Пример #1
        static void ExportPsarc(string psarcFile, CmdOptions options)
            var archiveName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(psarcFile);
                var browser = new PsarcBrowser(psarcFile);

                var songList = browser.GetSongList();
                var toolkitInfo = browser.GetToolkitInfo();

                if (options.ListSongs)
                    foreach (var song in songList)
                        Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1} - {2}  ({3}, {4})   {{{5}}}", song.Identifier,
                            song.Artist, song.Title, song.Album, song.Year,
                            string.Join(", ", song.Arrangements));

                // collect all songs to convert
                var toConvert = new List<SongInfo>();
                if (options.Tracks == null || options.Tracks.Count == 0)
                    // if nothing was specified, convert all songs
                    toConvert = toConvert.Concat(songList).ToList();
                    foreach (var songId in options.Tracks)
                        var songInfo = songList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Identifier == songId);
                        if (songInfo != null)

                for (int i = 0; i < toConvert.Count; ++i)
                    var song = toConvert[i];
                    var score = new Score();
                    // figure out which arrangements to convert
                    var arrangements = song.Arrangements;
                    if (options.Arrangements != null && options.Arrangements.Count > 0)
                        arrangements = arrangements.Intersect(options.Arrangements).ToList();

                    Console.WriteLine("({1}/{2}) Converting song {0} ...", song.Identifier, i+1, toConvert.Count);
                    foreach (var arr in arrangements)
                        var arrangement = browser.GetArrangement(song.Identifier, arr);
                        if (arrangement == null)
                            Console.WriteLine(" Failed to get arrangement {0}", arr);
                        if (arrangement.ArrangementProperties.Metronome == 1)
                            // CDLC feature: optional arrangements can be generated which feature only
                            // metronome ticks, no music. However, the tab is identical to the normal
                            // track, so we don't need this unless it was explicitly requested.
                            if (options.Arrangements == null || options.Arrangements.Count == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine(" Arrangement {0} is a metronome track, ignore.", arr);
                        ExportArrangement(score, arrangement, arr, options.DifficultyLevel, psarcFile, toolkitInfo);

                        if (options.SplitArrangements)
                            string baseFileName = ConstructFileName(options.FileNameFormat, score, song.Identifier,
                                archiveName, toolkitInfo);
                            baseFileName = CleanFileName(string.Format("{0} ({1})", baseFileName, arr));
                            SaveScore(score, baseFileName, options.OutputDirectory, options.OutputFormat);
                            // remember to remove the track from the score again

                    if (!options.SplitArrangements)
                        string baseFileName = CleanFileName(
                            ConstructFileName(options.FileNameFormat, score, song.Identifier, archiveName, toolkitInfo));
                        SaveScore(score, baseFileName, options.OutputDirectory, options.OutputFormat);
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error encountered:");

        private void btn_LoadRetailSongs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Starting Retail Songs processing ...." + DateTime.Now + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;

            var Temp_Path_Import = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\dlcpacks";
            string pathDLC = txt_RocksmithDLCPath.Text;
            if (!chbx_DebugB.Checked) MessageBox.Show("Please make sure one of the following Retail Packs:\ncache.psarc, songs.psarc, rs1compatibilitydisc.psarc(.edat if PS3 format), rs1compatibilitydlc.psarc(.edat) \n\n, are in the Import Folder: " + pathDLC + "\n\nAlso, make sure you have enought space for the packing&unpacking operations Platform x 3GB");
            CreateTempFolderStructure(txt_TempPath.Text, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_old", txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_broken", txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_duplicate", txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks", pathDLC, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_Repacked");

            //read all the .PSARCs in the IMPORT folder
            var jsonFiles = Directory.GetFiles(pathDLC.Replace("Rocksmith2014\\DLC", "Rocksmith2014"), "*.psarc*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            if (pathDLC.IndexOf("Rocksmith2014\\DLC") == 0) jsonFiles = Directory.GetFiles(pathDLC, "*.psarc*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            var inputFilePath = ""; var locat = ""; var songshsanP = ""; var unpackedDir = "";
            var DBb_Path = (chbx_DefaultDB.Checked == true ? MyAppWD : txt_DBFolder.Text) + "\\Files.accdb";
            //string source_dir = "";
            //string destination_dir = "";
            var t = "";
            Platform platformDLC;//
            var platformDLCP = "";

