public static void AddScene(IKEffector e, Color color, bool modifiable, float size)
            if (!modifiable) return;

            // Draw effectors
            bool rotate = e.isEndEffector;
            float weight = rotate? Mathf.Max(e.positionWeight, e.rotationWeight): e.positionWeight;

            if (e.bone != null && weight > 0) {

                if (Application.isPlaying) {
                    Handles.color = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, weight);

                    Handles.DrawLine(e.position, e.bone.position);
                    Handles.SphereCap(0, e.bone.position, Quaternion.identity, size * 0.5f);

                    // Manipulating position and rotation
                    switch(Tools.current) {
                    case Tool.Move:
                        e.position = Handles.PositionHandle(e.position, Quaternion.identity);
                    case Tool.Rotate:
                        if (rotate) e.rotation = Handles.RotationHandle(e.rotation, e.position);

                    if (rotate) Handles.CubeCap(0, e.position, e.rotation, size);
                    else Handles.SphereCap(0, e.position, Quaternion.identity, size);

		// Initiate this, get the default values
		public void Initiate(InteractionSystem interactionSystem) {
			this.interactionSystem = interactionSystem;

			// Find the effector if we haven't already
			if (effector == null) {
				effector = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetEffector(effectorType);
				poser = effector.bone.GetComponent<Poser>();

 public override void Execute()
     Body = Solver.bodyEffector;
     LeftFoot = Solver.leftFootEffector;
     LeftHand = Solver.leftHandEffector;
     LeftShoulder = Solver.leftShoulderEffector;
     LeftThigh = Solver.leftThighEffector;
     RightFoot = Solver.rightFootEffector;
     RightHand = Solver.rightHandEffector;
     RightShoulder = Solver.rightShoulderEffector;
     RightThigh = Solver.rightThighEffector;
Пример #4
		// Initiate this, get the default values
		public void Initiate(InteractionSystem interactionSystem, IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver) {
			this.interactionSystem = interactionSystem;

			// Find the effector if we haven't already
			if (effector == null) {
				effector = solver.GetEffector(effectorType);
				poser = effector.bone.GetComponent<Poser>();

			defaultPull = solver.GetChain(effectorType).pull;
			defaultReach = solver.GetChain(effectorType).reach;
			defaultPush = solver.GetChain(effectorType).push;
			defaultPushParent = solver.GetChain(effectorType).pushParent;
Пример #5
	private void Awake() {
		FBIK = GetComponent<FullBodyBipedIK>();
		Body = FBIK.references.spine[BodySpineID];
		BIK = FBIK.solver.bodyEffector;
		LFIK = FBIK.solver.leftFootEffector;
		RFIK = FBIK.solver.rightFootEffector;
		LeftFoot = FBIK.references.leftFoot;
		RightFoot = FBIK.references.rightFoot;
		LeftFootContact = new RaycastHit(); RightFootContact = new RaycastHit();
		LeftToeContact = new RaycastHit(); RightToeContact = new RaycastHit();
		LegLength = Vector3.Distance(LeftFoot.position,Body.position);
Пример #6
			// Apply the limit to the effector
			public void Apply(IKEffector e, Quaternion rootRotation) {
				Vector3 offset = Quaternion.Inverse(rootRotation) * e.positionOffset;
				if (spring <= 0f) {
					// Hard limits
					if (x) offset.x = Mathf.Clamp(offset.x, minX, maxX);
					if (y) offset.y = Mathf.Clamp(offset.y, minY, maxY);
					if (z) offset.z = Mathf.Clamp(offset.z, minZ, maxZ);
				} else {
					// Soft limits
					if (x) offset.x = SpringAxis(offset.x, minX, maxX);
					if (y) offset.y = SpringAxis(offset.y, minY, maxY);
					if (z) offset.z = SpringAxis(offset.z, minZ, maxZ);
				// Apply to the effector
				e.positionOffset = rootRotation * offset;
Пример #7
        private void HandsOnProp(IKEffector mainHand, IKEffector otherHand)
            // Get the animated direction from the main hand to the other hand
            Vector3 toOtherHand = otherHand.bone.position - mainHand.bone.position;

            // Get the hand direction relative to the main hand's rotation
            Vector3 otherHandRelativeDirection = Quaternion.Inverse(mainHand.bone.rotation) * toOtherHand;

            // Get the center point of two hands
            Vector3 handsCenter = mainHand.bone.position + (toOtherHand * 0.5f);

            // Get the other hand's rotation relative to the main hand's rotation
            Quaternion otherHandRelativeRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(mainHand.bone.rotation) * otherHand.bone.rotation;

            // Get the direction from the main hand to the other hand that icludes effector position offsets
            Vector3 toOtherHandWithOffset = (otherHand.bone.position + otherHand.positionOffset) - (mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset);

            // Get the center point of two hands that includes effector position offsets
            Vector3 handsCenterWithOffset = (mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset) + (toOtherHand * 0.5f);

