/* Sometimes it happens that we split the road too close to another segment. If that occur, the roads do glitch. In that case
         * we remove one more segment up the road. This method is still glitchy, would need improvement. */
        /* intersection - node outside the ellipse */
        private bool nextSegmentInfo(ushort intersection, ushort closeSegmentId, out ushort outerNodeId, out Vector3 directions)
            NetSegment closeSegment = NetAccess.Segment(closeSegmentId);

            outerNodeId = 0;
            directions  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            NetNode node         = NetAccess.Node(intersection);
            int     segmentcount = node.CountSegments();

            /* If there is an intersection right behind the ellipse, we can't go on as we can merge only segments which are in fact
             * only one road without an intersection. */
            if (segmentcount != 2)
                //Debug.Log("Ambiguous node.");

            /*string debugString = "Close segment id: " + closeSegmentId + "; ";
             * for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
             * {
             *  debugString += node.GetSegment(i) + ", ";
             * }
             * Debug.Log(debugString);*/
            ushort nextSegmentId = node.GetSegment(0);

            /* We need the segment that goes away from the ellipse, not the one we already have. */
            if (closeSegmentId == nextSegmentId)
                //Debug.Log("Taking the other of the two segments. " + node.GetSegment(1));
                nextSegmentId = node.GetSegment(1);
                if (nextSegmentId == 0)
            NetSegment nextSegment = NetAccess.Segment(nextSegmentId);

            nextSegment = NetAccess.Segment(nextSegmentId);
            outerNodeId = nextSegment.m_startNode;
            directions  = nextSegment.m_startDirection;
            /* We need the node further away */
            if (outerNodeId == intersection)
                //Debug.Log("Taking the other of the nodes.");
                outerNodeId = nextSegment.m_endNode;
                directions  = nextSegment.m_endDirection;
                if (outerNodeId == 0)

            /* After merging the roads, we release the segment and intersection inbetween. When I was debugging this method, I tried to release them after
             * everything is done. It might not be necessary.*/
        /* Turns segments into beziers. */
        private List <Bezier2> makeBeziers(List <ushort> netSegmentsIds)
            List <Bezier2> beziers = new List <Bezier2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < netSegmentsIds.Count; i++)
                NetSegment netSegment  = NetAccess.Segment(netSegmentsIds[i]);
                bool       smoothStart = (NetAccess.Node(netSegment.m_startNode).m_flags & NetNode.Flags.Middle) != NetNode.Flags.None;
                bool       smoothEnd   = (NetAccess.Node(netSegment.m_endNode).m_flags & NetNode.Flags.Middle) != NetNode.Flags.None;
                Bezier3    bezier      = new Bezier3();
                bezier.a = NetAccess.Node(netSegment.m_startNode).m_position;
                bezier.d = NetAccess.Node(netSegment.m_endNode).m_position;
                NetSegment.CalculateMiddlePoints(bezier.a, netSegment.m_startDirection, bezier.d, netSegment.m_endDirection, smoothStart, smoothEnd, out bezier.b, out bezier.c);
        public EdgeIntersections2(GraphTraveller2 traveller, ushort centerNodeId, Ellipse ellipse)
            CenterNodeId   = centerNodeId;
            CenterNode     = NetAccess.Node(centerNodeId);
            this.traveller = traveller;
            this.ellipse   = ellipse;

            if (RoundAboutBuilder.UseOldSnappingAlgorithm.value)

        private void SnappingAlgorithmNew()
            //EllipseTool.Instance.debugDraw = segmentBeziers;

            List <Bezier2> segmentBeziers    = makeBeziers(traveller.OuterSegments);
            List <Bezier2> ellipseBeziers    = traveller.Ellipse.Beziers;
            List <ushort>  processedSegments = new List <ushort>();

            /* We find all intersections between roads and ellipse beziers */
            for (int i = 0; i < segmentBeziers.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ellipseBeziers.Count; j++)
                    if (ellipseBeziers[j].Intersect(segmentBeziers[i], out float t1, out float t2, ITERATIONS))
                        if (processedSegments.Contains(traveller.OuterSegments[i]))