            //Clean dlcpack Folders
            //Clean Temp Folder
            if (chbx_CleanTemp.Checked && !chbx_Additional_Manipulations.GetItemChecked(38)) //39.Use only unpacked songs already in the 0 / dlcpacks folder
                    //clear content of dlcpacks folder
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo downloadedMessageInfo = new DirectoryInfo(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks");
                    //foreach (FileInfo file in downloadedMessageInfo.GetFiles())
                    //    file.Delete();
                    foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in downloadedMessageInfo.GetDirectories())
                        if (dir.Name != "manipulated" && dir.Name != "manifests" && dir.Name != "temp") dir.Delete(true);

                    foreach (FileInfo file in downloadedMessageInfo.GetFiles())

                    //clear content of dlcpacks\\manipulated\temp folder
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo downloadedMMessageInfo = new DirectoryInfo(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manipulated\\temp");
                    //foreach (FileInfo file in downloadedMessageInfo.GetFiles())
                    //    file.Delete();
                    foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in downloadedMMessageInfo.GetDirectories())

                    foreach (FileInfo file in downloadedMMessageInfo.GetFiles())

                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo downloadedMmMessageInfo = new DirectoryInfo(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manifests");
                    foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in downloadedMmMessageInfo.GetDirectories())

                    foreach (FileInfo file in downloadedMmMessageInfo.GetFiles())
                catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException ee)
                    // To inform the user and continue is
                    // sufficient for this demonstration.
                    // Your application may require different behavior.
                    rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Error cleaning Temp Folder Cleaned" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;

            //Clean CachetDB
            DataSet dss = new DataSet();
                using (OleDbConnection cnn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + DBb_Path))
                    if (chbx_CleanDB.Checked)
                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Cleaning....Cache table...." + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                        OleDbDataAdapter dan = new OleDbDataAdapter("DELETE FROM Cache;", cnn);
                        dan.Fill(dss, "Cache");
                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = " Cleaned" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException ee)
                // To inform the user and continue is
                // sufficient for this demonstration.
                // Your application may require different behavior.
                rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Error cleaning Cleaned the CacheDB" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
            pB_ReadDLCs.Value = 0;
            pB_ReadDLCs.Maximum = 2 * 3; //jsonFiles.Length
            //UNPACK x3 psarcs
            foreach (var json in jsonFiles)
                platformDLC = json.GetPlatform(); //Platform
                platformDLCP = platformDLC.platform.ToString();
                if (json == pathDLC + "\\songs.psarc" || json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydlc.psarc.edat" || json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydisc.psarc.edat" || ((json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc" || json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydisc_p.psarc") && platformDLCP == "Pc") || ((json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydlc_m.psarc" || json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydisc_m.psarc") && platformDLCP == "Mac"))
                    rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Decompressing  " + ".... " + json + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;

                    if (json == pathDLC + "\\songs.psarc") //RS14 RETAIL
                        inputFilePath = json; locat = "CACHE";
                        t = inputFilePath;
                        if (!chbx_Additional_Manipulations.GetItemChecked(38)) //39. Use only unpacked songs already in the 0/dlcpacks folder
                                // UNPACK
                                rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Unpacking cache.psarc.... " + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                if (File.Exists(pathDLC + "\\cache.psarc"))

                                    unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(pathDLC + "\\cache.psarc", txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", false, false, false); //Unpack cache.psarc for RS14 Official Retails songs rePACKING