            // Main hand position
            mainHand.position = (mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset) + (handsCenterWithOffset - handsCenter);
            mainHand.positionWeight = 1f;

            // Main hand rotation
            Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.FromToRotation(toOtherHand, toOtherHandWithOffset);
            mainHand.rotation = rotationOffset * mainHand.bone.rotation;
            mainHand.rotationWeight = 1f;

            // Other hand position
            otherHand.position = mainHand.position + mainHand.rotation * otherHandRelativeDirection;
            otherHand.positionWeight = 1f;

            // Other hand rotation
            otherHand.rotation = mainHand.rotation * otherHandRelativeRotation;
            otherHand.rotationWeight = 1f;
Пример #8
 // Interpolate the solver position of the effector
 private void LerpSolverPosition(IKEffector effector, Vector3 position, float weight)
     effector.GetNode(ik.solver).solverPosition = Vector3.Lerp(effector.GetNode(ik.solver).solverPosition, position, weight);
Пример #9
		// Set the effector positionOffset for the foot
		private void SetLegIK(IKEffector effector, Grounding.Leg leg) {
			effector.positionOffset += (leg.IKPosition - effector.bone.position) * weight;

			effector.bone.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, leg.rotationOffset, weight) * effector.bone.rotation;
		// Rotate an effector from the root of the character
		private void RotateEffector(IKEffector effector, Quaternion rotation, float mlp) {
			Vector3 d1 = effector.bone.position - transform.position;
			Vector3 d2 = rotation * d1;
			Vector3 offset = d2 - d1;
			effector.positionOffset += offset * mlp;
Пример #11
		 * Get pull offset of a hand
		 * */
		private Vector3 GetHandBodyPull(IKEffector effector, FBIKChain arm, Vector3 offset) {
			// Get the vector from shoulder to hand effector
			Vector3 direction = effector.position - (arm.nodes[0].transform.position + offset);
			float armLength = arm.nodes[0].length + arm.nodes[1].length;
			// Find delta of effector distance and arm length
			float dirMag = direction.magnitude;

			if (dirMag < armLength) return;
			float x = dirMag - armLength;

			return (direction / dirMag) * x;
Пример #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets up the solver to BipedReferences and reinitiates (if in runtime).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="references">Biped references.</param>
		/// <param name="rootNode">Root node (optional). if null, will try to detect the root node bone automatically. </param>
		public void SetToReferences(BipedReferences references, Transform rootNode = null) {
			root = references.root;

			if (rootNode == null) rootNode = DetectRootNodeBone(references);
			this.rootNode = rootNode;
			// Root Node
			if (chain == null || chain.Length != 5) chain = new FBIKChain[5];
			for (int i = 0; i < chain.Length; i++) {
				if (chain[i] == null) {
					chain[i] = new FBIKChain();

			chain[0].pin = 0f;
			chain[0].children = new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
			// Left Arm
			chain[1].SetNodes(references.leftUpperArm, references.leftForearm, references.leftHand);
			// Right Arm
			chain[2].SetNodes(references.rightUpperArm, references.rightForearm, references.rightHand);
			// Left Leg
			chain[3].SetNodes(references.leftThigh, references.leftCalf, references.leftFoot);
			// Right Leg
			chain[4].SetNodes(references.rightThigh, references.rightCalf, references.rightFoot);
			// Effectors
			if (effectors.Length != 9) effectors = new IKEffector[9] {
				new IKEffector(), new IKEffector(), new IKEffector(), new IKEffector(), new IKEffector(), new IKEffector(), new IKEffector(), new IKEffector(), new IKEffector()
			effectors[0].bone = rootNode;
			effectors[0].childBones = new Transform[2] { references.leftThigh, references.rightThigh };
			effectors[1].bone = references.leftUpperArm;
			effectors[2].bone = references.rightUpperArm;
			effectors[3].bone = references.leftThigh;
			effectors[4].bone = references.rightThigh;
			effectors[5].bone = references.leftHand;
			effectors[6].bone = references.rightHand;
			effectors[7].bone = references.leftFoot;
			effectors[8].bone = references.rightFoot;
			effectors[5].planeBone1 = references.leftUpperArm;
			effectors[5].planeBone2 = references.rightUpperArm;
			effectors[5].planeBone3 = rootNode;

			effectors[6].planeBone1 = references.rightUpperArm;
			effectors[6].planeBone2 = references.leftUpperArm;
			effectors[6].planeBone3 = rootNode;

			effectors[7].planeBone1 = references.leftThigh;
			effectors[7].planeBone2 = references.rightThigh;
			effectors[7].planeBone3 = rootNode;

