void Update() { if (targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO && targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO35 && targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE) { return; } if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Comm.BridgeStatus.Connected || !PublishMessage) { return; } if (Time.time < NextSend) { return; } NextSend = Time.time + 1.0f / Frequency; UpdateValues(); double altitude = transform.position.y; // above sea level var utc = System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HHmmss.fff"); if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE) { char latitudeS = latitude_orig < 0.0f ? 'S' : 'N'; char longitudeS = longitude_orig < 0.0f ? 'W' : 'E'; double latitude = Math.Abs(latitude_orig); double longitude = Math.Abs(longitude_orig); latitude = Math.Floor(latitude) * 100 + (latitude % 1) * 60.0f; longitude = Math.Floor(longitude) * 100 + (longitude % 1) * 60.0f; var gga = string.Format("GPGGA,{0},{1:0.000000},{2},{3:0.000000},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8:0.000000},M,{9:0.000000},M,,", utc, latitude, latitudeS, longitude, longitudeS, 1, // GPX fix 10, // sattelites tracked accuracy, altitude, height); var angles = Target.transform.eulerAngles; float roll = -angles.z; float pitch = -angles.x; float yaw = angles.y; var qq = string.Format("QQ02C,INSATT,V,{0},{1:0.000},{2:0.000},{3:0.000},", utc, roll, pitch, yaw); // http://www.plaisance-pratique.com/IMG/pdf/NMEA0183-2.pdf // 5.2.3 Checksum Field byte ggaChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gga.Length; i++) { ggaChecksum ^= (byte)gga[i]; } byte qqChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qq.Length; i++) { qqChecksum ^= (byte)qq[i]; } var ggaMessage = new Ros.Sentence() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = FrameId, }, sentence = "$" + gga + "*" + ggaChecksum.ToString("X2"), }; AutowareWriterSentence.Publish(ggaMessage); var qqMessage = new Ros.Sentence() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = FrameId, }, sentence = qq + "@" + qqChecksum.ToString("X2"), }; AutowareWriterSentence.Publish(qqMessage); // Autoware - GPS Odometry var quat = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, roll, yaw); float forward_speed = Vector3.Dot(mainRigidbody.velocity, Target.transform.forward); var odometryMessage = new Ros.Odometry() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = "odom", }, child_frame_id = "base_link", pose = new Ros.PoseWithCovariance() { pose = new Ros.Pose() { position = new Ros.Point() { x = easting + 500000, y = northing, z = 0.0, // altitude, }, orientation = new Ros.Quaternion() { x = quat.x, y = quat.y, z = quat.z, w = quat.w, } } }, twist = new Ros.TwistWithCovariance() { twist = new Ros.Twist() { linear = new Ros.Vector3() { x = forward_speed, // mainRigidbody.velocity.x, y = 0.0, // mainRigidbody.velocity.z, z = 0.0, }, angular = new Ros.Vector3() { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = -mainRigidbody.angularVelocity.y, } }, } }; AutowareWriterOdometry.Publish(odometryMessage); } else if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO) { // Apollo - GPS Best Pose System.DateTime GPSepoch = new System.DateTime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - GPSepoch).TotalSeconds + 18.0f; var apolloMessage = new Ros.GnssBestPose() { header = new Ros.ApolloHeader() { timestamp_sec = measurement_time, sequence_num = seq++, }, measurement_time = measurement_time, sol_status = 0, sol_type = 50, latitude = latitude_orig, // in degrees longitude = longitude_orig, // in degrees height_msl = height, // height above mean sea level in meters undulation = 0, // undulation = height_wgs84 - height_msl datum_id = 61, // datum id number latitude_std_dev = accuracy, // latitude standard deviation (m) longitude_std_dev = accuracy, // longitude standard deviation (m) height_std_dev = accuracy, // height standard deviation (m) base_station_id = "0", // base station id differential_age = 2.0f, // differential position age (sec) solution_age = 0.0f, // solution age (sec) num_sats_tracked = 15, // number of satellites tracked num_sats_in_solution = 15, // number of satellites used in solution num_sats_l1 = 15, // number of L1/E1/B1 satellites used in solution num_sats_multi = 12, // number of multi-frequency satellites used in solution extended_solution_status = 33, // extended solution status - OEMV and // greater only galileo_beidou_used_mask = 0, gps_glonass_used_mask = 51 }; ApolloWriterGnssBestPose.Publish(apolloMessage); // Apollo - GPS odometry System.DateTime Unixepoch = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - Unixepoch).TotalSeconds; var angles = Target.transform.eulerAngles; float roll = angles.z; float pitch = angles.x; float yaw = -angles.y - Angle; var quat = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, roll, yaw); Vector3 worldVelocity = mainRigidbody.velocity; var apolloGpsMessage = new Ros.Gps() { header = new Ros.ApolloHeader() { timestamp_sec = measurement_time, sequence_num = seq++, }, localization = new Ros.ApolloPose() { // Position of the vehicle reference point (VRP) in the map reference frame. // The VRP is the center of rear axle. position = new Ros.PointENU() { x = easting + 500000, // East from the origin, in meters. y = northing, // North from the origin, in meters. z = altitude // Up from the WGS-84 ellipsoid, in // meters. }, // A quaternion that represents the rotation from the IMU coordinate // (Right/Forward/Up) to the // world coordinate (East/North/Up). orientation = new Ros.ApolloQuaternion() { qx = quat.x, qy = quat.y, qz = quat.z, qw = quat.w, }, // Linear velocity of the VRP in the map reference frame. // East/north/up in meters per second. linear_velocity = new Ros.Point3D() { x = worldVelocity.x, y = worldVelocity.z, z = worldVelocity.y }, // Linear acceleration of the VRP in the map reference frame. // East/north/up in meters per second. // linear_acceleration = new Ros.Point3D(), // Angular velocity of the vehicle in the map reference frame. // Around east/north/up axes in radians per second. // angular_velocity = new Ros.Point3D(), // Heading // The heading is zero when the car is facing East and positive when facing North. heading = yaw, // not used ?? // Linear acceleration of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame. // Right/forward/up in meters per square second. // linear_acceleration_vrf = new Ros.Point3D(), // Angular velocity of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame. // Around right/forward/up axes in radians per second. // angular_velocity_vrf = new Ros.Point3D(), // Roll/pitch/yaw that represents a rotation with intrinsic sequence z-x-y. // in world coordinate (East/North/Up) // The roll, in (-pi/2, pi/2), corresponds to a rotation around the y-axis. // The pitch, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the x-axis. // The yaw, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the z-axis. // The direction of rotation follows the right-hand rule. // euler_angles = new Ros.Point3D() } }; ApolloWriterGps.Publish(apolloGpsMessage); } else if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO35) { // Apollo - GPS Best Pose System.DateTime GPSepoch = new System.DateTime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - GPSepoch).TotalSeconds + 18.0f; var apolloMessage = new Apollo.Drivers.Gnss.GnssBestPose() { Header = new Apollo.Common.Header() { TimestampSec = measurement_time, SequenceNum = seq++, }, MeasurementTime = measurement_time, SolStatus = (Apollo.Drivers.Gnss.SolutionStatus) 0, SolType = (Apollo.Drivers.Gnss.SolutionType) 50, Latitude = latitude_orig, // in degrees Longitude = longitude_orig, // in degrees HeightMsl = height, // height above mean sea level in meters Undulation = 0, // undulation = height_wgs84 - height_msl DatumId = (Apollo.Drivers.Gnss.DatumId) 61, // datum id number LatitudeStdDev = accuracy, // latitude standard deviation (m) LongitudeStdDev = accuracy, // longitude standard deviation (m) HeightStdDev = accuracy, // height standard deviation (m) BaseStationId = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("0"), //CopyFrom((byte)"0"), // base station id DifferentialAge = 2.0f, // differential position age (sec) SolutionAge = 0.0f, // solution age (sec) NumSatsTracked = 15, // number of satellites tracked NumSatsInSolution = 15, // number of satellites used in solution NumSatsL1 = 15, // number of L1/E1/B1 satellites used in solution NumSatsMulti = 12, // number of multi-frequency satellites used in solution ExtendedSolutionStatus = 33, // extended solution status - OEMV and // greater only GalileoBeidouUsedMask = 0, GpsGlonassUsedMask = 51 }; Apollo35WriterGnssBestPose.Publish(apolloMessage); // Apollo - GPS odometry System.DateTime Unixepoch = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - Unixepoch).TotalSeconds; var angles = Target.transform.eulerAngles; float roll = angles.z; float pitch = angles.x; float yaw = -angles.y - Angle; var quat = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, roll, yaw); Vector3 worldVelocity = mainRigidbody.velocity; var apolloGpsMessage = new Apollo.Localization.Gps() { Header = new Apollo.Common.Header() { TimestampSec = measurement_time, SequenceNum = seq++, }, Localization = new Apollo.Localization.Pose() { // Position of the vehicle reference point (VRP) in the map reference frame. // The VRP is the center of rear axle. Position = new Apollo.Common.PointENU() { X = easting + 500000, // East from the origin, in meters. Y = northing, // North from the origin, in meters. Z = altitude // Up from the WGS-84 ellipsoid, in // meters. }, // A quaternion that represents the rotation from the IMU coordinate // (Right/Forward/Up) to the // world coordinate (East/North/Up). Orientation = new Apollo.Common.Quaternion() { Qx = quat.x, Qy = quat.y, Qz = quat.z, Qw = quat.w, }, // Linear velocity of the VRP in the map reference frame. // East/north/up in meters per second. LinearVelocity = new Apollo.Common.Point3D() { X = worldVelocity.x, Y = worldVelocity.z, Z = worldVelocity.y }, // Linear acceleration of the VRP in the map reference frame. // East/north/up in meters per second. // linear_acceleration = new Ros.Point3D(), // Angular velocity of the vehicle in the map reference frame. // Around east/north/up axes in radians per second. // angular_velocity = new Ros.Point3D(), // Heading // The heading is zero when the car is facing East and positive when facing North. Heading = yaw, // not used ?? // Linear acceleration of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame. // Right/forward/up in meters per square second. // linear_acceleration_vrf = new Ros.Point3D(), // Angular velocity of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame. // Around right/forward/up axes in radians per second. // angular_velocity_vrf = new Ros.Point3D(), // Roll/pitch/yaw that represents a rotation with intrinsic sequence z-x-y. // in world coordinate (East/North/Up) // The roll, in (-pi/2, pi/2), corresponds to a rotation around the y-axis. // The pitch, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the x-axis. // The yaw, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the z-axis. // The direction of rotation follows the right-hand rule. // euler_angles = new Ros.Point3D() } }; Apollo35WriterGps.Publish(apolloGpsMessage); var apolloInsMessage = new Apollo.Drivers.Gnss.InsStat() { Header = new Apollo.Common.Header() { TimestampSec = measurement_time, SequenceNum = 0, }, InsStatus = 3, PosType = 56 }; Apollo35WriterInsStat.Publish(apolloInsMessage); } }