                                    //check if platform is correctly identified, &if NOT, correct it
                                    var startI = new ProcessStartInfo();
                                    startI.FileName = Path.Combine(AppWD, "7za.exe");
                                    startI.WorkingDirectory = unpackedDir;// Path.GetDirectoryName();
                                    var za = unpackedDir + "\\cache8.7z";
                                    //if (!Directory.Exists(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manifests")) di = Directory.CreateDirectory(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manifests");
                                    //if (!Directory.Exists(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manifests\\songs")) di = Directory.CreateDirectory(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manifests\\songs");
                                    //File.Copy(hsanDir, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manifests\\songs\\songs.hsan", true);
                                    startI.Arguments = String.Format(" x {0} -o{1}",
                                                                        unpackedDir.Replace("\\cache_Pc", "\\cache_Pc\\manipulated"));// + platformDLCP TempPath + "\\0_dlcpacks\\cache_pc\\
                                    startI.UseShellExecute = true; startI.CreateNoWindow = false; //startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                                    using (var DDC = new Process())
                                        DDC.StartInfo = startI; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 60 * 1); //wait 1min
                                        //if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when packing rs1dlc DLC pack !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                    var tmtpdir = unpackedDir.Replace("\\cache_Pc", "\\cache_Pc\\manipulated") + "\\audio\\ps3";
                                    if (Directory.Exists(tmtpdir))
                                        renamedir(unpackedDir, unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_ps3"));
                                        unpackedDir = unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_ps3");
                                        platformDLCP = "PS3";
                                    tmtpdir = unpackedDir.Replace("\\cache_Pc", "\\cache_Pc\\manipulated") + "\\audio\\mac";
                                    if (Directory.Exists(tmtpdir))
                                        renamedir(unpackedDir, unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_Mac"));
                                        unpackedDir = unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_Mac");
                                        platformDLCP = "Mac";
                                    //clear temp cache_Pc folder
                                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo downloadedMessageInfo = new DirectoryInfo(unpackedDir);
                                    foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in downloadedMessageInfo.GetDirectories())
                                        if (dir.Name == "manipulated") dir.Delete(true);

                                    //move cache_xx to dlcpacks
                                    if (Directory.Exists(unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks"))) Directory.Delete(unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks"));
                                    renamedir(unpackedDir, unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks"));
                                    unpackedDir = unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks");

                                //Process SONGS.PSARC
                                rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Unpacking songs.psarc.... " + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                //if (platformDLCP == "PS3")
                                unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", false, false, false);
                                //else unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manipulated", true, false, false);

                                //FIX for unpacking w the wrong folder extension
                                //And unpacking of PS3 WEM
                                if (Directory.Exists(unpackedDir + "\\songs\\bin\\ps3"))
                                    //Convert WEM to OGG
                                    //if (platformDLCP == "PS3")
                                    var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                                    //var unpackedDir = HSAN.Substring(0, HSAN.IndexOf("\\manifests"));//unpackedDir = TempPath + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_PS3";
                                    startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(AppWD, "packer.exe");
                                    startInfo.WorkingDirectory = unpackedDir;// Path.GetDirectoryName();
                                    //var t = TempPath + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manipulated\\rs1compatibilitydisc" + ((platfor == "PS3") ? "" : ((platfor == "Mac") ? "_m" : ((platfor == "Pc") ? "_p" : ""))) + ".psarc";
                                    startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" --unpack --version=RS2014 --platform={0} --output={1} --input={2} --decodeogg",
                                                                        unpackedDir.Replace("songs_Pc", ""),
                                                                        inputFilePath);// + platformDLCP
                                    startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                                    //if (!File.Exists(t))
                                    using (var DDC = new Process())
                                        DDC.StartInfo = startInfo; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 60 * 15); //wait 15min
                                        //if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when packing rs1dlc DLC pack !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                    renamedir(unpackedDir, unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_ps3"));
                                    unpackedDir = unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_ps3");
                                    platformDLCP = "PS3";
                                    //Convert2OGG(unpackedDir + "\\Audio\\"+ (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP), platformDLCP);
                                    //else unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manipulated", true, false, false);
                                //elseif (platformDLCP == "PS3") ;//unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manipulated", false, false, false);
                                else unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", true, false, false);

                                if (Directory.Exists(unpackedDir + "\\songs\\bin\\macos"))
                                    renamedir(unpackedDir, unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_Mac"));
                                    unpackedDir = unpackedDir.Replace("_Pc", "_Mac");
                                    platformDLCP = "Mac";

                                //move cache_xx to dlcpacks
                                if (Directory.Exists(unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks"))) Directory.Delete(unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks"));
                                renamedir(unpackedDir, unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks"));
                                unpackedDir = unpackedDir.Replace("\\0_dlcpacks\\temp", "\\0_dlcpacks");

                                //Directory.Move(unpackedDir ,unpackedDir.Replace("\\manipulated", ""));
                                //unpackedDir = unpackedDir.Replace("\\manipulated","");
                                songshsanP = unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs\\songs.hsan";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = ex.Message + "problem at unpacking" + inputFilePath + "---" + txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0songs" + "...\n\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                            unpackedDir = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\songs_" + platformDLCP;
                            songshsanP = unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs\\songs.hsan";

