public void ReadSong(Song2014 songXml, Sng2014File sngFile)
            Int16[] tuning = {
            parseEbeats(songXml, sngFile);
            parsePhrases(songXml, sngFile);
            parseChords(songXml, sngFile, tuning, songXml.Arrangement == "Bass");
            // vocals use different parse function
            sngFile.Vocals = new VocalSection { Vocals = new Vocal[0] };
            parsePhraseIterations(songXml, sngFile);
            parsePhraseExtraInfo(songXml, sngFile);
            parseNLD(songXml, sngFile);
            parseActions(songXml, sngFile);
            parseEvents(songXml, sngFile);
            parseTones(songXml, sngFile);
            parseDNAs(songXml, sngFile);
            parseSections(songXml, sngFile);
            parseArrangements(songXml, sngFile);
            parseMetadata(songXml, sngFile, tuning);

            // this needs to be initialized after arrangements
            parseChordNotes(songXml, sngFile);
        private static void CreateNddArrangement(Sng2014File inp, int threshold)
            var inputArrangements = inp.Arrangements.Arrangements;
            var maxDifficulty = inp.Arrangements.Arrangements.Max(a => a.Difficulty);
            inp.Arrangements.Arrangements = inp.Arrangements.Arrangements.Where(a => a.Difficulty == maxDifficulty).ToArray();
            var outputArrangement = inp.Arrangements.Arrangements[0];
            inp.Arrangements.Count = 1;
            foreach (var phrase in inp.Phrases.Phrases)
                phrase.MaxDifficulty = 0;

            outputArrangement.Notes.Notes =
                (from ia in inputArrangements
                from notes in ia.Notes.Notes
                select new {ia.Difficulty, notes} into dn
                group dn by dn.notes.Time into duplicateNotes

                let hardest = duplicateNotes.Max(x => x.Difficulty)
                select duplicateNotes.First(x => x.Difficulty == hardest) into hardestNotes
                orderby hardestNotes.notes.Time
                select hardestNotes.notes

                //inputArrangements.SelectMany(ia => ia.Notes.Notes.Select(notes => new {ia.Difficulty, notes}).GroupBy(ian => ian.notes.Time).Select(nn => nn.Max(n => n.Difficulty)).OrderBy(x => x.Time).ToArray();
            outputArrangement.Notes.Count = outputArrangement.Notes.Notes.Length;
            outputArrangement.Anchors.Anchors = inputArrangements.SelectMany(ia => ia.Anchors.Anchors).Distinct(ANCHOR_COMPARER).OrderBy(x => x.StartBeatTime).ToArray();
            outputArrangement.Anchors.Count = outputArrangement.Anchors.Anchors.Length;
            outputArrangement.AnchorExtensions.AnchorExtensions = inputArrangements.SelectMany(ia => ia.AnchorExtensions.AnchorExtensions).Distinct(ANCHOR_EXTENSION_COMPARER).ToArray();
            outputArrangement.AnchorExtensions.Count = outputArrangement.AnchorExtensions.AnchorExtensions.Length;
            outputArrangement.Fingerprints1.Fingerprints = inputArrangements.SelectMany(ia => ia.Fingerprints1.Fingerprints).Distinct(FINGERPRINT_COMPARER).OrderBy(x => x.StartTime).ToArray();
            outputArrangement.Fingerprints1.Count = outputArrangement.Fingerprints1.Fingerprints.Length;
            outputArrangement.Fingerprints2.Fingerprints = inputArrangements.SelectMany(ia => ia.Fingerprints2.Fingerprints).Distinct(FINGERPRINT_COMPARER).OrderBy(x => x.StartTime).ToArray();
            outputArrangement.Fingerprints2.Count = outputArrangement.Fingerprints2.Fingerprints.Length;
Пример #3
 public static Sng2014File ConvertXML(string xmlPath, ArrangementType type, string cdata = null)
     if (type == ArrangementType.Vocal)
         return(Sng2014FileWriter.ReadVocals(xmlPath, cdata));
 // this is platform independent SNG object
 public static Sng2014File ConvertSong(string xmlFile) {
     var song = Song2014.LoadFromFile(xmlFile);
     var parser = new Sng2014FileWriter();
     var sng = new Sng2014File();
     parser.ReadSong(song, sng);
     sng.NoteCount = parser.NoteCount;
     sng.DNACount = parser.DNACount;
     return sng;
 public static void RemoveDifficulty(Sng2014File sng, int overlap = -1)
     if (sng.Vocals.Count <= 0)
         //if (overlap < 0)
         //     DifficultyRemover.CreateNddArrangement(sng);
          DifficultyRemover.CreateNddArrangement(sng, overlap);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Raw SNG data reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFile">Packed and encrypted SNG file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Sng2014File LoadFromFile(string inputFile, Platform platform)
            Sng2014File sng = null;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open)) {
                sng = ReadSng(fs, platform);

