Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.CssClass = "picker picker-select rollover-container";

            _hfLocationId = new HiddenField { ID = "hfLocationId" };
            this.Controls.Add( _hfLocationId );

            _btnPickerLabel = new HtmlAnchor { ID = "btnPickerLabel" };
            _btnPickerLabel.Attributes["class"] = "picker-label";
            this.Controls.Add( _btnPickerLabel );

            _btnSelectNone = new HtmlAnchor();
            _btnSelectNone.Attributes["class"] = "picker-select-none";
            _btnSelectNone.ID = string.Format( "btnSelectNone_{0}", this.ID );
            _btnSelectNone.InnerHtml = "<i class='fa fa-times'></i>";
            _btnSelectNone.CausesValidation = false;
            _btnSelectNone.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display] = "none";
            _btnSelectNone.ServerClick += _btnSelectNone_ServerClick;
            this.Controls.Add( _btnSelectNone );

            // PickerMenu (DropDown menu)
            _pnlPickerMenu = new Panel { ID = "pnlPickerMenu" };
            _pnlPickerMenu.CssClass = "picker-menu dropdown-menu";
            _pnlPickerMenu.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display] = "none";
            this.Controls.Add( _pnlPickerMenu );

            // Address Entry
            _pnlAddressEntry = new Panel { ID = "pnlAddressEntry" };
            _pnlAddressEntry.CssClass = "locationpicker-address-entry";
            _pnlPickerMenu.Controls.Add( _pnlAddressEntry );

            _tbAddress1 = new RockTextBox { ID = "tbAddress1" };
            _tbAddress1.Label = "Address Line 1";
            _pnlAddressEntry.Controls.Add( _tbAddress1 );

            _tbAddress2 = new RockTextBox { ID = "tbAddress2" };
            _tbAddress2.Label = "Address Line 2";
            _pnlAddressEntry.Controls.Add( _tbAddress2 );

            // Address Entry - City State Zip
            _divCityStateZipRow = new HtmlGenericContainer( "div", "row" );
            _pnlAddressEntry.Controls.Add( _divCityStateZipRow );

            _divCityColumn = new HtmlGenericContainer( "div", "col-sm-5" );
            _divCityStateZipRow.Controls.Add( _divCityColumn );
            _tbCity = new RockTextBox { ID = "tbCity" };
            _tbCity.Label = "City";
            _divCityColumn.Controls.Add( _tbCity );

            _divStateColumn = new HtmlGenericContainer( "div", "col-sm-3" );
            _divCityStateZipRow.Controls.Add( _divStateColumn );
            _ddlState = new StateDropDownList { ID = "ddlState" };
            _ddlState.UseAbbreviation = true;
            _ddlState.CssClass = "input-mini";
            _ddlState.Label = "State";
            _divStateColumn.Controls.Add( _ddlState );

            _divZipColumn = new HtmlGenericContainer( "div", "col-sm-4" );
            _divCityStateZipRow.Controls.Add( _divZipColumn );
            _tbZip = new RockTextBox { ID = "tbZip" };
            _tbZip.CssClass = "input-small";
            _tbZip.Label = "Zip";
            _divZipColumn.Controls.Add( _tbZip );

            // picker actions
            _pnlPickerActions = new Panel { ID = "pnlPickerActions", CssClass = "picker-actions" };
            _pnlPickerMenu.Controls.Add( _pnlPickerActions );
            _btnSelect = new LinkButton { ID = "btnSelect", CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-primary", Text = "Select", CausesValidation = false };
            _btnSelect.Click += _btnSelect_Click;
            _pnlPickerActions.Controls.Add( _btnSelect );
            _btnCancel = new LinkButton { ID = "btnCancel", CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-link", Text = "Cancel" };
            _btnCancel.OnClientClick = string.Format( "$('#{0}').hide();", _pnlPickerMenu.ClientID );
            _pnlPickerActions.Controls.Add( _btnCancel );
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.CssClass = "picker picker-select";

            _hfLocationId = new HiddenField {
                ID = "hfLocationId"

            _btnPickerLabel = new HtmlAnchor {
                ID = "btnPickerLabel"
            _btnPickerLabel.Attributes["class"] = "picker-label";
            _btnPickerLabel.InnerHtml           = string.Format("<i class='fa fa-user'></i>{0}<b class='fa fa-caret-down pull-right'></b>", this.AddressSummaryText);

            // PickerMenu (DropDown menu)
            _pnlPickerMenu = new Panel {
                ID = "pnlPickerMenu"
            _pnlPickerMenu.CssClass = "picker-menu dropdown-menu";
            _pnlPickerMenu.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display] = "none";

            // Address Entry
            _pnlAddressEntry = new Panel {
                ID = "pnlAddressEntry"
            _pnlAddressEntry.CssClass = "locationpicker-address-entry";

            _tbAddress1 = new RockTextBox {
                ID = "tbAddress1"
            _tbAddress1.Label = "Address Line 1";

            _tbAddress2 = new RockTextBox {
                ID = "tbAddress2"
            _tbAddress2.Label = "Address Line 2";

            // Address Entry - City State Zip
            _divCityStateZipRow = new HtmlGenericContainer("div", "row");

            _divCityColumn = new HtmlGenericContainer("div", "col-lg-5");
            _tbCity = new RockTextBox {
                ID = "tbCity"
            _tbCity.Label = "City";

            _divStateColumn = new HtmlGenericContainer("div", "col-lg-3");
            _ddlState = new StateDropDownList {
                ID = "ddlState"
            _ddlState.UseAbbreviation = true;
            _ddlState.CssClass        = "input-mini";
            _ddlState.Label           = "State";

            _divZipColumn = new HtmlGenericContainer("div", "col-lg-4");
            _tbZip = new RockTextBox {
                ID = "tbZip"
            _tbZip.CssClass = "input-small";
            _tbZip.Label    = "Zip";

            // picker actions
            _pnlPickerActions = new Panel {
                ID = "pnlPickerActions", CssClass = "picker-actions"
            _btnSelect = new LinkButton {
                ID = "btnSelect", CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-primary", Text = "Select", CausesValidation = false
            _btnSelect.Click += _btnSelect_Click;
            _btnCancel = new LinkButton {
                ID = "btnCancel", CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-link", Text = "Cancel"
            _btnCancel.OnClientClick = string.Format("$('#{0}').hide();", _pnlPickerMenu.ClientID);