Пример #1
 public void TestCannotParseInvalidMovementInstructionWithOtherCharactersInputData()
     string instructions = "LMLRS";
     IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser();
     bool actual = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(instructions);
     bool expected = false;
     Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, "Wrong instruction input (contains invalid characters) is parsed!");
Пример #2
 public void TestCannotParseInvalidRoverPositionInput()
     string roverPosition = "0 5 ES";
     IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser();
     bool actual = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(roverPosition);
     bool expected = false;
     Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, "Invalid rover position is parsed");
Пример #3
 public void TestCannotParseEmptyMovementInstruction()
     string instruction = String.Empty;
     IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser();
     bool actual = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(instruction);
     bool expected = false;
     Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, "Empty rover movement instructions string is parsed");
Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter Platue size input:"); // Prompt
            string platueSize = Console.ReadLine();
            IInputParser inputParser=new InputParser();
            bool successful = inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueSize);
            while ( !successful)
                Console.WriteLine("The platue size is invalid. Please enter Platue size input:"); // Prompt
                platueSize = Console.ReadLine();
                successful = inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueSize);

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Position of Rover input:"); // Prompt
                string positionOfRover = Console.ReadLine();
                successful = inputParser.ParseInputRoverPosition(positionOfRover);
                while (!successful)
                    Console.WriteLine("The position of rover is invalid. Please enter again:"); // Prompt
                    positionOfRover = Console.ReadLine();
                    successful = inputParser.ParseInputRoverPosition(positionOfRover);
                Console.WriteLine("Enter movement instructions for the rover:"); // Prompt
                string roverMovementInstructions = Console.ReadLine();
                successful = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(roverMovementInstructions);
                while (!successful)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter movement instructions for the rover:"); // Prompt
                    roverMovementInstructions = Console.ReadLine();
                    successful = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(roverMovementInstructions);
                IRoverBusinessLogic myRoverBusinessLogic = new RoverBusinessLogic(inputParser);
                string roversNewPosition = myRoverBusinessLogic.ProcessRoverMovementInstructions();
                Console.WriteLine("The new position of the rover is "+roversNewPosition);
Пример #5
 public void TestParsedMovementInstructionCharacterListIsValid()
     string instructions = "LMLR";
     IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser();
     bool actual = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(instructions);
     bool expected = true;
     IEnumerable<char> expectedList = new List<char>() {'L', 'M', 'L', 'R'};
     if (expectedList.Count() != inputParser.MovementInstructions.Count())
         actual = false;
       for (int i = 0; i < expectedList.Count(); i++)
         if (expectedList.ElementAt(i) != inputParser.MovementInstructions.ElementAt(i))
             actual = false;
     Assert.IsTrue(expected==actual, "Movement instruction string is parsed wrongly, characters are not matched");
Пример #6
 public void TestCanParseInstructionStringOfRover()
     string instruction = "LMLMLLL";
     IInputParser inputParser=new InputParser();
     bool actual=inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(instruction);
     bool expected = true;
     Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, "Valid movement instructions string cannot be parsed");
Пример #7
 public void TestCannotParseWhiteSpaceMovementInstruction()
     string instruction = " ";
     IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser();
     bool actual = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(instruction);
     bool expected = false;
     Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, "WhiteSpace rover movement instructions string is parsed");