Пример #7
        // this is platform independent SNG object
        public static Sng2014File ConvertSong(string xmlFile)
            var song   = Song2014.LoadFromFile(xmlFile);
            var parser = new Sng2014FileWriter();
            var sng    = new Sng2014File();

            parser.ReadSong(song, sng);
            sng.NoteCount = parser.NoteCount;
            sng.DNACount  = parser.DNACount;
Пример #8
 public static Sng2014File ConvertXML(string xmlPath, ArrangementType type)
     if (type != ArrangementType.Vocal)
 public Vocals(Sng2014File sngData) {
     Vocal = new Vocal[sngData.Vocals.Count];
     for (var i = 0; i < sngData.Vocals.Count; i++) {
         var v = new Vocal();
         v.Time = sngData.Vocals.Vocals[i].Time;
         v.Note = sngData.Vocals.Vocals[i].Note;
         v.Length = sngData.Vocals.Vocals[i].Length;
         v.Lyric = sngData.Vocals.Vocals[i].Lyric.ToNullTerminatedUTF8();
         Vocal[i] = v;
     Count = Vocal.Length;
        public static Sng2014File ReadVocals(string xmlFile, string cdata = null)
            Sng2014File sng;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cdata))
                sng = new Sng2014File(new FileStream(cdata, FileMode.Open));
            else sng = new Sng2014File(new MemoryStream(Resources.VOCALS_RS2));

            var xml = Vocals.LoadFromFile(xmlFile);
            parseVocals(xml, sng);

            return sng;
        public static Sng2014File ReadSng(Stream input, Platform platform) 
            var sng = new Sng2014File();

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
            using (var r = new EndianBinaryReader(platform.GetBitConverter, ms))
                UnpackSng(input, ms, platform);
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            return sng;
Пример #12
        public static Sng2014File ReadSng(Stream input, Platform platform)
            Sng2014File sng = new Sng2014File();

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (var r = new BinaryReader(ms))
                    UnpackSng(input, ms, platform);
                    ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        private Arrangement(Attributes2014 attr, Sng2014File song, Guid id)
            this.ArrangementSort = attr.ArrangementSort;
            this.Sng2014 = song;
            this.Name = (ArrangementName)Enum.Parse(typeof(ArrangementName), attr.ArrangementName);
            this.ScrollSpeed = 20;
            this.Id = id;
            this.MasterId = ArrangementType == Sng.ArrangementType.Vocal ? 1 : RandomGenerator.NextInt();

            if (this.ArrangementType == ArrangementType.Vocal)
                this.Tones = new List<Tone2014>();
            } else
                ParseTuning(this, attr);
                ParseTones(this, attr);
        private void parseChords(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng, Int16[] tuning, bool bass)
            sng.Chords = new ChordSection();
            sng.Chords.Count = xml.ChordTemplates.Length;
            sng.Chords.Chords = new Chord[sng.Chords.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Chords.Count; i++)
                var chord = xml.ChordTemplates[i];
                var c = new Chord();
                // TODO: skip if DisplayName == null
                if (chord.DisplayName.EndsWith("arp"))
                    c.Mask |= CON.CHORD_MASK_ARPEGGIO;
                else if (chord.DisplayName.EndsWith("nop"))
                    c.Mask |= CON.CHORD_MASK_NOP;

                c.Frets[0] = (Byte)chord.Fret0;
                c.Frets[1] = (Byte)chord.Fret1;
                c.Frets[2] = (Byte)chord.Fret2;
                c.Frets[3] = (Byte)chord.Fret3;
                c.Frets[4] = (Byte)chord.Fret4;
                c.Frets[5] = (Byte)chord.Fret5;
                c.Fingers[0] = (Byte)chord.Finger0;
                c.Fingers[1] = (Byte)chord.Finger1;
                c.Fingers[2] = (Byte)chord.Finger2;
                c.Fingers[3] = (Byte)chord.Finger3;
                c.Fingers[4] = (Byte)chord.Finger4;
                c.Fingers[5] = (Byte)chord.Finger5;
                for (Byte s = 0; s < 6; s++)
                    c.Notes[s] = GetMidiNote(tuning, s, c.Frets[s], bass, xml.Capo, template: true);
                readString(chord.ChordName, c.Name);
                sng.Chords.Chords[i] = c;
 private void parseChordNotes(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
     sng.ChordNotes = new ChordNotesSection();
     sng.ChordNotes.ChordNotes = cns.ToArray();
     sng.ChordNotes.Count = sng.ChordNotes.ChordNotes.Length;
        private void parseChord(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng, SongChord2014 chord, Notes n, Int32 chordNotesId)
            n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_CHORD;
            if (chordNotesId != -1)
                // there should always be a STRUM too => handshape at chord time
                // probably even for chordNotes which are not exported to SNG
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_CHORDNOTES;

            if (chord.LinkNext != 0)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_PARENT;

            if (chord.Accent != 0)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_ACCENT;
            if (chord.FretHandMute != 0)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_FRETHANDMUTE;
            if (chord.HighDensity != 0)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_HIGHDENSITY;
            if (chord.Ignore != 0)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_IGNORE;
            if (chord.PalmMute != 0)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_PALMMUTE;
            // TODO: does not seem to have a mask or any effect
            // if (chord.Hopo != 0)
            //     n.NoteMask |= ;