			effectors[8].planeBone1 = references.rightThigh;
			effectors[8].planeBone2 = references.leftThigh;
			effectors[8].planeBone3 = rootNode;
			// Child Constraints
			chain[0].childConstraints = new FBIKChain.ChildConstraint[4] {
				new FBIKChain.ChildConstraint(references.leftUpperArm, references.rightThigh, 0f, 1f),
				new FBIKChain.ChildConstraint(references.rightUpperArm, references.leftThigh, 0f, 1f),
				new FBIKChain.ChildConstraint(references.leftUpperArm, references.rightUpperArm),
				new FBIKChain.ChildConstraint(references.leftThigh, references.rightThigh)
			// IKMappingSpine
			Transform[] spineBones = new Transform[references.spine.Length + 1];
			spineBones[0] = references.pelvis;
			for (int i = 0; i < references.spine.Length; i++) {
				spineBones[i + 1] = references.spine[i];
			if (spineMapping == null) {
				spineMapping = new IKMappingSpine();
				spineMapping.iterations = 3;
			spineMapping.SetBones(spineBones, references.leftUpperArm, references.rightUpperArm, references.leftThigh, references.rightThigh);
			// IKMappingBone
			int boneMappingsCount = references.head != null? 1: 0;
			if (boneMappings.Length != boneMappingsCount) {
				boneMappings = new IKMappingBone[boneMappingsCount];
				for (int i = 0; i < boneMappings.Length; i++) {
					boneMappings[i] = new IKMappingBone();
				if (boneMappingsCount == 1) boneMappings[0].maintainRotationWeight = 0f;
			if (boneMappings.Length > 0) boneMappings[0].bone = references.head;
			// IKMappingLimb
			if (limbMappings.Length != 4) {
				limbMappings = new IKMappingLimb[4] {
					new IKMappingLimb(), new IKMappingLimb(), new IKMappingLimb(), new IKMappingLimb()
				limbMappings[2].maintainRotationWeight = 1f;
				limbMappings[3].maintainRotationWeight = 1f;
			limbMappings[0].SetBones(references.leftUpperArm, references.leftForearm, references.leftHand, GetLeftClavicle(references));
			limbMappings[1].SetBones(references.rightUpperArm, references.rightForearm, references.rightHand, GetRightClavicle(references));
			limbMappings[2].SetBones(references.leftThigh, references.leftCalf, references.leftFoot);
			limbMappings[3].SetBones(references.rightThigh, references.rightCalf, references.rightFoot);

			if (Application.isPlaying) Initiate(references.root);
 public void Point(Transform player, Transform target, bool useRightHand)
     if(!isActive()) { = target;
         if (useRightHand) this.effector = ikSecondary.solver.rightHandEffector;
         else this.effector = ikSecondary.solver.leftHandEffector;
         this.effector.position = calculateHandPosition(player, target, useRightHand);
         state = PointingState.RAISING_ARM;
         ikSecondary.solver.spineStiffness = 10f;
Пример #14
	private void GetFootContact(IKEffector IK, Transform Bone, Transform ToeTip, Vector3 BoneSpeed, RaycastHit HIT, RaycastHit THIT) {
		Ray RAY1 = new Ray(new Vector3(IK.position.x,BIK.position.y,IK.position.z),new Vector3(0,-1,0));
		Ray RAY2; if (ToeTip) {RAY2 = new Ray(new Vector3(ToeTip.position.x,BIK.position.y,ToeTip.position.z),new Vector3(0,-1,0));} else {RAY2 = RAY1;}
		if (Physics.Raycast(RAY1,out HIT,(LegLength*RayReach),FeetMask.value)) {
			IK.positionWeight = 1f; IK.rotationWeight = 1f;
			IK.position = Vector3.Lerp(IK.position,new Vector3(Bone.position.x,HIT.point.y+HeelOffset,Bone.position.z),Time.time);
			IK.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up,HIT.normal)*IK.bone.rotation;
			Debug.DrawLine(RAY1.origin,BIK.position,Color.cyan); Debug.DrawLine(RAY1.origin,IK.position,; Debug.DrawLine(IK.position,HIT.point,;
		if (ToeTip && Physics.Raycast(RAY2,out THIT,(LegLength*RayReach),FeetMask.value) && THIT.point.y > HIT.point.y) {
			IK.positionWeight = 1f; IK.rotationWeight = 1f;
			IK.position = Vector3.Lerp(IK.position,new Vector3(Bone.position.x,THIT.point.y+HeelOffset,Bone.position.z),Time.time);
			IK.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up,THIT.normal)*IK.bone.rotation;
			Debug.DrawLine(RAY2.origin,BIK.position,Color.cyan); Debug.DrawLine(RAY2.origin,ToeTip.position,; Debug.DrawLine(ToeTip.position,THIT.point,;
		if (IK.position.y < THIT.point.y) {IK.position = new Vector3(Bone.position.x,THIT.point.y+HeelOffset,Bone.position.z);}
Пример #15
        // Initiate this, get the default values
        public void Initiate(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver)
            // Find the effector if we haven't already
            if (effector == null) {
                effector = solver.GetEffector(effectorType);
                poser = effector.bone.GetComponent<Poser>();

            defaultPull = solver.GetChain(effectorType).pull;
            defaultReach = solver.GetChain(effectorType).reach;