Пример #1
        internal BitArray AssignedWhenFalse; // used only for boolean states

        public FlowAnalysisLocalState(bool reachable, BitArray assigned)
            this.Reachable = reachable;
            this.Assigned = assigned;
            this.AssignedWhenTrue = this.AssignedWhenFalse = BitArray.Null;
 public void UnionWith(BitArray other)
     int l = other.bits.Length;
     if (l > this.bits.Length)
         Array.Resize(ref bits, l + 1);
     for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
         this.bits[i] |= other.bits[i];
 public bool IntersectWith(BitArray other)
     bool anyChanged = false;
     int l = other.bits.Length;
     if (l > this.bits.Length)
         Array.Resize(ref bits, l + 1);
     for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
         var thisBits = this.bits;
         var oldV = thisBits[i];
         var newV = oldV & other.bits[i];
         if (newV != oldV) {
             thisBits[i] = newV;
             anyChanged = true;
     return anyChanged;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Turn this state into a non-conditional state (i.e. not to be used for control-flow).
 /// </summary>
 public void Merge()
     if (!this.Assigned.IsNull)
     this.Assigned = this.AssignedWhenTrue;
     this.AssignedWhenFalse = AssignedWhenTrue = BitArray.Null;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Turn this state into a conditional (boolean) state, to be used for control-flow.
 /// </summary>
 public void Split()
     if (this.Assigned.IsNull)
     this.AssignedWhenTrue = this.Assigned.Clone();
     this.AssignedWhenFalse = this.Assigned;
     this.Assigned = BitArray.Null;
Пример #6
 protected virtual void Free()
     Diagnostics = null;
     pendingBranches = null;
     this.alreadyReported = BitArray.Null;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a single pass of flow analysis.  Note that after this pass,
        /// this.backwardBranchChanged indicates if a further pass is required.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Scan()
            // the entry point of a method is assumed reachable
            state = FlowAnalysisLocalState.ReachableState();

            // label out parameters as not assigned.
            foreach (var parameter in method.Parameters)
                if (parameter.RefKind == RefKind.Out)
                    SetSlotState(MakeSlot(parameter), initiallyAssignedVariables != null && initiallyAssignedVariables.Contains(parameter));
                    // this code has no effect except in the region analysis APIs, which assign
                    // variable slots to all parameters.
                    int slot = VariableSlot(parameter);
                    SetSlotState(slot, true);

            // TODO: if this is the body of an initial struct constructor, mark "this" as unassigned.
            this.backwardBranchChanged = false;
            if (this.Diagnostics != null)
            this.Diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();  // clear reported diagnostics
            this.alreadyReported = BitArray.Empty;           // no variables yet reported unassigned

            // check that each local variable is used somewhere (or warn if it isn't)
            foreach (var symbol in variableBySlot)
                if (symbol != null && symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Local && !readVariables.Contains(symbol))
                    Diagnostics.Add(writtenVariables.Contains(symbol) ? ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedVarAssg : ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedVar, symbol.Locations[0], symbol.Name);

            // check that each out parameter is definitely assigned at the end of the method if
            // there's more than one location, then the method is partial and we prefer to report an
            // out parameter in partial method error
            if (method.Locations.Count == 1)
                foreach (ParameterSymbol parameter in method.Parameters)
                    if (parameter.RefKind == RefKind.Out)
                        var slot = VariableSlot(parameter);
                        if (!state.IsAssigned(slot))
                            ReportUnassignedOutParameter(parameter, null, method.Locations[0]);

                        foreach (PendingBranch returnBranch in pendingBranches)
                            if (!returnBranch.State.IsAssigned(slot))
                                ReportUnassignedOutParameter(parameter, returnBranch.Branch.Syntax, null);
            // TODO: handle "this" in struct constructor.