            // numbering will be set later
            //n.NoteFlags = CON.NOTE_FLAGS_NUMBERED;

            n.Time = chord.Time;
            n.StringIndex = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            // always -1
            n.FretId = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            // anchor fret will be set later
            n.AnchorFretId = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            // will be overwritten
            n.AnchorWidth = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.ChordId = chord.ChordId;
            n.ChordNotesId = chordNotesId;
            n.PhraseIterationId = getPhraseIterationId(xml, n.Time, false);
            n.PhraseId = xml.PhraseIterations[n.PhraseIterationId].PhraseId;
            // these will be overwritten
            n.FingerPrintId[0] = -1;
            n.FingerPrintId[1] = -1;
            // these will be overwritten
            n.NextIterNote = -1;
            n.PrevIterNote = -1;
            // seems to be unused for chords
            n.ParentPrevNote = -1;
            n.SlideTo = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.SlideUnpitchTo = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.LeftHand = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.Tap = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.PickDirection = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.Slap = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.Pluck = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            if (chord.ChordNotes != null)
                foreach (var cn in chord.ChordNotes)
                    if (cn.Sustain > n.Sustain)
                        n.Sustain = cn.Sustain;

            if (n.Sustain > 0)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_SUSTAIN;

            int cnt = 0;
            for (int str = 0; str < 6; str++)
                if (sng.Chords.Chords[chord.ChordId].Frets[str] != 255)
            if (cnt == 2)
                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_DOUBLESTOP;

            // there are only zeros for all chords in lessons
            //n.Vibrato = 0;
            //n.MaxBend = 0;
            n.BendData = new BendDataSection();
            n.BendData.Count = 0;
            n.BendData.BendData = new BendData32[n.BendData.Count];
        private void parsePhraseExtraInfo(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.PhraseExtraInfo = new PhraseExtraInfoByLevelSection();
            sng.PhraseExtraInfo.Count = 0;
            sng.PhraseExtraInfo.PhraseExtraInfoByLevel = new PhraseExtraInfoByLevel[sng.PhraseExtraInfo.Count];

            // probably leftover section from RS1 format, not used anymore
            // for (int i = 0; i < sng.PhraseExtraInfo.Count; i++) {
            //     //var extra = xml.?[i];
            //     var e = new PhraseExtraInfoByLevel();
            //     //"PhraseId",
            //     //"Difficulty",
            //     //"Empty",
            //     //"LevelJump",
            //     //"Redundant",
            //     //"Padding"
            //     sng.PhraseExtraInfo.PhraseExtraInfoByLevel[i] = e;
            // }
 public static Sng2014File ReadVocals(string xmlFile)
     var data = new MemoryStream(Resources.VOCALS_RS2);
     var sng = new Sng2014File(data);
     var xml = Vocals.LoadFromFile(xmlFile);
     Sng2014FileWriter.parseVocals(xml, sng);
     return sng;
        private void parseNLD(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.NLD = new NLinkedDifficultySection();
            sng.NLD.Count = xml.NewLinkedDiff.Length;
            sng.NLD.NLinkedDifficulties = new NLinkedDifficulty[sng.NLD.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.NLD.Count; i++)
                var nld = xml.NewLinkedDiff[i];
                var n = new NLinkedDifficulty();
                // TODO: Ratio attribute unused?
                n.LevelBreak = nld.LevelBreak;
                n.PhraseCount = nld.PhraseCount;
                n.NLD_Phrase = new Int32[n.PhraseCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < n.PhraseCount; j++)
                    n.NLD_Phrase[j] = nld.Nld_phrase[j].Id;
                sng.NLD.NLinkedDifficulties[i] = n;
        private void parseEvents(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.Events = new EventSection();
            sng.Events.Count = xml.Events.Length;
            sng.Events.Events = new Event[sng.Events.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Events.Count; i++)
                var evnt = xml.Events[i];
                var e = new Event();
                e.Time = evnt.Time;
                readString(evnt.Code, e.EventName);
                sng.Events.Events[i] = e;
        private static void parseVocals(Vocals xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.Vocals = new VocalSection();
            sng.Vocals.Count = xml.Vocal.Length;
            sng.Vocals.Vocals = new Vocal[sng.Vocals.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Vocals.Count; i++)
                var vcl = xml.Vocal[i];
                var v = new Vocal();
                v.Time = vcl.Time;
                v.Note = vcl.Note;
                v.Length = vcl.Length;
                readString(vcl.Lyric, v.Lyric);
                sng.Vocals.Vocals[i] = v;
        public Int32 addChordNotes(Sng2014File sng, SongChord2014 chord)
            var c = new ChordNotes();
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                SongNote2014 n = null;
                foreach (var cn in chord.ChordNotes)
                    if (cn.String == i)
                        n = cn;
                // TODO: need to figure out which masks are not applied
                c.NoteMask[i] = parseNoteMask(n, false);
                c.BendData[i] = new BendData();
                c.BendData[i].BendData32 = parseBendData(n, false);
                if (n != null && n.BendValues != null)
                    c.BendData[i].UsedCount = n.BendValues.Length;
                if (n != null)
                    c.SlideTo[i] = (Byte)n.SlideTo;
                    c.SlideUnpitchTo[i] = (Byte)n.SlideUnpitchTo;
                    c.SlideTo[i] = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
                    c.SlideUnpitchTo[i] = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
                if (n != null)
                    c.Vibrato[i] = n.Vibrato;