                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Processed cache.psarc & songs.psarc" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                    } //repacking at the moment manually with psarc 1.4 and lzma ratio 0
                    else if (json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydlc.psarc.edat" || (json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc" && platformDLCP == "Pc") || (json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydlc_m.psarc" && platformDLCP == "Mac")) //RS12 DLC
                        inputFilePath = json;
                        locat = "COMPATIBILITY";
                        if (!chbx_Additional_Manipulations.GetItemChecked(38)) //39. Use only unpacked songs already in the 0/dlcpacks folder
                            try // UNPACK
                                unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks", false, false, false).Replace(".psarc", ""); ;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = ex.Message + "problem at unpacking" + unpackedDir + "...\n\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                        else unpackedDir = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydlc_" + platformDLCP;

                        songshsanP = unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1dlc\\songs_rs1dlc.hsan";
                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Repacking " + json + "2 use the internal/Browser Psarc Read function.... " + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                        try //rename folder so we can use the read browser function
                            //rename the songs_rs1dlc folder to songs to enable the read of Browser function to work
                            renamedir(unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1dlc", unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs");

                            var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                            startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(AppWD, "DLCManager\\psarc.exe");
                            startInfo.WorkingDirectory = unpackedDir;// Path.GetDirectoryName();
                            t = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydlc.psarc";
                            startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" create --zlib -N -o {0} {1}",
                                                                unpackedDir);// + platformDLCP
                            startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                            //if (!File.Exists(t))
                            using (var DDC = new Process())
                                DDC.StartInfo = startInfo; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 60 * 5); //wait 5min
                                if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when packing rs1dlc DLC pack !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;

                            //rename the songs_rs1dlc folder to songs to enable the read of Browser function to work
                            renamedir(unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs", unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1dlc");
                            rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "renaming internal folder \n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;

                            //Convert WEM to OGG
                            //Convert2OGG(unpackedDir + "\\Audio\\"+platformDLCP, platformDLCP);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = ex.Message + "problem at dir rename" + unpackedDir + "...\n\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Processed rs1compatibilitydlc.psarc" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                    else if (json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydisc.psarc.edat" || (json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydisc_p.psarc" && platformDLCP == "Pc") || (json == pathDLC + "\\rs1compatibilitydisc_m.psarc" && platformDLCP == "Mac")) //RS12 RETAIL
                        inputFilePath = json; locat = "RS1Retail";
                        if (!chbx_Additional_Manipulations.GetItemChecked(38)) //39. Use only unpacked songs already in the 0/dlcpacks folder
                            try // UNPACK
                                if (platformDLCP == "PS3")
                                    //Packer.Unpack fails
                                    //unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks", false, false, false).Replace(".psarc", "");
                                    var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                                    //var unpackedDir = HSAN.Substring(0, HSAN.IndexOf("\\manifests"));//unpackedDir = TempPath + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_PS3";
                                    startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(AppWD, "packer.exe");
                                    startInfo.WorkingDirectory = unpackedDir;// Path.GetDirectoryName();
                                    //var t = TempPath + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manipulated\\rs1compatibilitydisc" + ((platfor == "PS3") ? "" : ((platfor == "Mac") ? "_m" : ((platfor == "Pc") ? "_p" : ""))) + ".psarc";
                                    startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" --unpack --decodeogg --version=RS2014 --platform={0} --output={1} --input={2}",
                                                                        txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks",//unpackedDir.Replace("songs_Pc", ""),
                                                                        inputFilePath);// + platformDLCP
                                    startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                                    //if (!File.Exists(t))
                                    using (var DDC = new Process())
                                        DDC.StartInfo = startInfo; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 60 * 20); //wait 1min
                                        if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when packing rs1dlc DLC pack !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                    unpackedDir = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_PS3";
                                else unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks", true, false, false);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = ex.Message + "problem at unpacking" + unpackedDir + "...\n\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                        else unpackedDir = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_" + platformDLCP;

                        songshsanP = unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1disc\\songs_rs1disc.hsan";
                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Repacking " + json + " 2 use the internal/Browser Psarc Read function.... " + json + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                        try //rename folder so we can use the read browser function
                            //rename the songs_rs1dlc folder to songs to enable the read of Browser function to work
                            renamedir(unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1disc", unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs");
                            var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                            startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(AppWD, "DLCManager\\psarc.exe");
                            startInfo.WorkingDirectory = unpackedDir;// Path.GetDirectoryName();
                            t = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc.psarc";
                            startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" create --zlib -N -o {0} {1}",
                                                                unpackedDir);// + platformDLCP
                            startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                            //if (!File.Exists(t)) ;
                            using (var DDC = new Process())
                                DDC.StartInfo = startInfo; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 60 * 20); //wait 10min
                                if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when packing rs1disc pack !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;