                        //Debug.Log("Segment " + i.ToString() + " intersects ellipse bezier " + j.ToString());
                        Vector3 intersection = new Vector3(ellipseBeziers[j].Position(t1).x, CenterNode.m_position.y, ellipseBeziers[j].Position(t1).y);
                        segmentBeziers[i].Divide(out Bezier2 segementBezier1, out Bezier2 segementBezier2, t2);
                        Bezier2 outerBezier;
                        Vector2 outerNodePos = new Vector2(NetAccess.Node(traveller.OuterNodes[i]).m_position.x, NetAccess.Node(traveller.OuterNodes[i]).m_position.z);
                        bool    invert       = false;
                        // outerBezier - the bezier outside the ellipse (not the one inside)
                        if (segementBezier1.Position(0f) == outerNodePos || segementBezier1.Position(1f) == outerNodePos)
                            //Debug.Log("first is outer");
                            outerBezier = segementBezier1.Invert();
                            invert      = true;
                        else if (segementBezier2.Position(0f) == outerNodePos || segementBezier2.Position(1f) == outerNodePos)
                            //Debug.Log("second is probably outer");
                            outerBezier = segementBezier2;
                            invert      = false;
                            throw new Exception("Error - Failed to determine segment geometry.");


                        /* We create a node at the intersection. */
                        ushort newNodeId = NetAccess.CreateNode(CenterNode.Info, intersection);
                        Intersections.Add(new VectorNodeStruct(newNodeId));

                        BezierToSegment(outerBezier, traveller.OuterSegments[i], newNodeId, traveller.OuterNodes[i], invert);
        private void BezierToSegment(Bezier2 bezier2, ushort oldSegmentId, ushort startNodeId, ushort endNodeId, bool invert)
            NetSegment oldSegment = NetAccess.Segment(oldSegmentId);
            Vector2    startDirection2d;
            Vector2    endDirection2d;
            Vector2    nodePos2d = new Vector2(NetAccess.Node(startNodeId).m_position.x, NetAccess.Node(startNodeId).m_position.z);

            /*if ( Distance(nodePos2d,bezier2.Position(0f)) < 10e-3d)
             * {
             *  //0f is on the ellipse
             * }
             * else if(Distance(nodePos2d, bezier2.Position(1f)) < 10e-3d)
             * {
             *  //1f is on the ellipse
             *  bezier2 = bezier2.Invert();
             *  invert = true;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  throw new Exception(string.Format("Error - no intersection of bezier and point. Dist: {0}, {1}",Distance(nodePos2d,bezier2.Position(0f)), Distance(nodePos2d, bezier2.Position(1f))));
             * }*/
            startDirection2d = bezier2.Tangent(0f);
            endDirection2d   = bezier2.Tangent(1f);

            Vector3 startDirection = (new Vector3(startDirection2d.x, 0, startDirection2d.y));
            Vector3 endDirection   = -(new Vector3(endDirection2d.x, 0, endDirection2d.y));

            /* Unlike from the old algorithm, we use no padding when looking for the segments. That means the obtained segments can be arbitrarily short.
             * In that case, we take one more segment away from the ellipse.*/
            if (VectorDistance(bezier2.a, bezier2.d) < MIN_BEZIER_LENGTH)
                //Debug.Log("Segment is too short. Launching repair mechainsm." + VectorDistance(bezier2.a, bezier2.d));
                if (nextSegmentInfo(endNodeId, oldSegmentId, out ushort endNodeIdNew, out Vector3 endDirectionNew))
                    endNodeId    = endNodeIdNew;
                    endDirection = endDirectionNew;
                    //Debug.Log("The segment length should be " + VectorDistance(GetNode(startNodeId).m_position,GetNode(endNodeId).m_position));