            UInt32 crc = sng.HashStruct(c);
            if (cnsId.ContainsKey(crc))
                return cnsId[crc];

            // don't export chordnotes if there are no techniques
            bool noTechniques = c.NoteMask.All(m => m == 0);
            if (noTechniques)
                return -1;

            // add new ChordNotes instance
            Int32 id = cns.Count;
            cnsId[crc] = id;
            return cnsId[crc];
        private void parseTones(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.Tones = new ToneSection();
            if (xml.Tones != null)
                sng.Tones.Count = xml.Tones.Length;
                sng.Tones.Count = 0;

            sng.Tones.Tones = new Tone[sng.Tones.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Tones.Count; i++) {
                var tn = xml.Tones[i];
                var t = new Tone();
                t.Time = tn.Time;
                    if (tn.Name == xml.ToneA)
                        t.ToneId = 0;
                    else if (tn.Name == xml.ToneB)
                        t.ToneId = 1;
                    else if (tn.Name == xml.ToneC)
                        t.ToneId = 2;
                    else if (tn.Name == xml.ToneD)
                        t.ToneId = 3;
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Undefined tone name: " + tn.Name);
                sng.Tones.Tones[i] = t;
        private void parseSections(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.Sections = new SectionSection();
            sng.Sections.Count = xml.Sections.Length;
            sng.Sections.Sections = new Section[sng.Sections.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Sections.Count; i++)
                var section = xml.Sections[i];
                var s = new Section();
                readString(section.Name, s.Name);
                s.Number = section.Number;
                s.StartTime = section.StartTime;
                if (i + 1 < sng.Sections.Count)
                    s.EndTime = xml.Sections[i + 1].StartTime;
                    s.EndTime = xml.SongLength;
                s.StartPhraseIterationId = getPhraseIterationId(xml, s.StartTime, false);
                s.EndPhraseIterationId = getPhraseIterationId(xml, s.EndTime, true);
                for (int j = getMaxDifficulty(xml); j >= 0; j--)
                    // used string mask for section at all difficulty j
                    Byte mask = 0;
                    foreach (var note in xml.Levels[j].Notes)
                        if (note.Time >= s.StartTime && note.Time < s.EndTime)
                            mask |= (Byte)(1 << note.String);
                    foreach (var chord in xml.Levels[j].Chords)
                        if (chord.Time >= s.StartTime && chord.Time < s.EndTime)
                            var ch = xml.ChordTemplates[chord.ChordId];
                            if (ch.Fret0 != -1)
                                mask |= (Byte)(1 << 0);
                            if (ch.Fret1 != -1)
                                mask |= (Byte)(1 << 1);
                            if (ch.Fret2 != -1)
                                mask |= (Byte)(1 << 2);
                            if (ch.Fret3 != -1)
                                mask |= (Byte)(1 << 3);
                            if (ch.Fret4 != -1)
                                mask |= (Byte)(1 << 4);
                            if (ch.Fret5 != -1)
                                mask |= (Byte)(1 << 5);

                            if (mask == 0x3F)

                    // use mask from next section if there are no notes
                    if (mask == 0 && j < getMaxDifficulty(xml))
                        mask = s.StringMask[j + 1];

                    s.StringMask[j] = mask;
                sng.Sections.Sections[i] = s;
        private void parsePhrases(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.Phrases = new PhraseSection();
            sng.Phrases.Count = xml.Phrases.Length;
            sng.Phrases.Phrases = new Phrase[sng.Phrases.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Phrases.Count; i++)
                var phrase = xml.Phrases[i];
                var p = new Phrase();
                p.Solo = phrase.Solo;
                p.Disparity = phrase.Disparity;
                p.Ignore = phrase.Ignore;
                p.MaxDifficulty = phrase.MaxDifficulty;
                p.PhraseIterationLinks = xml.PhraseIterations.Count(iter => iter.PhraseId == i);
                readString(phrase.Name, p.Name);

                sng.Phrases.Phrases[i] = p;
        private void parsePhraseIterations(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.PhraseIterations = new PhraseIterationSection();
            sng.PhraseIterations.Count = xml.PhraseIterations.Length;
            sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations = new PhraseIteration[sng.PhraseIterations.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.PhraseIterations.Count; i++)
                var piter = xml.PhraseIterations[i];
                var p = new PhraseIteration();
                p.PhraseId = piter.PhraseId;
                p.StartTime = piter.Time;
                if (i + 1 < sng.PhraseIterations.Count)
                    p.NextPhraseTime = xml.PhraseIterations[i + 1].Time;
                    p.NextPhraseTime = xml.SongLength;
                // default to (0, 0, max)
                // they use Medium (previous) value if there is hero=3 missing
                p.Difficulty[2] = xml.Phrases[p.PhraseId].MaxDifficulty;
                if (piter.HeroLevels != null)
                    foreach (var h in piter.HeroLevels)
                        p.Difficulty[h.Hero - 1] = h.Difficulty;
                sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations[i] = p;
        private void parseDNAs(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.DNAs = new DnaSection();
            List<Dna> dnas = new List<Dna>();