void Update() { Vector3 pos = Target.transform.position; double easting, northing; var utc = System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HHmmss.fff"); accuracy = 0.01f; // just a number to report double altitude = pos.y; // above sea level height = 0; // sea level to WGS84 ellipsoid GetEastingNorthing(pos, out easting, out northing); // MIT licensed conversion code from https://github.com/Turbo87/utm/blob/master/utm/conversion.py double K0 = 0.9996; double E = 0.00669438; double E2 = E * E; double E3 = E2 * E; double E_P2 = E / (1.0 - E); double SQRT_E = Math.Sqrt(1 - E); double _E = (1 - SQRT_E) / (1 + SQRT_E); double _E2 = _E * _E; double _E3 = _E2 * _E; double _E4 = _E3 * _E; double _E5 = _E4 * _E; double M1 = (1 - E / 4 - 3 * E2 / 64 - 5 * E3 / 256); double P2 = (3.0 / 2 * _E - 27.0 / 32 * _E3 + 269.0 / 512 * _E5); double P3 = (21.0 / 16 * _E2 - 55.0 / 32 * _E4); double P4 = (151.0 / 96 * _E3 - 417.0 / 128 * _E5); double P5 = (1097.0 / 512 * _E4); double R = 6378137; double x = easting; double y = northing; double m = y / K0; double mu = m / (R * M1); double p_rad = (mu + P2 * Math.Sin(2 * mu) + P3 * Math.Sin(4 * mu) + P4 * Math.Sin(6 * mu) + P5 * Math.Sin(8 * mu)); double p_sin = Math.Sin(p_rad); double p_sin2 = p_sin * p_sin; double p_cos = Math.Cos(p_rad); double p_tan = p_sin / p_cos; double p_tan2 = p_tan * p_tan; double p_tan4 = p_tan2 * p_tan2; double ep_sin = 1 - E * p_sin2; double ep_sin_sqrt = Math.Sqrt(1 - E * p_sin2); double n = R / ep_sin_sqrt; double r = (1 - E) / ep_sin; double c = _E * p_cos * p_cos; double c2 = c * c; double d = x / (n * K0); double d2 = d * d; double d3 = d2 * d; double d4 = d3 * d; double d5 = d4 * d; double d6 = d5 * d; double lat = (p_rad - (p_tan / r) * (d2 / 2 - d4 / 24 * (5 + 3 * p_tan2 + 10 * c - 4 * c2 - 9 * E_P2)) + d6 / 720 * (61 + 90 * p_tan2 + 298 * c + 45 * p_tan4 - 252 * E_P2 - 3 * c2)); double lon = (d - d3 / 6 * (1 + 2 * p_tan2 + c) + d5 / 120 * (5 - 2 * c + 28 * p_tan2 - 3 * c2 + 8 * E_P2 + 24 * p_tan4)) / p_cos; latitude_orig = (double)(lat * 180.0 / Math.PI); longitude_orig = (double)(lon * 180.0 / Math.PI); if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO && UTMZoneId > 0) { longitude_orig = longitude_orig + (UTMZoneId - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3; } latitude_read = latitude_orig; longitude_read = longitude_orig; if (targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO && targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE) { return; } if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Comm.BridgeStatus.Connected || !PublishMessage) { return; } if (Time.time < NextSend) { return; } NextSend = Time.time + 1.0f / Frequency; // if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE) { char latitudeS = latitude_orig < 0.0f ? 'S' : 'N'; char longitudeS = longitude_orig < 0.0f ? 'W' : 'E'; double latitude = Math.Abs(latitude_orig); double longitude = Math.Abs(longitude_orig); latitude = Math.Floor(latitude) * 100 + (latitude % 1) * 60.0f; longitude = Math.Floor(longitude) * 100 + (longitude % 1) * 60.0f; var gga = string.Format("GPGGA,{0},{1:0.000000},{2},{3:0.000000},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8:0.000000},M,{9:0.000000},M,,", utc, latitude, latitudeS, longitude, longitudeS, 1, // GPX fix 10, // sattelites tracked accuracy, altitude, height); var angles = Target.transform.eulerAngles; float roll = -angles.z; float pitch = -angles.x; float yaw = angles.y; var qq = string.Format("QQ02C,INSATT,V,{0},{1:0.000},{2:0.000},{3:0.000},", utc, roll, pitch, yaw); // http://www.plaisance-pratique.com/IMG/pdf/NMEA0183-2.pdf // 5.2.3 Checksum Field byte ggaChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gga.Length; i++) { ggaChecksum ^= (byte)gga[i]; } byte qqChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qq.Length; i++) { qqChecksum ^= (byte)qq[i]; } var ggaMessage = new Ros.Sentence() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = FrameId, }, sentence = "$" + gga + "*" + ggaChecksum.ToString("X2"), }; AutowareWriterSentence.Publish(ggaMessage); var qqMessage = new Ros.Sentence() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = FrameId, }, sentence = qq + "@" + qqChecksum.ToString("X2"), }; AutowareWriterSentence.Publish(qqMessage); // Autoware - GPS Odometry var quat = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, roll, yaw); float forward_speed = Vector3.Dot(mainRigidbody.velocity, Target.transform.forward); var odometryMessage = new Ros.Odometry() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = "odom", }, child_frame_id = "base_link", pose = new Ros.PoseWithCovariance() { pose = new Ros.Pose() { position = new Ros.Point() { x = easting + 500000, y = northing, z = 0.0, // altitude, }, orientation = new Ros.Quaternion() { x = quat.x, y = quat.y, z = quat.z, w = quat.w, } } }, twist = new Ros.TwistWithCovariance() { twist = new Ros.Twist() { linear = new Ros.Vector3() { x = forward_speed, // mainRigidbody.velocity.x, y = 0.0, // mainRigidbody.velocity.z, z = 0.0, }, angular = new Ros.Vector3() { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = -mainRigidbody.angularVelocity.y, } }, } }; AutowareWriterOdometry.Publish(odometryMessage); } if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO) { // Apollo - GPS Best Pose System.DateTime GPSepoch = new System.DateTime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - GPSepoch).TotalSeconds + 18.0f; var apolloMessage = new Ros.GnssBestPose() { header = new Ros.ApolloHeader() { timestamp_sec = measurement_time, sequence_num = seq++, }, measurement_time = measurement_time, sol_status = 0, sol_type = 50, latitude = latitude_orig, // in degrees longitude = longitude_orig, // in degrees height_msl = height, // height above mean sea level in meters undulation = 0, // undulation = height_wgs84 - height_msl datum_id = 61, // datum id number latitude_std_dev = accuracy, // latitude standard deviation (m) longitude_std_dev = accuracy, // longitude standard deviation (m) height_std_dev = accuracy, // height standard deviation (m) base_station_id = "0", // base station id differential_age = 2.0f, // differential position age (sec) solution_age = 0.0f, // solution age (sec) num_sats_tracked = 15, // number of satellites tracked num_sats_in_solution = 15, // number of satellites used in solution num_sats_l1 = 15, // number of L1/E1/B1 satellites used in solution num_sats_multi = 12, // number of multi-frequency satellites used in solution extended_solution_status = 33, // extended solution status - OEMV and // greater only galileo_beidou_used_mask = 0, gps_glonass_used_mask = 51 }; ApolloWriterGnssBestPose.Publish(apolloMessage); // Apollo - GPS odometry System.DateTime Unixepoch = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - Unixepoch).TotalSeconds; var angles = Target.transform.eulerAngles; float roll = angles.z; float pitch = angles.x; float yaw = -angles.y - Angle; var quat = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, roll, yaw); Vector3 worldVelocity = mainRigidbody.velocity; var apolloGpsMessage = new Ros.Gps() { header = new Ros.ApolloHeader() { timestamp_sec = measurement_time, sequence_num = seq++, }, localization = new Ros.ApolloPose() { // Position of the vehicle reference point (VRP) in the map reference frame. // The VRP is the center of rear axle. position = new Ros.PointENU() { x = easting + 500000, // East from the origin, in meters. y = northing, // North from the origin, in meters. z = altitude // Up from the WGS-84 