            // Debug
            // EllipseTool.Instance.debugDrawVector(20*startDirection, GetNode(startNodeId).m_position);
            // EllipseTool.Instance.debugDrawVector(20*endDirection, GetNode(endNodeId).m_position);


            if (oldSegment.m_flags.IsFlagSet(NetSegment.Flags.Invert))
                invert = !invert;

                ushort newSegmentId = NetAccess.CreateSegment(startNodeId, endNodeId,
                                                              startDirection, endDirection, oldSegment.Info, invert);

                m_group.Actions.Add(new EnteringBlockedJunctionAllowedAction(newSegmentId, true, true));
                m_group.Actions.Add(new YieldSignAction(newSegmentId, true));
            catch (Exception e)
                UIWindow2.instance.ThrowErrorMsg("The game failed to create one of the road segments.");
        /* Old algorithm. Originally intended only for circles. From older documentation: */

        /* "For now, the intersection isn't created at the exact point where the segment crosses the circle, but rather on the intersection of
         * the circle and straight line, which goes from origin and ends at outer node of that segment. That could be unfortunately very
         * inaccurate, as the first note outside the circle could be quite far away". */
        private void SnappingAlgorithmOld()
            float centerX = CenterNode.m_position.x;
            float centerY = CenterNode.m_position.y;
            float centerZ = CenterNode.m_position.z;

            for (int i = 0; i < traveller.OuterNodes.Count; i++)
                NetNode curNode            = NetAccess.Node(traveller.OuterNodes[i]);
                Vector3 circleIntersection = new Vector3();

                float directionX = (curNode.m_position.x - centerX) / VectorDistance(CenterNode.m_position, curNode.m_position);
                float directionZ = (curNode.m_position.z - centerZ) / VectorDistance(CenterNode.m_position, curNode.m_position);

                float radius = (float)ellipse.RadiusAtAbsoluteAngle(Math.Abs(Ellipse.VectorsAngle(curNode.m_position - ellipse.Center)));
                if (radius > 10000)
                    throw new Exception("Algortithm error");

                circleIntersection.x = (directionX * radius + centerX);
                circleIntersection.y = centerY;
                circleIntersection.z = (directionZ * radius + centerZ);

                ushort newNodeId;
                ushort newSegmentId;

                newNodeId = NetAccess.CreateNode(CenterNode.Info, circleIntersection);

                Intersections.Add(new VectorNodeStruct(newNodeId));

                NetSegment curSegment = NetAccess.Segment(traveller.OuterSegments[i]);

                /* For now ignoring anything regarding Y coordinate */
                //float directionY2 = (GetNode(newNodeId).m_position.y - curNode.m_position.z) / NodeDistance(GetNode(newNodeId), curNode);
                float directionY2 = 0f;

                Vector3 startDirection = new Vector3();
                startDirection.x = (directionX /** NodeDistance( GetNode( newNodeId ), curNode ) / 2*/);
                startDirection.y = directionY2;
                startDirection.z = (directionZ /** NodeDistance(GetNode(newNodeId), curNode) / 2*/);
                Vector3 endDirection = new Vector3();
                endDirection.x = -startDirection.x;
                endDirection.y = -startDirection.y;
                endDirection.z = -startDirection.z;

                bool invert;
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("same node: {0}, invert: {1}", curSegment.m_startNode == traveller.OuterNodes[i], curSegment.m_flags.IsFlagSet(NetSegment.Flags.Invert)));
                if (curSegment.m_startNode == traveller.OuterNodes[i] ^ curSegment.m_flags.IsFlagSet(NetSegment.Flags.Invert))
                    invert = true;
                    invert = false;

                newSegmentId = NetAccess.CreateSegment(newNodeId, traveller.OuterNodes[i],
                                                       startDirection, endDirection, curSegment.Info, invert);

                m_group.Actions.Add(new EnteringBlockedJunctionAllowedAction(newSegmentId, true, true));
                m_group.Actions.Add(new YieldSignAction(newSegmentId, true));
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("Segment and node created... "));