            DNACount = new int[4];

            // based on events: dna_none=0, dna_solo=1, dna_riff=2, dna_chord=3
            foreach (var e in xml.Events)
                Int32 id = -1;
                switch (e.Code)
                    case "dna_none":
                        id = 0;
                    case "dna_solo":
                        id = 1;
                    case "dna_riff":
                        id = 2;
                    case "dna_chord":
                        id = 3;

                if (id != -1)
                    var dna = new Dna();
                    dna.Time = e.Time;
                    dna.DnaId = id;
                    DNACount[id] += 1;

            sng.DNAs.Dnas = dnas.ToArray();
            sng.DNAs.Count = sng.DNAs.Dnas.Length;
 private void parseEbeats(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
     sng.BPMs = new BpmSection();
     sng.BPMs.Count = xml.Ebeats.Length;
     sng.BPMs.BPMs = new Bpm[sng.BPMs.Count];
     Int16 measure = 0;
     Int16 beat = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < sng.BPMs.Count; i++)
         var ebeat = xml.Ebeats[i];
         var bpm = new Bpm();
         bpm.Time = ebeat.Time;
         if (ebeat.Measure >= 0)
             measure = ebeat.Measure;
             beat = 0;
         bpm.Measure = measure;
         bpm.Beat = beat;
         bpm.PhraseIteration = getPhraseIterationId(xml, bpm.Time, true);
         if (beat == 0)
             bpm.Mask |= 1;
             if (measure % 2 == 0)
                 bpm.Mask |= 2;
         sng.BPMs.BPMs[i] = bpm;
        private int getNoteCount(Sng2014File sng, int Level)
            // time => note count
            var notes = new Dictionary<float, int>();
            var level = new Dictionary<float, int>();

            for (int i = sng.Arrangements.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var a = sng.Arrangements.Arrangements[i];
                foreach (var n in a.Notes.Notes)
                    if (i > sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations[n.PhraseIterationId].Difficulty[Level])
                        // this note is above requested level

                    if (!notes.ContainsKey(n.Time))
                        // 1 note at difficulty i
                        notes[n.Time] = 1;
                        level[n.Time] = i;
                    else if (i == level[n.Time])
                        // we can add notes while still in the same difficulty
                        notes[n.Time] += 1;

            int count = 0;
            foreach (var time_count in notes.Values)
                count += time_count;
            return count;
        private void parseMetadata(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng, Int16[] tuning)
            // Easy, Medium, Hard
            NoteCount = new int[3];
            NoteCount[0] = getNoteCount(sng, 0);
            NoteCount[1] = getNoteCount(sng, 1);
            NoteCount[2] = getNoteCount(sng, 2);

            sng.Metadata = new Metadata();
            sng.Metadata.MaxScore = 100000;

            sng.Metadata.MaxDifficulty = getMaxDifficulty(xml);
            sng.Metadata.MaxNotesAndChords = NoteCount[2];
            sng.Metadata.MaxNotesAndChords_Real = sng.Metadata.MaxNotesAndChords;//num unique notes+not ignored
            sng.Metadata.PointsPerNote = sng.Metadata.MaxScore / sng.Metadata.MaxNotesAndChords;

            sng.Metadata.FirstBeatLength = xml.Ebeats[1].Time - xml.Ebeats[0].Time;
            sng.Metadata.StartTime = xml.Offset * -1;
            sng.Metadata.CapoFretId = (xml.Capo == 0) ? unchecked((Byte)(-1)) : xml.Capo;
            readString(xml.LastConversionDateTime, sng.Metadata.LastConversionDateTime);
            sng.Metadata.Part = xml.Part;
            sng.Metadata.SongLength = xml.SongLength;
            sng.Metadata.StringCount = 6;
            sng.Metadata.Tuning = tuning ?? new Int16[sng.Metadata.StringCount];
            // calculated when parsing arrangements
            sng.Metadata.Unk11_FirstNoteTime = first_note_time;
            sng.Metadata.Unk12_FirstNoteTime = first_note_time;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sign notes with fret number. (each 8 notes)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sng"></param>
        /// <param name="notes"></param>
        private void numberNotes(Sng2014File sng, Notes[] notes)
            // current phrase iteration
            int p = 0;
            for (int o = 0; o < notes.Length; o++)
                var current = notes[o];

                // skip open strings
                if (current.FretId == 0)

                // are we past phrase iteration boundary?
                if (current.Time > sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations[p].NextPhraseTime)
                    // advance and re-run
                    // will be repeated through empty iterations
                    o = o - 1;

                bool repeat = false;
                int start = o - 8;
                if (start < 0)
                    start = 0;
                // search last 8 notes
                for (int i = o - 1; i >= start; i--)
                    // ignore notes which are too far away
                    if (notes[i].Time + 2.0 < current.Time)
                    // ignore notes outside of iteration
                    if (notes[i].Time < sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations[p].StartTime)

