get_all_specified_methods(list, Access.Public, Eval.Test(rest[0])); return Array.CreateUsing(list); } else { list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); Class.CLASS_OF(recv).public_methods(list); return new Array(list); } }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array args) { Hash hash = (Hash)recv; Hash.rb_hash_modify(caller, hash); if (block != null) { if (args.Count > 0) throw new ArgumentError("wrong number of arguments").raise(caller); hash.defaultProc = block; } else { if (Class.rb_scan_args(caller, args, 0, 1, false) > 0) hash.defaultValue = args[0]; } return hash; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array rest) { Hash hash; if ((rest.Count == 1) && (rest[0] is Hash)) { hash = new Hash((Class)recv); hash.value = ((Hash)rest[0]).value; return hash; } if (rest.Count % 2 != 0) throw new ArgumentError("odd number of arguments for Hash").raise(caller); hash = new Hash((Class)recv); for (int i = 0; i < rest.Count; i += 2) rb_hash_aset.singleton.Call2(last_class, hash, caller, null, rest[i], rest[i + 1]); return hash; }
public override object Call(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block, Array argv) { int argc = argv.Count; if (argc == 0) { return new Regexp("(?!)", 0); } else if (argc == 1) { Regexp v = Object.CheckConvert<Regexp>(argv[0], "to_regexp", caller); if (v != null) { return v; } else { object quote = rb_reg_s_quote.singleton.Call1(last_class, recv, caller, null, argv[0]); object re = rb_reg_s_alloc.singleton.Call0(last_class, recv, caller, null); return rb_reg_initialize_m.singleton.Call(last_class, re, caller, null, new Array(new object[] { quote })); } } else { System.Text.StringBuilder source = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < argv.Count; i++) { if (0 < i) source.Append("|"); Regexp v = Object.CheckConvert<Regexp>(argv[i], "to_regexp", caller); if (v != null) source.Append(rb_reg_to_s.singleton.Call0(last_class, v, caller, null)); else source.Append(rb_reg_s_quote.singleton.Call(last_class, null, caller, null, new Array(new object[] { argv[i] }))); } return new Regexp(source.ToString(), 0); } }