ellipsoid, in // meters. }, // A quaternion that represents the rotation from the IMU coordinate // (Right/Forward/Up) to the // world coordinate (East/North/Up). orientation = new Ros.ApolloQuaternion() { qx = quat.x, qy = quat.y, qz = quat.z, qw = quat.w, }, // Linear velocity of the VRP in the map reference frame. // East/north/up in meters per second. linear_velocity = new Ros.Point3D() { x = worldVelocity.x, y = worldVelocity.z, z = worldVelocity.y }, // Linear acceleration of the VRP in the map reference frame. // East/north/up in meters per second. // linear_acceleration = new Ros.Point3D(), // Angular velocity of the vehicle in the map reference frame. // Around east/north/up axes in radians per second. // angular_velocity = new Ros.Point3D(), // Heading // The heading is zero when the car is facing East and positive when facing North. heading = yaw, // not used ?? // Linear acceleration of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame. // Right/forward/up in meters per square second. // linear_acceleration_vrf = new Ros.Point3D(), // Angular velocity of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame. // Around right/forward/up axes in radians per second. // angular_velocity_vrf = new Ros.Point3D(), // Roll/pitch/yaw that represents a rotation with intrinsic sequence z-x-y. // in world coordinate (East/North/Up) // The roll, in (-pi/2, pi/2), corresponds to a rotation around the y-axis. // The pitch, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the x-axis. // The yaw, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the z-axis. // The direction of rotation follows the right-hand rule. // euler_angles = new Ros.Point3D() } }; ApolloWriterGps.Publish(apolloGpsMessage); } }
void Update() { if (targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO && targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE) { return; } if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Ros.Status.Connected || !PublishMessage) { return; } if (Time.time < NextSend) { return; } NextSend = Time.time + 1.0f / Frequency; Vector3 pos = Target.transform.position; var utc = System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HHmmss.fff"); float accuracy = 0.01f; // just a number to report float altitude = pos.y; // above sea level float height = 0; // sea level to WGS84 ellipsoid double easting = pos.x * Scale + OriginEasting; double northing = pos.z * Scale + OriginNorthing; if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO && OriginEasting != 0.0f) { easting = easting - 500000; } // MIT licensed conversion code from https://github.com/Turbo87/utm/blob/master/utm/conversion.py double K0 = 0.9996; double E = 0.00669438; double E2 = E * E; double E3 = E2 * E; double E_P2 = E / (1.0 - E); double SQRT_E = Math.Sqrt(1 - E); double _E = (1 - SQRT_E) / (1 + SQRT_E); double _E2 = _E * _E; double _E3 = _E2 * _E; double _E4 = _E3 * _E; double _E5 = _E4 * _E; double M1 = (1 - E / 4 - 3 * E2 / 64 - 5 * E3 / 256); double P2 = (3.0 / 2 * _E - 27.0 / 32 * _E3 + 269.0 / 512 * _E5); double P3 = (21.0 / 16 * _E2 - 55.0 / 32 * _E4); double P4 = (151.0 / 96 * _E3 - 417.0 / 128 * _E5); double P5 = (1097.0 / 512 * _E4); double R = 6378137; double x = easting; double y = northing; double m = y / K0; double mu = m / (R * M1); double p_rad = (mu + P2 * Math.Sin(2 * mu) + P3 * Math.Sin(4 * mu) + P4 * Math.Sin(6 * mu) + P5 * Math.Sin(8 * mu)); double p_sin = Math.Sin(p_rad); double p_sin2 = p_sin * p_sin; double p_cos = Math.Cos(p_rad); double p_tan = p_sin / p_cos; double p_tan2 = p_tan * p_tan; double p_tan4 = p_tan2 * p_tan2; double ep_sin = 1 - E * p_sin2; double ep_sin_sqrt = Math.Sqrt(1 - E * p_sin2); double n = R / ep_sin_sqrt; double r = (1 - E) / ep_sin; double c = _E * p_cos * p_cos; double c2 = c * c; double d = x / (n * K0); double d2 = d * d; double d3 = d2 * d; double d4 = d3 * d; double d5 = d4 * d; double d6 = d5 * d; double lat = (p_rad - (p_tan / r) * (d2 / 2 - d4 / 24 * (5 + 3 * p_tan2 + 10 * c - 4 * c2 - 9 * E_P2)) + d6 / 720 * (61 + 90 * p_tan2 + 298 * c + 45 * p_tan4 - 252 * E_P2 - 3 * c2)); double lon = (d - d3 / 6 * (1 + 2 * p_tan2 + c) + d5 / 120 * (5 - 2 * c + 28 * p_tan2 - 3 * c2 + 8 * E_P2 + 24 * p_tan4)) / p_cos; float latitude_orig = (float)(lat * 180.0 / Math.PI); float longitude_orig = (float)(lon * 180.0 / Math.PI); if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO && UTMZoneId > 0) { longitude_orig = longitude_orig + (UTMZoneId - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3; } // if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE) { char latitudeS = latitude_orig < 0.0f ? 'S' : 'N'; char longitudeS = longitude_orig < 0.0f ? 'W' : 'E'; float latitude = Mathf.Abs(latitude_orig); float longitude = Mathf.Abs(longitude_orig); latitude = Mathf.Floor(latitude) * 100 + (latitude % 1) * 60.0f; longitude = Mathf.Floor(longitude) * 100 + (longitude % 1) * 60.0f; var gga = string.Format("GPGGA,{0},{1:0.000000},{2},{3:0.000000},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8:0.000000},M,{9:0.000000},M,,", utc, latitude, latitudeS, longitude, longitudeS, 1, // GPX fix 10, // sattelites tracked accuracy, altitude, height); var angles = Target.transform.eulerAngles; float roll = -angles.z; float pitch = -angles.x; float yaw = angles.y; var qq = string.Format("QQ02C,INSATT,V,{0},{1:0.000},{2:0.000},{3:0.000},", utc, roll, pitch, yaw); // http://www.plaisance-pratique.com/IMG/pdf/NMEA0183-2.pdf // 5.2.3 Checksum Field byte ggaChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gga.Length; i++) { ggaChecksum ^= (byte)gga[i]; } byte qqChecksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qq.Length; i++) { qqChecksum ^= (byte)qq[i]; } var ggaMessage = new Ros.Sentence() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = FrameId, }, sentence = "$" + gga + "*" + ggaChecksum.ToString("X2"), }; Bridge.Publish(AutowareTopic, ggaMessage); var qqMessage = new Ros.Sentence() { header = new Ros.Header() { stamp = Ros.Time.Now(), seq = seq++, frame_id = FrameId, }, sentence = qq + "@" + qqChecksum.ToString("X2"), }; Bridge.Publish(AutowareTopic, qqMessage); } if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO) { // Apollo - GPS Best Pose System.DateTime GPSepoch = new System.DateTime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); double measurement_time = (double)(System.DateTime.UtcNow - GPSepoch).TotalSeconds + 18.0f; var apolloMessage = new Ros.GnssBestPose() { header = new Ros.ApolloHeader() { timestamp_sec = Ros.Time.Now().secs, sequence_num = (int)seq++, }, measurement_time = measurement_time, sol_status = 0, sol_type = 50, latitude = latitude_orig, // in degrees longitude = longitude_orig, // in degrees height_msl = height, // height above mean sea level in meters undulation = 0, // undulation = height_wgs84 - height_msl datum_id = 61, // datum id number latitude_std_dev = accuracy, // latitude standard deviation (m) longitude_std_dev = accuracy, // longitude standard deviation (m) height_std_dev = accuracy, // height standard deviation (m) base_station_id = "0", // base station id differential_age = 2.0f, // differential position age (sec) solution_age = 0.0f, // solution age (sec) num_sats_tracked = 15, // number of satellites tracked num_sats_in_solution = 15, // number of satellites used in solution num_sats_l1 = 15, // number of L1/E1/B1 satellites used in solution num_sats_multi = 12, // number of multi-frequency satellites used in solution extended_solution_status = 33, // extended solution status - OEMV and // greater only galileo_beidou_used_mask = 0, gps_glonass_used_mask = 51 }; Bridge.Publish(ApolloTopic, apolloMessage); } }