                    // count as repeat if this fret/chord was numbered recently
                    if ((current.ChordId == -1 && notes[i].FretId == current.FretId) ||
                        (current.ChordId != -1 && notes[i].ChordId == current.ChordId))
                        if ((notes[i].NoteFlags & CON.NOTE_FLAGS_NUMBERED) != 0)
                            repeat = true;

                // change
                if (!repeat)
                    current.NoteFlags |= CON.NOTE_FLAGS_NUMBERED;
        private void parseActions(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            // there is no XML example, EOF does not support it either
            sng.Actions = new ActionSection();
            sng.Actions.Count = 0;
            sng.Actions.Actions = new Action[sng.Actions.Count];

            // no RS2 SNG is using this
            // for (int i = 0; i < sng.Actions.Count; i++) {
            //     //var action = xml.?[i];
            //     var a = new Action();
            //     //a.Time = action.Time;
            //     //read_string(action.ActionName, a.ActionName);
            //     sng.Actions.Actions[i] = a;
            // }
        private void parseArrangements(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.Arrangements = new ArrangementSection();
            sng.Arrangements.Count = getMaxDifficulty(xml) + 1;
            sng.Arrangements.Arrangements = new Arrangement[sng.Arrangements.Count];

            // not strictly necessary but more helpful than hash value
            var note_id = new Dictionary<UInt32, UInt32>();

            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Arrangements.Count; i++)
                var level = xml.Levels[i];
                var a = new Arrangement();
                a.Difficulty = level.Difficulty;

                var anchors = new AnchorSection();
                anchors.Count = level.Anchors.Length;
                anchors.Anchors = new Anchor[anchors.Count];

                for (int j = 0; j < anchors.Count; j++)
                    var anchor = new Anchor();
                    anchor.StartBeatTime = level.Anchors[j].Time;
                    if (j + 1 < anchors.Count)
                        anchor.EndBeatTime = level.Anchors[j + 1].Time;
                        // last phrase iteration = noguitar/end
                        anchor.EndBeatTime = xml.PhraseIterations[xml.PhraseIterations.Length - 1].Time;
                    // TODO: not 100% clear
                    // times will be updated later
                    // these "garbage" values are everywhere!
                    //anchor.Unk3_FirstNoteTime = (float) 3.4028234663852886e+38;
                    //anchor.Unk4_LastNoteTime = (float) 1.1754943508222875e-38;
                    anchor.FretId = (byte)level.Anchors[j].Fret;
                    anchor.Width = (Int32)level.Anchors[j].Width;
                    anchor.PhraseIterationId = getPhraseIterationId(xml, anchor.StartBeatTime, false);
                    anchors.Anchors[j] = anchor;

                a.Anchors = anchors;
                // each slideTo will get anchor extension
                a.AnchorExtensions = new AnchorExtensionSection();

                foreach (var note in level.Notes)
                    if (note.SlideTo != -1)

                a.AnchorExtensions.AnchorExtensions = new AnchorExtension[a.AnchorExtensions.Count];
                // Fingerprints1 is for handshapes without "arp" displayName
                a.Fingerprints1 = new FingerprintSection();
                // Fingerprints2 is for handshapes with "arp" displayName
                a.Fingerprints2 = new FingerprintSection();

                var fp1 = new List<Fingerprint>();
                var fp2 = new List<Fingerprint>();
                foreach (var h in level.HandShapes)
                    if (h.ChordId < 0) continue;
                    var fp = new Fingerprint
                        ChordId = h.ChordId, StartTime = h.StartTime, EndTime = h.EndTime
                    // TODO: not always StartTime
                    //fp.Unk3_FirstNoteTime = fp.StartTime;
                    //fp.Unk4_LastNoteTime = fp.StartTime;

                    if (xml.ChordTemplates[fp.ChordId].DisplayName.EndsWith("arp"))

                a.Fingerprints1.Count = fp1.Count;
                a.Fingerprints1.Fingerprints = fp1.ToArray();
                a.Fingerprints2.Count = fp2.Count;
                a.Fingerprints2.Fingerprints = fp2.ToArray();

                // calculated as we go through notes, seems to work
                // NotesInIteration1 is count without ignore="1" notes
                a.PhraseIterationCount1 = xml.PhraseIterations.Length;
                a.NotesInIteration1 = new Int32[a.PhraseIterationCount1];
                // NotesInIteration2 seems to be the full count
                a.PhraseIterationCount2 = a.PhraseIterationCount1;
                a.NotesInIteration2 = new Int32[a.PhraseIterationCount2];