                                //rename the songs_rs1dlc folder to songs to enable the read of Browser function to work
                                renamedir(unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs", unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1disc");
                                rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "renaming internal folder \n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                //t = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_PS3.psarc";
                                //startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" create --zlib -N -o {0} {1}",
                                //                            t,
                                //                            unpackedDir);// + platformDLCP
                                //DDC.StartInfo = startInfo; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 60 * 10); //wait 10min
                                //if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when packing again rs1disc pack !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;

                            //Convert WEM to OGG
                            //Convert2OGG(unpackedDir + "\\Audio\\"+ (platformDLCP=="Pc"? "windows" : platformDLCP), platformDLCP);
                            //Convert WEM to OGG
                            //if psarc.exe fails
                            if (platformDLCP == "PS3")
                                //commenting next line altough owrknig to use the official packer
                                //Convert2OGG(unpackedDir + "\\Audio\\" + (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP), platformDLCP);
                                var unpackedDir1 = unpackedDir;
                                var wemFiles = Directory.GetFiles(unpackedDir1, "*.wem", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                                var i = 0;
                                foreach (var wem in wemFiles)

                                    //rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = (rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text).Replace("Starting Decompressing WEMs " + (i - 1) + "/", "Starting Decompressing WEMs " + i + "/");
                                    startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();

                                    startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(AppWD, "ww2ogg.exe");
                                    startInfo.WorkingDirectory = AppWD;// unpackedDir1;// Path.GetDirectoryName();
                                    startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" {0} -o {1} --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin",
                                                                        wem.Replace(".wem", ".ogg"));
                                    startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                                    if (File.Exists(wem))
                                        using (var DDC = new Process())
                                            DDC.StartInfo = startInfo; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 30 * 60); //wait 30min
                                            //if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when decrypting wem files !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                            //Console.WriteLine("{0} is active: {1}", DDC.Id, !DDC.HasExited);
                                //    startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                                //    //var unpackedDir = HSAN.Substring(0, HSAN.IndexOf("\\manifests"));//unpackedDir = TempPath + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_PS3";
                                //    startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(AppWD, "packer.exe");
                                //    startInfo.WorkingDirectory = unpackedDir;// Path.GetDirectoryName();
                                //    //var t = TempPath + "\\0_dlcpacks\\manipulated\\rs1compatibilitydisc" + ((platfor == "PS3") ? "" : ((platfor == "Mac") ? "_m" : ((platfor == "Pc") ? "_p" : ""))) + ".psarc";
                                //    startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" --unpack --decodeogg --version=RS2014 --platform={0} --output={1} --input={2}",
                                //                                        platformDLCP,
                                //                                        txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks",//unpackedDir.Replace("songs_Pc", ""),
                                //                                        t);// + platformDLCP
                                //    startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                                //    //if (!File.Exists(t))
                                //    using (var DDC = new Process())
                                //    {
                                //        DDC.StartInfo = startInfo; DDC.Start(); DDC.WaitForExit(1000 * 60 * 20); //wait 1min
                                //        //if (DDC.ExitCode > 0) rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Issues when packing rs1dlc DLC pack !" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                                //    }
                                //    renamedir(txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks", txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_PS3");
                                //    //renamedir(unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs", unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1disc");
                                //    unpackedDir = txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\rs1compatibilitydisc_PS3";
                            //else unpackedDir = Packer.Unpack(inputFilePath, txt_TempPath.Text + "\\0_dlcpacks\\", true, false, false);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = ex.Message + "problem at dir rename" + unpackedDir + "...\n\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Processed rs1compatibilitydisc.psarc" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                    else continue;
                    //var inputFilePath = txt_RocksmithDLCPath.Text + "\\songs.psarc";
                    //IList<RocksmithToolkitLib.Song2014ToTab.SongInfoShort> songListShort = null;
                    //IList<SongInfoShort> songListShort = null;

                    Console.WriteLine("Opening archive {0} ...", inputFilePath);