                // notes and chords sorted by time
                List<Notes> notes = new List<Notes>();
                int acent = 0;
                foreach (var note in level.Notes)
                    var n = new Notes();
                    Notes prev = null;
                    if (notes.Count > 0)
                        prev = notes.Last();
                    parseNote(xml, note, n, prev);

                    for (int j = 0; j < xml.PhraseIterations.Length; j++)
                        var piter = xml.PhraseIterations[j];
                        if (piter.Time > note.Time)
                            if (note.Ignore == 0)
                                ++a.NotesInIteration1[j - 1];
                            ++a.NotesInIteration2[j - 1];
                    if (note.SlideTo != -1)
                        var ae = new AnchorExtension();
                        ae.FretId = (Byte)note.SlideTo;
                        ae.BeatTime = note.Time + note.Sustain;
                        a.AnchorExtensions.AnchorExtensions[acent++] = ae;

                foreach (var chord in level.Chords)
                    var cn = new Notes();
                    Int32 id = -1;
                    if (chord.ChordNotes != null && chord.ChordNotes.Length > 0)
                        id = addChordNotes(sng, chord);
                    parseChord(xml, sng, chord, cn, id);

                    for (int j = 0; j < xml.PhraseIterations.Length; j++)
                        var piter = xml.PhraseIterations[j];
                        if (chord.Time >= piter.Time && piter.Time >= chord.Time)
                            if (chord.Ignore == 0)
                            ++a.NotesInIteration2[j]; // j-1 not safe with j=0

                // exception handler for some poorly formed RS1 CDLC
                    // need to be sorted before anchor note times are updated
                    notes.Sort((x, y) => x.Time.CompareTo(y.Time));

                    // check for RS1 CDLC note time errors
                    // if (notes.Count > 0) // alt method to deal with the exception
                    if ((int)first_note_time == 0 || first_note_time > notes[0].Time)
                        first_note_time = notes[0].Time;
                catch (Exception)
                    // show error in convert2012CLI command window and continue
                    Console.WriteLine(@" -- CDLC contains note time errors and may not play properly"); // + ex.Message);

                foreach (var n in notes)
                    for (Int16 id = 0; id < fp1.Count; id++) //FingerPrints 1st level (common handshapes?)
                        if (n.Time >= fp1[id].StartTime && n.Time < fp1[id].EndTime)
                            n.FingerPrintId[0] = id;
                            // add STRUM to chords if highDensity = 0
                            if (n.ChordId != -1 && (n.NoteMask & CON.NOTE_MASK_HIGHDENSITY) != CON.NOTE_MASK_HIGHDENSITY)
                                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_STRUM;
                            if (fp1[id].Unk3_FirstNoteTime == 0)
                                fp1[id].Unk3_FirstNoteTime = n.Time;

                            float sustain = 0;
                            if (n.Time + n.Sustain < fp1[id].EndTime)
                                sustain = n.Sustain;
                            fp1[id].Unk4_LastNoteTime = n.Time + sustain;
                    for (Int16 id = 0; id < fp2.Count; id++) //FingerPrints 2nd level (used for -arp(eggio) handshapes)
                        if (n.Time >= fp2[id].StartTime && n.Time < fp2[id].EndTime)
                            n.FingerPrintId[1] = id;
                            // add STRUM to chords
                            if (fp2[id].StartTime == n.Time && n.ChordId != -1)
                                n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_STRUM;
                            n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_ARPEGGIO;
                            if (fp2[id].Unk3_FirstNoteTime == 0)
                                fp2[id].Unk3_FirstNoteTime = n.Time;

                            float sustain = 0;
                            if (n.Time + n.Sustain < fp2[id].EndTime)
                                sustain = n.Sustain;
                            fp2[id].Unk4_LastNoteTime = n.Time + sustain;
                    for (int j = 0; j < a.Anchors.Count; j++)
                        if (n.Time >= a.Anchors.Anchors[j].StartBeatTime && n.Time < a.Anchors.Anchors[j].EndBeatTime)
                            n.AnchorWidth = (Byte)a.Anchors.Anchors[j].Width;
                            // anchor fret
                            n.AnchorFretId = (Byte)a.Anchors.Anchors[j].FretId;
                            if (a.Anchors.Anchors[j].Unk3_FirstNoteTime == 0)
                                a.Anchors.Anchors[j].Unk3_FirstNoteTime = n.Time;

                            float sustain = 0;
                            if (n.Time + n.Sustain < a.Anchors.Anchors[j].EndBeatTime - 0.1)
                                sustain = n.Sustain;
                            a.Anchors.Anchors[j].Unk4_LastNoteTime = n.Time + sustain;

                // initialize times for empty anchors, based on 'lrocknroll'
                foreach (var anchor in a.Anchors.Anchors)
                    if (anchor.Unk3_FirstNoteTime == 0)
                        anchor.Unk3_FirstNoteTime = anchor.StartBeatTime;
                        anchor.Unk4_LastNoteTime = anchor.StartBeatTime + (float)0.1;

                a.Notes = new NotesSection();
                a.Notes.Count = notes.Count;
                a.Notes.Notes = notes.ToArray();

                foreach (var piter in sng.PhraseIterations.PhraseIterations)
                    int count = 0;
                    int j = 0;
                    for (; j < a.Notes.Count; j++)
                        // skip notes outside of a phraseiteration
                        if (a.Notes.Notes[j].Time < piter.StartTime)
                        if (a.Notes.Notes[j].Time >= piter.NextPhraseTime)
                        // set to next arrangement note
                        a.Notes.Notes[j].NextIterNote = (Int16)(j + 1);
                        // set all but first note to previous note
                        if (count > 0)
                            a.Notes.Notes[j].PrevIterNote = (Int16)(j - 1);
                    // fix last phrase note
                    if (count > 0)
                        a.Notes.Notes[j - 1].NextIterNote = -1;

                for (int j = 1; j < a.Notes.Notes.Length; j++)
                    var n = a.Notes.Notes[j];
                    var p = a.Notes.Notes[j - 1];
                    int prvnote = 1; //set current + prev note + initialize prvnote variable
                    //do not do this searching for a parent, if the previous note timestamp != current time stamp
                    if (n.Time != p.Time) prvnote = 1;
                        for (int x = 1; x < (a.Notes.Notes.Length); x++) //search up till the beginning of iteration
                            if (j - x < 1) //don't search past the first note in iteration
                                prvnote = x;
                                x = a.Notes.Notes.Length + 2;
                                break; // stop searching for a match we reached the beginning
                            var prv = a.Notes.Notes[j - x]; // get the info for the note we are checking against
                            if (prv.Time != n.Time)
                                //now check the timestamp if its the same timestamp then keep looking
                                if (prv.ChordId != -1)
                                    //check if its a chord
                                    prvnote = x;
                                    x = a.Notes.Notes.Length + 2;
                                    break; //stop here, its a chord so don't need to check the strings
                                if (prv.StringIndex == n.StringIndex)
                                    //check to see if we are looking at the same string
                                    prvnote = x;
                                    x = a.Notes.Notes.Length + 2;
                                    break; //stop here we found the same string, at a different timestamp, thats not a chord

                    var prev = a.Notes.Notes[j - prvnote]; //this will be either the first note of piter, or the last note on the same string at previous timestamp
                    if ((prev.NoteMask & CON.NOTE_MASK_PARENT) != 0)
                        n.ParentPrevNote = (short)(prev.NextIterNote - 1);
                        n.NoteMask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_CHILD; //set the ParentPrevNote# = the matched Note#//add CHILD flag

                a.PhraseCount = xml.Phrases.Length;
                a.AverageNotesPerIteration = new float[a.PhraseCount];
                var iter_count = new float[a.PhraseCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < xml.PhraseIterations.Length; j++)
                    var piter = xml.PhraseIterations[j];
                    // using NotesInIteration2 to calculate
                    a.AverageNotesPerIteration[piter.PhraseId] += a.NotesInIteration2[j];

                for (int j = 0; j < iter_count.Length; j++)
                    if (iter_count[j] > 0)
                        a.AverageNotesPerIteration[j] /= iter_count[j];

                // this is some kind of optimization in RS2 where they
                // hash all note data but their position in phrase iteration
                // to mark otherwise unchanged notes
                foreach (var n in a.Notes.Notes)
                    MemoryStream data = sng.CopyStruct(n);
                    var r = new EndianBinaryReader(EndianBitConverter.Little, data);
                    var ncopy = new Notes();
                    ncopy.NextIterNote = 0;
                    ncopy.PrevIterNote = 0;
                    ncopy.ParentPrevNote = 0;
                    UInt32 crc = sng.HashStruct(ncopy);
                    if (!note_id.ContainsKey(crc))
                        note_id[crc] = (UInt32)note_id.Count;
                    n.Hash = note_id[crc];

                numberNotes(sng, a.Notes.Notes);
                sng.Arrangements.Arrangements[i] = a;
        private void parseTones(Song2014 xml, Sng2014File sng)
            sng.Tones = new ToneSection();
            if (xml.Tones != null)
                sng.Tones.Count = xml.Tones.Length;
                sng.Tones.Count = 0;

            sng.Tones.Tones = new Tone[sng.Tones.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < sng.Tones.Count; i++)
                var tn = xml.Tones[i];
                var t = new Tone();
                t.Time = tn.Time;

                    // fix for undefined tone name (tone name should be shorter)
                    if (xml.ToneBase.ToLower().Contains(tn.Name.ToLower()))
                        t.ToneId = 0;
                    if (xml.ToneA.ToLower().Contains(tn.Name.ToLower()))
                        t.ToneId = 0;
                    else if (xml.ToneB.ToLower().Contains(tn.Name.ToLower()))
                        t.ToneId = 1;
                    else if (xml.ToneC.ToLower().Contains(tn.Name.ToLower()))
                        t.ToneId = 2;
                    else if (xml.ToneD.ToLower().Contains(tn.Name.ToLower()))
                        t.ToneId = 3;
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Undefined tone name: " + tn.Name);

                    sng.Tones.Tones[i] = t;
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new InvalidDataException(@"There is tone name error in XML Arrangement: " + xml.Arrangement + "  " + tn.Name + " is not properly defined." + "Use EOF to re-author custom tones or Notepad to attempt manual repair." );
 public static Sng2014File ReadVocals(Stream xmlData)
     var data = new MemoryStream(Resources.VOCALS_RS2);
     var sng = new Sng2014File(data);
     var xml = new XmlStreamingDeserializer<Vocals>(new StreamReader(xmlData)).Deserialize();
     Sng2014FileWriter.parseVocals(xml, sng);
     return sng;