                    //Populate DB
                    rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Populating CACHE DB" + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
                    var pic = "";
                        // var t = inputFilePath;//if (!File.Exists(inputFilePath))
                        //if (json == txt_RocksmithDLCPath.Text + "\\rs1compatibilitydlc.psarc.edat") inputFilePath= "C:\\GitHub\\rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit\\RocksmithTookitGUI\\bin\\Debug\\edat\\PS3.psarc";
                        var browser = new PsarcBrowser(t);
                        //inputFilePath = t;
                        var songList = browser.GetSongList();
                        var toolkitInfo = browser.GetToolkitInfo();
                        //if (songshsanP.Contains("songs_rs1dlc")) File.Move(unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs", unpackedDir + "\\manifests\\songs_rs1dlc");
                        var AudioP = "";
                        var AudioPP = "";
                        var AudioP1 = "";
                        var AudioPP1 = "";
                        foreach (var song in songList)
                            DataSet dsx = new DataSet();
                            DataSet dsdx = new DataSet();

                            using (OleDbConnection cgn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + DBb_Path))
                                OleDbDataAdapter dah = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT EncryptedID from WEM2OGGCorrespondence AS O WHERE Identifier=\"" + song.Identifier + "\"", cgn);
                                dah.Fill(dsx, "WEM2OGGCorrespondence");

                            AudioP1 = (dsx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) ? dsx.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString() : "";
                            using (OleDbConnection cvn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + DBb_Path))
                                OleDbDataAdapter dbh = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT EncryptedID from WEM2OGGCorrespondence AS O WHERE Identifier=\"" + song.Identifier + "_preview\"", cvn);
                                dbh.Fill(dsdx, "WEM2OGGCorrespondence");
                            AudioPP1 = (dsdx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) ? dsdx.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString() : "";
                            if (locat == "RS1Retail")
                                pic = songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs_rs1disc\\songs_rs1disc.hsan", "\\gfxassets\\album_art\\album_" + song.Identifier + "_256.dds");
                                AudioP = songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs_rs1disc\\songs_rs1disc.hsan", "\\audio\\" + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? platformDLCP : (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP)) + "\\") + AudioP1 + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? ".ogg" : "_fixed.ogg");
                                AudioPP = songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs_rs1disc\\songs_rs1disc.hsan", "\\audio\\" + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? platformDLCP : (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP)) + "\\") + AudioPP1 + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? ".ogg" : "_fixed.ogg");
                            else if (locat == "COMPATIBILITY")
                                pic = songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs_rs1dlc\\songs_rs1dlc.hsan", "\\gfxassets\\album_art\\album_" + song.Identifier + "_256.dds");
                                AudioP = (songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs_rs1dlc\\songs_rs1dlc.hsan", "\\audio\\" + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? platformDLCP : (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP)) + "\\") + AudioP1 + "_fixed.ogg").Replace("rs1compatibilitydlc", "songs").Replace("_p_Pc", "_Pc").Replace("_p_Pc", "_Mac").Replace("m_Mac", "Mac");
                                AudioPP = (songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs_rs1dlc\\songs_rs1dlc.hsan", "\\audio\\" + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? platformDLCP : (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP)) + "\\") + AudioPP1 + "_fixed.ogg").Replace("rs1compatibilitydlc", "songs").Replace("_p_Pc", "_Pc").Replace("_p_Pc", "_Mac").Replace("m_Mac", "Mac");
                            else if (locat == "CACHE")
                                pic = songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs\\songs.hsan", "\\gfxassets\\album_art\\album_" + song.Identifier + "_256.dds");
                                AudioP = (songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs\\songs.hsan", "\\audio\\" + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? platformDLCP : (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP)) + "\\") + AudioP1 + "_fixed.ogg");
                                AudioPP = (songshsanP.Replace("\\manifests\\songs\\songs.hsan", "\\audio\\" + (platformDLCP == "PS3" ? platformDLCP : (platformDLCP == "Pc" ? "windows" : platformDLCP)) + "\\") + AudioPP1 + "_fixed.ogg");

                            //convert to png

                            //var f = "";
                            using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + DBb_Path))

                                DataSet dtx = new DataSet();
                                OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT ID from Cache AS O WHERE Platform=\"" + platformDLCP + "\" AND Identifier=\"" + song.Identifier.ToString() + "\"", cn);
                                da.Fill(dtx, "Cache");
                                var aa = dtx.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                                if (dtx.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) //If this record isn't already in the DB...add it

                                    using (OleDbConnection cnn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + DBb_Path))
                                        var commands = cnn.CreateCommand();
                                        commands.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Cache(";
                                        //command.CommandText += "ID, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "Identifier, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "Artist, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "ArtistSort, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "Album, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "Title, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "AlbumYear, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "Arrangements, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "Removed, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "AlbumArtPath, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "PSARCName, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "SongsHSANPath, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "Platform, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "AudioPath, ";
                                        commands.CommandText += "AudioPreviewPath ";
                                        commands.CommandText += ") VALUES (@param2,@param3,@param4,@param5,@param6,@param7,@param8,@param9,@param10,@param11,@param12,@param13,@param14,@param15"; ////@param1,
                                        commands.CommandText += ")";

                                        //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", ID);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param2", song.Identifier);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param3", song.Artist);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param4", song.ArtistSort);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param5", song.Album);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param6", song.Title);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param7", song.Year);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param8", string.Join(", ", song.Arrangements));
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param9", "Yes");
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param10", pic.Replace(".dds", ".png"));
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param11", locat);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param12", songshsanP);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param13", platformDLCP);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param14", AudioP);
                                        commands.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param15", AudioPP);
                                        //EXECUTE SQL/INSERT
                                            commands.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                                            //rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = String.Format("Saving: [{0}] = {1} - {2} ", song.Identifier,
                                            //                                song.Artist, song.Title) + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;//({3}, {4})  {{{5}}//, song.Album, song.Year,string.Join(", ", song.Arrangements)
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, MESSAGEBOX_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                                            MessageBox.Show("Can not open Cache DB connection in Cache Edit screen ! " + DBb_Path + "-" + commands.CommandText);

                                            if (connection != null) connection.Close();
                                        rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text += Environment.NewLine;


                        //level the maxdiff overall setting in the xml
                        //var m = 1; var j = 0;
                        //for (m = 1; m <= j; m++)
                        //    header = header.Replace("maxDifficulty=\"" + m + "\"", "maxDifficulty=\"0\"");

                        //foreach (var song in toConvert)
                        //    //var score = new Score();
                        //    // get all default or user specified arrangements for the song
                        //    var arrangements = song.Arrangements;
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Converting song " + song.Identifier + "...");

                        //    foreach (var arr in arrangements)
                        //    {
                        //       ;// var arrangement = browser.GetArrangement(song..Identifier, arr);
                        //        // get maximum difficulty for the arrangement
                        //        var mf = new ManifestFunctions(GameVersion.RS2014);
                        //        ;//int maxDif = mf.GetMaxDifficulty(arrangement);

                        //        //if (allDif) // create seperate file for each difficulty
                        //        //{
                        //        //    for (int difLevel = 0; difLevel <= maxDif; difLevel++)
                        //        //    {
                        //        //        //ExportArrangement(score, arrangement, difLevel, inputFilePath, toolkitInfo);
                        //        //        //Console.WriteLine("Difficulty Level: {0}", difLevel);

                        //        //        //var baseFileName = CleanFileName(
                        //        //        //    String.Format("{0} - {1}", score.Artist, score.Title));
                        //        //        //baseFileName += String.Format(" ({0})", arr);
                        //        //        //baseFileName += String.Format(" (level {0:D2})", difLevel);

                        //        //        //SaveScore(score, baseFileName, outputDir, outputFormat);
                        //        //        //// remember to remove the track from the score again
                        //        //        //score.Tracks.Clear();
                        //        //    }
                        //        //}
                        //        //else // combine maximum difficulty arrangements into one file
                        //        //{
                        //        //    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Maximum Difficulty Level: {0}", maxDif));
                        //        //    ExportArrangement(score, arrangement, maxDif, inputFilePath, toolkitInfo);
                        //        //}
                        //    }

                        //    //if (!allDif) // only maximum difficulty
                        //    //{
                        //    //    var baseFileName = CleanFileName(
                        //    //        String.Format("{0} - {1}", score.Artist, score.Title));
                        //    //    SaveScore(score, baseFileName, outputDir, outputFormat);
                        //    //}

                        //    Console.WriteLine();

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, MESSAGEBOX_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        MessageBox.Show("Can not Load " + platformDLCP);

                        Console.WriteLine("Error encountered:");
                }//END no cahce.psarc to be decompressed
            rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text = "Ending Retail Songs processing ...." + DateTime.Now + "\n" + rtxt_StatisticsOnReadDLCs.Text;
            Cache frm = new Cache(DBb_Path, txt_TempPath.Text, pathDLC, chbx_Additional_Manipulations.GetItemChecked(39), chbx_Additional_Manipulations.GetItemChecked(40));